Brief Comments On Eszter Taris
Brief Comments On Eszter Taris
Brief Comments On Eszter Taris
Max Ernst, “The Angel of Hearth and Home”, “L’Ange du foyer”, 1937
4. Ursa Major, 2003
5. Lifestream, 2000
Lifestream, 2000
The dynamic composition of this picture is an archetype of non-
figurative representations belonging to the topic of the “great stream”.
The human figures depicted in a similar pose - with their heads lowered,
half-kneeling and -lying - fall into the great stream of birth and death
whose aim and direction are the greatest mystery for the immortal.
6. Love, 2001
Love, 2001
Love is the moment of awakening with its inherent potential for perfect
transformation in which unifying may occur. This is being symbolized by
the compositional form of the circle. In the circle there is no ‘you’or ‘I’, only
non-duality prevails in which one may discover his/her original face. The
circular composition also suggests that in love one’s whole personality takes
part. The momentum where the two interlocking and intertwined draperies
complement one another in colour as well (blue – reddish orange) confirms
and underlies the elevating process of the transformation of parts into a whole.
Life, 2004
EszterTari is very resourceful in transforming and changing our articles
for personal use in order to undermine the constraint of the everyday ideas
associated with them and in creating aesthetic objects or phenomena with
entirely different meanings; this is well exemplified by the picture entitled
Life.The matching title with it s all-embracing meaning enables the receiving
public to interpret the content aspects of the work according to their own
intentions,yet in this particular case it canal so help the viewer‘s interpretation
by playing the role of a“verbalantitoxin”.That is,the artist,with her customary
playfulness, seems to suggest that Life as reality is always different from what
we generally think about the nature of things, or presume to know about them.
9. Study to “The Intrigues”, 2006
10. Indonesian Cat, 2007