Week-32-Food Processing
Week-32-Food Processing
Week-32-Food Processing
The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of uses and understanding of uses and understanding of uses and understanding of uses and
A. Content Standards maintenance of food (fish) maintenance of food (fish) maintenance of food (fish) maintenance of food (fish)
processing tools, equipment, processing tools, equipment, processing tools, equipment, processing tools, equipment,
instruments and utensils in food instruments and utensils in food instruments and utensils in food instruments and utensils in food
(fish) processing. (fish) processing. (fish) processing. (fish) processing.
The learner uses and maintain The learner uses and maintain
appropriate food (fish) processing appropriate food (fish) processing
tools, equipment, instruments and tools, equipment, instruments and
The learner uses and maintain The learner uses and maintain utensils and reports accordingly utensils and reports accordingly
B. Performance Standards appropriate food (fish) processing appropriate food (fish) processing upon discovery of defect/s. upon discovery of defect/s.
tools, equipment, instruments and tools, equipment, instruments and
utensils and reports accordingly utensils and reports accordingly
upon discovery of defect/s. upon discovery of defect/s.
LO 1.Select tools, equipment, LO 1.Select tools, equipment, LO 2. Use tools, equipment,
utensils and instruments utensils and instruments instruments and utensils by
C. Learning Competencies LO 2. Use tools, equipment, following the standard procedures
instruments and utensils by
following the standard procedures
Food (fish) processing tools, Food (fish) processing tools, Sanitizing tools, equipment, Calibration of measuring devices
II. CONTENT equipment and instruments equipment and instruments instruments, and utensils and instruments
2.1. Newspaper/magazine
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Technology & Livelihood Education Technology & Livelihood Education Technology & Livelihood Education Technology & Livelihood Education
2. Learner's Materials Pages Learning Module p.16-20 Learning Module p.22-26 Learning Module p.31 Learning Module p.32
3. Learner's Code TLE_AFFP9- 12UT- 0a-1 TLE_AFFP9- 12UT- 0a-1 TLE_AFFP9-12 UT-0b-2 TLE_AFFP9-12 UT-0b-2
and utensils used in foodhttps://www.ppt.com/document/141599836/steps
processing and utensils used in food
processing in cleaning and sanitizing food intruments
in cleaning
and equipm
and s
4. Additional Materials from Learning
B. Establishing a purpose for or Let students share their idea what https://www.ppt.com/document/141599836/tools
and utensils used in food
processing in cleaning and sanitizing food intruments
in cleaning
and equipm
and s
presenting the new lesson they know about the following
C. Presenting examples/or presenting PPT. Presentation; Classification
PPT. Presentation;
of tools and utensils in food
utensils in food processing andPPT.
the new lesson Steps in cleaning and sanitizing Standard procedure in
food intruments and equipment using mesuring devices and
D. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Activity Each group demonstrate proper Group Activity
practicing new skills #1 Have each group classify tools Have each group classify tools steps in cleaning and sanitizing Each group calibrate
and utensils in food processing such and utensils in food processing food intruments and equipment in measuring devices and instrument
as; (measuring devices, salting and according to their functions food processing using standard procedure
smoking equipment
What is the value of the lesson in our What is the value of the lesson in How do the lesson helps you to
daily life? our daily life? develop & sustain your personal
G. Finding practical application skills?
(Valuing) If you were given a chance to create
a new tools and equipment what
would it be? How will people use it?
What are the tools and utensils in What are the tools and utensils in What are the proper steps in What are the standard procedure in
food processing according to its food processing according to their cleaning and sanitizing food calibrating measuring devices and
H. Making generalizations and classification? functions? intruments and equipment? instrument? Give example
I. Evaluating Learning
Page 3
Look around your home. Take note Portfolio. Tools and utensils in food Make your video at home about Make your own video at home
and classify the following tools and processing according to their the proper steps on cleaning and about the standard procedure in
utensils in food processing that functions sanitizing tools and utensils. calibrating measuring devices and
normally you can find in your kitchen Present it to the class instrument. Present your video to
J. Additional activities for application the class
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assesment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ______ YES ________ NO ______ YES ________ NO ______ YES ________ NO ______ YES ________ NO
No. of learners who have ________ Number of learners who ________ Number of learners who ________ Number of learners who ________ Number of learners who
caught up in the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
_____ Group collaboration _____ Group collaboration _____ Group collaboration _____ Group collaboration
_____ Games _____ Games _____ Games _____ Games
_____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation
_____ Discussion _____ Discussion _____ Discussion _____ Discussion
_____ Case method _____ Case method _____ Case method _____ Case method
_____ Think-Pair-Share _____ Think-Pair-Share _____ Think-Pair-Share _____ Think-Pair-Share
_____ Expository method _____ Expository method _____ Expository method _____ Expository method
_____ Differentiated Instructions _____ Differentiated Instructions _____ Differentiated Instructions _____ Differentiated Instructions
_____ Role playing/drama _____ Role playing/drama _____ Role playing/drama _____ Role playing/drama
_____ Discovery method _____ Discovery method _____ Discovery method _____ Discovery method
_____ Lecture method _____ Lecture method _____ Lecture method _____ Lecture method
_____ Direct instructions _____ Direct instructions _____ Direct instructions _____ Direct instructions
_____ Demonstration _____ Demonstration _____ Demonstration _____ Demonstration
_____ Complete Ims _____ Complete Ims _____ Complete Ims _____ Complete Ims
_____ Availability of materials _____ Availability of materials _____ Availability of materials _____ Availability of materials
_____ Students eagerness to learn _____ Students eagerness to learn _____ Students eagerness to learn _____ Students eagerness to learn
_____ Group members cooperation _____ Group members cooperation _____ Group members cooperation _____ Group members cooperation
in doing their tasks in doing their tasks in doing their tasks in doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I encounter
Page 4
_____ Students behavior; attitude _____ Students behavior; attitude _____ Students behavior; attitude _____ Students behavior; attitude
_____ Unavailable learning resources _____ Unavailable learning resources _____ Unavailable learning resources _____ Unavailable learning resources
_____ Bullying among students _____ Bullying among students _____ Bullying among students _____ Bullying among students
_____ Unavailable technology _____ Unavailable technology _____ Unavailable technology _____ Unavailable technology
_____ Lack of interest of students _____ Lack of interest of students _____ Lack of interest of students _____ Lack of interest of students
_____ Lack of facilities _____ Lack of facilities _____ Lack of facilities _____ Lack of facilities
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?
Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
_____ Localized video _____ Localized video _____ Localized video _____ Localized video
____ Flashcards ____ Flashcards ____ Flashcards ____ Flashcards
____ Pictures ____ Pictures ____ Pictures ____ Pictures
____ Powerpoint presentation ____ Powerpoint presentation ____ Powerpoint presentation ____ Powerpoint presentation
____ Instructional materials ____ Instructional materials ____ Instructional materials ____ Instructional materials