Executive Director's Report May 2019
Executive Director's Report May 2019
Executive Director's Report May 2019
Virtual Training: This free member benefit Annual Business of Health Care Summit in
continues to be extremely popular. Since the 2018 Washington, D.C.: The 2018 summit was a success,
conference, SABEW has hosted nine training helping 15 journalists better cover the complexities
sessions attracting 244 participants. of health care. SABEW is seeking applications for
the seventh annual summit, June 27-29, focusing on
Topics included understanding economic indicators, health care economics and offering an update on
using metrics to magnify your journalism, covering the Affordable Care Act. Attendees will be able to
government contracting, using social media to build share and test out story ideas. Space is limited to 15
a beat and break news, shooting video for business journalists. Selected participants will receive a
stories, reporting on the economics of natural stipend to offset travel-related expenses. Go to
disasters, reaching a millennial audience, offering SABEW.org to apply by May 21. Made possible by a
tips to freelancers and understanding copyright and grant from The Commonwealth Fund.
fair use in a digital age. The topic of next month’s
training is covering the business of cannabis. Many SABEW NABE Event: For the third year we will
thanks to Kim Quillen for her efforts. partner with the National Association for Business
Economics (NABE) on a program and mixer in July
Data-immersion Workshop: Our sixth annual during NABE’s 16th annual Economic Measurement
Goldschmidt fellowship week in Washington, D.C., Seminar in Washington, D.C. The session will focus
was a huge success. Twenty-three business on protecting the quality and integrity of U.S.
journalists participated in the seminar, which government data. The 2018 session, moderated by
focused on data and accounting skills. Jerome CNN’s Lydia DePillis, included representatives from
Powell, chair of the Board of Governors of the BEA, BLS and the Census Bureau.
Federal Reserve System, addressed the group in the
historic Fed boardroom. Journalists also heard from SABEW Canada: SABEW Canada continues to
experts at the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, expand and thrive with new members, social
U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, events, programs and BIB awards! The fifth annual
Congressional Budget Office, Investment Company SABEW Canada Best in Business Awards celebrated
Institute and USDA. Canadian journalism in 15 categories. The judges
chose to award 13 gold and 13 silver winners. There
Participants received special briefings from the was also the first-time recognition of a best young
Council of Economic Advisers and the Federal Canadian journalist. Honorees were celebrated
Reserve. Many thanks for the continued work of during a reception and ceremony on April 17 in
SABEW leaders Marty Steffens and Kevin Hall and Toronto.
donor Jim Goldschmidt of the Walter and Karla
Goldschmidt Foundation for supporting this Finance
initiative. The application process for the winter
2020 workshop begins in November. In keeping with best practices for nonprofits,
SABEW conducted an independent audit of our
SABEWNYC18 Fall Conference: The October 2018 2017 financials, and we will do so again for the 2018
fall conference in New York was hosted by Reuters financials. Once again, SABEW received a clean
in partnership with NEFE and attended by just audit. These results will help set the table for future
under 200 people. Participants appreciated the financial growth, since audits are a requirement of
change in venue, which offered stunning views of many grant-giving organizations.
Times Square, as well as solid programming and a
fun networking reception. SABEW will end 2018 with $428,403 in net assets.
College Connect: Check out SABEW.org for student Two-Term SABEW President
personal finance blogs. Topics range from family
financial crises to how much outside employment a My sincere appreciation goes out to SABEW
student should undertake during the academic year. President Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst
The ongoing program is funded by NEFE. Students and Washington bureau chief at Bankrate.com, for
from the University of Missouri, Arizona State his steady leadership, friendship and support over
University and the University of Georgia blog. the past two years. Thank you for your service!