Solid State: (Applications of Superconductivity)
Solid State: (Applications of Superconductivity)
Solid State: (Applications of Superconductivity)
solid state
(Applications of superconductivity)
A Report
in Physics
(fourth stage : A)
Supervised By:
2020 - 2019
1-1 Introduction
Superconducting is now starting to be an interesting technology to be applied to
real applications. This technology is based in some peculiar effects. In fact, in a
classical superconductor the resistance goes to zero when the temperature becomes
higher than the absolute zero, which is known as the critical temperature. In 1908
the Dutch physicist Heike Onnes Kamerling began to work in the field of low
temperature physics through liquefying helium. Three years later, in 1911, he
found that below 4.2K the resistivity of mercury was null. Onnes also found that
the application of a magnetic field causes a decrease in the critical temperature, Tc.
Subjecting the superconductor to a sufficiently intense field, the superconductivity
disappears and the material changes to its normal state. Being the temperature a
thermodynamic decisive variable for the occurrence of the transition of phase of
the normal state to the superconducting state, it is not unique, since the intensity of
the magnetic field also causes phase transition of that occurrence. This means that
when the material is in the superconducting state and is applied a magnetic field
whit a value behind to the critical value of the magnetic field intensity, Hc, the
superconductivity is destroyed and the material has a transition of phase, namely
changes from the superconducting state to normal conduction state.
German physicians Walther Meissner and Robert Oschsenfeld verify in 1933 that
superconductors present different properties from the ideal conductors. By
submitting the tin Sn, and lead Pb, at temperatures below the critical temperature
and under the action of a magnetic field, they have found that magnetic field lines
do not penetrate the sample of these materials, which corresponds to 𝑩⃗⃗ =0 within
the sample, being this phenomenon known as the Meissner effect [1]. With this
discovery it was demonstrated that a superconductor is a diamagnetic material,
while an ideal conductor despite its zero resistivity does not have this property. In
this way, it was defined a new state of matter with very particular properties.
3-1 Main characteristics of superconductors
The diagram of Fig. 1 summarizes the phenomena associated with the main
characteristics of superconductors (SC): diamagnetism and zero resistivity. Due to
the mentioned characteristics, superconducting materials can withstand high
currents which are called by supercurrents. It was also verified that the material
loses its superconducting properties when the critical magnetic induction or
critical temperature is exceeded.
5-1Ginzburg-Landau Theory
In 1950, Soviet physicists Landau and Ginzburg formulated a theory that explains
the transition thermodynamic properties of the normal state to the superconducting
state, using quantum mechanics to describe the effect of the magnetic field. The
first Ginzburg-Landau theory refers to the intuitive idea that a superconductor
contains a supercurrent density 𝐽 𝑠 and a normal current density 𝐽 𝑛, being the total
current density given by: 𝐽 𝑡 = 𝐽 𝑛 + 𝐽 𝑠 . The density of the supercurrent can be
described by a wave function Ψ given by equation (1).
|𝛹2 | (1)
This wave function Ψ decreases when close to the critical temperature, since the
number of superelectrons decreases with the increase of the temperature. Thus a
decrease in the number of superelectrons implies a reduction of the wave
function, according equation (1). The wave function, Ψ, in the superconducting
state is different from zero, while in the normal state the wave function is zero, as
expression (2).
𝜓 ≠ 0 𝑠𝑒 𝑇 < 𝑇𝑐 (2)
𝜓 = 0 𝑠𝑒 𝑇 > 𝑇𝑐
𝜉 2 = ℎ 2 /𝑚∗|𝛼| (3)
The ratio between the two characteristic lengths, London penetration length and
coherence length, defines the Ginzburg-Landau parameter given by equation (5).
𝑘 = 𝜆𝐿 /𝜉 (5)
2 then the material isIf the value of 𝑘 is less than 1/ 2 thesuperconductor Type I
and for 𝑘 greater than 1/ material is superconductor Type II [3]. As can be seen
from the Fig. 3 a), the London penetration length is much lesser than the
coherence length
The use of this technology will have advantages particularly for large industrial
applications. In Fig. 5 b) is shown a classical and a HTS motor. From the Fig, 5 c) is
possible to verify that the size of the HTS motor is much smaller than the classical
Due to the advantages of the application of this technology in motors some
machines have been developed. One of the examples is the 36.5MW high-
temperature superconductor (HTS) ship propulsion motor developed by the
American Superconductor Corp. (AMSC) and Northrop Grumman Corp. in 2009
.Through the incorporation of coils with HTS wire, it is possible to carry 150 times
the current of similar-sized copper wire, making the motor less than half the size
of conventional motors used on the first two DDG1000 hulls and with a reduce
ship weight by nearly 200 metric tons, [11]. This will make new ships more
fuelefficient, saving close to $1 million annually, depending of the cost of oil, and
free up space for additional warfighting capability, as AMSC said. Sumitomo
Electric and a Japanese research group succeeded to develop a HTS ship motor
cooled by liquid Nitrogen (Fig. 6 a). This motor has a nominal power of 365kW
with a speed of 250 rpm and weighing 4.4ton. This company also developed a
motor with around 30kW power and 120Nm torque. They developed this small
superconducting motor and successfully demonstrated for an electrical passenger
car (Fig. 6 b).
By these examples it was demonstrated that superconducting motors will enable
to get larger torque, reduce the space and get higher energy efficiency.
.D Energy Storage
There are several technologies that can be used to store electricity from the grid.
One of the technologies is based on the magnetic energy storage. However, in
order to increase the capacity of these systems, it was proposed the use of the
superconductivity. In fact, these systems designated by Superconducting
Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) are based on a magnetic field in a coil comprised
of superconducting wire with near-zero loss of energy. These devices are typically
consisted by a cryogenically cooled superconducting coil connected to the
electrical source through a power condition system
If the tissue is less dense then the relaxation time of protons is higher and will
give a clear spot on diagnostic imaging. The diagnosis through this type of images
has now become an essential medical procedure, due mainly to the development
of the capability of the computers processing, since is required an analysis of large
amount of data that is generated during the examinations.
.E.2. Fast Field Cycling – Nulear Magnetic Resonance
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[3] A. Abricosov: “On the Magnetic Proprieties of Superconductors of the Second Group”, Sov.
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[11] M. Ali and al: “An Overview of SMES Applications in Power and Energy Systems”, IEEE
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242-247, 2008.