Dismantling Service: Your Screw Elements Professionally Handled by Means of Our Dismantling Service
Dismantling Service: Your Screw Elements Professionally Handled by Means of Our Dismantling Service
Dismantling Service: Your Screw Elements Professionally Handled by Means of Our Dismantling Service
Dismantling Service
Your screw elements professionally handled by means
of our Dismantling Service.
Stripping the individual segments off the screw shaft is not always easy after
they have been used for fabrication. Residues of products might solidify between
segment and shaft. Enormous forces are required to get the elements off the shaft.
For this problem, we offer our quick and cost-efficient Dismantling Service.
Dismantling Service
Should you be interested, please mark with a cross those
performances of the C.A.PICARD Dismantling Service that you
require and add your contact details. Please kindly fax the
filled form to:
Record of configuration
Cleaning of shafts
Material recommendation
Carl Aug. Picard GmbH
Hasteraue 9, 42857 Remscheid, Germany
Phone: +49 2191 893-0
E-Mail: info@capicard.de