Setting of Electrical Circuit Breaker: WILSON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BOOKS (Simplified Edition 2020)

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There are (at least) six basic adjustable tripping settings (functions) you really should understand in order to fully
understand how circuit breaker actually works.

These adjustable functions actually shape the time-current curve of a circuit breaker and allows proper tripping
according to the network parameters and also the proper coordination between upstream and downstream

1. Continuous Amps (Ir)

2. Long-Time Delay
3. Short-Time Pickup
4. Short-Time Delay
5. Instantaneous Pickup
6. Ground Fault Pickup

Circuit breaker adjustable tripping functions

The below the setup for a 1200 ampere circuit breaker with a nominal (maximum continuous ampere) rating of 1000 amps. This
time-current curve will be the basis for discussing adjustable tripping settings of the circuit breakers.

1. Continuous Amps (Ir)

Continuous Amps (Ir) varies the level of current the circuit breaker will carry without tripping. Ir is a percentage of the circuit breaker’s
nominal rating (In). Continuous amps can be adjusted from 20 to 100 percent of the circuit breaker’s nominal rating.

For example, a 1000 Amp breaker can be changed from 1000 amps to 800 amps by adjusting the breaker continuous amps setting to

80% adjusting the breaker

1000A x 80% = 800A Set

Continuous current [Amps]

Author by: Engr. Wilson Fernandez (REE)



2. Long-Time Delay
Long-time delay causes the breaker to wait a certain amount of time to allow temporary inrush currents, such as those
encountered when starting a motor, to pass without tripping.

The adjustment is from 2.2 to 27 seconds at six times the continuous amps (Ir) setting.

As shown below, the long-time delay effects the position of an I²T slope. This means that lower levels of current will allow the
breaker to remain online for longer periods of time.

Long time delay tripping settings

3. Short-Time Pickup
Short-time pickup is used for selective tripping. The short-time pickup function determines the amount of current the breaker will
carry for a short period of time, allowing downstream protective devices to clear short-circuits without tripping the upstream

Short-time pickup is adjustable from 1.5 to 10 times the trip unit ampere setting (Ir).

For example, a 1000 ampere frame can be adjusted to trip anywhere from 1500 to 10,000 amps. The switch also
has an “OFF” position to eliminate short-time pickup and short-time delay.

Short-time pickup used for selective tripping

4. Short-Time Delay
Short-time delay, used in conjunction with short-time pickup, controls the time involved in postponing a short-time pickup trip.

There are two modes: fixed time, or I²T ramp. Fixed time is adjustable from 0.05 to 0.5 seconds. The I²T ramp mode is
adjustable from 0.18 seconds to 0.45 seconds, providing a short inverse time ramp.

This allows better coordination with downstream thermal-magnetic circuit breakers and fuses. A fixed instantaneous trip point of
10,000 amps trips the breaker automatically and overrides any pre-programmed instructions.

Author by: Engr. Wilson Fernandez (REE)



Short-time delay, used in conjunction with short-time pickup

5. Instantaneous Pickup
Instantaneous pickup is used to trip the circuit breaker with no intentional delay at any current between 2 and 40 times the
breaker’s continuous ampere setting (Ir).

In this example instantaneous pickup has been set to 10 times the continuous amp setting, or 10,000 amps (10 x 1000) with a
continuous amp setting of 1000 amps. In this case a higher setting would still trip at 10,000 amps due to a fixed instantaneous
override of 10,000 amps which automatically trips the breaker regardless of the instantaneous pickup setting.

If the continuous amp setting had been 300 amps, setting the instantaneous pickup at 10 would make the instantaneous setting
equal to 3000 amps, well below the fixed instantaneous override.

Instantaneous pickup – Used to trip the circuit breaker with no

intentional delay at any current between 2 and 40 times the
breaker’s continuous ampere setting (Ir)

6. Ground Fault Pickup

Ground fault pickup controls the amount of ground fault current that will cause the breaker to interrupt the circuit. The adjustment
can be set from 20 to 70% of the maximum breaker rating. In compliance with NEC® 230-95 (A), no trip point setting exceeds
1200 amps.

The ground fault pickup is divided into three sections; .1s, .2s, and .4s. This feature adds a time delay of .1, .2, or .4 seconds to
the breaker’s trip when a ground fault occurs.

Ground fault pickup controls the amount of ground fault current that will cause the breaker to interrupt the circuit

Author by: Engr. Wilson Fernandez (REE)


Setting of overload, Short circuit &

Ground Fault Protection of MCCB

The main adjustable Setting in MCCB are:

*Over current Setting
*Short Circuit Setting
*Ground Fault Setting

Im" Short time (Magnetic Setting). This is a multiplier of the Ir setting, often 1.5 to 10 times the Ir current (Im=xIr)
Ir" Long time Pick up Current Setting (or thermal Setting). This is a multiplication coefficient of the rating of the device. (Ir=xIn)

Setting of each Protection switch of MCCB

(1) For Low level Fault / Over Current Protection (Thermal Setting):
(A) Long-Pickup Current Setting (Ir):

*It is determines the continuous ampere rating of the breaker.

*Long time protection is time-dependent.
*Long Pickup (Ir) value (multiplied by the ampere rating (In) of MCCB) sets the maximum current level which the circuit breaker
will carry continuously.
*If MCB is 1000A Rating but Full Load current is 800A than MCCB Rating can be changed from 1000A to 800A by setting it 0.8,
Now Ir=0.8XIn =0.8×1000=800Amp
*If the current exceeds this value for longer than the circuit breaker will trip at the set delay time.
*Long time protection is inverse time type (with I2t constant)
*The long-time pickup (Ir) is adjustable from 4 to 1.0 times the sensor plug rating (In)

Standard Practice for Setting:

No trip for a current below 105% of Ir
Trip in less than two hours for a current equal to for
120% of Ir for an electronic trip unit and for
130% of Ir for a thermal-magnetic trip unit
For a higher fault current, the trip time is inversely proportional to the fault current value.

Author by: Engr. Wilson Fernandez (REE)

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