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Yearly Plan For MYP 3 Physics

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Yearly Plan for MYP 3 Physics

(* Refer to: Coded Objectives for Sciences)

Unit AOI Significant Objectives Concepts/Skills Assessment

Concepts *
SoundLight and

Environment – Light is a ● Understand light as a form of energy and explain how it fits into the • Diagram and
understanding the transverse wave A1–3 electromagnetic spectrum explanation of the
characteristics of light that is a part of the B1–3 ● Describe how light travels electromagnetic spectrum
and sound that are a electromagnetic C1–3 ● Define shadow, reflection and refraction • Lab report on prisms,
part of our everyday spectrum. D1–6 ● Describe, in terms of light, how we see objects and how we see in lenses and mirrors
environment E1–4 a mirror
Sound travels • Student research on
- understanding F1-3 ● Describe concave and convex mirrors and how they affect what we
as a longitudinal electromagnetic spectrum
that light is a part of the see. Put findings in a diagram.
wave. • Research and Lab work
electromagnetic ● Describe the dispersion of light through a prism
spectrum and that the Light and ● Explain how a rainbow is formed on musical instrument
other parts of that sound both have ● Describe sound and how it travels • Paper on Seismic waves
spectrum are also all numerous “uses” ● Differentiate between longitudinal and transverse waves. Describe and our changing
around us beyond seeing and each. understanding
- understanding hearing. ● Describe various components of music in terms of wave
sound as it relates to characteristics
applications such as ● Discuss seismic waves
music, sonar and ● Discuss uses of light and sound waves such as lasers, echo
ultrasound scans sounders, ultrasounds, etc.

Motion IIForces and

Environment – Forces affect the Describe “force” and the changes caused by forces
identifying the forces motion of objects A1–3 • (R)Define weight and contrast with mass. Name and relate Lab reports
that cause change and ourselves and B1–3 SI units for mass and weight
- noticing the we often notice it C1–3 • Explore force and distance on a pivot arm and describe the Solving Physics problems
forces around us and as weight, D1–6 conclusion as a rule: force x distance = force x distance
how they affect us pressure, speed or E1–4 • Describe the effect of zero force on an object, moving or still Activity with rates
- determining what friction. F1-3 • Explain the effect of balanced or unbalanced forces
forces affect the motion Test
• Do simple calculations related to the effect of unbalanced
of objects around us
Environment and
• Understand the units for speed and do calculations related
Health and Social
to distance, rate and time
Education –
understanding factors • Define velocity and do problems involving velocity
that affect friction and • Define pressure and the units we use for expressing
how that is relevant to pressure
our daily lives • Solve problems involving pressure calculations.
• Explain how the amount of pressure can be altered
Unit AOI Significant Objectives Concepts/Skills Assessment
Concepts *

Environment – Electricity is a form • Explain safety rules regarding electricity and demonstrate
understand how of energy that we A1–3 safe behavior in the lab
electricity is conducted use as a power B1–3 • Define electricity • Safety quiz
through a circuit to source in our C1–3 • Identify materials as good or poor conductors of electricity • Research
accomplish a purpose everyday lives. D1–6 and relate to safety and everyday uses questions
- understand what E1–4 • Define static electricity, its causes and how it is used or dealt • Lab reports
electrical F1-3 with • Lab presentation
measurements are • Diagram a simple electric circuit and construct an electric
made and their circuit from a diagram
corresponding units • Define current and explain how it is measured
• Define voltage and explain how it is measured
Health and Social
• Describe the relationship between voltage, charge and
Education –
understanding and
adhering to safety • Diagram and construct a series and a parallel circuit.
guidelines about the Compare and contrast them.
use of electricity, both • Describe an electromagnet and explain why it works.
in the lab and at home • Explain that charge is measure in coulombs and relate it to
amps (1 amp = 1 C/sec)
Homo Faber – design • Define resistance and compare resistances of various
and build original conductors
circuits and evaluate • Explain how resistance is measured and the SI unit used for
their usefulness it.
- plan and • Describe home power lines and their components
present a summary of
electric circuits to the
MYP 2 class

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