Tech 5A6 - Team Composition - MK

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Technical Proposal Impact Evaluation Study of the “Muhuri Kahua Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project (Revised)”under

the IMED (SL-01)



Professional Staff

Name of Staff Firm/ Area of Expertise Position Task Assigned

Organization Assigned
Engineer Aftab Alam Bachelor of Science in Team Leader- Team Leader-Evaluation Specialist will manage overall study program; coordinate with
Ansari Water Resource Evaluation client and other consultant members. Team Leader will also responsible for below
Engineering from Specialist given responsibilities:
BUET, Dhaka in 1963.  To review the Target and Actual Progress status of various components of the
project as per revised DPP and reasons for any short fall.
 To examine whether the procurement process (Invitation of tender, evaluation of
tender, approval procedures, contract awards etc) of the packages (goods, works
and services) under this project was done following PPR'2008/donor's
procurement guidelines. The consultant will be required to analyze these
procurement related functions based on predetermined indicators.
 To assess the Implementation status of major components and sub-components
of the project.
 To review the target and actual progress of items of work implemented under the
project and provide reasons for any deviation.
 To observe and comment on the present functional status of major item of work in
the area (Embankment water control structures, rubber dam, development of
irrigation canals, irrigation inlets etc.) to be selected for survey.
 To assess the socio- economic and environmental impacts associated with
irrigation schemes and identify major problems and constraints of irrigation
 To apply SWOT analysis as to review the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats toward implementation of project activities.
 To review the project design and implementation status of major components of
the project.
 To assess a comparison analysis of life standard of rural communities before and
Technical Proposal Impact Evaluation Study of the “Muhuri Kahua Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project (Revised)”under
the IMED (SL-01)

Name of Staff Firm/ Area of Expertise Position Task Assigned

Organization Assigned
after this project implementation.
 To analysis the sustainability of rural roads which are maintained/ repaired by this
project compared with the other roads.
 To prepare evaluation report based on the data collected from the project area
and get approval from the authority concerned.
Dr. Mohammad PhD (Water Resource Engineer Assist the Team Leader of the Study program and also maintain liaison with
Shiddiqur Rahman Engineering), study client and team members. As an expertise in this field she will also
Gyeongsang responsible for below mentioned activities:
National University,  To review the previous and exist data or report of the project
Korea in 2010  To prepare the survey questionnaire related to Muhuri Kahua flood
M.Sc in Irrigation and control,drainage and irrigation project
Water Resource  To finalize the instruments of survey in consultation with consultants team
Management,  To train the supervisor and enumerator for field survey
(IWM)1997,  To check the data collection activities
Bangladesh  To conduct field visit
Agricultural  To assess the Implementation status of major components and sub-components
University, of the project.
Mymensingh  To review the target and actual progress of items of work implemented under the
B.Sc Agricultural project and provide reasons for any deviation.
Engineering 1993,  To observe and comment on the present functional status of major item of work in
Bangladesh the area (Embankment water control structures, rubber dam, development of
Agricultural irrigation canals, irrigation inlets etc.) to be selected for survey.
 To assess the socio- economic and environmental impacts associated with
irrigation schemes and identify major problems and constraints of irrigation
Md. Humayun Kabir  Master of Social Socio-Economist Assist the Team Leader of the Study program and also maintain liaison with
Sciences in study client and team members. As an expertise in this field she will also
Economics from responsible for below mentioned activities:
Dhaka University,  To review the previous and exist data or report of the project
Bangladesh in 1987  To prepare the survey questionnaire related to Muhuri Kahua flood
Technical Proposal Impact Evaluation Study of the “Muhuri Kahua Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project (Revised)”under
the IMED (SL-01)

Name of Staff Firm/ Area of Expertise Position Task Assigned

Organization Assigned
 Bachelor of Social control,drainage and irrigation project
Sciences in  To finalize the instruments of survey in consultation with consultants team
Economics from  To train the supervisor and enumerator for field survey
Dhaka University,  To check the data collection activities
Bangladesh in 1985  To conduct field visit
 To assess a comparison analysis of life standard of rural communities before and
after this project implementation.
 To analysis the sustainability of rural roads which are maintained/ repaired by this
project compared with the other roads.
 To assess the socio- economic and environmental impacts associated with
irrigation schemes and identify major problems and constraints of irrigation
Md. Mokhlesur  Master of Statistics Statistician Assist the Team Leader of the Study program and also maintain liaison with
Rahman from Institute of study client and team members. As an expertise in this field she will also
Statistical responsible for below mentioned activities:
Research and  To review the previous and exist data or report of the project
Training (ISRT),  To prepare the study outline related to construction of river embankment
Dhaka University
 To prepare the survey questionnaire related to Muhuri Kahua flood control,
(DU) in 1986
drainage and irrigation project
 Diploma in
 To finalize the instruments of survey in consultation with consultants team
Statistics from
 To train the supervisor and enumerator for field survey related to health
ISRT, DU in 1985
 Bachelor of
 To check the data collection activities
Science from
Titumir Govt.  To conduct field visit
College under DU  Designing Data Entry & Processing program and data entry into computer
in 1983  Supervise data cleaning, coding and entry, prepare frequency table;
 Data analysis, synthesis and adjustment with control area data
 Preparation of initial results in output tables of the study

To be recruited by Field/Survey Assist the Team Leader and Consultants team. And also responsible for below
Technical Proposal Impact Evaluation Study of the “Muhuri Kahua Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project (Revised)”under
the IMED (SL-01)

Name of Staff Firm/ Area of Expertise Position Task Assigned

Organization Assigned
BETS Consulting Supervision (4 persons) mentioned activities:
Services  Attend training program
 Understand of details of study objectives
 Understand of study/project areas
 Field visit
 Data collection
 To assist study consultants to arrange FGD/KII
 Check surveyor field activities
 Report to Study Team Leader
 Check and correction of collected data
To be recruited by Field/Survey data Assist the Team Leader and Consultants team. And also responsible for below
BETS Consulting collection; data mentioned activities:
Services checking  Attend training program
 Understand of details of study objectives
 Understand of study/project areas
 Field visit
 Data collection
 Report to Study Team Leader
 Check and correction of collected data

Support Staff
Name Position Task
To be recruited by B Office Secretary cum Accountant Responsible for official communication; maintaining liaison with client and computer operation
(1 person)
To be recruited by Data Entry Operator/Word Responsible for designing the database shell for the panel data; entering all surveys data into computer for
Processor (2 persons) various rounds; and cleaning and extensive cross-checking of data.
To be recruited by Office assistant (1 person) Responsible for support work, photocopy operation etc

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