ERGONOMICS Textile Apparel Industry: A Responsibilty Towards Manpower
ERGONOMICS Textile Apparel Industry: A Responsibilty Towards Manpower
ERGONOMICS Textile Apparel Industry: A Responsibilty Towards Manpower
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1 author:
Pramod Raichurkar
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
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The aim of the study to improve the workstation and focus on current condition of work. The study taken by a questionnaire
survey of workers. Research shows that sewing machine operates faced a substantially higher risk of muscle pain and injury
than workers in other jobs. Ergonomics has two major objectives first is to enhance effectiveness and efficiency with which
work and other activities are carried out. The second objective is to enhance certain desirable human values, including
improved safety, reduced fatigue and stress, increased comfort, greater user acceptance, increased job satisfaction, and
improved quality of life.
Key words: Ergonomics, Efficiency, Quality, Productivity.
Introduction the 1949 meeting at the UK’'s Admiralty, which led to the
foundation of The Ergonomics Society. “Ergonomics is a
THE textile and apparel industry is one of the most leading science that focuses on designing a job for the worker”. An
segments in the Indian economy. The textile and apparel ergonomically-designed job would ensure that a taller worker
industry involves 38 million people in more than 60,000 units, had enough space to safely perform his or her job, and also that
making in the largest source of employment in India and a shorter worker could reach all of his or her tools and
94% of total workers work in informal sector[1]. India’s products without reaching beyond a comfortable and safe
garment industry employs about eight million workers, of range. This may require employees to work in awkward
which 70 % women. Ergonomic is the scientific application postures, perform the same motion over and over again or lift
of principles, methods can data drawn from various heavy loads – all of which could cause work related
disciplines for the development of system in which people musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Ergonomics aims at
play a significant role[2]. The garment industry there are many preventing injuries by controlling the risk factors such as force,
operations which are repetitive in nature, ties repetitive work repetition, posture and vibration that can cause injuries to
cause musculoskeletal disorder. Actions should be taken to develop.
eliminate the causes of this disorder and make the work place Some fundamental ergonomic principles that should be
safe and healthy for the worker [3]. Research has consistently followed in our workplaces are:
found that the physical characteristics of the job are an 1. Use proper tools
important risk factor for muscle pain injury[4]. The risks for Tools should be appropriate for the specific tasks being
sewing machines operators have been linked to conditions performed.
such as poor workstation design and chair and organizations 2. Keep repetitive motions to a minimum
factor such as the piecework system. Factors such as Our workstations or tasks can often be redesigned to
repetition, force, posture and vibration are associated with reduce the number of repetitive motions that must be
higher rates of injury[5].
3. Avoid awkward postures
Literature review Your job should not require you to work with your hands
The term ergonomics, from Greek words ‘Ergo’ meaning above shoulder height on a regular basis.
‘work’, and ‘Nomics’, meaning ‘natural laws’ first entered the 4. Use safe lifting procedures
modern lexicon when WojciechJastrzębowski used the word Avoid lifting objects that are too heavy. Use more than one
in his 1857 article “The Outline of Ergonomics; i.e. Science person or a mechanical device to reduce the load.
of Work, Based on the Truths Taken from the Natural 5. Get proper rest
Science”. The introduction of the term to the English lexicon You need to rest your body and mind in order to prevent
is widely attributed to British psychologist Hywel Murrell, at injuries.
6. Other things to consider
Pratibha Syntex Ltd, Shirpur. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper
Queries and Responses: [email protected]
shields on high-speed sewing machinery or safety glasses
where appropriate. Also, adequate task lighting at
Ergonomics Chair
Step 3
If the mouse is the primary tool, the work station should
be adjusted to provide optimum posture during its use.
Fabric Roll Transportation from Table to Table
Ergonomic key points for office functions
Provide an adjustable ergonomic chair with lumbar Common problem: Long reaches are required to cut across
support. the width of the fabric each time a layer is completed or flows
Keyboard location should provide for a straight line are removed from the fabric.
between elbow, wrist, and the middle finger. Spreading the fabric
The primary task should take priority in workstation Possible Solution: Use two people, one on each table, who
design and adjustments. cut towards each other. This reduces a lot of the reaching and
Place the mouse at the same level and angle as the poor postures when cutting across the width of the fabric.
Sewing department
• A stable 5-point base of support;
• Firm cushioning on the backrest and seat pan;
• The seat can be adjusted in height and tilt quickly and
• The seat does not have a hump on the front edge;
• The backrest can be adjusted in height and from front to
Foot Pedals
Possible solution : One plant that we saw had increased
Loading by hand the size of the treadles by placing a thin wooden board over the
surface of the pedal. It was located at the most comfortable
position and angle for the operator. The pedal could be moved
A workstation is the area cover by a sewing machine, a chair so that the operator could rotate between activating the pedal
containers with incoming parts and finishing pieces and the with her or his right or left foot.
nearby space in which the worker need to move.
In case of sewing workstation design the floor space is Lighting
around 4 square meters in case where larger products are
manufacturing such as curtains, tents or rugs. Lighting plays an important role in ergonomics for sewing
Sewing machine operators face a substantially higher risk machine operators.
of muscle pain and injury than workers in other jobs. Common problem: Light sources are not arranged
properly and shadows
create uneven light
Sewing Table across the work
Possible solution:
Ensure there is good Chairs
general lighting and
task lights are provided for operators who desire them or have
visually demanding tasks.
Hand tools
Height 1) Scissors
Common problem : Sewing tables are not easily Common problem: Large, heavy scissors are used for
adjustable. Tables that are too high create elevated shoulder trimming threads and are held by the blade to provide accuracy,
postures and Scissors are dull and require excessive force to operate.
non-neutral Possible solution: Operators should have appropriate
elbow and scissors for the task such as small, light clippers or a finger
wrist postures. cutter to trim thread.
Tables that are
too low cause Knives
the operator to lean forward and flex his or her neck.
Possible solution: A good height for sewing tables is at or Common problem: Knives without handles are used to
slightly above elbow height. The height should be easily remove stitching.
adjustable with the press of a button. Possible solution : Knives for removing seams should
have a small blade and a large comfortable handle.
Table angle
Common problem : Almost all sewing tables are flat. Flat Work Space
sewing tables do not maximize visibility and compromise the Work space for the worker to do their job was very poor. In
posture of the upper extremity and neck. fact the distance between the machines is in the fluctuating
Possible solution: A few sewing tables that we saw were range of 14-35 inches (According to ILO standards, it should
tilted 10° to 25° towards the operator. be 24 inches).The found results were communicated to the
factory head. Then, the factory floor setting was designed and
Chairs set at 24inches.
The chair is a critical piece of equipment for sewing
machine operators who work in a seated position. It can have Light
a very large impact on the comfort of the worker and can Light sources are not arranged properly and shadows create
affect the risk of muscle pain and injury. uneven light across the work surface. The natural source of
light is even not much helpful.
The best chairs have these features: