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Energy Consumption Using Hybrid Daodv (Dsdv-Aodv) Protocol in Manet

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In Thesis the growth of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) has inflamed in current years
mostly due to their benefits and their comprehensive applications. Mobile Ad-hoc Network is
active peer-to-peer systems that contain of a group of Mobile nodes. These nodes perform multi-
hop sensible transmission without needful a predefined organization. Recently, AODV & DSDV
plays a major role in the security of MANETs. Moreover, five parameter availability,
confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and Scalability are an effective way to detect various types
of attacks in networks thereby securing the MANETs; we propose a new DAODV protocol
algorithm specially designed for MANETs. The proposed system introduces a new Ad hoc Trust
and stable election routing protocol to inhibit the attacker from copying response the packets.
Moreover, we suggest a trust prediction model to secure the network effectively and network
lifecycle. The model can evaluate the trust value of nodes, based on the generic behaviors of
nodes. Finally, a multi-path secured routing scheme is used in this work. The inexperienced
results obtained in this work show high security and lessen the false alarm rate.

Keywords: MANET, AOTV, DSDV, DAODV protocol etc.




The history of mobile Ad-hoc networks and of wireless networking drives display in indicator.
Deprived of the finding of technology such as the wireless, wireless technology would not be at
all today.

The history of mobile Ad-hoc networks interacting drives as far back as the 1800's with the start
of wireless waves. The feast of more technology cultivated through the years and extended to
what we connected with today.

In 1888, a Hamburg, Germany born physicist called Heinrich Rudolf Herz shaped the first
wireless wave ever. By 1894 this wireless wave manufacture developed a way of

Telecommunication wires were used to receive the wireless breakers in signal form. Herz opened
the way for wireless, television, and radar with his discovery of electromagnetic waves.

An Italian discoverer named Marchese Guglielmo Marconi then prolonged the radius of wireless

wave sending to two miles, becoming the "father of the wireless." By 1899, this form of wire
could portable pretty far for its time.

Marconi could direct a signal 9 miles across the Bristol Channel. He finally extended the radius
to 31 miles crossways the English Channel to France. By 1901 the communiqué zone became
immense. Marconi could refer signals across the entire Atlantic Ocean.

1.1.1 MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network)

Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) it is an independent group of Mobile operators that

interconnect ended comparatively bandwidth forced wireless associations. In MANET one of the
maximum themes in such networks is concert- in a dynamically varying topology; the nodes are
predictable to be power-aware due to the bandwidth controlled network. Alternative problem in
such networks is safety or security which is main concern in MANET security- subsequently
each node donates in the process of the network correspondingly, the spiteful or malicious nodes
are stimulating to detect. Here numerous submissions of Mobile ad hoc networks such as tragedy
recovery processes, battle field transportations, etc. Toward study of these subjects, a situation
based imitation inspection of a protected the routing protocol is done and is related with
outmoded non-secure routing protocols. The developments used for the experiments signify
critical real-world proposals such as battleground and saving processes, which incline to have
challenging requirements. An exploration of the compromises between performance and
security is done to improvement an understanding into the applicability of the routing protocols
below consideration.

The Mobile Ad hoc networks or MANETs are the assembly of wireless networks which do not
need any secure setup or base stations. They can be naturally prepared in places where it is
demanding to process any wired organization. Such as presented in Fig.1, there are no base
stations and each node necessity co-operate in advancing packets in the system.

Mobile Node

Fig 1.1: A Mobile ad hoc network

In this work, each node performances as a router which creates routing complex when compared
to Wireless LANs, where the leading entrance fact acts as the router between the nodes.[16]
A sensor network is an unusual group of Mobile ad hoc in wireless networks which contains of
some sensors prepared without any secure organization. The change between sensor networks
and standard ad hoc wireless is that the sensor nodes cannot be fundamentally Mobile. Advance,
the sum of nodes is greatly developed than in normal ad hoc networks. The nodes must have to
more severe control stores then their purpose in exacting conservational circumstances. An
instance of a sensor network is a normal of nodes checking the temperature of boilers in a current
plant. And another application domain includes military, homeland security and medical care.

The Application of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET)

In this Thesis the control to the classification of MANET processes, we correspondingly reflect
applications anywhere these routing algorithms could be used in the network layer.
Consequently, in our work, we advanced an application successively on the Prospeckz IIK,
which used the routing algorithms characterized as enablers. Throughout the application of these
submissions, we are also capable to study the use of wireless sensor networks in the grounds of
moving object tracking and universal computing.

1. The application in MANET we imagined - named the Visitor Tracking System -

elaborate tracking the estimated position of numerous Mobile nodes in a small structure,
and feed information on position and way of every node to a single dominant sink. It was
compulsory that the user at the central sink obtain alerts if any moveable node advanced
limited areas within the building.
2. Thus, it was obvious that the application would challenge to achieve estimated location
assessment on the foundation of the sign strength of conventional wireless signals.
3. As a high part of applications consecutively on the current Internet is based on the client-
server example, the World Wide Web existence the maximum general example. Group-
Communication Applications (GCA) such as Immediate Messaging and Spread Games
are progressively dispersed, and take a totally dissimilar communication design.
4. The MANET has assumed increase too many applications similar Tactical networks,
Wireless Sensor Network, Data Networks, Device Networks, etc. With numerous
applications there are quiet certain development problems and tests to overcome.

The main motivation behindhand the multicast routing protocols is to decrease controller traffic
due to changes in the multicast tree. These protocols inform the mesh only occasionally and not
unceasingly. Created on the category of operation, multicast protocols can be approximately
secret into the following two types:

1. Source Originated Protocols where the multicast tree or mesh is efficient only occasionally
by means of control packets generated only by the source (s) of the multicast collection. Route
restoration is usually the accountability of the upstream node.

2. Receiver Started Protocols where the receiver uses flooding to examine for paths to the
foundations of the multicast collections to which it belongs.

The MANET technology really controls universal calculating because in many settings
information exchange between Mobile components cannot trust on any secure network
organization but on rapid configuration of a provisional wireless network. This is the main
motivation behind MANET.

Two difficulties classically not language by fixed network routing protocols

1. Absence of a secure infrastructure

2. Recurrent modifications to network topology

• Maximum proposed ad-hoc routing systems do not contract by security – AODV, WRP,

1.3 Design challenges

The Dynamic study work for MANET is resonant on mostly in the arenas of intermediate
admittance control, routing, resource management, power control and security related issues.
Since the significance of routing protocols in MANET, when a percentage of routing protocols
has proposed in the last few years. There are certain tests that make the design of Mobile Ad-hoc
Network routing protocols a hard-hitting task. Initially, in MANET, node mobility causes
recurrent topology changes and network dividers.
Furthermore, since of the adjustable and random capacity of wireless links, packet losses may
occur recurrently. Besides, the transmission nature of the wireless average familiarizes the
secreted terminal and uncovered terminal problems. Moreover, Mobile nodes have controlled
battery power, computing and bandwidth resources, numerous security issues and need actual
routing schemes.

o In our Thesis we face the major challenge’s to calculate the average latency on the
basis of distance vector which produce RREQ w.r.t higher energy nodes. Because
of in MANET we have to improve Network lifetime on the basis of individual
node energy consumption behind of latency can’t be configure RREQ which
depend on least distance value from node to node.

Problems related to the security

 Key sharing and controlling

 Accessible to a big number of sensor nodes
 Remains to be unresolved
 The Key pre-deployment
 In Public key discovery
 To Path-key formation
 Alternatives
 The Probabilistic key distribution protocols

Some Other Issues

• Safe routing

– Maximum routing protocols are relatively simple in WSN, thus more susceptible to attacks.
Some new attacks are:

• Sinkhole attacks

• Hello flood attacks

• SPINS -two construction block security protocols: SNEP and µTESLA

• INSENS -intrusion-tolerant routing protocol

More Issues

• Secure data collection

- Key theme in design and progress of WSNs

- Aggregators collect raw data; process it locally, and onward only the result to end-user

-Aggregation can revenue in any places, and must be secured

- Denial of service

- Congested by adversaries: gridlock the complete network by distribution a high sufficient

energy signal

- Pliability to node capture


Mobile ad hoc network is a group of independent and portable basics such as processor, smart
phone, tablet PC etc. The portable nodes can animatedly self-organize in random provisional
network topology. Here is no preset substructure therefore it does not have the strong border.
Certain main characteristics of MANET are discussed lower:

o Frame less: MANET is an infrastructure less classification which has no dominant

server, or particular hardware and secure routers. All infrastructures among nodes are
providing individual by wireless connectivity
o Wireless Associations: Wireless links type Mobile Ad Hoc Network variable and
vulnerable to numerous types of attacks. Since of incomplete control supply of wireless
nodes and flexibility of nodes, the wireless relations between those nodes in the mobile
ad hoc network are not reliable for communication members.
o Node Movement: Mobile nodes are independent components in network which
incessantly change their location and topology individually. Outstanding to incessant
signal of nodes the topology variations frequently which mean tracking downcast of
specific node become difficult?
o Power limitation: The mobile multitudes are small and light weight. They are full by
incomplete power capitals such as small sequences. This control causes susceptibility
explicitly when attackers may board certain node sequences to disconnect them that
might principal to network partition.
o Dynamic topologies: Nodes are allowed to change randomly; consequently the network
topology may change casually and quickly at random times, and may contain of both
bidirectional and unidirectional links.
o Self-Configuring: MANET has dispersed substructure, with all mobile nodes operative
as routers and all wireless strategies being consistent to one another.
o Bandwidth-constrained and variable capacity links: Wireless links have pointedly
lower volume then their hardwired complements. Due to the belongings of multiple
admittance, fading, noise, and interference circumstances, the volume of a wireless
connection can be tainted over time and the actual amount may be less than the radio’s
supreme transmission volume.
o Energy-constrained operation: Certain or all of the nodes in a MANET might trust on
batteries or other exhaustible resources for their energy. For those nodes, the maximum
significant scheme enterprise standards for optimization might be energy conservation.
o Limited physical security: Mobile wireless network are usually additional disposed to
physical security pressures than are fixed-cable nets. The enlarged option of overhearing,
spoofing, and denial-of-service attacks should be sensibly careful.


The objectives of the thesis are two-fold:

(a) To simulate various scenarios of attacks at MANET

(b) To study the performance and effectiveness of some secure routing protocols in these
simulated malicious scenarios, including AODV and DSDV.
Many researches have to been done to assess the concert of protected routing protocols in
contrast with normal routing protocols. One of the purposes of this research is to observe the add
cost of add to the security feature into non-secure routing protocols in various setups. The
combined cost includes interruption in packet transmission, the small rate of data packets over
the total packets showed, etc.

A. Insignificant descriptions. Outline central positions.

B. Setting. Enhance more information to simplify the research problem.


MANETs have convinced sole features that mark them weak to numerous categories of attacks.
Subsequently they are prepared in an exposed background where all nodes co-operate in
advancing the packets in the network, malicious nodes are difficult to detect. Hence, it is
reasonably challenging to design a secure protocol for MANET, when allied to wired or
infrastructure-based wireless networks. This segment deliberates the security goals for an ad hoc
network. The Model attacks and threats beside existing MANET routing protocols are then
considered. It then deliberate the occupied of two secure routing protocols to address these
threats, AODV [1] and DSDV [2].

(i) Validation: This facility validates a user’s individuality and promises the receiver that
the message is from the basis that it rights to be from. Initially, at the time of
communication beginning, the service declares that the two events are authentic, that
each is the object it claims to be.
Secondly, it significant capacity that a third party does not delay by replicating one of
the two dependable gatherings for the resolve of official transmission and response.
Authentication can be providing using encryption laterally with cryptographic hash
functions, digital signatures and permits.
(ii) Confidentiality: This ability approves that the data/information conveyed over the
network is not revealed to unauthorized users. Confidentiality can be achieved by
using assorted encryption approaches such as only unaffected users can inspect and
appreciate the transmission.
(iii) Integrity: The determination of reliability control is to declare that the data is
established in precise as sent by accredited event. The data received covers no
modification, insertion or deletion.
(iv) Access Control: This service boundaries and switches the entrance of such a
resource, which can be a cloud system or an application.
(v) Availability: This includes creation the network facilities or capitals obtainable to the
appropriate users. It confirms the survivability of the network despite malicious


The research used a fixed utilization of routing networking protocol.

MATLAB2014a is a scalable network simulation collection that was calculated with the main
goal of simulating large, high-fidelity models of wired, wireless, and mixed networks in an
efficient manner.

It was considered to attain modular design for easy comparison of protocols below uniform
conditions, full and accurate models, efficient execution, and transparent parallel execution for
more scalability and runtime competence .These important features invigorated us to use
MATLAB2014a for our study.


Routing protocols existed formed for routers. These protocols need planned to permit the
conversation of routing tables, or identified networks, between routers.
Present in a lot of altered routing protocols, every one intended for exact network sizes.
Classification of routing protocols in Mobile ad hoc network can be complete in numerous ways,
but maximum of these are complete dependent on routing approach and network construction.
The routing protocols can be considered as table driven routing, hybrid routing and Demand
driven routing though dependent on the network structure. According to the routing approach
routing protocols can be secret as Table-driven and source initiated.

2.1. Table driven / Pro-Active routing Protocols

Proactive Manet’s protocols are similarly called as table-driven protocols and will actively
control the arrangement of the network.
Finished a systematic conversation of network topology packets among the nodes of the network,
at each single node a complete depiction of the network is preserved. There is hence nominal
delay in defining the route to be taken.

This is especially significant for time-critical traffic. When the routing evidence develops
insignificant rapidly, there are numerous short-lived routes that are existence resolute and not
used previously they turn unacceptable.

Therefore, another disadvantage subsequent from the amplified movement is the quantity of
traffic overhead produced when assessing these needless routes.

2.2. Demand driven routing protocol

The Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol labeled in [31] dimensions
on the DSDV algorithm before defined.
AODV is a development on DSDV because it classically reduces the number of compulsory
programs by making routes on a demand basis, as opposite to continuing a whole list of routes as
in the DSDV algorithm.

The writers of AODV categorize it as a pure on-demand route gaining system; subsequently
nodes that are not on a designated path do not preserve routing information or participate in
routing table exchanges [31].

Once a source node needs to send a message to certain endpoint node and does not previously
have a valid route to that destination, it initiates a path discovery process to locate the other node.
It broadcasts a route request (RREQ) packet to its neighbors, which then forward the request to
their neighbors, and so on, until either the endpoint or an in-between node with a “fresh enough”
route to the destination is positioned.

2.3. Hybrid routing protocol

Hybrid routing syndicates features of both reactive and proactive routing protocols to type
routing added accessible and efficient [32].

Commonly hybrid routing protocols are region based; it resources the number of nodes is
separated into different regions to make route discovery and preservation more dependable for

The necessity of these protocols ascends with the absences of proactive and reactive routing and
there is request of such protocol that cans resolution on demand route discovery with an
incomplete number of route examinations.

ZRP bounds the range of proactive routing approaches to adjacent nodes nearby; however ZRP
usages reactive routing to search the wanted nodes by inquiring the discerning network nodes
worldwide in its place of sending the query to all the nodes in network. ZRP uses “Intrazone”
and “Interzone” routing to deliver flexible route discovery and route preservation in the multiple
ad hoc surroundings.
Protocol Advantage Disadvantage
1) TAODV can notice 1)It has no
malicious Node and selfish confirmation mechanism of
node in network. nodes and communications.

2)It is more secure and 2)It can’t prevent worm-hole

having better enactment than and
AODV impression attack
3)It can prevent
1. Trusted Ad Hoc on Demand
alteration, fabrication attacks.
Distance Vector (TAODV)
CONFIDANT protocols 1) It can’t prevent several
Effectively detect selfish attacks
nodes and PM
wormhole such as change impersonation
nodes that drop packets.
construction Sybil attack by
malicious nodes

2) An attacker is intelligent to
send false alarm
2. Cooperation Of Nodes: communications and can do
Fairness In Dynamic Ad-Hoc false Claim that a node is
Networks(CONFIDANT) misbehaving.
This protocol gives The end to end delay is not
improved Performance in included in performance
standings of QoS Services dimension metric. The delay is
like packet delivery more here because two
3.Friendship Based Ad Hoc On
fraction regularized routing assessment algorithms are
Demand Distance
load. used to establish path.
4.SecureRouting Using In positions of mobile The concert decreases in the
Trust(SRT): mobility it attendance of attacks except
Springs better throughput, black
packet Hole. The trust is intended on
Delivery ratio, average the
path length, normal routing basis of control packets only.
Routine is restrained in terms This protocol m

of route selection time, easuresthe

trust Performance in fixed

Compromise with mobility environment that

actually not appropriate

5. Trusted AOMDV
Experiment packet assistances In this protocol control above
to detect flooding, grey-hole, is
spoofing, alteration, dropping Augmented due to periodic
of control Packets. As well as flooding of experiment
6.Friend Based Ad Hoc it bounces better performance packet and periodic
Routing Using Challenges To in the presence of Malicious sharing of friend list.
Establish Security(FACES) nodes.
7. Trust Based Security This protocol upholds This protocol can’t
Confidentiality and detect reliable malicious node.
In this protocol subsequently
discovery route then the trust
the nodes founded on
of the nodes along the track is
trust of the nodes along the
Signature. It notices the path is calculated which
nodes growths control Overhead.

Which are misbehaving? Because calculating the trust

after conclusion path is
incompetent as the path may
be rejected due to Presence of
malicious nodes.
It bounces better amount This protocol doesn’treflect
with delay, packet forward
General DSR. ratio, message
overhead matrices in

8. Trust Based DSR Performance analysis.


In this literature Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing algorithm is a routing
protocol intended for ad hoc mobile networks. AODV is accomplished of together unicast and
multicast routing. It is an on demand algorithm, import that it shapes routes among nodes only as
anticipated by source nodes. It preserves these routes as long as they are wanted by the sources.
Moreover, AODV procedures leave which attach multicast collection associates. The trees are
collected of the collection associates and the nodes wanted to attach the members. AODV uses
order numbers to confirm the newness of routes. It is loop-free, self-starting, and scales to great
information of portable nodes.

AODV forms ways using a route request / route reply query cycle. Once a source node needs a
direction to a purpose for which it does not previously have a route, it transmissions a route
request (RREQ) packet across the network. Nodes getting this packet inform their information
for the source node and set up rearward indicators to the source node in the route tables. In
calculation to the source node's IP address, in present order number, and program ID, the RREQ
also covers the maximum current classification number for the destination of which the source
node is attentive. A node getting the RREQ may send a route reply (RREP) if it is either the
destination or if it has a route to the endpoint with conforming order number greater than or
equivalent to that limited in the RREQ.

If this is the circumstance, it unicasts a RREP spinal to the source. Then, it rebroadcasts the
RREQ. Nodes retain pathway of the RREQ's source IP address and transmission ID. If they
obtain a RREQ which they have previously handled, they remove the RREQ and do not forward
Khelifaet.al.[1] examined the presentations of M-AODV and AODV they experiential route
discovery prospers in that M-AODV recovers the presentation of AODV in terms of metrics,
packet delivery ratio, end to end delay, and energy consumption. In upcoming they deliberate the
application of Energy AODV device to preserve further energy.

Maurya1et.al. [2] Related on-demand routing protocols that is sensitive and active routing. They
experimental that responsive protocol deals quick version to Mobile networks with low
dispensation and low bandwidth operation.

In [3] Das et.al. Two on-demand routing protocols, DSR and AODV had been associated. In
future, they have deliberate other routing protocols such as DSDV, TORA founded on strictures
such as fraction of packet transfer, end to end delay and routing overhead.

In [4] Thanthryet.al.they confirmed the EMAODV with the AODV. The results gained from the
imitations demonstration that EMAODV achieves better than AODV in relations of throughput,
sum of route discoveries, switch overhead and container droplets but, the average end-to-end
delay of EM-AODV was originate to be higher than AODV.

Yanget.al. [5] related the AODV, R-AODV and SR-AODV .After imitation they have decided
that SR-AODV recovers the concert of AODV in greatest metrics, as the packet delivery ratio,
end to end delay, and Power consumption.

Li et.al. [6] assessed the TRP with S–AODV and it is experiential that TRP recovers network
show in standings of energy efficiency and regular routing delay.

Yanget.al.[7] examined the enactments of AODV and M-AODV they experimental that in M-
AODV route finding prospers in scarcer tries than AODV. Once the replication is approved out
they accomplish that MAODV recovers the performance of AODV in greatest metrics, as the
packet delivery ratio, end to end delay, and energy consumption.
Sharma et al.[8] appraised the result of dissimilar development algorithms for AODV and
adapted AODV. They decrease the normal delay between the nodes statement.

Wei et.al [9] controlled on Demand Distance Vector (IPODV) routing protocol seeing the
topological article of the power-line network. In upcoming they work on the routing preservation
instrument and the national bench system of the AODV routing Protocol.

Chaurasia et.al. [11] inspected OLSR, DSDV, DSR, AODV, and TORA protocols They
experiential that due to the substructure less construction of protocol security and power
consciousness is problematic to achieve in Mobile ad hoc networks .In future they work on core
problems of security and power consumption in these routing protocol.

M.Ushaet.al. [12] applied innovative progressive AODV name RE-AODV (Route-Enhanced

AODV). They experiential routing overhead is reduced by 25% and end to end delay of packets
11% as likened to usual AODV protocol. It has been experiential in AODV routing protocol that
power consumption is further which type AODV an expensive one .The end-to-end delay is
added, there increase the probabilities for loss of information though transaction between the
source node and destination node. So the exertion are compulsory to be occupied regarding the
reduction of power ingesting and end-to-end delay in order to decrease the estimate in
application of AODV routing protocol. The connected work in the ground of AODV routing
protocol actually makes the inspiring influence on the attention for advance research .The
application of the AODV routing protocol through all topographies such as less end-to-end
delay, upkeep of network Weight, Packet loss and value is actually a challenging one. The
proposed work mostly distillates on operation of all overhead parameters. This employment will
actually show beneficial for the networking skill. We must recognized numerous pieces of key
works in the arena of MANET routing protocols which highpoint current procedures as well as
the existing intelligent in the field and the guidelines investigators are poignant in the future.

Lalet.al. [13] applied a different NDMP-AODV that is talented to deliver low end-to-end delay
and great packet delivery ratio, although possession squat routing overhead. In upcoming work
they recover the route collection procedure of NDMP-AODV so that it cans choice ways that can
content user request requirements.

AODV is sensitive routing protocol. It is modest, effective and operative routing protocol taking
extensive application [14]. The topology of the network in AODV grows change time to time so
industry with same and as well as upholding the Cost, End-to-End, Network Weight and Packet
Loss is countless challenge. Numerous researches have been approved out on overhead factors.

Raj Kumar G.et.al [15] appraised the AODV and DSR on limit such as Throughput, Delay,
Network Load and Packets Drop beside pause time .They experiential that AODV achieves well
in the occurrence of noise provides recovering throughput level with less delay, put away less
energy and less packets become drop.

Reference [16] suggests that an actual MANET routing protocol necessity be fortified to contract
with the lively and random topology deviations related with Mobile nodes, whereas also being
alert of the inadequate wireless bandwidth and maneuver power thoughts which may lead to
discounts in broadcast variety or throughput.

This is extended upon by [17] who suggest that in adding to these core supplies; MANET routing
procedures must also be dispersed, self-healing and self-organizing and able to feat multi-
hopping and load balancing, these supplies safeguard MANET routing protocols aptitude to
function autonomously.

Yao-Nan Lien et al [18] planned a novel TCP congestion regulator device by router-assisted
method. Their projected TCP protocol, called TCP Muzha uses the support providing by routers
to attain better congestion control. To use TCP Muzha, routers are obligatory to deliver some
material permitting the contributor to estimation further correctly the enduring capacity over the
blockage node with deference to the path from the sender to the receiver. With this info, TCP
Muzha determination is able to improve the presentation of both TCP and network.
Wei Sun et al [19] have likened the overall AIMD-based mobbing control device (GAIMD) with
Equation-based congestion regulator mechanism (TFRC TCP-Friendly Rate Control) finished a
extensive variety of MANET situation, in relations of throughput equality and silkiness. Their
consequences have exposed that TFRC and GAIMD are talented to preserve throughput softness
in MANET, but at the same time, they require only a less throughput than the competing TCP
flows. Also their results show that TFRC changes its sending rate more smoothly than GAIMD
does, but it gets the least throughput compares with TCP and GAIMD.

Yung Yi et al [20] have advanced a fair hop-by-hop mobbing control algorithm with the MAC
restraint existence compulsory in the form of a station access time constraint, using an
optimization on founded framework. In the nonappearance of delay, they have exposed that their
algorithm is internationally steady using a Lyapunov-function-based method. Next, in the
occurrence of delay, they have exposed that the hop-by-hop switch algorithm has the stuff of 3-D
dispersal. Also they have resulting limits on the “peak load” at a node, both with hop-by-hop
switch, as well as with end-to-end switch, show that important improvements are to be consumed
with the hop-by-hop scheme, and legalize the investigative results with simulation

Umut Akyol et al [21] must deliberate the problem of together execution development and
congestion control in portable ad hoc networks so that network lines continue restricted and the
subsequent flow rings content an allied network usefulness expansion problem. They have
distinct a detailed network utility growth problem which is suitable for Mobile ad hoc networks.
They have designated a wireless Greedy Primal Dual (WGPD) algorithm for collective
congestion control and development that aims to resolve this problem. They have shown how the
wGPD algorithm and its related gesticulating can be applied in practice with negligible
disturbance to current wireless protocols.

S.Karunakaran et al [22] have given a Cluster Based Congestion Control (CBCC) protocol that
contains of climbable and dispersed cluster-based devices for secondary congestion control in
Mobile ad hoc networks. The characteristic feature of their method is that it is founded on the
self-organization of the system into clusters. The clusters alone and proactively monitor
congestion inside its limited scope.

S.Venkata subramanian et al [23] proposed the QoS building for Bandwidth Organization and
Rate Switch in MANETs. The bandwidth information in the building can be used for QoS
accomplished routing protocols to deliver provision to charge control. The traffic is stable and
the network volume is better as the weight value contributions the routing protocol to avoid
routing circulation finished overfilled area. The basis nodes then complete call admission control
for dissimilar importance of movements originated on the bandwidth information providing by
the QoS routing. In adding to this, a rate control instrument is used to control best-effort traffic,
when network congestion is noticed. In this device, the packet cohort rate of the low-priority
circulation is attuned to join the high-priority traffic.

R.Mynuddin Sulthani et al [24] proposed a combined project of dependable QoS building for
Mobile ad hoc networks. In the dependable multipath routing protocol, dispersal and erasure
code methods are exploited for creating false wreckages for each packet, to improve reliability.
Formerly messages with good distribution likelihood are recognized and conveyed through the
trails with high regular node distribution index. Though it receives a certain number of remains,
terminus can recover the original packet. Next, a call admission control (CAC) system has been
established, in which, the calls are known based on the bandwidth availability of the path. Once
congestion occurs, the best exertion circulation is rate skillful, to free bandwidth for the real-time

Lijun Chen et al [25] proposed the combined design of congestion control, routing and
preparation for ad hoc wireless networks. They fast reserve delivery in the network with
protected wireless stations or single-rate wireless strategies as a helpfulness expansion problem
with schedulability and rate restraints ascending from argument for the wireless channel. We also
spread the dual algorithm to grip the network with time-varying channel and adaptive multi-rate
devices, and astonishingly show that, despite stochastic channel variation, it resolves a faultless
reference scheme problematic which has the finest likely the rate segment at link layer. In future,
they will cover the results to networks with additional overall meddling models and/or node
mobility and more will improve the enactment gain from cross-layer enterprise linking link layer.

Xuyang Wang et al [26] projected an irritable coating hop by hop congestion control system to
recover TCP performance in multi hop wireless networks which directs the congestion response
across the conveyance, network, and transport layer protocols. The proposed system challenges
to control the definite cause of a packet loss and then organizes the suitable congestion control
reply between the MAC network, and conveyance protocols. The congestion control labors are
appeal at all middle and source node sideways the upstream paths absorbed from the wireless
link feeling the congestion encouraged packet drop.

Kazuya Nishimura et al [27] suggested a routing protocol that decreases network congestion for
MANET using multi-agents. They use 2 types of agents: Routing Agents to gather information
around overcrowding and to inform the routing board at each node, and Message Agents to
change using this info. In the future, they determination examine an improved assessment
function and deliberate the bounds of its efficiency. The appraisal function himself may change
contingent on the setting. Joining knowledge into the purpose is also an stimulating issue.

Bhadauri Sharma [28] offered the evidence near network congestion is composed and distributed
by Mobile agents (MA). The MA measures the queue length of the various traffic classes and the
channel contention and estimates the total congestion metric to find the minimum congestion
level in the network. The congestion metric is applied in the routing protocol to select the
minimum congested route.

P.K. Suri et al [29] proposed a bandwidth-efficient power aware routing protocol “QEPAR”. The
routing protocol is presented to minimize the bandwidth consumption as well as delay. QEPAR
will help in increasing the throughput by decreasing the packet loss due to non-availability of
node having enough battery power to retransmit the data packet to next node. The proposed
protocol is also helpful in finding out an optimal path lacking any circle.
Vinay Rishiwal et al [30] projected QoS founded power conscious routing protocol (Q-PAR).
The designated route is energy stable and innards the bandwidth restraint of the application. The
protocol Q-PAR is divided in to two phases. In the first route discovery phase, the bandwidth and
energy restraints are built in into the DSR route discovery device. In the occasion of an imminent
link failure, the second phase, an overhaul device is appealed to search for an energy stable
alternative path locally. Furthermore the local overhaul mechanism was talented to find an
alternative path in most of the bags improved the network lifetime and late the repair and
renovation of the route.



3.1 AODV (Ad-Hoc on-Demand Distance Vector Protocol)

In this part we proposed the AODV routing protocol as quantified in the form of two Internet
draft [Perkins and Royer 1998].

Pseudo-code for the protocol is given below.

In AODV, a route to a purpose d covers the subsequent arenas

Step 1: nextd: Subsequent node on a track to d.

Step 2: hopsd: distance from d, relaxed in the number of nodes (hops) that condition to be
traversed to reach d.

Step 3: seqnod: Previous logged order number for d.

Step 3: life timed: The Outstanding time earlier route finish

The determination in order numbers is to pathway changes in topology. Every node saves its
individual sequence number. It is incremented when the usual of residents of the node changes.
When a route is documented, it is imprinted with the current order number of its endpoint. As
the topology variations, more recent routes will have greater preparation numbers. That way,
nodes can choose between new and outdated ways.

Once a node wants to intersect with an endpoint d, it broadcasts a route request (RREQ) message
to all of its residents. The message has the following format:

RREQ (hop to src; broadcast id; d; seqno; s; src seq no)

Dispute hops to src controls the present coldness from the node that introduced the route request.

The Original RREQ has this ground set to 0, and every following node increases it by one.

The transmission id ground is a sole integer allocated to every RREQ originated by it is

incremented afterward each RREQ. Dispute seq no class the smallest sequence number for a way
to d that s is eager to receive (node s usages now the preceding sequence number it logged for
the endpoint d, namely seq nod).

Disagreement src sequence no is the seq number of the introducing node s. Once a node t
accepts a RREQ, itrst forms whether it has a route to d obvious with a sequence number at least
as immense as seqno. If it does not, it rebroadcasts the RREQ with incremented hops to src pitch.
On the equal time, t can use the conventional RREQ to usual up an opposite route to s. This route
would lastly be used to advancing answers back to s. If t has a renewed adequate route to d, it
answers to s (advanced through the opposite route) with a route reply (RREP) communication
which has the following format:

RREP (hops d; seq no d; life time d):

Advices hops d; seq no d; and life timed are the consistent qualities of t's route to d.
correspondingly, if t is the endpoint itself (t = d), it replies with

RREP (0; d; large seq no; MY ROUTE TIMEOUT):

The amount of large seq no needs to be at smallest as big as d's individual instruction number
than and at smallest as immense as seq no since the application. Stricture MY ROUTE
TIMEOUT is the defaulting lifetime, neighboring organized at d. Each node that receives a
RREP increases the value of the hops packeteld and onwards the pack end-to-end the opposite
route to s.

Once a node obtains a RREP for certain purpose d, it usages info from the packet to explain its
individual way for d. If it previously has a route to d, liking is decided to the route with a higher
sequence number. If order statistics are the same, the smaller route is chosen.

This law is rummage-sale together by s and by all of the central advancing nodes. The preferred
law is significant for dispersal error messages. In adding to the direction-finding table, all node s
saves track of the active residents for both destination d.

This is the usual of head-to-head nodes that usages as their following d on the method to d. If s
notices that its way to d is exhausted, it directs an unwanted RREP (error) message to all of its
lively nationals for d. This message covers hops equal to 255 (infinity), and seq no equivalent to
one more than the preceding sequence quantity for that route.

Since of the earlier stated favorite law for route selection, such an dishonestly incremented
preparation number militaries the headsets to confess this `route' and transmission it added
upstream, all the method to the cause of the route.

Advantages of AODV
· The benefits of AODV protocol are that it favors the least congested route instead of the
shortest route and it also supports both unicast and multicast packet transmissions even for nodes
in constant movement.

· It also responds very quickly to the topological changes that affects the active routes.

· AODV does not put any additional overheads on data packets as it does not make use of source

Limitations of AODV

- The limitation of AODV protocol is that it expects/requires that the nodes in the
broadcast medium can detect each other’s’ broadcasts. It is also possible that a valid route
is expired and the determination of a reasonable expiry time is difficult. The reason
behind this is that the nodes are mobile and their sending rates may differ widely and can
change dynamically from node to node. In addition, as the size of network grows, various
performance metrics begin decreasing.

- AODV is vulnerable to various kinds of attacks as it based on the assumption that all
nodes must cooperate and without their cooperation no route can be established.

3.4 DSDV

DSDV belongs to the Proactive type of routing protocols. In this protocol, each mobile node in
the network keeps a routing table listing all other nodes it has known either directly or through
some neighbors. Every node has a single entry in the routing table. The entry will have
information about the node’s IP address, last known sequence number and the hop count to reach
that node. Along with these details, the table also keeps track of the next hop neighbor to reach
the destination node. DSDV routing is adapted from the conventional Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) to ad hoc networks routing. It adds a new attribute, sequence number, to each
route table entry of the conventional RIP. Using the newly added sequence number, the mobile
nodes can distinguish state route information from the new and thus prevent the formation of
routing loops. The main contribution of the algorithm was to solve the routing loop problem.

- 1. If the new address has a higher sequence number, the node chooses the route with the
higher sequence number and discards the old sequence number.
- 2. If the incoming sequence number is identical to the one belonging to the existing route,
a route with the least cost is chosen.

- 3. All the metrics chosen from the new routing information are incremented.

- 4. This process continues until all the nodes are updated. If there are duplicate updated
packets, the node considers keeping the one with the least-cost metric and discards the

- In case of a broken link, a cost of metric with a new sequence number (incremented) is
assigned to it to ensure that the sequence number of that metric is always greater than or
equal to the sequence number of that node. Figure 3.1 shows a routing table for node 2,
whose neighbors are nodes 1, 3, 4, and 8. The dashed lines indicate no communications
between any corresponding pair of nodes. Therefore, node 2 has no information about
node 8.

- Figure 3.1 A DSDV routing table

- The packet overhead of the DSDV protocol increases the total number of nodes in the ad-
hoc network. This fact makes DSDV suitable for small networks. In large ad-hoc
networks, the mobility rate and therefore the overhead increase, making the network
unstable to the point that updated packets might not reach nodes on time.
Advantages of DSDV:

- 1. DSDV protocol guarantees loop free paths.

- 2. Count to infinity problem is reduced in DSDV.

- 3. We can avoid extra trace with incremental updates instead of full dump updates. The
path selection in DSDV maintains only the best path instead of maintaining multiple
paths to every destination with this the amount of space in routing table is reduced.

Limitations of DSDV:

- 1. Wastage of bandwidth due to unnecessary advertising of routing information even if

there is no change in the network topology.

- 2. DSDV doesn’t support Multi path Routing.

- 3. In DSDV it is difficult to determine a time delay for the advertisement of routes and
also it is difficult to maintain the routing table’s advertisement for larger networ k.
- In DSDV each and every host in the network should maintain a routing table for advertising. But
for larger network this would lead to overhead, which consumes more bandwidth.

4.1 Proposed DAODV protocol

DAODV is energy dependent DSR algorithm which helps hub from sharp and sudden drop of
battery power. DAODV gives better power usage contrast with AODV and DSDV. DAODV
keeps away from utilization of hub with less power supply and lingering vitality data of hub is
helpful in disclosure of course. Lingering battery energy of every hub is figured without anyone
else's input and on the off chance that it is over the particular edge esteem then hub can take an
interest in directing exercises generally hub defers the rebroadcasting of course demand message
by an era which is conversely corresponding to its anticipated lifetime. DAODV has additionally
advantage over AODV on the grounds that it can utilize course reserve utilized by DSDV.

This is another vitality enhanced calculation that can be connected to current specially appointed
directing conventions, for example, AODV. A cost work has been found in view of both the
spread power misfortune and hub battery limit data and courses are improved in light of the cost
elements of connections and hubs. Specifically, a low-battery ready instrument is acquainted
with enhance the directing refresh conduct, avoiding abuse of basic hubs. Arrange throughput is
not influenced much, which is an exchange off issue with the low-battery ready level. The
vitality utilization is adjusted among the system and the constrained battery assets are used
productively. DAODV convention is an upgrade of DSR directing convention, which actualizes
control data amid course disclosure. DAODV fuses two instruments:

(i) Multiple power level course revelations

(ii) connect by connection control.

Amid course revelation, course ask for bundles are utilized to discover a course that is power
effective and course answer parcels are utilized for connection by-connection control transmit
control. DAODV utilizes a few power levels amid course disclosure. The hubs endeavor to
discover a course to the goal at first with low power levels. In the event that it doesn't succeed,
then the power level is expanded. It proceeds until course disclosure succeeds. Two power levels
are utilized, i.e. one low and one high, are utilized.
4.1.1 Power aware model

The mobile nodes in MANET are connected to other mobile nodes. These mobile nodes are free
to transmit, i.e. send or receive the data packets to or from other nodes respectively, and require
power for such activities. There are 4 important power components [20]: (1) Transmission Power
(2) Reception Power (3) Idle Power and (4) Overhearing Power.

Transmission power: Whenever a node sends data packet to other nodes in the network, some
amount of energy is required for transmission and such energy is called Transmission Energy
(Tx) of that node and this energy is dependent on size of the data packet. On sending the data
packet, some amount of power is consumed. The transmission energy is formulated as:

Tx = (330*Plength)/2*106 (4.1)

And Pt = Tx /Tt (4.2)

Where Tx is transmission energy, P T is Transmission Power, Tt is the time taken to transmit a

data packet and Plength is the length of data packet in bits.

Function power: Whenever a node receives data packet from other nodes then some amount of
energy is taken by the node to receive data packet, which is called Reception Energy (Rx). On
receiving the data packet, some amount of power is consumed. Reception Energy is formulated


Where Rx is the Reception Energy, P R is the Reception Power, Tr is a time taken to receive data
packet, and P-length is the length of data packet in bits.

Idle power: In this situation, node neither transmits nor receives any data packets. Power is
consumed because it needs to listen to the wireless medium continuously in order to detect a
packet that it should receive, so that the node can then switch into receiving mode from idle
mode. Idle power is a wasted power that should be eliminated or reduced to a minimum. Thus,
Idle Power is:

PI = PR, (4.4)

Where PI is Idle Power and PR is Reception Power.

Overhearing power: In this case a node picks up the data packets that are destined to other
nodes and this is called overhearing and it may consume power. This power is called overhearing
power. Unnecessarily receiving such data packets will cause power consumption.

Then power consumed in overhearing is:

4.1.2. Power aware metrics

The main objective of power aware metrics is to carefully share the cost of routing which will
ensure that node and network life is increased. These power aware metrics [21] result in power
efficient routes, which are detailed below.

Minimize energy consumed per packet

This is one of the most obvious metrics that conserves power efficiently. Assume that some
packet j traverses nk ,....., n1 nodes where n1 is the source and nk the destination. Let T (a, b)
denote the energy consumed in transmitting and receiving one packet over one hop from a to b.
Then the energy consumed for packet j is,


Thus, the goal of this metric is to minimize ej, for all j [Figure-4.1]. It is easy to see that this
metric will minimize the average energy consumed per packet. In fact it is interesting to observe
that, under light loads, the routes selected using this metric will be identical to routes selected by
shortest-hop routing. This is not a surprising observation because, if we assume that T (a, b) = T
= Constant, for all (a, b) ∈ E, where E is the set of all edges, then the power consumed is (k - 1)
T. To minimize this value, we simply need to minimize k which is equivalent to finding the
shortest-hop path. This metric will tend to route packets around congested areas (possibly
increasing hop-count). One serious drawback of this metric is that nodes will tend to have widely
differing energy consumption profiles resulting in early death of some of the nodes. Consider the
network illustrated in Figure-4.1. Here, node 6 will be selected as the route for packets going
from 0-3, 1-4 and 2-5. As a result, node 6 will spend its battery resources at a faster rate than the
other nodes in the network and will be the first to die.

Figure 4.1: Energy packet as a metric

Maximize time to network partition

One of the difficulties in implementing this metric is that given a network topology, using the
max flow-min-cut theorem, we can find a minimal set of nodes (the cut-set) the removal of
which will cause the network to partition. The routes between these two partitions must go
through one of these critical nodes. A routing procedure therefore must divide the work among
these nodes to maximize the life of the network. If we don’t ensure that these nodes use up their
power at equal rates, then we will observe that delays will increase as soon as one of these nodes
dies. Problem is similar to the load balancing problem where tasks need to be sent to one of the
many servers available so that the response time is minimized. This is known to be an NP-
complete problem.

Minimize variance in node power levels

This metric ensures that all the nodes in the network remain up and running together for as long
as possible. This problem is similar to load sharing in distributed systems where the objective is
to minimize response time while keeping the amount of unfinished work in all nodes the same.
This is an intractable problem, because the execution times of future arrivals are not known. Join
the Shortest Queue (JSQ) policy can be used to achieve this goal. Here each node sends traffic
through a neighbor with the least amount of data waiting to be transmitted. If all packets are of
same length, then we can achieve the equal power drain rate by choosing next hop in a round-
robin fashion so that on the average, all nodes process equal number of packets.

Minimize cost per packet

This metric is used to maximize the life of all nodes in the network. The path selected using this
metric should be such that nodes with depleted power reserves do not lie on many paths. Let fi
(xi) be a function that denotes the node cost or weight of node I, where i x represents the total
energy spent by node i. The total cost of sending a packet along some path is the sum of costs at
individual nodes from n1 to nk via intermediate nodes n2,…, nk−1 and can be represented as:


The goal of this metric is to minimize cj, for all packets j. If fi is a monotonically increasing
function, then nodes will not be overused thus increasing their life, where fi can be tailored to
reflect a battery’s remaining life time.


Where, g (xi) is the normalized battery capacity.

4.2 Pseudo for Proposed Work

1: when node wants to send data
2: node sense channel. If it is free it simply sends data.
3: if (ACK == yes) then packet received successfully (repeat process 1)
4: if (ACK == no) means acknowledgment not received then new digital signature back-off is
called to calculate the waiting slot time.
5: if (n=number of node detect< no of transmission) then discard packet
End if
Step 6: wait till WT = 0 and then send packet again
If (sensor) then
Go to step 5
Go to step 1

Algorithm 1: Path Selection

The energy is the primary parameter that is used for the purpose of path selection. The energy of
all the nodes will be stocked in the structure of energy array on the source node so that energy
can be evaluated on the basis of path cost. E = (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, EN)
1) Initialize Node N and the Node N negotiates with the nodes in the transmission range.
2) Node i establishes its Neighbor Table with initial cost parameter on the basis of distance,
bandwidth & neighbor node id.
3) If the neighbor node NNi knows the path to the sink, then it will respond with route
information to the querying node I and node i will restore the routing information
4) Else the Neighbor node NNiwill forward the query to its querying node & it will proceed till it
arrives at the sink node. Once the path to sink is formed, the nodes will relay the route reply
towards the querying node.
5) After accepting the path info, Node i cut down the path with repeated entries of nodes among
multipath and establish finalized cost of path.
Path Forwarding
The path forwarding is the process of the choosing the path to transmit the data and then send the
data over the selected path. The path forwarding process has been completed using the
bandwidth, path energy and neighbor node algorithm

1) When Node i has some data to transmit, it will reexamine the desirable paths towards
sink node and the Node i analyze the Path P = {P1, P2, P3,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,PN}based upon
their cost information.
2) 2) Node i measures the path information on the basis of Residual Energy ( REp), Next
Hop, Neighbor ID (Nidp) & Available Bandwidth (bwp).
3) 3) The path with higher REp is chosen and If all the path have identical REp then,Path
with maximum bwp is preferred and data is transmitted through the selected P.


Create a Mobile Ad-hoc network of 100 nodes

Explain the member nodes of one BS (Base station) according

to given range

Select the neighbor member of nodes which is neighbor to the

base station

Send the packets from one node to another node

Analysis the parameter such as no of packets under MANET

Get the region

alive node in

Apply DAODV PROTOCOL to do detect

under the network dead node or not

Figure 4.2: Proposed flow chart

Figure 4.2 displays Flow diagram of scheme for energy optimization, a network resets with the
node size, area, position in network. In this network sensor nodes are deployed in random
manner for mobile sensor node. The sensor node position is reported to the sink node and locates
the Centre for network. Then energy metric usages routing algorithms for calculating power

1. In the inverse way, the same path occurs among some two nodes of having like weight.
2. The path among two nodes is not extant when there is no acknowledgement however reverse
path extant.
3. for reverse path weight should be same .if this condition is not fulfilled then path is invalid.

Algorithm for our implementation


Sd = Distance based node sequence

FRREQ = First Route Request

NODEPRV = Previous Node

Broadcasts RREQ packet:this protocol works in the route reply phase only .

If RREP packet received then

Sends data packets


NI  Link Status for Next Hop Then RREQ=0; // where NI =Intermediate Nodes

Let distance be a |v|*|v| array of minimum distances initialized to infinity.

For each vertex v
Distance [v][v]← 0
For each edge (u,v)
Distance [u][v] ← w(u,v) //the weight of the edge (u,v)
For k from 1 to |v|
For i from 1 to |v|
For j from 1 to |v|
If distance[i][j] > distance[i][k] + distance[k][j]
Distance[i][j] ← distance[i][k] + distance[k][j]
End if
end of for j
end of for i
end of for k
End If

Verify Availability for trust Mechanism

while (prev)

if (Node_id->Nt)

prev = Nprev NAprev; // where Nprev =previous Normal Node and

// NAprev = Previous of Advance Node

Advance node energy Sn= Sd > D’ (Sequence Node energy) ------significance of this equation…
why we do need energy more than the destination node.

else {

prev = Nprev  NAprev;

if ((newnode->next = prev1->next))

newnode next->prev 1

tail = newnode; prev->next = newnode; return; } }

If RREP packet received from suspected node then

Initiates a route to next node

if( Tmin =no of node (node energy(in Jule)) ) //minmum Thrashold Tmin

S dst-- =>S, //Reverse route of source destination route should meet the trust

//requirement of the data packet. In other words, Non-Repudiated

// of the qualified route is greater than the requirement of the data

//packet. If such routes are found



Sends FRREQ packet to next node

If FRREP packet received then

Extract FRREP packet information

If next node has a route to (destination &weak nodes) then

Discards FRREP packet

Unicasts RREP to source node

Otherwise Discards both RREP and FRREP packets

Broadcasts Normal energy node

while (prev)

if (then Node_id->N_sort < prev->Node_id->N_sort)

prev = prev->prev; // Go up the queue



if ((newnode->next = prev->next))

newnode->next->prev = newnode;


tail = newnode;

prev->next = newnode;


Simulation results of DAODV protocol along with AODV and DSDV in MATLAB shows that,
DAODV protocol establishes multiple alternative paths during the path establishment stage. The
packet delivery ratio, Network lifetime and the Energy are measured. As nodes in the robust path
bear implicit geographic information about the intended path, they could react quickly to the link
failure through cooperation. Although DAODV protocol establishes multiple backup paths to
enhance the robustness against path breakage; it is possible that all paths fail simultaneously. As
time elapses, paths become invalid. Since all nodes are moving, it is very likely that some links
on several discovered paths break shortly.

Table 1.Simulation Parameter (Input):- Below mentioned is simulation parameter that we

configure in our proposed simulation:
Parameters Value
No of nodes, n 100
N/w size X × Y 100 × 100
Receiver Energy, ERX 50nJ
Transmitter Energy, ETX 50nJ
Free space Energy Consumption, Efs .01nJ
Multipath Energy Consumption, Emp .0013pJ
Initial Energy, E0 0.5J
Data Aggregation Energy, EDA 5nJ
Packet size 1400bits
Percentage of advanced nodes, m 0.1, 0.2& 0.3
Multiple of normal node energy, a 1, 2, 3
Figure 5.1: Energy on No. Traffic size

Figure 5.1 shows the comparisons of throughput obtained using DAODV protocol along with
AODV, DSDV and DAODV protocols. Results show that DAODV protocol Mobile as a trust
protocol similar to AODV, DSDV and DAODV protocols. Energy refers to the number of
packets delivered to the base station by the sink node at any instance of time. When compared to
the existing algorithm the Energy is high in the proposed algorithm. It traverses through the
shortest path inside the sensing field and collects updated data on time and hence delivers more
number of packets at any instance of time to the base station.
Figure 5.1: Network lifetime on No. Mobile nodes

In the event that the battery power is high in all the energy hubs in the MANET, organize
lifetime is expanded. So this considers hub vitality. Expanding the system lifetime of MANET is
extremely basic in light of the fact that the vast majority of the gadgets in this system work with
the assistance of battery power. On the off chance that the battery control goes down in any of
the hubs in this system, the course settled by means of that hub gets influenced and prompts bad
transmission of information packages. One noteworthy issue is that building up the course and
keeping up the course is extremely troublesome in MANET. This issue emerges because of the
regular development of hubs and depletion of hubs because of the low battery. We can expand
the system lifetime of MANET with the assistance of our proposed convention DAODV
(Destination Sequenced Distance Vector and Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector). The DAODV
convention is an on request source steering convention that utilizations battery lifetime and
versatility expectation. This convention chooses the way which has the hub with high lifetime to
exchange the information bundles from source to goal. The hubs in this system will be splitted
into many bunches. Each bunch constitutes gathering of hubs with various lifetime. The battery
energy of every last hub in these bunches is computed. In this manner the lifetime of the hubs
can be resolved. The course is set up among different groups by interfacing the hubs with high
lifetime. In this manner the information bundles can be transmitted through the course found.
The figure given beneath demonstrates the development of bunches in the system.

Figure 5.3: Packet delivery ratio on No. Mobile nodes

Figure 5.3 shows that the good degree of reliability while transmit as a multiple paths are kept in
the routing protocol. The routing process in DAODV Mobile is similar to AODV and DSDV. It
is clear from the figure above that packet delivery ratio of DAODV achieved more when
compared to AODV and DSDV protocols.

This thesis immersed on the network life time, PDR and Energy. It would be important to reflect
other metrics like power consumption, the number of hops to route the packet, fault tolerance,
minimizing the number of control packets etc., this thesis also deals with the problem of
incurring coverage problem and communication problems. Adding the route stability arena to the
RREQ packet in routing protocol avoids selection of unstable routes automatically during
establishing a route. This study is based on several simulation runs considering different
performance evaluation metrics with varying pause times. We examined the performing of
existing protocol and proposed routing protocols on the basis of these metrics which include,
network life time, PDR and Energy with some security parameter which is authenticity, integrity,
availability etc. The simulation runs better results for minimize drop packet on the basis of
higher energy route and collect maximum packet delivered ratio , then control drop packet with
lower energy nodes in distance vector in favor of proposed protocol . This is due to the proposed
provisions which not only decrease the packet damage rate and the end-to-end delay but also
improve the operation of the network resources increasing the throughput and average route


Our future plan includes extending the approach to allow for an event mobility-aware method. In
other words, since simulation results show that the performance of our approach is highly
dependent on data generation areas stability; we are currently studying different mobility profiles
of the observed event. We mainly focus on tracking strategies which we expect to be very
helpful in some sensor applications where the observed phenomenon motion can be predicted
and tracked.

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draft ietf-manet-zrp-02.
MANET: Mobile Adhoc Network
AODV: Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing
AQR: Asynchronous Quality of Service Routing
BR: Bandwidth Routing Protocol
CBR: Constant Bit Rate
CEDAR: Core Extraction Distributed Adhoc Routing
DSDV: Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing
DSR: Dynamic Source Routing
GPS: Global Positioning System
MAC: Medium Access Control
OLMQR: On-demand Link-state Multipath QoS Routing
OQR: On-demand Quality of Service Routing
PLBQR: Predictive Location-Based QoS Routing
PRTMAC: Proactive Real-Time MAC
SWAN: Stateless Wireless Adhoc Network
TBP: Ticket Based QoS Routing
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
PCM: Power Control Medium Access Control
DPCP: Dynamic Power Control Protocol
AODVLP: Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing with Link Prediction
DPCPLP: Dynamic Power Control Protocol with Link Prediction
IFS: Inter Frame Space
SIFS: Shorter Inter Frame Space
DIFS: Differentiated Inter Frame Space
EIFS: Enhanced Inter Frame Space
NAV: Network Allocation Vector
CW: Contention Window
RTS: Request To Send
CTS: Clear To Send
ACK: Acknowledgement

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