Cyclic Performance of Full-Scale RC Columns Retrofitted Using External Jacketing Methods
Cyclic Performance of Full-Scale RC Columns Retrofitted Using External Jacketing Methods
Cyclic Performance of Full-Scale RC Columns Retrofitted Using External Jacketing Methods
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A total of seven full-scale specimens were constructed and tested at the Center for Research on
Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in Taiwan: one as-built benchmark specimen and the other six specimens
were retrofitted using various methods. Using a stiff frame, reinforced concrete column specimens were
subjected to high axial forces and cyclic reverse-curvature moments. A companion paper describing the
emergency retrofit technology for improving the column load carrying capacity is to be presented by the
Japanese collaborators in the 14WCEE. This paper presents the retrofit techniques for rectangular RC columns
using three retrofit schemes. The objectives of this study include: (1) validating existing retrofit schemes using
steel jacketing and CFRP wrapping (2) evaluating the CFRP retrofit schemes using the CFRP anchors
conveniently made by hands, and (3) analyzing the responses of the tested specimens. Experimental results
demonstrated that the seismic performance of the stated rectangular RC columns can be significantly enhanced
by properly-constructed octagonal steel jacket. Comparing with the one retrofitted by CFRP wrapping only, the
cyclic load carrying performance of the specimen was significantly improved by using the CFRP wrapping and
the proposed CFRP anchors.
KEYWORDS: Seismic retrofit, Octagonal steel jacket, CFRP wrapping, CFRP anchors
A number of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings were severely damaged or collapsed in Taiwan during the 1999
Chi-Chi earthquake. It was observed that a lack of ductility capacity of the ground-floor columns was the key
factor, among many others, responsible for the collapse of these buildings. In particular, numerous RC buildings
were severely damaged due to the shear failure of columns. In order to improve the seismic performance of
existing RC buildings, a Taiwan-Japan Cooperative Research Program on investigating the effective
retrofit methods for reinforced concrete columns was launched at the Center for Research on Earthquake
Engineering (NCREE) in 2006. Since the occurrence of the Chi-Chi earthquake, the building codes were
modified. The demand of the design base shear has been increased. Nevertheless, there still exist a large number
of RC buildings without sufficient column shear strength. Hence, seismic retrofitting to improve the columns’
seismic strength and ductility has become an urgent research issue. In fact, a large number of tests have been
conducted in NCREE in recent years to evaluate the effectiveness of various retrofit schemes on RC building
columns, walls or systems. Some of the retrofit methods have been adopted in the construction sites. For
example, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) wrapping, enlarged RC columns, and external steel jacketing
are common. In this paper, seismic column retrofit result using the CFRP jacketing and the CFRP anchors is
compared with the one without the CFRP anchors. The paper concludes with the key test results of the four
Following the latest Taiwan Seismic Provisions for RC buildings, the equivalent transverse pressure can be
The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China
expressed as:
Ash f yh ⎛A ⎞
≥ 0.3 f c' ⎜⎜ g − 1⎟⎟ (2.1)
shc ⎝ Ach ⎠
Ash f yh
≥ 0.09 f c' (2.2)
Where Ash is the total area of transverse reinforcements, fyh is the yield stress of transverse reinforcements, s is
the spacing of transverse reinforcements, hc is the center-to-center distance of the transverse reinforcements, Ag
is the gross area of the column, Ach is the area enclosed by the transverse reinforcements, and f c' is the
compressive strength of concrete.
Considering the confinement provided by the external jacketing, Eqn.2.1 and Eqn.2.2 can be written as:
B ⎧⎪⎧ '⎛
Ag ⎞ ⎫ Ash f yh ⎫⎪
t rf = ⎨⎨0.3 f c ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ , 0.09 f c' ⎬ − ⎬
2 f rf ⎪⎩⎩ ⎝ Ach ⎠ ⎭max shc ⎪⎭
Where trf is the required thickness of the external jacket, B is the width of the gross column, frf is the strength of
the external jacket. All the external jackets of the specimens were designed based on Eqn.2.3.
In many existing RC buildings, the details of 90o hooked stirrups and without the use of cross ties in columns are
non-ductile and not meeting the confinement requirements prescribed in Eqns. 2.1 and 2.2. In this study, a total of
four specimens were designed based on reinforcing details commonly found in the existing RC buildings in Taiwan.
As shown in Fig. 1, the column reinforcing details of the four columns are identical, consisting of 12-25mm diameter
vertical bars. The spacing of 10mm diameter stirrups is 250mm. The column height is 1800mm and the cross section
is 600mm x 600mm. The fabrication details of the specimens are shown in Fig.1. The tension test results of
reinforcements are shown in Table 2.1. All four specimens were constructed in two steps: (1) the foundations were
first poured before pouring the columns; and (2) the cross heads were poured after the strength of the foundation had
reached up to 70% of the nominal strength. The compression test results of concrete cylinders are shown in Table 2.2.
After the construction was completed, three different types of retrofit methods were applied to the specimens. Each
specimen was named as that described in Table 2.3. Octagonal steel jacketing retrofit scheme was first evaluated in
2002 in Taiwan where test results showed that the performance of the column was significantly enhanced. The CFRP
wrapping technique is also a common and practical retrofit method in Taiwan. The performance of CFRP wrapped
columns with or without the use of CFRP anchors is examined in this paper. The three different retrofit schemes
adopted in the research are shown in Fig.2.
It is intended to have the test specimens be subjected to high axial forces and reverse-curvature moments to reflect the
real conditions of RC columns. Therefore, an L-shaped test frame was designed accordingly to meet the requirement.
Test setup is shown in Fig.3. Two horizontal hydraulic actuators provided the lateral forces and the other two vertical
hydraulic actuators supplied axial loads. The two vertical actuators were kept in a fixed stroke during the test to make
the L-shaped frame move back and forth horizontally. The imposed lateral displacement time history is shown in
Fig.4. The test was stopped once the strength of the specimen became lower than 80% of its peak strength.
Table 2.2 Compression test results of cylinders Table 2.3 ID of the specimens
Nominal Compressive Specimen Retrofit Method
Location Strength Strength R06-BM No retrofit (benchmark)
(MPa) (MPa) R06-RF1 rectangular carbon fiber
Foundation 20.60 17.95 rectangular carbon fiber with
Cross Head 20.60 24.01 CFRP anchor bolts
Column 20.60 23.48 R06-OS1 octagonal steel jacket
D10 (#3) 100
Rebar:12-D25 (#8)
C.C. = 4.0cm
PT Anchor Rod
D13@5cm 89mm PVC hole
D10 (#3)
D13@5cm(both end)
D13@10cm(middle region)
150 150
D25 (#8)@12cm Unit: cm
5cm 5 Layers 160cm
gap (60cm)
OCT 128cm
Grouted 5 Layers
60x60 18cm
Drift Angle(%)
1 No. of Cycles
The benchmark specimen (R06-BM) was designed to fail in shear. When the drift angle reached the 1.0% radian,
shear cracks occurred diagonally and the strength of the column decreased rapidly. The specimen retrofitted with the
octagonal steel jacket, R06-OS1, had the reinforcements fractured due to the low cycle fatigue when the drift angle
reached 7.0% radians. The strength and the ductility of the specimen were significantly enhanced with adequate
confinement provided by the steel jacket. The failure mode was changed from shear failure to flexural failure.
Specimens R06-RF1 and R06-RF2 both were wrapped with CFRP. In addition, forty CFRP anchors were applied on
the four faces of the column of specimen R06-RF2. CFRP fracture occurred in both two specimens, but it was
observed that the CFRP anchors delayed the fracture of the CFRP wrapping and improved the ductility of the column
(increase the drift ratio from 4.0% radians to 6.0% radians). The specimen R06-OS1 exhibited the best performance
among all the three retrofitted specimens. The failure modes of the specimens are shown in Fig.5. The lateral force
versus the drift relationships of the four specimens are shown in Fig.6.
Comparing all the retrofit schemes, the response envelopes of all specimens are shown in Fig.7. It can be found that
the performance of the retrofitted specimens was significantly improved. The peak shear strength and the maximum
drift ratio of the four specimens are shown in Table 3.1. It is evident that all three retrofit schemes enhance the shear
strength and ductility. Figure 8 shows the hoop strain readings found on the face of the octagonal steel jacket on
R06-OS1 at a distance of 20cm from the top of the foundation. From all other strains found at different levels, it is
confirmed that the steel jacket remained elastic during the entire cyclic loading test. Figure 9 shows the hoop strain
comparisons of the two specimens using CFRP wrapping. The strain was more uniform on the specimen R06-RF2
from the readings of the strain gauges glued on the faces of CFRP. It can be found that the strain growth was
smoother in R06-RF2 than in R06-RF1 as drift angle increased. It is clear that the CFRP anchors effectively reduce
the hoop strain as the column lateral deformations increase. Evidently, the use of CFRP anchors effectively delayed
the fracture of CFRP jacketing. Further studies on the detail responses of CFRP anchors are required in order to
develop the design recommendations.
Four strain gauges were glued on the transverse reinforcements of the columns at each one of the four different levels
(height=40cm, 90cm, 140cm, and 165cm). Figure 10 shows the strains (H=40cm) when the lateral actuators were
pushing. It is obvious that the transverse reinforcements of R06-BM remained in elastic range even when shear
failure occurred. The strain of the transverse reinforcements was very small on R06-OS1. This suggests that the steel
jacket has provided sufficient confinement to the column and effectively decreased the demand on the transverse
reinforcements. Specimens R06-RF1 and R06-RF2 had similar strain histories. The transverse reinforcements yielded
when the drift ratio increased. It appears that the CFRP wrapping effectively make the transverse steel participating in
resisting the applied loads. Moreover, the CFRP anchors delayed the fracture of the CFRP wrapping.
2000 2000
Lateral Force (kN)
Lateral Force (kN)
0.3 0.3
R06-OS1 H= 20cm R06-OS1 H= 20cm
0.2 0.2
yielding yielding
Strain (%)
Strain (%)
0.1 0.1
0 0
34 5
-0.1 1 -0.1
1 2 3 1 2 3
-0.2 4 5 -0.2 4 5
-0.3 -0.3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Drift Ratio (% radian) Drift Ratio (% radian)
(a) (b)
Figure 8 Readings of strain gauges on the face of steel jacket: (a) pull (b) push
0.5 0.5
R06-RF1 R06-RF1
H=20cm H=20.0cm
0.4 R06-RF2 0.4 R06-RF2
Strain Gauge 1 Strain Gauge 2
Strain (%)
Strain (%)
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drift Ratio (% radian) Drift Ratio (% radian)
0.4 0.4
H=20cm R06-RF1 H=20cm R06-RF1
R06-RF2 R06-RF2
0.3 Strain Gauge 3 0.3 Strain Gauge 4
Strain (%)
Strain (%)
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drift Ratio (% radian) Drift Ratio (% radian)
1.5 1.5
Gauge 1 H=40cm Gauge 2 H=40cm
Strain (%) 1 1
Strain (%)
0.5 0.5
0 0
Yield Strain Yield Strain
-0.5 R06-BM -0.5 R06-BM
R06-OS1 R06-OS1
-1 R06-RF1 -1 R06-RF1
R06-RF2 R06-RF2
-1.5 -1.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Drift Ratio (% radian) Drift Ratio (% radian)
(a) Strain Gauge 1 (b) Strain Gauge2
1.5 1.5
Gauge 3 H=40cm Gauge 4 H=40cm
1 1
Strain (%)
0 0
Yield Strain Yield Strain
-0.5 R06-BM -0.5 R06-BM
R06-OS1 R06-OS1
-1 R06-RF1 -1 R06-RF1
R06-RF2 R06-RF2
-1.5 -1.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Drift Ratio (% radian) Drift Ratio (% radian)
(c) Strain Gauge 3 (d) Strain Gauge4
Figure 10 Comparison of strain gauge readings on the transverse reinforcements
PISA3D, developed at NCREE, is an useful structural analysis software. It is very convenient to build nonlinear
numerical models for 3D structures using the material and element libraries provided in PISA3D. In this paper,
beam-column elements with three parameters degrading rule were used to simulate the cyclic behavior of the
specimens. The stated three degrading parameters include the stiffness degradation (S1), strength deterioration (S2),
and for the simulation of pinching effects (S3). Moreover, it is possible to input a second set of three parameters
separated by a boundary value (BV). The BV is the ratio of the critical strain to the yield strain, to trigger the use of
the second set of parameters. It could allow a more precise simulation of RC elements subjected to large strain
reversals. The parameters adopted for the three specimens are shown in Table 4.1. The flexural capacity of the
columns is based on the steel reinforcement coupon test results and confined concrete model. The simulation versus
the test results of the three retrofitted specimens are shown in Fig.11. The cyclic responses of the specimens are well
simulated using PISA3D.
Three different retrofit schemes have been tested in this research. The results can provide practical applications in the
field. For the application of CFRP anchors, the design criterion needs to be developed. Conclusions for this paper are:
1. All the three retrofitted specimens exhibited better performance than the benchmark specimens not only on shear
strength but also on ductility.
2. The fractures of the CFRP wrapping caused the failure of Specimens R06-RF1 and R06-RF2. However, the
performance of R06-RF2 (peak drift ratio 6.0% radians) is better than R06-RF1 (peak drift ratio 4.0% radians)
due to the use of the CFRP anchors.
3. The CFRP anchors effectively reduced the hoop strain and delayed the fracture of the CFRP jacketing.
4. The octagonal steel jacketing used in Specimen R06-OS1 performed the best among all the three retrofitted
specimens. Although only a 6mm thick steel plate was used, the steel jacket remained elastic during large
deformations of the column. It is evident that the octagonal steel jacketing scheme can effectively provide lateral
5. The cyclic responses of the three retrofitted specimens can be satisfactorily simulated using the PISA3D
computer program.
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