This document lists 76 different spice and seasoning products including their weights, prices, and market prices per kilogram where applicable. The products include items like asam jawa, bawang merah, cabai, daun jeruk, jahe, ketumbar and others. For each item the name, packaging unit, weight if listed in grams, and price per package or kilogram is provided.
This document lists 76 different spice and seasoning products including their weights, prices, and market prices per kilogram where applicable. The products include items like asam jawa, bawang merah, cabai, daun jeruk, jahe, ketumbar and others. For each item the name, packaging unit, weight if listed in grams, and price per package or kilogram is provided.
This document lists 76 different spice and seasoning products including their weights, prices, and market prices per kilogram where applicable. The products include items like asam jawa, bawang merah, cabai, daun jeruk, jahe, ketumbar and others. For each item the name, packaging unit, weight if listed in grams, and price per package or kilogram is provided.
This document lists 76 different spice and seasoning products including their weights, prices, and market prices per kilogram where applicable. The products include items like asam jawa, bawang merah, cabai, daun jeruk, jahe, ketumbar and others. For each item the name, packaging unit, weight if listed in grams, and price per package or kilogram is provided.
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1 Asam Jawa small pack Rp 2,000.00 2 Asam Jawa Biasa pack Rp 8,000.00 3 Asam Jawa Spesial medium Rp 9,000.00 4 Asam Kandis Rp 3,000.00 5 Bawang Bombay 250 Rp 8,000.00 Rp 22,000.00 6 Bawang Goreng sepcial pack Rp 2,000.00 7 Bawang Merah 250 Rp 16,000.00 Rp 25,000.00 8 Bawang Merah Halus pack Rp 3,000.00 9 Bawang Putih 250 Rp 19,000.00 Rp 24,500.00 10 Bawang Putih halus pack Rp 3,000.00 11 Biji Adas pack Rp 1,500.00 12 Biji Pala pack Rp 3,000.00 13 Bubuk Kare pack Rp 6,000.00 14 Bumbu Ayam Goreng pack Rp 3,500.00 15 Bumbu Ayam Goreng Special pack Rp 4,000.00 16 Bumbu Bleng Special Rp 8,000.00 17 Bumbu Gulai pack Rp 3,500.00 18 Bumbu Gulai Ikan pack Rp 3,500.00 19 Bumbu Gulai Spesial pack Rp 4,000.00 20 Bumbu Kare Halus Rp 3,500.00 21 Bumbu Lengkap paket Rp 3,000.00 22 Bumbu Opor spesial pack Rp 4,000.00 23 Bumbu pecel small pack Rp 4,000.00 24 Bumbu Rendang Halus pack Rp 3,500.00 25 Bumbu Rendang Spesial pack Rp 4,000.00 26 Bumbu Semur pack Rp 4,500.00 27 Bumbu Soto pack Rp 3,500.00 28 Bunga Pekak / Lawang pack Rp 2,000.00 29 Cabe Bubuk 250 Rp 27,000.00 30 Cabe Giling Halus Spesial pack Rp 4,000.00 31 Cabe Giling Kasar pack Rp 3,000.00 32 Cabe Hijau Besar 250 Rp 24,000.00 Rp 25,000.00 33 Cabe Hijau Besar pack Rp 8,000.00 34 Cabe Hijau Keriting 250 Rp 15,000.00 Rp 25,000.00 35 Cabe Hijau Keriting pack Rp 8,000.00 Rp 25,000.00 36 Cabe Merah Besar pack Rp 11,000.00 Rp 28,000.00 37 Cabe Merah Keriting 250 Rp 15,000.00 38 Cabe Merah Keriting pack Rp 11,000.00 39 Cabe Rawit Hijau 250 Rp 27,000.00 Rp 25,000.00 40 Cabe Rawit Hijau pack Rp 8,000.00 Rp 25,000.00 41 Cabe Rawit Merah 250 Rp 28,000.00 42 Cabe Jablay kg Rp 48,000.00 43 Cengkeh pack Rp 3,000.00 44 Daun Bawang pack Rp 3,000.00 45 Daun Bawang Seledri paket Rp 3,000.00 46 Daun Jeruk pack Rp 3,000.00 47 Daun Pandan pack Rp 2,000.00 48 Daun Salam pack Rp 2,000.00 49 Garam Masak pack Rp 2,000.00 50 Gula Merah 250 Rp 8,000.00 51 Jahe pack Rp 3,000.00 52 Jahe Halus pack Rp 3,000.00 53 Jeruk Limau / Limo pack Rp 3,000.00 Rp 13,000.00 54 Jeruk Nipis 250 Rp 8,000.00 Rp 18,000.00 55 Jeruk NIpis pack Rp 4,000.00 56 Jintan pack Rp 1,500.00 57 Kacang Tanah 250 Rp 11,000.00 58 Kapulaga pack Rp 2,000.00 59 Kayu Manis pack Rp 2,000.00 60 Kelapa Gongseng pack Rp 4,000.00 61 Kemiri 100 Rp 8,000.00 62 Kemiri pack Rp 3,000.00 63 Kencur pack Rp 2,000.00 64 Ketumbar pack Rp 2,000.00 65 Kluwak pack Rp 3,000.00 66 Kunyit / Kunir pack Rp 2,000.00 67 Kunyit Halus pack Rp 3,000.00 68 Lemon Lokal Kecil pack Rp 3,000.00 69 Lemon Lokal Sedang 250 Rp 11,000.00 70 Lengkuas / Laos Rp 2,000.00 71 Merica / Lada Putih pack Rp 5,000.00 72 Serai / Sereh pack Rp 2,000.00 73 Serai / Sereh Halus pack Rp 3,000.00 74 Tauco pack Rp 2,000.00 75 Temu Kunci pack Rp 2,000.00 76 Terasi spesial juek Rp 10,000.00 77 Daun Kunyit pack Rp 3,000.00