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DIN 5480-3, Involute Spline Joints
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UDC 621,824.44 DEUTSCHE NORM October 1991 Involute spline joints 30° pressure angle Basic dimensions and test dimensions for modules 0,5, 0,6, 0,75, 0,8 and 1 Zahnwellen-Verbindungen mit Evolvententlanken; Eingrifswinkel 30°; ‘Supersedes Nennma8e, MeBgréBen, Modul 0,5, 06, 0,75, 0,8 und 1 March 1986 edition In keeping with curent practice in standards published by the Intemational Organization for Standardization (1S0), a comma hhas been used throughout as the decimal marker. ‘See DIN 5480 Part 1 for symbols, quantities and examples of designation. Dimensions in mm 1 Module 0,5 (nin = 0,08) [+021 +021 +021 + 02t +021 +021 +021] 339 +021] 349 +021] 359 +021] 369 fo2t| 37.9 38 t +021] 389 39 +021) 39,9 1) Theoretical root diameter as specified in DIN 6480 Part 1. 2) Limit deviations of theoretical root diameters. 3 : 3 ae Shaft i 4 tip | root laddendum ui diameter, ‘modit- fn ae) catlon, 3 i | Aac®) 3] 055 : 70 oF 07 a2 cra T_[+ 019) u a ee i 16 oF 079 uy 78 10+ 0.19 ze 20 i] 0:79 it 2 12 [+018 il 24 13+ 020 ; 26 14 [4-020 i 2B 15 [#020 B 30 16+ 020 3 32 i7_|+ 020 25 34 18 |+ 020) 7,045 zy 36 i9_[+ 020 1005. Re 20__|+ 020 "i048 i Bi [# 020 1045; ig 2+ 020: 1,045_| 2 23_|+ 020: 51045: 5 24+ 020: 1045 i 25 [4-020 1048 2 26[r021 “1045: ° 27 [+021 008: 1045 045: 7.045. i045: 1B BLS Sia si2is Saal s/ss\s) Beales i 37 Be ejelelelelellelelelelslslslslslalelalal |B) 8|9)8 8] 2 ali) 8 Continued on pages 2 to 11 Sch vos Gr et hash xan Ta Tsar Gna Sando ON NEM DIN 5480 Part 3 Engl Price group 8Page 2 DIN 5480 Part 3 ‘Test dimension between pins y lug Test dimension over pins ‘Space width over spaces, fr base tangent length over i teeth Table 2. Test imenslons for side ft r ub and shaft wwe Tae = Fae Jomnaen| Mego fence Pi | Deviation | Deviation) Measu Wi sameter| "°° | immer, | amen |PRaeton”| ctameter, | SMe |PRacton”| UmBET AF | op dp a Du Mi | Atw Du Me | Aite i | A= 0866 | 10 7 B7e7_| 201s_| 125 | 751 | 1,108 ay SSS, 7 | 2 1 400_[1,950_[ 135 | 8540 | 7,238 3 3.905 o [4 7 “sa01| 1910 | 128 | 9.564 | 1.266 3 3952, ‘9 | 16 i 6803 [1883 [ 135 | to.588 | 1.200 ay 5.359 70 | 18 1 7.808 | 1,863 [ 4.0 | 10961_| 1.991 a 5.405 “1_|_20 aa ‘04 | 1a47 | 10_| 14,970. | 1411 4 5.452 a | 2 1 9a05_| 1835 | 10 | 12978 | 1.420 3 6.859 13 | 24 1 i005 [1825 10 | 13,985 | 1.444 5 6.305 14 | 28 i 41906 [1817 10 | 14991 | 1.450 5 6952 | 15 | 38 af vp06 | 1ant_| 10 | 15996 |_1.472 6 8358 [16] 20 t 13807 | 1805 | 1.0 | 17.9001_| 1.488 6 8.405; | i ‘14807 | 1,800_[ 1,0 | 18005" | 1.404 6 3.452 1 | 34 t 75807 |_1,795~| 10 | 18,008 | 1.508 T 9.868 13 | 36 t iee07 | i792 | 49 | 20013 [1513 T 9,905 20_[ 38 t i707 | i7e8[ 10, 21016 | 1524 T 93952 a fat 19808_|i765~[ 40 | 22010 [1.520 ne TE) 2 [a2 7 19008 | 1762 | 10 | 25022 | 1.556" 8 11,405; 2 [4 1 zogos | 1.760 | 10 | 2424 | 1.542 8 11482, 24 | 46 t 21808 | 1.778 | 1.0 | 25026 | 1.540 s 12859 [25 [a8 1 226068 | 1776 | 40] 26020 | 1.558 [9 72,905; 26 [50 + 73,608_| 1774} 1.0 | 7081 | 1,560 @ 12982 a7 Sz 1 24,08 | 1,772 i) 28,033 10 14,388 26 | 54 + 25808| 1.71 | 10 | 38,088 10 [14.405 29 [56 t 26608 [1.769] 19 | -s0036 “10 14,452 30] 88 t 27808 | 1.768 | 1.0] e1.088 11 15.558 a1 | 6 7 e808 | 1767 | 10 | 32030 11 15905 a i 9800_| 1765_| 1.0 | 38,080 1 "15,952, 33 | et 1 30.800 | 1,764 | 1,0 | 94082 2 17.358 a4] 65 1 31.609 [1,763 | 10 | 35048, 2 17.405 35_ [6st 32800 [176210 | 96044 12 17452 3610 T 39809 [i781 [10 | 37,045, 13 18,859 s7an|ami7a 1 34e09 | 176r_| 10 | 38046 13 18.905 se 74 t 35800 | 1.760 | 1,0 | 39.088 13 18,952 30 | 76 i "36809 | i,759 | 1,0, 40,048 ja] 20368 40 [78 t ‘37,00 | 1.758 | 19] a,009_| 1.612 14 20,405, 7) Since exact measurement of base tangent length is not possible, measurement betwoen (Over) the pins Is recommended.DIN 5480 Part 3 Page 3 2 Module 0,6 (ojmin= 0.10) (For ilustration, see page 1) Table 3. Basle dimensions 793, 72 72 | 6235 | 68 | 8 |+o021| 7.98] 668 13 | 78 | 6765 | 78 | 9 |+021| 898| 7.68 |-043| 699 Tb Tat Tae ater | Na nee | "ber to | woot | tp | ot | Formate | Stat, | math diam- of diameter, diameter, Gameter, |modification,| thick ie | tot ness de!) ds!) » dy z qd dy | hip hip | Aan®)| dee | den om eos ass ss aa eer eer as as Sao, a tps [-ao- ise [ee [7 raat] ene | sis a0 B78 4 $ 70 | 15 | 90 | 7,704 | 88 | 70 [+021] 988) 868-043 9.99 11_| 17] 702 | 86a36|_98 | 11 |+0,21| 1088 | 9.68 |- 043] 1093 2 ros | 9363 | io8 | 12 [+021] 11.88 | 1068 | - 043 | 11,99, [33 120 [10,302 | 118 | 13_|+ 022) 12.88 | 11,68, 1294 14 732 [11,4815] 128 | 14 [+ 022) 13.88 | 1268, 7394 6 738 [11,981 | 138 | 18 [+022] 1488 | 19.68 |- 047] 1494 16 760 [12900 | 148 | 16 [+022] 15.88 | 1468 |-0.47| 1594 |" 7 162 [14,0296 158 |_17_|+0.22| 1688 | 1568 |- 0.47] 1694 18 | 168 [14549 | 168 | 18 |+0.22| 17.88 | 1668 |- 0.47] 17.94 760 [75,5885 17.8 ¥92 [16628 | 188 204 [17867 | 198 21,0 |16,1865| 208 222 [19.226 [218 228 |19,754 | 228 240 [20,785 | 236 252 [21.826 | 248 44] 264 [22863 | 258 4 | 27.0 [23,383 | 268 a7_| 282 [24422 | 278 ‘ae [288 [2442 | 288 50_| 800 [25961 | 298 31,2 [27,020 | 308 ea] 32.4 (20059 | 31.8 55 | 330 (28679 | 928 | 57_| 342 [30,618 | 338 38 | 34,8 [90,198 | 348 @0_| 860 [31.17 | 958 e2_| 72 [22216 | 968 [+022] 1888 | 17.68 |—047| 7898 [+022] 19.88 | 1868 |= 047] 79.98 + 0,22] 20,88 | 19,68 |- 0,47 | 20.94 [+ 022) 2188 | 2088 |= 047] 21.94 [+ 022] 2288 | 21.68 |- 047] 2298 [+0221 23.88 | 2268 |=047| 2394 [+ 022] 248 | 23.68 | 047] 24.98 [023] 258 | 2468 |= 051 2508 +028) 2638 | 25.68 |= 051 | 2604 [+023] 27,88 | 26,68 |= 0.51 | 27.94 ++ 023] 2888 [27.95 |= 051] 2394 [+023] 2988 | 2868 |- 081] 2094 +023] 2088 [29.68 | 081] 3094 +023] 3188 | 9088 |= 051] s1.04 +023] 3288 | 3168 [051] sod +023] 33.98 | 3268 |- 05] 33.94 +025] 3486 | 33,65 [051] sae +025) 3588 | 3468 |=051| 35.94 +023) 36.88 | 35.68 |= 051 96.94 +026] 37.86 | 3868 |=051/ 37:94 8/8/8 S/8]8/8)S/B|N/R1VI8]8 a 8{S/8) 8/2/18) 8/2/ 8/38 NS RBIS sis) 8|4)8 8/8|8/8| S/8)e|2)8/8/2)8) B/8/N) 8/8) e/8)8/s/3| 64 | 38.4_[33.255 | 37.8 | 30 [+ 073| 6888 | 37,68 |= 051 38.94 4| 384 [39.255 _| 368 | 40 [+ 0,23] 39,88 | 38,68 |- 051] 99.94 68 | 408 [35934 | 408 | 42 [+023] 41.88 | 40.68 |- 051] 41.94 74_| 44.4 [06.4516] 438 | 45 [+ 023) 4486 | aa68 |= 051] 4404 76 | 456 [30.401 | 458 | 47+ 023| 4688 | 45.68 | 051 | 46.98 78_| 468 [40,590 | 468 | 48 +023] 47.88 | 46.68 |- 051] 47:94 For *) and 2), see page 1Page 4 DIN 5480 Part 3 For illustration, see page 2. Table 4. Test dimensions for side ft . Fab Sat Tab and shat Mabe | pn | B28 |peviton] rm | B88 Deviation] Measured | wi, siarter, | Amer |PRton”| ame, | me |PRact”| PHRBET OF | for a ™M Ati Du Me. Alte k Ab = 0,866 3 a 70 as72_| ire] 15 | eer ~ize | 2 2.508 12 5959 | 1,95 4,25 9327 | 1,36 3 4486 o [8 eee 100 | 4s | voves[ ize | ari 70 | 15 Teas_| 174] 128 | W280" 1363 40670 [a7 gear [ie | 425 vas07 [ia | 4688 | |e 3969 | “iss as [tase [ise] 606 13 20 10,972, 174 4,25 14,332 143 4 6442, 1 | 2 14908-| ge [128 | 6a72 | a7 [a 6388 1 | 2 wasar_[ ter | 428 | tears | iaz | 6258 ie | 25 iaas_[ ie] 1987810 | 148 | 8 azia_| | 27 jas0_[—as1| 128 | tease | 151 5 3.170 18 | 28 1g970-| 468] 128 [-voaa0 | 148 | 6 | T0080 19 20. 76972 | 174) 1.25 | 2065 | 1,50 6 9986 | 2 [= i7se8 [180 | 125 argos [153 | 6 e042 [3a ED 18,957 1,86 1,25, 22417 4.57, 6 9,808 Ey 35 jo951 | 174 125 | 23383) 1,52 7 71,758 _| zm [ 37 paseo | 179 | 125 | 24880 [55 7 [He 338 pert] 16s | 125 | 25956 [1 7 [ae 25 | 40 22972 | 1,74 1,25 26384 | 1,54 7 11,696 28 | sas69_[ ire | 1s | 2707 [187 [8 | —73.ae6 a7 44 24961 | 183 | 1.25 28,425 | 1,60 8 13,442 26 45 25,956 174 | 1.25 29,374 1,56 8 13,670, a | ar paa5t_|—i76| 128 | -s0es [158 | 0 | 1658 [8 pari —170_| 128 snare 4sa_[ 0 | i668 3t 50 | 28972_| 1,74 1.25 32,906 | _1.87_ 9 15,442 [se pes70-| 177 | 125 [saat | 190 | 9 15996 ES} 54 30.963 | 1.81 4,25 34,431 1,62 9 15.354 __| | 34 55 31,959 174 1,25, 35,387 1.58 10 17.214 5 37 32.957 | 1,77 1.25 36,405 1,61 10 47,170, [8 mor t7t] 428 erase [467 [tt 19,000 | 37 60 34.972 174 4,25 36,405 1,59 WW 18,986 38 e2 35970 | _1,77 1.25 99421 | 1.61 11 18,942 3 |e 33905] 180[ 125 | aoae [ie [11 7806 | 40 64 37,960 | 1,66 1,25 47,353 [1.55 12 27,030 | oe sari {—i7r [125 ages | 180 | 2 [20802 co 74 42,966 | 1,79 4,25 46,437 | 1.65 13 22,482 ar | 78 dagen —150—| 128 | aaa85 [159 | | — 2450 wee ago72 7171] 128 | «ea0a | 460 [ ia | 2488 For) see paoe 28 Module 0,75 inn = 012) (or ilustration, see page 1) Table 5. Basle dimensions DIN 8480 Part 3 Page 5 = Hub Shaft ‘Space nce | ber | Pitch | Base | ip root tip root Form circle | , Shaft a gree | ber | Giam- | diam \ arm circle | ddendum | (tooth eter, | eter, Semeter, Gameter, /modification,| — thick- eter, | tooth de’) di!) ness), dy z a dy | das | hi | Aan®| dor | hie | Aan?) | dee | den | xem | easy 058 055, mn | om é Beer] a8] 6 [rors] sas] 435|-040| 690] 445] + 087s | 1568 e 3196] 55 | 7 |+024| 685] 535 |-046| 690| 645| + 00875 | 1279 | ‘9 | 675 | 6a06| 65 | 8 |+024| 785 | 635 |-046| 790] 645 | +0212 | 1.423 i0_|_75 | 645] 78| 9 |+024| 895 | 735 |-046| 690] 7.45 | +03975 | 1565 2_| 99 | 7704] 85 _| 10_|+024| 985 | 835 |-048[ 990] 645] + 00875 | 1.279 13 |_975| 84a] 95 | 11 [+ 028| 1095 935 -046| 1090| 945! + 02125 | 1.429, 14 [708 | 9,008 | 705 | 12 [+ 024/71,85 | 10:35 |= 0.46 | 11.90 | 1045] + 08975 | 1,568 76 [120 [1092 | 11,5 | 13 [+ 025| 12.85 | 11.95 1.44. | + 00875_|_1,278 7 [12,76 [11083 | 125 | 14_[+ 025| 13.85 | 1235 1248 | + 02125 e135 _| 11697] 135 [1 [+ 025] 1485 | 13.5 1344 | + 03975 20 | 150 [12980 | 145 | _16_|+ 025] 1585 | 1435 1444 | + 00876, 21 | 167 [13.640 165 | 17 |+ 025| 16.85 | 16.35 16.44 | + 02125 22[ 165 [14200] 165 | 18 _|+ 025) 17.85 | 16.35) 1644 | + 03975 19 | 24 | 180 | 15.588| 175 | 19 [+ 0.26] 1886 | 17.35 |= 0.50 17.44 | + 00875 20_| 25 | 18,75 | 16,238 | 18,5 | 20 |+ 0,25] 19.85 | 16,36 [= 0,50 16,44 [+ 0.2125 21_ [26 | 795 [16887] 195 | 21 _|+ 025] 20,86 | 19,35 |= 0.50, 19.44 | + 038975 22 | 28 | 21,0 | 16,1668 | 205 | 22 | + 0.25] 21.85 | 20.35 |= 0.50 2044 | + 00875 | 29 | 2176 [16896 | 21,5 | 23 [+ 025) 2286 | 21,96 | = 0.60 2144 | + 02125 24 | 30 [225 | 19406] 225 | 26 |+025| 2586 | 22.35 | - 050, 22.44 | + 09375 [2s a2_| 240 [20,785 | 235 [25 [+ 0,25] 2488 | 23:35 |= 0.50| 2491 | 23.44 | + 0.0875 26 [ 33_| 2475 [21.404 | 245 | 26 [+ 026) 2585 | 24,95 |- O54 2443 [+ 0215 27 | 34 [255 [22064 | 255 | 27 [+ 026| 2686 | 25,96 | 0.64 | 2692 | 2649 | + 0.9975 26 | 36 [270 [23583 | 265 | 28 [+ 026| 27,85 | 26.95 | - 0,54| 27,92 | 2643 | + 00875 ‘29 [37 [7,76 [24082 27,5 | 29 [+ 026| 2885 | 27,55 |= 054 [274s | + 02125 | 30_| 38 | 285 30_|+ 026) 20.85 | 28,95 |= 0.54 2843 | + 03375 ai 40_ [300 15 | 81 _|+ 026] 8085 | 79,35 |- 054] 30.82 | 20.43 | + 0.0875 '32_| 41_| 30,75 [26630 | 30,5 | 32 | 026] 31,85 | 5035 |- 054| 81.92 | 3043.| + 0.2125 33 | 42 [315 [27,260 315 | 83 [+ 026| 285 | 31.95 |= 054] $292 | 31,43 | + 03975 34_| 44 | 330 [28570 | 925 | a4 [+ 0.26| 33,85 | 92.95 |- 0.54| 33.92 | 3243 | + 00875 36_| 45 | 33,75 [20298 | 335 | 35 |+ 026| 0485 | 93.95 |- 0.54] 34.92 | 3343] + 02125 ‘36_| 46 | 345 [20876] 345 | 36 [+ 0.26] 9585 | 3435] - 0.54] 3692 | 94,43 | + 09375 ‘37_| 48 | 960 [31,177 | 355 | 87 [+ 026] 36.85 | 35,5 |- 056| 9692 | 95.43 | + 0.0875 38_| 40 | 96,75 [31.826] 965 | 38 [+ 026| 97:5 | 36.95 |- 054| 97.92 | 36.43 | + 0.2125 “30 [8037.5 [32476] 375 | s9_|+ 0.26] 9885 | 97.35 | -0.54| 3892 | 97.43 | + 03375 ‘40 | 52 [390 |33,775| 385 | 40 [+ 0,26] 3985 | 98.35 | - 0.54] 39.92 (00876 |—1.279 az | 64 | 405 | 35074| 405 | 42 |+ 0.26] 41,85 | 40:35 | 0.54 41,92 | + 03375 | 1,568 45_| 88 | 435 [37.672 | 435 | 45 [+ 026| 4485 | 43.36 |= 0,54 | 4492 +05375 | 1,568 47_| 60 [450 [38971] 455 | 47 [+ 026| 4685 | 45,95 |= 0,54| 48.92 + 05875_| 1.857 48_| e2 [405 [40270| 485 | 48 [+ 026| 47,85 | 40,95 |= 0.64 | 47.92 + 03975 | 1.568 30_| 64 | 480 [41,569 | 485 | 60 |+ 026] 4985 | 48,35 |= 0.54 | 49.92 +05875 | 1867 62 | 68 | 61.0 | 44,167| 605 | 82 |+027| 61,85 | 0.5 |- 058| 51,92 | 6043 | + 00875 | 1.270 es _| 72 [540 [46765 | 635 | 55 [+ 027] 5485 | 6395 |- 058| 5492 | 5343] + 00875 | 1278 For *) and 2), see page 1Page 6 DIN 5480 Part 3 For illustration, see page 2. Table 6. Tost dimensions for side fit rater | umper Hb Hub and shat ence | oftecn,| Pin | B8S'° | Deviation) Pin Perl as clameter, ameter, | ie" |Pfactor,”| diameter, baat for dy a Dy M. Ate Du k Aly = 0,866 ° 6 75 Bers] aaat_| 275 z 608 T 3 425 4ase [2128 [ 178 2 3.428 3 2 125 | 5363 [ 1763 [ 1.76 2 3.587 @ [70 15 3085 | 2013 | 20 a 5708 | yo [12 428 | ~7aa9_[ 1980 [15 3 5.508 1113 125 | aaee [i708 | 15 3 5768 | 1a [14 15 ‘702 | 1910 | 175 3 5.928 ia | 76 125 | 7oasa_|1.883| 15 3 8147 ‘a | 7 428 [ati | 1,798 | 18 4 7348 —| 15 | 18 425 | 12ae1_| 1.658 | 18 4 3.108 ie [20 iz | 19.457 | 1847_| 15 4 7928 724 i256 144211798] 18 4 3087 |__ 18 2 15 14,707 | 7,835 15 5 10,288 9 | 34 425 | tease [125 | 18 5 0,108. 20 [25 426 | 17428 | 1.738 [ 15 5 0.268 726 is _| 17700 [1817 [15 5 10,426 22 2B 4,25 79,459 | 1.817 15. 5 10,247 | 23 23 125 20,434 | 1,738 1S 6 12,448 24 30, 1,25, 21,463 | 1,686 15 6 12,608 | 2532 425 | 22460 |1800_[ 15 6 12.428 26 | 33 425 | 23aa7_|_1797_| 18 3 2.587 7 34 1,25 24,463 | 1,691 15 7 14,788 | 26 | 36 25 | 26461 | “1,702 [15 T 4,608 29 [37 125 | 28a40| i797 | 15 | 60528 [1.540 T 15,768 | _30 38 1,25, 27,463 | 1,695 1s 31,524 | 1,524 7 14,928 3140 725 | 2a461_| ives [15 | 32580_[ 1.578 T 14747 3 | at izs | 24a | i7a7_| 15 | s3.508 [1.554 3 76.988, a [a 125 | soaea | i608 [ 1.5 | oasce [1.596 3 17,108 [34 44 4,25 31,462 | 1,780 15 36,584 | 1,580 8 16,928 3 125 | e2aas | i7a6_| 15 | 86502 | 1.567 3 17.087 ‘36 | a6. 125 | saaea_| i701] 15 [97.540 [1.540 ° 19.288 | | 37 48 41,25 34,462 [1,776 15, 38,588 | 1,590 9 19,108" 36 | a9 125_| 3447| 1798 | 15 | 99.540 | 1.578 2 79.208 | [39 60. 1.28 36464 | 1,703] 15 40,546 | 1,560 9 19,428 40} 52 125_| area | 772} 15 |-a1.s01_| 1.607 2 9247 | 42 54 4,25 39,464 [71,705 15 43,552 | 1,570 10. 21,608 a5 | 58. 125_| 42464 [i707 | 145 | 49666 |_ 1.579 i 23,788. aT 60 1,25 44,451 1,658. 15, 48511 1,548, W 24,108 | ee 125| 46464] 1,709 [1.5 | 49.501 | 1.587 1 25,926 [so |e 426] arasa_[ ier | 18 | sisi? | 1567 [ 12 26,288 (62)_| 68 125[ 49.463 | 1,7e2_| 1.8 | 53,600 | 1.639 12 25,928 3 72 tas | s2a03 [iver] 15 | seco | 1638 | 13 28,108 For), 900 page 2DIN 5480 Part 3 Page 7 4 Module 0,8 (eimin= 0.13) (For iustration, see page 1) Table 7. Basle dimensions Fab Thal Space Refer | Num- Pitch | Base ro rm ci Shatt | width gree | er | gam | came | "P| root | PL foot | Foameter |, addendum | toot diam: | ot | eter, | eter meter ameter rmoditeation| thick rye ap) dg ness), ay | 2 | a | oe | dee | i | Aunt) this | Aun®)| den | den | arom | ems 056. 085 oe | me oe a8 area [6 one] aaa [ape [= oar] 58 Ca 7_|_1_[ 86} 4950|~54-[—7_|+ 025] 684 | 6.24 |= 047] 609 028__| 1.887 a] 8 | 64 | ai] 64 | 8 |+025| 7.84] 626 |= 047] 780 ‘036 | 1672] 9 | 10-[-e0-| 6928] 74 | 9 |+025| e64| 728 |-o47] 859 006 | 1.928 yo |_| 98 | 7621] 84 | 10 [+025] 984 [024 |-047| 909 ore | 14a H_[-2-[96 | eat] _94| 11 _|+ 025] 1084 | 924 |= 047| 1080 026 | “1557 a2|-13-[ t04-| @0or| 104 | 12 _|+-0.26] 11,84 | 1024 |-o47| 1189 036 | 1672 7315 | 120 [10902] 114| 13 |+ 026] 1284 | 11.24 |= o5t] 12,90 006 | “1.326 va | te[ a8 [1,085 | 124 | 14 _]+-0.26] 1984 | 1224 | o5T| 1300 oie | _iaat 7 |17_| 136 _[ 11,776] 134 [18 ]+ 0.26] 1434 | 1324 |= 057] 1490 026 | 1.557 te | 18 [ 144_[12a7i| 144 | 16 |+ 026] 1584 | 14.24 | o5T| 1590 036 | 1872 47_|-20| 160"| 19.856 | 154 [17 |+ 026] 1684 | 1524 |= o5T| 1690 006 | “1.326 te | 21 | 168 [14549] 164 | 18 |+ 0.26] 17,84 | 1624 [= 05 | 17,90 016 | 1484 To [ | 176 [15242] 174 | 19 |+ 0.26] 1888 | 17,24 |= o5T| 1890 026 | 1.587 20 | 23 | 1a4 [15.995] 184 | 20 [+ 026] 1984 | 18.24 |-o51] 1090 036 | “1.672 20 | 24 | 192 [19628| 184 | 20 [+ 028| 1984 | 16.24 |-o51| 1990, = 004 —|~1.210 “a1 [38-20 [17.381] 794 [21] + 026] 2084 | 19:26 |-081| 2090. = 006 | 1.3268 | 26 | 208 [Taors| 204 | 22 [+ 026] 2184 | 2028 |- O81] 2190 016 | iat 23_|-27_[ 216 |1a708| 214 | 23 [+ 026| 2264 | 21.26 |- 051] 2290 026 | 1857 jae ae tases | 224 | 24 | 026] 23.88 | 2224 |= 08t| 2390 026 —| “4672 25 ‘30 | 240 |20,785| 23.4 | 25 [+ 0,26| 24,84 | 23.24 |- 0.51 | 24,90 0,06. 1,326 26 | at] 248 [2iarr| 244 | 26 [+ 027] 2504 | 2426 |- 055) 25,90 16 | iat ‘37 [32 | 256 [22170] 254 | 27 [+ 027| 2684 | 2524 |- 058 | 2690 2534] 026 | 1.557 28 34 | 27,2 [23,556 264 | 28 |+ 0,27| 27,84 | 26.24 |- 0.55] 27,90 | 26.34 | - 0,04 1,210 20 35_ | 280 | 24,2491 27,4 | 29 |+ 0,27| 2884 | 27.24 |- 0,55 | 28,90 | 27,34 0,06 1,326 30 | 96 | 268 [24940] 264 | 30 [+ 027] 2084 | 2824 |= 058) 2990 2434 | ate [1.441 ED 37 | 296 [25.634 | 29.4 | 31 [+027] 3084 | 29,24 | - 0,55) 90,90 | 29,34 0.26 1,557 32 38 | 304 [26327/ 304 | 32 [+ 0.27 31.84 | 30.24 | - 0,55 | 31,90 | 30,34 036 1,672 3 [ 40] 920 Jarra} a14 | a3 [+ 027| 3204 [91,24 |- 0858/3290 | 31,a4 | 008 | 1.326 [se—[-at_| 928 [20406 | 924 | 34_|+ 027] a3.90 [9224 |- 058) 8390 [sz4| ate [1.441 35 | a2 | 956 |29000 | 33.4 | a5 [+ 027] sea4 | 3324 |- 058 | 3490 | 304 | 026 | 1.557 36_| 44 | 952 [20404 | 244 | 96 [+ 027] 35:4 | 3428 |-0,55| 3590 | 9434 | - 004 | 1.210 ‘37_|-a | 960 [31.177] 954 | 87+ 027| s6a4 | 3524 |- 058] 80903534] 008 | 1328 3e_| 46 | 968 [31870] 964 | 38_|+ 027] s7es [3624 |-0855| 3790 [S64 | —a16 1.441 30_|-47_| 976 [32503 97.4 | 39” [+ 027] 2864 | 97,28 |-0,56| 3890 | 97,04 | 026 | 1.567 4 | @ | soa |34121| 984 | 40_[+ 027| 3004 | 3824 |- 058) 3990 saa] 098 | 1972 az] 51 | 408 [363841 404 | 42 [+ 027] 41,84 | 40,24 |- 0.55] 41,90 | 4034] O16 | 1,481 a5 [55] 440 [aa t05| 434 | 45 [+ 027] 4ae4 | 4324 |- 058 4490 | 4334 | 008 [1526 a7 _|-87_| 456 [29401 | 454 [47 [+ 027| 4684 | 4524 |- 0,55 | 4690 | 45,34 | 028 | 1.557 ‘e_| 88] 484 [40,104 | 464 | 48 [+ 0.27] «704 | 4624 |- 055) 47.90] 4634 | 036 | 1.672 ‘50 | 60 | 480 [41,569] 484 | 50 [+ 027| 40.84 | 48.24 |- 055) 4990/4894 | 0.56 7,903 | ‘52 64_| 512 [44341 | 504 | 52 |+ 0,28| 51,84 | 50,24 |- 0,59 51,91 | 50,93 | - 0,04 4,210 35 | 06 | 828 |45726| 634 | 65 [+ 028| see4 [5326 |-o59/ 491 | 6533 | 068 | 2010 ‘58 | 70 | 560 |48,407| 564 | 58 |+ 026| 57.84 | 56.24 |- 059] 67.91 | 5633 | 0.56 7,908 eo [ 74 | 502 [51,200] 88.4 | 60_[+ 07a] so—4 | 5824 |-o89/ e991 | 5555] — 004 | 1.210 For *) and #),e00 page 1Page 8 DIN 5480 Part 3 For ilustration, see page 2. Table 8. Test dimensions for side fit =a] es me Sat Tub and shaft ronce | Sumber | pn | B&H |eviatin| in, | ase. me came ameter, | Se |Phactor” | ciameter, | dimen for a | a Dw Mi | Ate | Dw Me ie” | aiv= a6 6 € Ta | gost | 242 | 225 | 6008 z Tee 7 7 is] 30m | 21¢ | 225 [0,776 2 3,786 3 3 15 | ~47ea| 193 | 225 | 70908 2 3928 9 | 70 te—| 60s | aa [78 | tare [131 2 3607 [4 is [660 | eer | 76 | 1n58-| 120 ay 60% 2 is 7779 |—196_[ 1.76] 12.903 | —190 3 648 [13 is [aro | —i77_[ 20 | 14s03| 124 3 6286 43 [18 15|@eas_| 290 | 15] 14201 | 16, 3 6080 7 [ 16 is [ ores | 208 [1.78 | i6902_|—138 3 3.197 45 | 17 is” | n7as|—1a6 [475] 16868 [136 a asi ie | 18 js [ares [477 | 178] 17.826 | 136 4 3648 q7_| 20) 15 | 13796_|200 | 35 | 1aa76 [182 a 3425 ie [ 31 15 [1a7e8 [193 _[ 48] 19308 [140 4 3560 a es 45 [ teres | —1a¢ [48 | 20300 | “148 3 To874 20 | 23 15 | teres |_476 | 1,78 | 21920-[—1.40 5 Tot 20 [38 is [tert |aie [48 | 2107 | 158 4 BAT a1 | 25 ts [tae | ate | 18 | 2101 [158 5 70.566 zm | 2 1s[ are [19 [18 | 23300-[—1.89 5 10923 z3 | —27 15 | 7a7ee | 461 | 18 | 24306 [151 5 71060 Ey 28 15 20,796 | 7.76 15 25,323 [1,49 6 13,374 25 | 20 is] 2t7e0|199[ 45] 28307 | is7 é 13.148 2831 is [22748 | 188 | 18 | 2745 [155 é 197286 a7_| 2 45] 2a7e1 | 4a0| 18 | 2360-189 é 13423 20 [34 ts] earaz| 198 | 18 | 29417 [161 6 13.197 20 36 15 25,739 1.89 | 15 30,373 1,59, 6 13,334 30 | 36 is | -se7ez | —1ea_| 15 | 91386 [187 7 15648 av 37 15 [97765] ive | is] 92340 | 155 7 15,786 32 | 38 1s [28766] 4.76 18 | s3049 | isa 75928 3 | 40 is [29770] 187 | 15 | saaor_| agi 7 15.697 ula is] 3o7eo|182[ 18] asae7 | as9_[ 8 on | 1s [si7e2| 176 | 18 | sear [187 3 18.148 36 cy 15 32,756, 1,90, 15, S7Az2 1647 8 17,923 a7 | is [save] 185| 15 | 90366 | 1.82 3 18.060 | 15 | 34766 | iat | 48 | 39307 | “1.60 3 18,197 [a7 15 [-s67@|178_| 18 | 40360 [1.58 3 25H | a 15 | 96706| 178 | 48 aises_[is7 3 20848 42 51 15 38,768, 1,80, 15, 43,381 4,61 9 20,560 a [ss is [are |163 | 18 | #6308 | iea_| 70 22.786 a | a 15-776 | 477 | 18 | #aare [tet 70 73,060 | is [ware t7a| 48] aaarr [iso [a4 25.374 30 | 60 ts [area] 470 18 | s1a45 | is7—| 11 25,648 (62) 64 45 48,770, 1.84 45 53,428 1,66, nt (25,197 6 | 8 is] 6i,700|te0_| 18] s6aa¢ | —is7_[ 12 73.148 ea 70 45 | saree | 171] 48 | 8967 |_159 | 19 aoa7e «_[ 7 is] sara | 402 [45 | 01400] 167 [18 29908 For ?), see page 2 Basic dimensions given in brackets should be avoided where possibleDIN 6480 Part 3 Page 9 5 Module 1 (orm (For ilustration, see page 1) Table 9. Basle dimensions 0.16) powr [mom Fb That ‘Space ‘once | "ber | Ptch | Bas | tp root tip root | Form cicle | agategum | death ar | Oth, | eter | eter diameter, diameter, diameter, | modification,| thick: | teeth dn’) de) nese), dp z d dy dig | hip | Aan®)| das hip | Aan?) | dee | den xm 8 | 0,55, | 0.55 sin. max Sle 60 | Bree] 60 | 8 [roe, 7a] sa [oni] 705] 695] +048 | 2,080 2 | 7 [70 | e082 | 7.0 | 9 |+029] ea | 68 [-o5t| ass | 695 | +045 | 2.000 70 | ~a-| “a0 [e928 a0 | 10 |+-020| 98/78 [-ost| eas [7.95 [+045 | 2,000 [or [ 8 [-80-|-7794| 90 [11] +020] 108 | 88 |= o51| 1085 | “895 | + 045 [2.090 12. to | 10,0 | 8e60/ 100 | 12 |+029/ 118 | 98 |-051/11,85| 9.95] + 0.45 2,090 13 11 11.0 | 9626| 14,0 | 13 |+030| 128 | 108 10.94 | + 0.45 2,090 14] 12 | 120 | 70392] 120 | 14 [+030] 198 | 118 1194| +045 | 2,090 [ois [1390 [ 11.258] 190 | 15 [+ 090/148 | 128) i204 | +045] 2000 fe_|14-| 140] 12.198 | 140_| 16 |+ 030] 158 | 138 ¥39¢[ +045 | 2000 7 15 | 150 |12,990[ 150 [ 17 [+030] 168 | 148 1494 | + 0,45, 2,080 te_| 16 | 160_[ 13886] 160 | 18 |+030[ 178 | 158 1596| +045 | 2,000 [19 i7_| 17,0 | 14722) 17.0 | 19 [+030] 188 | 168 16,94 | + 0,45 2,090 20 | te | 180 [15.588 | 180 | 20+ 030[ 198 | 178. i796 | + 045 | 2.090 21 | te [Teo [16.454] 190 | 21_[+ 030] 208 | 188 Yaae| +045 | 2.000 22 20 | 200 | 17,921 | 20,0 | 22 [+030] 21.8 | 198 19.94 | +045 2,080, 23| 22 | 220 [19.053 21,0 | 25 [+ 030] 228 | 208 2096 |= 005 | 1513. 24_| 22 | 220 | 1o083| 220°[ 24 [+ 050] 238 | 218 |-085| 7386 | 2194 | +045 | 2000 25| 24 | 240” [ 20,785 | 250_| 25 [+ 030] 248 | 228 |- 0855] 2486] 2204 —o05 | 1518 [26 [2a [240 [20.785 240 [26 [+081] 268 | 238 |- 050] 2586] 2398] +045 | 2.080 27 | 26 | 260 [2ast7| 250 | 27_|+ 031] 268 | 248 |-0,50| 2686 | 2494 | 005 | 1513 28 26 | 260 |22,517| 260 | 28 |+031| 27.8 | 258 |-0,59/ 27,86 | 2594] + 0,45 2,030_ 29 28 | 260 [24,249| 27,0 | 29 |+ 031] 288 | 268 |-0,59/ 28,86 | 2694 | — 0,05 1,513 _| ‘30 | 28 | 280 [z4240| 260 | 20_[+ 031] 208 | 278 |-080| 2986 | 2794] +045 | 2080 31] 20 | 900 |26981| 290 | a1_[+ 031] 308 | 288 = 005 [1513 ‘32| 30 | 900 [25eer| 200 | a2 [+ oat] ora | 298 $045 | 2.090 33 | 32 [320 [27,713| 31,0 | 33 [+037] 328 | 308 = 0,05" 1,513 34_| a2] 320 [er7ra| 220 | a4 [+031] 358 | 318 [-089| 3386 [31,94 | +045 | 2080 35 | 34 | 940 [ooaas | 350 | 95 [+01] saa | 928 |-0859] 9486 [a294 | —o05 | 1513 36 | 34 | 940 [20.408 | 340 | 96 [+031] 058 | 936 |- 089] 3586 | 3304 | +045 | 2000 37_| 96 | 960 [a1,77| 360 | 97 [+ 031] 968 | 348 | 0,59] 3686 | 3404) 005 | 1519 36| 36 [960 |a1.17| 360 | 28 [+ oat] a7a | 968 |-089) 37863594] +045 | 2080 39 | 38 | 280 |s2900| 97,0 | 30 [+031] 988 | 368 |-059| o886 | a5e4| 005 | 1513 | -38 | 200 [32908 | 380} 40” [+031] 998 | 378 |-089| 0986 | 9794 | 4048 | 2000 [ca2—[-a0[-a00~[saear| 400 [42 [+ 031] 418 | 998 |- 059] 4186] 3998 | +045 | 2.090 _| 44 | 440 [98,105] 430 | 45 [+031] a8 | 428 |-0859| 4486 | 42.04 4513 [car—[-#6[-ae0"| 90897] 450 [a7 ]+ 031] 408 | 448 [059] 4586 | 0495 i519 48| 46-460 [29807| 460 | 48 [+021] 478 | 458 |-080| 4786 | 4594] + 045 | 2000 30 | 48 | 480 [41.509| 460 | 50_|+ 031] 498 | 478 |-089| 4986] 47,94 | +045 | 2.080 (| -s0 | S00 [aas0t| 500 | s2_[+ 092] 618 | 498 |-09| S187 | 4099] + 045 | 2.000 5 | 54 | 840 [46,705] 530] 85 [+ 032] S48 | 526 |- 063] 5487 | 6289 | —o05 | 1513 “es | 56 | 660 |48.407| 560 | 88 |+092| 578 | 668 |-063) 57.87 | 5593 | +045 | 2,090 60 s8_| 580 | 50220] 580 | 60 |+ 032] 608 | 578 |- 063] 50,67 | 57.93 + 0.45 2,080, For ") and 2), see page 1 Basic dimensions given in brackets should be avoided where possiblePage 10. DIN 5480 Part 3 For illustration, see page 2 Table 10. Test dimensions for side ft ar Hub Hub end shaft ence | Meer | pin | B88 |Deviation| An Deviation | Measured We diameter, ameter, | me |"Rcten”| ciametr, factor | "Umber for dy a Dw. My Ais Du le Alte k Aly = 01866 8 @ qs | 4367 | tes [40 Taa73_|_10r 2 710 @ 7 176} 5.160 |_181 325 | 13847 [104 2 4857 70 3 175] 6368 | 166 | 30 14,103 [ 1.11 2 4903 tow 3 20 6460 [203 | 275 | 14995 [1.18 2 4350 12 | 10 175] e360 [167] 275 | 18615 [17 37 777} 13 iW 20 a9_| 196 | 25 isq6 [121 3 776A 14 2 475] tose | 168 | 25 17081 _|_ 1.28 3 7810 15 13 t76 | 41273 | 167 | 28 7.902] 126 3 7857 | 16 14 is | 12569 |e] 25 9,128 | 1.27 3 7908 7 15 476 | 13.286 [1.68 225 1st ED} 7950 is_| 16 476 | 14369 [1.69 [235 133 4) | i077 | [19 17 76 | 15296 | 1.69 | 2.25 133 4 T0764 20 | 18 175 1e370-| —1.70_| 225 135 4 9810 | 2 19 76 | 17304 | 1.70 [ 2.98 436 a 10857 2 | 30 475 _| 18370] 1.70 [235 137 4 10,908 zm | 2 8 | 20,10 | 188 225 148 4 10.497 | 24 | 375 | 20370 | 1.71 2.25 1.39 5 13717 2 [4 [476 atan| 200 | 20 154 4 10,590__| 26 | 24 375 | 22370 |_171 2.25 tat 5 13,810 a7 | 26 15 | 24r12 | 1.82 20 156. 5 13.403 [26 | 26 375 | 24370 | 1.71 20 146 3 13.903 2 | 8 47s] 25321 | 195 | 20 156. 3 13.497 [30 [28 375_| 26870 | 4.71 20 147 6 16717 31 | 30 476 27325 [193 | 20 157 3 73,580] [se] 20 375 | 28870 [1.71 20 148 6 16510 an is | 29.328 [191 20 1.58 6 16.403, ‘a4 82 475] 80.370 [4.71 20 149 6 76,908 35] 34 is s1gat_|_190 | 20 159 6 16.407 [se] 34 476 | 32370_| it 20 450 7 [er —| 37_| 36 175 | 33334 | 189) 20 158 6 16.500 se | 36 476 | s4a70_| 172 | 20 151 7 19.810 [30 [a8 375] 35596 [188 | 20 1,60 7 19.408 | «0 | 38 176 | 96370 | 1,72 | 20 152 7 19,905, a | # 7s | sas70_| 4.72 [20 155 8 ariT “| aa 475__[#ias_[ 185 [20 62 S 22.408 [ar 7s | 43343 | 1.85_[ 20 1,62 3 22487 | ae | 46 [1.75 |aa70_[ 1,72 | 20 1.55 @__| 257 30 | 4B 75 [40570 | 1.72 [20 158 3 25810 | 60 i175 [4as70 | _472_| 20 1.56 3 25,908 35 [8 175 sisar|_183 | 20 168 2 25,590 ee)_| 86 i75|-saa70|_172_| 20 157 70 26,908, co | 58 76 [s8a70_| 1.72 [20 158 a" ‘Su7i7 For) 86 page 2DIN 5480 Part 3 Pagee tt ‘Standard referred to DIN 6480 Part 1 Involute spline joints; principles Previous editions DIN 5480 Part 8: 12.66, 09.74, 03.86. Amendments ‘The following amendments have been made to the March 1986 edition @) For module 08, tooth number 23 has been included. ») The theoretical root diameters calculated on the basis of frp=0,55- me (including their deviations) have been adopted as basic dimensions dr and de ©) The standard has been editorially revised. Explanatory notes ‘See DIN 5480 Part 1 International Patent Classification F 16D 106
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4.5/5 (236)
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Ruth Ware
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
3.5/5 (233)
Din 5480-5
100% (1)
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6 pages
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
4/5 (4060)
DIN 7500 - Trilobular Thread Rolling Screws
100% (1)
DIN 7500 - Trilobular Thread Rolling Screws
3 pages
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
3.5/5 (142)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
3.5/5 (806)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
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DIN 5480-11, Involute Spline Joints
100% (1)
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Machine Screws: DIN 965 & ISO 7045 Torx
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Machine Screws: DIN 965 & ISO 7045 Torx
1 page
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
4/5 (45)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
4.5/5 (2520)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M L Stedman
4.5/5 (790)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
3.5/5 (109)
Technical Standards Board Standard: Rev. MAY1999
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Technical Standards Board Standard: Rev. MAY1999
39 pages
Screw, ISO 10664-2014, Truss Head, Flat Head, 6-Lobe, Torx
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Screw, ISO 10664-2014, Truss Head, Flat Head, 6-Lobe, Torx
1 page
Screw Flat Head, Torx
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Screw Flat Head, Torx
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Screw, Thread Forming Plastics, Metric, Torx PDF
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Screw, Thread Forming Plastics, Metric, Torx PDF
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Screw, ISO 14583, PAN, Metric, Torx
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Screw, ISO 14583, PAN, Metric, Torx
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1 page
Screw, ISO 7380, Six Lobe, Metic, Torx
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Screw, ISO 7380, Six Lobe, Metic, Torx
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Din 6325, Metric, Pin, Dowel, Oversize, Plain
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Din 6325, Metric, Pin, Dowel, Oversize, Plain
1 page
Document Guide - 21-Tips To Clear Requirements Documentation
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Document Guide - 21-Tips To Clear Requirements Documentation
13 pages
Ariens, Snow Blower, 921018 - Deluxe 30 Platinum PDF
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Ariens, Snow Blower, 921018 - Deluxe 30 Platinum PDF
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Design Guide - O-Ring, Quad-Ring, Trelleborg
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Design Guide - O-Ring, Quad-Ring, Trelleborg
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Design Guide, Spring, Pin, Coiled, SPIROL
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Design Guide, Spring, Pin, Coiled, SPIROL
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Design Guide - Stepper Motor Linear Actuators 101
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Design Guide - Stepper Motor Linear Actuators 101
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Parker Fluid Power Seal Design Guide 5370
0% (1)
Parker Fluid Power Seal Design Guide 5370
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Design Guide - O-Ring, Quad-Ring, ERIKS
100% (1)
Design Guide - O-Ring, Quad-Ring, ERIKS
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Screw, Thread Forming Plastics, Metric, Torx
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Screw, Thread Forming Plastics, Metric, Torx
1 page
AGMA - ANSI 1006-A97 Tooth Proportions For Pastic Gears PDF
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AGMA - ANSI 1006-A97 Tooth Proportions For Pastic Gears PDF
56 pages
Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
4/5 (105)
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