Aim of The Course:: Discourse Analysis

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Discourse Analysis

Aim of the course:

To provide 4th-year students with an introduction to key concepts in Discourse Analysis and in

Format of the course:

Lectures / seminars / reading and written assignments / one-to-one consultations.

ECTS credits:4
Lecturer: Lejla Zejnilović, PhD

Content of the course:

I. Introduction to the course
II. Dividing the world of discourse
III. Context. Analysing the discourse in context
IV. Co-text. Investigating co-text
V. Spoken texts
VI. Speech acts
VII. Free week
VIII. Midterm exam
IX. Using speech acts
X. The cooperative principle
XI. Politeness
XII. Applying politeness
XIII. Metaphor and Metonomy
XIV. Exploring the power – language relationship
XV. End-of-term exam

Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate
 an understanding of a number of key concepts in Discourse Analysis
 an understanding of what constitutes a text in terms of coherence, cohesion, and larger
patterns of organisation
 an understanding of the difference between language form, function and use.

Select bibliography:
 Brown, G. and G. Yule. (1983). Discourse analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University
 Cutting, J. (2002). Pragmatics and Discourse. London and New York: Routledge.
 McCarthy M. and R. Carter. (1994). Language as Discourse. London and New York:
 Thornbury, S. (2005). Beyond the sentence: Introducing discourse analysis. Oxford:

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