Autocad 2016: Second Stage
Autocad 2016: Second Stage
Autocad 2016: Second Stage
➢ Introduction to AutoCAD
➢ Starting Up AutoCAD
➢ Introduction to AutoCAD
The Word AutoCAD is made up of two word Auto (Logo Of
Company "Autodesk") and CAD (Computer Aided Design) .
AutoCAD is 2D drawing and 3D modeling . In another way we
can say that AutoCAD is a designing course , which is
performed by the help of computer .
Lecture 1 Auto CAD 2D
AutoCAD icon
Lecture 1 Auto CAD 2D
2. If necessary, click on the down-arrow in the Quick Access bar and select
Show Menu to display the AutoCAD Menu Bar. The Menu Bar provides
access to all AutoCAD commands.
2 – Click on Open
You are now in the main window. Feel free to close the window on the
left side.
If you did close the left windows, the following image is what you should
be left with.
Lecture 1 Auto CAD 2D
Lecture 1 Auto CAD 2D
4. In the Drawing Units dialog box, set the Length Type to Decimal. This will
set the measurement to the default English units, inches , Millimeters ,
Centimeters , Meters
Lecture 1 Auto CAD 2D
2. In the command prompt area, the message “Reset Model Space Limits:
Specify lower left corner or [On/Off] <0.00,0.00>:” is displayed. Press the
ENTER key once to accept the default coordinates <0.00,0.00>.
3. In the command prompt area, the message “Specify upper right corner
<12.00,9.00>:” is displayed. Press the ENTER key again to accept the default
coordinates <12.00,9.00>.
4. On your own, move the graphics cursor near the upper-right comer inside The
drawing area and note that the drawing area is unchanged. (The Drawing Limits
command is used to set the drawing area, but the display will not be adjusted
until a display command is used.)
Application Status Bar
Snap Mode: snaps to increments of the spacing that you specify. (i.e. if you set it to
2 in both x,y direction, it will snap on 2,2:2,4:10,8 etc)
Grid Display: displays grids with the spacing that you specify
Polar Tracking: tracks increments of the angle that you specify(i.e. if you set it to
30 degrees, it will track 30,60,90,120 degrees etc.)
Object Snap: snaps to existing objects on the screen.You can also activate specific
Object Snap during drawing/inquiry operations by right clicking and selecting snap
Show/Hide Line weight: turns on/off the line width on display. It does not affect
the line widths on plot.
Quick Properties: displays the properties of selected object(s). Another way to
show properties: After select a object/objects, right click and select “Quick
Properties”.You can change the object(s) properties here (layers , color and linetype.)
Lecture 1 Auto CAD 2D
3-change the Grid size from Grid Spacing window and snap size from Snap
spacing as you preferred then press OK
Lecture 1 Auto CAD 2D
including the Drafting Setting dialog box, the Status bar, and the
Right + Click contextual menus, (including the Shift + Right+Click menu).