Afro Latn and Popular Music

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August 24, 2018


Content Standards:
The learners demonstrates understanding of characteristics of Afro-Latin American music and popular music.
Performance Standard:
Performs vocal and dance forms of Afro-Latin American music and selections of popular music.

I. Objectives:
1. Explore ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources suitable to chosen vocal instrumental selections
2. Name different musical instruments of Afro-Latin American and Popular music.
3. Suggest indigenous musical instrument being used during the Pahinis Festival
4. Recognize the value of indigenous musical instrument available for use in the locality.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: African Music and Latin American Music
Sub-Topics: Musical Instruments of African-American Music
B. Materials: laptop
C. Reference: CG, TG, LM

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activity
Singing of devotional hymn Kum Bay Ya
Checking of Attendance
Video clip using laptop
B. Analysis
1. What have you observed in the singing performance of the character in the video?
2. What particular instrument have you seen?
3. How did he play the different musical instruments in his performance?
C. Abstraction
Lecture discussion on
Using the Powerpoint electronic discussion the teacher guide the students to explore
a. Different Musical Instruments of Afro-Latin American Music
b. Classification of African Music
D. Application
1. What are the different musical instrument
2. What are the characteristics of African music?
3. Name some African instruments under the following categories:
a. Idiophones
b. Chordophones
c. Membranophones
d. Aerophones
4. Describe how African musical instruments are sourced from the environment. Give example
E. Evaluation
Giving of test

IV. Agreement
Performance with the African and Latin-American music the Waka-waka, Kumbaya and We are One
August 17-21, 2017

REGIONAL MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (SHS) Teachers held at Grand tower Suites, Iloilo City
August 22, 2017

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