Seismic Final

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x- direction Y-direction Area ㎡

Floor Area L*B 10 8 80 Parapet wall thickness 0.23 m

Number of storeys 3 Parapet wall height 1m
Height of a Storey 3.5 m
Height of building 10.5 m Weight of slab 240 KN
Known Loads both side walls taken
Distibuted D.L on floors 0 KN/㎡ Weight of parapet wall x 83.72 KN
Distibuted D.L on roof 0 KN/㎡ Wt of parapet wall y 63.94 KN

Wt of roof ext column 21 KN Ext columns only

for seismic weight
- L.L <= 3KN/ ㎡
Live load on floors 0 KN/㎡ take 0.25%
Live load on Roofs 0 KN/㎡ - L.L > 3KN/ ㎡ Flooring on roof
take 0.5% Unit Wt of floor 23 KN/m^3
Seismic weight of any floor 0 KN Thickness 0.05 m
Seismic weight of roof 0 KN Wt of roof flooring 83 KN
Total seismic weight 0 KN
For floors
Wt of columns 82.688 KN
Grade of Concrete fck = 20 MPa Wt of beams x direcection 92.1 KN
Grade of Steel fy = 415 MPa Wt of beams y direction 48.0 KN
Data x direction y direction
Length of Grid Lx = 10.00 meters Ly = 8.00 meters External walls

Height xdirect 3.05 m

Spacing of ribs a1 = 5.00 meters b1 = 4.00 meters
Number of beams Nx = 2 nos Ny = 2 nos height y direct 3.1 m
Depth of beam Dx = 450 mm D y= 400 mm Thickness of wall 0.23 m

Width of beam bwx = 300 mm bwy= 230 mm Weight of wall in x direc 255.346 KN both side walls taken
Column Lx= 0.300 meters ly= 0.350 meters weight of wall in y direc 198.2 KN
Area of colmn Lx*Ly 0.11 meters
Depth of slab 0.120 meters live load on floors 3 KN/㎡

a1 No. of column in X direction 3 Seismic Wt of roof 899.4 KN

wt of flooring is taken
No. of column in Y direction 3 same as roof
No. of bays in y direction 2 Seismic Wt of floors 1058.9 KN
Total no. of columns 9
Ly Seismic wt of building 3017.2 KN
Weights per Storey KN
Roof 899.4
2 1058.9
Lx 1 1058.9
both side walls taken

Ext columns only

both side walls taken

wt of flooring is taken
same as roof
Seismic Zone V Table 3 IS 1893 2016 pg 10
Seismic Intensity z 0.36

Walls Non structural member Structural member

Non structural member
Translational Natural Period of Oscillation
Aw= x Y


lwi x 18.2 m
lwi y 13.9 m

X direction 0.299 sec
Y direction 0.334 sec

Importance factor I 1 Table 8 IS 1893 2016 pg 19

Lateral load resisting frame OMRF
Reduction Factor R 3 Table 9 IS 1893 2016 pg 20
N>30 -hard soil
N (10-30) Medium soil
Std penetration N 11 N<10 Soft soil
resistance number
Soil type Medium ok
2% 1.4
5% 1
Damping cofficient 5% in% 7% 0.9
Factor 1 10% 0.8
15% 0.7
Method of Dynamic Analysis Response Spectrum Method

X direction Y direction
Design Accelaration cofficient Sa/g 2.5 2.5

Design horizontal accelaration

X direction Y direction
Ah 0.15 0.15
Base Shear
Seismic Wt of building 3017.2 KN
x Y
VB KN 16191 453
Non structural member
Design Lateral force ratio

Storey seismic wt W KN storey ht Ht from base Wihi^2 Ratio

Roof 899.4 3.5 10.5 99161.0 0.6046

2 1058.9 3.5 7 51885.3 0.3163
1 1058.9 3.5 3.5 12971.3 0.0791
0 0.0 0.0000
0 0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000

Summation 164017.7

Design lateral force

Qroof 9788.61 273.62

Q2 5121.82 143.17

Q1 1280.45 35.79
Mass Matrix
1058.88 0 0
0 1058.88 0
0 0 899.42

Modulus of Elasticity E 22360.68 N/mm^2


MOI of columns I 1071875000 mm^4

Stiffness of all columns K (N/mm)

Roof 60373.835392
2 60373.835392
1 60373.835392

Stiffness Matrix
120747.7 -60373.8 0
-60373.8 120747.7 -60373.8
0 -60373.8 60373.8
NO. of modes 3

First Mode Shape

Ѡ1 11.7 rad/sec ф11 1
ф21 1.67
T1 0.54 sec ф31 1.94

Second Mode Shape

Ѡ2 32.34 rad/sec ф12 1

ф22 0.321
T2 0.194 sec ф32 -0.933

Ѡ3 43.144 rad/sec ф13 1

ф23 -1.318
T3 0.146 sec ф33 0.728
Modal Mass Matrix

for mode 1

Storey level Weight (wi) фi1 Wi * фi1 Wi * фi1^2

1 1058.9 1 1058.9 1058.9
2 1058.9 1.6670 1765.18 2942.59
Roof 899.4 1.9355 1740.8 3369.35

ᵋ 3017.1869 4564.9 7370.8

M1 288187.22 Kg
2827.1 KN

for mode 2
Storey level Weight (wi) фi2 Wi * фi2 Wi * фi2^2
1 1058.88 1 1058.88 1058.884
2 1058.88 0.32 339.44 108.81
Roof 899.42 -0.93 -839.44 783.46
ᵋ 3017.19 558.88 1951.16

16318.33 Kg
160.1 KN

for mode 3
Storey level Weight (wi) фi2 Wi * фi2 Wi * фi2^2
1 1058.88 1.00 1058.88 1058.88
2 1058.88 -1.32 -1395.83 1839.98
Roof 899.42 0.73 655.12 477.18

ᵋ 3017.19 318.18 3376.05

M3 3056.83 Kg
30.0 KN

Modal Contribution Factor

M1 0.9370041318
M2 0.0530569762
M3 0.009938892

ᵋ 1 OK
Modal Participation matrix

P1 0.619318229737
p2 0.286435164058
P3 0.094246606204

Design Lateral force in Each Mode

Qik = Ak * Pk * фik *Wi

A1 0.1119 1.865
A2 0.15 2.5
A3 0.15 2.5

Q11 73.36314604104 KN
Q12 45.49522250446 KN
Q13 14.96942714298 KN

Q21 122.2978768212 KN

Q22 14.58401693227 KN
Q23 -19.7327729873 KN

Q31 120.6101441651 KN
Q32 -36.066817396 KN
Q33 9.261470062288 KN

check for closely or well separated

Difference 10% of lowest

for 1&2 20.6265843768 1.170912049181 well separated
for 2&3 10.8084190123 3.233570486865 well separated
combining vertical lateral force across modes

v3 130.9520427855 KN
v2 244.0808586518 KN
v1 317.2133046179 KN

Lateral combined force at each storey

f3 130.9520427855 KN
f2 113.1288158663 KN
f1 73.13244596607 KN


Vb 16190.87996942 KN

Factor 51.04098640794

factores lateral forces

f3 6683.921435905 KN
f2 5774.206352981 KN
f1 3732.752180534 KN
stodaolla method

140 0 0 - a x 72600 -44200

0 130 0 - b x + -44200 81800
0 0 60 - c x 0 -40000

for mode shape 3

72600 a -44200b = 140 a*x
-44200 a + 81800 b -40000 c = 130 b*x
-40000 b + 40000 c = 60 c*x

say a = 1
b= -2
c = 2

using in 1 eq

X = w3^2 = 1150
using in eq 2 and 3 on lhs to get b c on rhs we hve

first itteration values as

a= 1
b= -1.925
c= 2.32

2nd itteration
X = w3^2 = 1126.3
a= 1
b= -2.011
c= 2.5119

3rd itteration
X = w3^2 = 1153.4
a= 1
b= -2.062
c= 2.6141

W3 = 33.962 rad/sec
0 a
-40000 b
40000 c 48.85 59.479

for mode shape 2

Applying orthogonality 2nd and 3 rd mode shape 3rd itteration

m1ad + m2be + m3cf = 0 y = w2^2

f = -0.893 d + 1.709 e
d= 1
72600 d -44200 e = 140 d*y e= -0.142
-44200 d + 81800 e -40000 f = 130 e*y f= -1.136
-40000 e + 40000 f = 60 f*x
W2 = 23.758
using value of f in above equations

72600 d -44200 e = 140 d*y for mode shape 1

-8496 d + 13443 e = 130 e*y
orthogonality between 2 and 1
say g=
d= 1 -18.512
e= -0.5
using in eq 2.1 orthogonality between 1 and 3
y = w2 ^2 = 676.43 i=
Using Y on RHS, d and e on lHs in eq 2.2
1st itteration solving 3.1 and 3.2

d = 1 g= 1
e = -0.173 h= 1.49
i= 1.65
2nd itteration
y = w2 ^2 = 573.21 w1= 7.61
d = 1
e = -0.1452

= 564.43

etween 2 and 1
h -68.15674 i = -140

h 156.8469 i = -140
M 107939.2 0.0
0.0 107939.2
0 0.0

K 120747670.785 -60373835.3925
-60373835.3925 120747670.785
0 -60373835.3925

f = Kֿֿⁱ 1.65634665E-08 1.65634665E-08

1.65634665E-08 3.3126933E-08
1.65634665E-08 3.3126933E-08

D =f*M 0.00178784732 0.00178784732

0.00178784732 0.00357569464
0.00178784732 0.00357569464

for mode 1
a1 1
b1 1.5
c1 2

first itteration

a2 0.007506827214 1
b2 0.013225807109 1.761837155858
c2 0.016263016024 2.166430045502
2nd itteration

a3 0.008227693481 1
b3 0.014667539641 1.78270370377
c3 0.017957489965 2.182566719013

3rd itteration

a4 0.008289504907 1
b4 0.014791162494 1.784323992811
c4 0.018105618042 2.184161568791

w1 10.98337226274




for mode 2
orthogonality btw 2& 1


107939.1997961 a1 1.784323992811 b1

a1= -1.6530825E-05 b1 + -1.8552353197

b1= b1
c1= c1

a1= 0 -1.6530825E-05 -1.8552353197

b1 0 1 0
c1 0 0 1

D2 0 0.001787817765 -0.00179827304
0 0.003575665085 -0.00027966858
0 0.003575665085 0.001238935878

a2 1
b2 -0.5
c2 -1

first itteration
a2 0.000904364154 1
b2 -0.00150816396 -1.66765119637
c2 -0.00302676842 -3.34684696137

2nd itteration
a3 0.003037088213 1
b3 -0.00502695422 -1.65518874318
c3 -0.01010949094 -3.32867872996

3rd itteration
a4 0.003026697368 1
b4 -0.00498747375 -1.6478270343
c4 -0.0100424201 -3.31794655482

w2 18.17671929766
orthogonality btw 1


200252.61584 c1 0 107939.1998 a1

c1 orthogonality btw 2


a1 107939.1998 a1
put a1



& 3

192598.503961 b1 200252.6158379 c1 0

& 3

-177865.131485 b1 -304202.530759 c1 0

b1 200252.6158379 c1 = -107939.199796
b1 -304202.530759 c1 = -107939.199796


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