Jan Garaj: Devops - Docker - Kubernetes - Aws - Terraform - Cloud

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Jan Garaj – DevOps | Docker | Kubernetes | AWS | Terraform | cloud

www.jangaraj.com www.linkedin.com/in/jangaraj [email protected] +44 79 234 69004

GitHub projects Docker Hub images Grafana projects +421 949 113 911

Summary • Docker – 4+ years of commercial experience • Automation with Terraform, Puppet, Ansible
• Docker orchestration – Kubernetes and AWS ECS • 100 000+ downloads of Grafana dashboards (AWS,...)
• 3000+ GitHub stars / 1000+ forks of GitHub projects • 10 000 000+ pulls of public Docker images
• Serverless concept – AWS Lambda development • Docker/host/service/app/cloud monitoring
• Top “Devops CV” according to Google search algorithm • Ops app development: bash/Python/Golang/HTML

My own Docker • Zabbix XXL – www.github.com/monitoringartist/dockbix-xxl

monitoring Dockerized Zabbix – server, web, proxy, java gateway, snmpd with Docker monitoring support
• Dockbix – Zabbix agent XXL – www.github.com/monitoringartist/dockbix-agent-xxl
ecosystem Dockerized Zabbix agent with support for Docker container metrics and Docker host OS metrics support
based on my Devops - Zabbix Docker Monitoring – www.github.com/monitoringartist/zabbix-docker-monitoring
needs, Zabbix C module and template for low level Docker/Mesos/Chronos/Marathon container monitoring, C module provides
published under high performance with low footprint, Low level discovery concept is used for automated Docker container detection.
Monitoring Artist - Zabbix Systemd Monitoring – www.github.com/monitoringartist/zabbix-systemd-monitoring
company name Systemd monitoring of running systemd units
• Kubernetes Zabbix/Grafana cluster – www.github.com/monitoringartist/kubernetes-zabbix
Zabbix monitoring with Grafana visualisation infrastructure in Kubernetes cluster
• Grafana XXL Docker image – www.github.com/monitoringartist/grafana-xxl
Docker image of Grafana with all available plugins: Zabbix, DalmatinerDB, Ambari, Atsd, Bosun, Druid, …
• Zabbix templates image – www.hub.docker.com/r/monitoringartist/zabbix-templates/
Tiny image (5MB) written in Go for easy Zabbix template deployment
• Docker killer – www.github.com/monitoringartist/docker-killer
Docker stress and Docker orchestration/monitoring testing
• Monitoring Analytics – www.github.com/monitoringartist/monitoring-analytics
Dockerized R statistical computing and graphic tool for monitoring metrics from data scientists

Work experience Devops Kubernetes engineer – contract (Docker, Kubernetes, OpenStack) July 2017 – present
Volkswagen, Germany, volkswagen.com
• Implementation of Identity & Access Management (IAM) and Single Sign-On (SSO) for hybrid VW cloud
OpenStack/AWS/GCP/Docker swarm based on OpenID connect, OAuth and SAML protocol, SSL/TLS/HTTPS tuning
• Deployment: Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, Bamboo, Bitbucket, Concourse, ...
• Used technologies: Docker, Golang, Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, Red Hat Keycloak,...

Devops microservice engineer – contract (Docker, microservices, AWS) April 2016 – June 2017
StepStone (UK brands: TotalJobs, Jobsite, CWJobs, CityJobs,...), London, United Kingdom, www.stepstone.com
• Terraform infrastructure provisioning, Puppet server automation
• AWS cloud infrastructure/Docker support for NodeJS/Python/Scala/Java microservice developers/data scientists
• Zero downtime deployments and CI jobs maintenance
• Dockerized pipeline processing/monitoring (1TB+ datasets)
• AWS Lambda function development/serveless monitoring
• Used technologies: AWS, ECS, Docker, Mesos, Marathon, Chronos, Neo4j, Elasticsearch, Mongo, Hadoop, R,...

Devops engineer – contract (Docker, physical servers) July 2015 – March 2016
Multiplay, London, United Kingdom, www.multiplay.com
• Development/deployment and monitoring of new Dockerized infrastructure
• Docker support for Go/NodeJS/Python development team
• Used technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, PureStorage, Puppet, iSCSI, IPXE, HW servers,...

Devops in monitoring team (Zenoss, Docker, Python, Puppet, Linux, AWS) February 2014 – June 2015
BBC – OTG (Online Technology Group), London, United Kingdom, www.bbc.co.uk
• Development / operations (devops) of monitoring systems for all digital BBC products and infrastructure (web/streaming)
• Responsibility for operations of ~50 monitoring servers (CentOS, RHEL), managed by Puppet/Hiera/Ansible
• Zenoss 5 migration project: monitoring system based on Docker and Big Data (HBase – OpenTSDB, Redis)
• Monitoring of production environment: 900k+ datapoints, 2k+ devices, the busiest device 12k+ datapoints
• Development of customised platform monitoring ZenPacks: CPU utilisation, HDD utilisation, TCP states, forks, NTP,...
• Used technologies: Zenoss, Docker, Python, Linux, bash, AWS, Puppet, Ansible, RabbitMQ, CDN, Jenkins, Jira,…
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Digital applications support - contract (Java, .Net, Linux, Windows) April 2013 – September 2013
GlaxoSmithKline, London, United Kingdom, www.gsk.com
• Coordination of digital activities (server/website development, testing, releasing, scripting) between brand department,
digital agencies and DevOps server (hosting) department
• Used technologies: Java – JSP (Websphere), .Net, MS SQL, Oracle, Linux, CDN (Akamai)

Linux 2nd line support specialist (Linux, Red Hat, Zabbix) November 2012 – January 2013
Volkswagen, Slovakia, www.vw.sk
• Fixed short-term contract for Hewlett-Packard Bratislava, dedicated onsite Linux support for Volkswagen Slovakia
• Standard 2nd line workload: shell scripting, daily checks/incidents, server migrations, network issues, monitoring
• Incident and change management (ITIL) for internal cloud: Red Hat (app cluster), HP-UX, AIX servers
• Used technologies: HP OpenView Performance Agent, HP OpenView Operations, Zabbix, EMC, NetApp

Support of Server Automation/Client Automation (automation) November 2011 – May 2012

Hewlett-Packard, Slovakia, www.hp.com
• Worldwide L1/L2 ITIL support/administration for server software (patch/inventory/software/deployment management with
using security/app/patch policies): Server Automation – Opsware/HP Client Automation – RADIA / equivalent of
configuration management tool – Puppet
• Monitoring, administration, operation/incident management on level L2 on assigned RADIA infrastructure (WIN/Linux)
• Used technologies: Server/Client Automation Linux, Windows, WMI, Java

DevOps coordinator (Linux, Zabbix, PHP, Apache, Nginx, MySQL) January 2011 – September 2011
Zoznam, Slovakia, www.zoznam.sk
• 2.5 millions real web users per month, agile in-house development, large-scale web services with high availability
• Responsibility for the server availability, monitoring (Zabbix) and improvements of (physical, virtual) servers
• Used technologies: Linux, CentOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, Windows, MySQL (with replications), Apache, Nginx, IIS, HTML,
JavaScript, CSS, load balancer NetScaler/HAProxy, memcached/Varnish

IT Developer (Linux, Zabbix, XenServer, PHP, MySQL) September 2009 – December 2010
WIMC, Slovakia, www.wimc.sk
• Development and maintenance of information system for monitoring objects (vehicles, persons) based on
GPS/GSM/GPRS technologies, frontend technology PHP (Zend framework)
• Virtualisation project (from scratch) based on Citrix XenServer – administration of hypervisor and virtual servers based
on Debian, CentOS, FreeBSD, iSCSI storage QNAP
• Administration of Linux/Windows servers, optimisation of DB performance, monitoring tasks
• Monitoring of servers with Zabbix – developing of Zabbix custom scripts

Education Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, September 2004 – June 2009
Slovak university of technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, www.fiit.stuba.sk
University education, master level (MEng): Software engineering
University education, bachelor level (BEng): Information technology
Engineering thesis: Positive feedback in computer supported group learning (implementation in Moodle)
Accredited Course of British Engineering Council UK, accredited by The Institution of Engineering and Technology

Trainings and 10/2014 Software development with Scrum/Continuous Integration (CI)

certifications 06/2014 Architecting on AWS – Amazon Web Services (EC2, ELB, SQS, SNS,...)
04/2014 Zabbix Certified Professional
04/2012 HP Operation Orchestration 9.x Essential Adv. Authoring and Integration, Hewlett-Packard Bratislava
02/2012 HP Server Automation – Server management, Hewlett-Packard Bratislava
01/2005 Cisco Networking – CCNA 1, Slovak university of technology in Bratislava

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