Supporting Students in Learning at Home PDF
Supporting Students in Learning at Home PDF
Supporting Students in Learning at Home PDF
As promised, our faculty has been engaged in planning for student learning in our new context.
Today, we would like to share some general expectations for student learning at home over this
next week. After spring break, all teachers will be providing grade-level specific assignments for
In preparation for our new context, parents will have to think through a number of
considerations, such as:
● Fitting in the supervision of your child’s learning into your daily responsibilities as a
● Setting up a schedule and establishing a learning routine for your child
● Establishing a space where your child can organize and find their learning tools
● Providing the technology necessary to ensure they have online access to their teacher
such as a desktop, laptop or Chromebook and a printer
We are here to support you as much as possible, and we will get through this together. We are
developing a Study Space resource to help guide your planning. Systems will also be put in place
at each grade level to provide parents with the opportunity to ask questions, and instructions
and resources will be provided.
Independent Reading
Grades 1-3 20 minutes per day.
Kindergarten 10 minutes per day.
Reading Response
Grades 1-3 links:
Link here for reading response activities
Raz kids (leveled reading)
Div 1 Journal Writing prompt of the week: Write about your feelings. We want to know what
and how you are doing.
Math Practice
● Grades 1-3: Please work on assigned mathletics activities
Link to Mathletics
● Problem of the week
● How Many Ways/Tell me everything you know about this number
● Mad Minutes
Again, we are looking into online options for more specific grade level instructional alternatives
after spring break so please stay tuned! We’ll have more information posted on SchoolZone
beginning March 30, but in the meantime, please ensure that your child will have access to a
computer or chrome book to support their learning. If access is impossible for your family at
this time, please call the school and we will work together to find a solution.
Patricia Martyn, Principal and Cynthia Yamach, Elissa Woolnough, Crystal Wilson,
Sandee Lifeso & Carly Kuzhyl, Teachers
Windsor Park School