Recovering The Tinsmith's Art

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Tin artifacts are among the most fragile items
from the site, but substantially perfect replicas
can be copied from the scraps, using historic craft skills.
cleaning, and retention, which makes the
Because they are subject to degradation
curatorial task almost impossibly complex.
in the ground, metal artifacts pose special
Because all the different parts tend to reach
challenges to both the interpreter and the
chemicaly with one another, mixed metal
conservator. Each metallic element and alloy has
artifacts frequently are found in extremely
its peculiar characteristics, complicated when
fragile and deteriorated condition. Tinplate is
metals and other materials are combined in a
among the worst preservation nightmares in
single artifact.
archæology, and it becomes more and more
Metal artifacts seldom contain a single frequent in newer sites. Its relative rarity in
material. Tinplate is a combination of sheet iron, eighteenth-century Delaware is reflected in the
tin plate, lead-based solder, and sometimes rough census of metal vessels on page 273.
painted decoration and lacquer protectant. Knives
Interpretation and curation of metals is
and forks typically consist of a metal instrument
among the most difficult assignments in
riveted to a bone handle, sometimes with inlays
archaeology. Iron objects are most frequently
of a second or third metal.
reduced to blobs of rust, which sometimes
Each of these components requires
displaces all the metal inside. Tinplate
different techniques for conservation
frequently is found in fragmentary condition,
smashed and unrecognizable without detailed

Tinplating originated in Bohemia in the
middle ages. By the seventeenth century,
tinware was a popular cheap substitute for
pewter throughout Europe (Brown 1988). The
English tinplate industry began in 1667 when
Andrew Yarranton led a party of industrial
spies to visit plate mills in Saxony, where they
learned the process. For the rest of the century,
various entrepreneurs attempted to get the
English tinplate industry under way.
Finally, in 1697, the first English rolling
Plate 58 mill at Pontypool began producing a uniform
Richard Haddick examines tin remains and thin iron plate that was well suited to
tinplating. A few years later, they added a
plating shop and the English tinplate industry

was under way. The industry spread to
other parts of the West Midlands and
South Wales within a very few years.
Up to 1740, the small amount of
tinware used in America was imported
from England. After 1750, tinwares
manufactured in Connecticut from
English plate were distributed
throughout America. By the end of the
century, a native American tinware
industry had developed and the industry
was becoming mechanized (Mulholland
Replication is a time-honored
method for analysing archæological
tinware. Tinplate recoverd from
archæological sites frequently is
smashed and distorted when it is Plate 59
removed from the ground. To the
untrained eye, the typical tinplate Tinplate scrap that was once parts of a basin
artifact is nondescript.
shape of the artifact in its original state, but can
At Fort Ligonier, Pennsylvania, replication was
interpret the technology of its maker. Knowing
used effectively to reconstruct the shapes and
the historical maker’s level of skill, ,
construction methods of smashed cups and
technological awareness, and attention to style,
buckets (Grimm 1970: 168-169).
can help interpret the cultural context of the site.
A replicator not only reproduces the
The east well at Bloomsbury
yielded two moderately well
preserved tin cups and some flattened
tin. A wire bail handle (Figure 94,
page 239) appeared to belong with the
tinware. As the pieces of tin were
sorted, it became apparent that the
flattened tin included a damaged
bottom and part of a side of a tapered
The cups and fragments were
taken to Richard Haddick, a historical
tinsmith in Wyoming, Delaware, for
interpretation and replication.
Haddick concluded that there were
three fully reproduceable vessels: two
Plate 60 cups and a basin. As nearly as
Soldering the seam on a cup with a modern iron possible, the construction methods of
the eighteenth-century originals were
duplicated, using hot-dipped tinplate

of the type that was available to the
original maker.
The sheet was cut to 10” by
14”, the size shipped by English
makers to the American market
(Audels 1962). Other standard English
sheets of the period were 133/4” by
10” and 161/4” by 121/2” (DeVoe
1981:9). These sheet sizes were inexact
by modern standards. In 1780, the
organized Cornish tinplate sheet
manufacturers standard-ized the two
principal sizes of plate in terms of
ranges of dimensions:
Plate 61
Singles: 123/4” by 91/2” to 133/4” by 10”
Doubles: 15” by 11” to 163/4” by 121/2” Cup side cylinder reconstructed
“Doubles” plate was heavier, and was used for personal communication). The 10" by 14"
larger products. Cornish tinplate was shipped sheet has exerted a longstanding hold on
thereafter in boxes of 225 sheets (Phil Kelley tinware design. Alongside plans for air-
conditioner ductwork and refrigerator pans,

Plate 62
Tin cups, as found

the Audel sheet-metal manual published in Using solder joint remnants as a guide,
1962includes plans for vessels identical to the Haddick made a handle with a finished width at
eighteenth-century originals. Using the manual the bottom of 3/8” and 3/4” at the top. The
and the specimens, Haddick was able to length of the handle blank was the same as the
reconstruct the original three vessels, a basin and
two drinking cups. height of the side blank, 27/32”, since a piece of
this size would have been left over if the side of
The smaller drinking vessel was a cup the cup had been cut from a piece of tin 10”
with a 9” circumferance and 27/8” diameter. The wide. The handle was hemmed and then butt
finish height is 2”. No handle survived, but solder soldered to the cup along its seam. The butt
encrustations provided dimensions and locations solder joints would have been a weak spot in the
for the handles of both cups. The edge was rolled design, and may explain why no handle was
over 18-gauge wire. found with either cup.
With allowances for overlaps, Haddick Capacity is about 200 cc, or three
cut a side piece 27/32” by 91/4” and a circular quarters of a modern measuring cup. The replica
cup is remarkably similar to the one illustrated
bottom 33/16” in diameter. He used a burring in the 1962 Audel manual, reproduced below.
machine to embed the wire in the edge before
forming the cylinder. Because the side seam Elapsed time to make the cup was about
overlaps, the wire edge is shorter than the whole an hour. In the mid-nineteenth-century, such a
sheet. A notch in one upper corner of the sheet cup would sell for 6¢.
accommodated this difference. The second cup, with a capacity of about
The side was then rolled into a cylindrical shape a pint, was made the same way, probably by the
and its bottom edge was turned out on the burring same tinsmith. It is 4” in diameter, 3” tall, and
machine. A simple soldered lap joint formed the 121/2” in circumference. The disk for the
cylinder. During the eighteenth century this bottom was originally 41/2” in diameter. The
operation would have been done with hand tools.
The bottom was then turned up. For this process, blank for the side was 37/32” by 123/4”.
Haddick noted that it had been roughly used
Haddick used a
burring machine, which was
introduced early in the
nineteenth century. The disk
was snapped over the cylinder
and then the lip was turned
down to lock the bottom.
While it might have
been watertight with only a
locked joint, it had been
soldered. Using 50/50 solder,
Haddick made a sweat joint
from the inside of the vessel.
Entry and exit points of the
soldering iron are visible on
both the original and the
replica. Haddick noted that the
Plate 63
original maker probably was
right-handed, judging from the Tin cups, as reconstructed by Richard Haddick
direction of the lap joint.

Plate 64
The reproduced tin basin
Haddick’s reproduction of the tin basin faithfully follows the materials found in the well,
and conforms to the measurements given in the Audel manual, below.

before being The handle is 1” wide at the top and

been made, the tapered basin went together
5/8” at the bottom, also with butt joints. The base
almost as quickly as the smaller cups. The
is soldered inside and outside, as opposed to the bottom seam of the original had not survived,
inside-only soldering of the smaller cup. but Haddick soldered it inside and out, in order
The two replicated tinplate cups based on to ensure that it would hold water under rough
specimens found at the French and Indian War use.
Fort Ligonier were 3” high and 5.1” high
Also in the same part of the well, but
respectively. Tinware was not uncommon in the
fragmented beyond recognition, were pieces of
fort (Grimm 1970: 168, 151).
Uncannily close to the Audel’s manual a tinware vessel with a locked seam. Haddick
explained that locked seams can be used on a
was the tapered two-quart basin. The two pieces
vessel that would be heated, since it did not
for the side of the basin fit comfortably in the 10”
require solder. A soldered lap seam, such as on
by 14” sheet size. The basin tapers from 61/4” on the cups and basin, might come apart if heated
the bottom to 81/2” at the top. Once a sheet without containing a liquid. Coffee pots and
metal pattern had kettles, for example, would be jointed without

From Sheet Metal Pattern Layouts, Theo Audel & Co., 1962, pages 343-345, 377
It would seem, perhaps, that the use of hand made tinware was practically obsolete, since it has become so largely
replaced to-day by machine made stamped goods. And yet the fact that there is, and probably always will be, more
or less demand for this class of goods, especially in jobbing shops and the more remote country shops, shows the
importance of knowing something of the sizes and dimensions of these articles.
The advantage of the schedules in vogue before the advent of machine made goods lies in the fact that they were
gotten up with a special view of working material to the best advantage with the least possible waste. Another
consideration would seem to make the publication of these old but reliable schedules desirable and important is the
fact that “old Father Time” is fast thinning the ranks of the “all around mechanic,” and the field will soon be left to
our young men growing up in the trade. If they understand the old and well tried methods of getting out the work,
they will become better and more thorough mechanics, and hence more serviceable to their employers.

Schedule of Dimensions of 1-Pint, 3-Pint and 2-Quart Tin Basins.

-------------------- Dimensions in inches ---------------
Depth on ––––– Diameter ––----
Size Depth Flare Top Bottom
1-pint 1
2 /4 3
2 /8 3
5 /4 4 1/8
3-pint 21/2 2 5/8 8 63/8
2-quart 3 15/32 3 5/8 8 1/2 61/4

One-Pint Basin. The body made of two pieces, out of 10 X 14 tin.

Three-Pint Basin. The body made in three pieces, cut out of 10 X 14 tin.
Two pieces cut out of the width of the sheet 10 inches, and one piece one-
half the long way of the sheet, or 7 inches.

Fig. 1 A Tin Cup

Two-Quart Basin. The body made in
two pieces, out of a 10 X 14 sheet of tin
and cut lengthways of the sheet.
There are many simple articles that
can be made by the apprentice in the
tin shop, with the ordinary tools. One
of these is a plain drinking cup, such as
is shown in Fig.1. usually made from
IC bright tin with a wire or hem edge
at A.
The bottom has a single edge and is
soldered on the inside when hand made.
Fig. 2 shows the three patterns for the
cup. The pattern A, for the body, is cut
on the squaring shears, of the required
Fig. 2 The Patterns for the Cup

height and in length equal to the circumference of the bottom, B. If the seam in the body is soldered, then only a
single edge is necessary, as shown at b. If the seam is grooved, edges are allowed, as shown at a and b. Should a
wire or hem edge be allowed along the top of the cup, it should be notched at the corners, as shown. B shows the
bottom with a single edge at c, while C D is the pattern for the handle, which is obtained by making C D equal to
the length, and d d and e e equal to the top and bottom widths. The hem edges f and f are added. The body, A, is
edged and wired, then rolled, the edge turned on the bottom B and then soldered to the body.

The handle, C D, is then edged, formed to the required shape and soldered to the cup.

The sizes and dimensions of basins presented on page 343 have long been the standard. This scheule in
former years had a special value, because of the fact that such articles of tinware, as well as nearly all
others, were made in larger quantities, such as gross lots, and the sizes of patterns were so proportioned as
to cut stock to the best advantage with the least possible waste. In the illustrations herewith, it has been
aimed to show how this is accomplished with the least possible expense under the old regime of hand
made tinware, as well as giving the required size of the various patterns.


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