Horizontal Single Axis Solar Tracker Using Arduino Approach
Horizontal Single Axis Solar Tracker Using Arduino Approach
Horizontal Single Axis Solar Tracker Using Arduino Approach
Siti Amely Jumaat, Adam Afiq Azlan Tan, Mohd Noor Abdullah, Nur Hanis Radzi,
Rohaiza Hamdan, Suriana Salimin, Muhammad Nafis bin Ismail
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM),
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Corresponding Author:
Siti Amely Jumaat,
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM),
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia.
Email: [email protected]
In this globalization era, demand of electricity keeps on increasing year by year [1].
The demanding of electricity gives an impact on the loss of main resources to produce electrical energy.
Mankind have explored more ways and technologies for the production of electrical energy using the
renewable energy resources. Renewable energy is an energy which generate from natural resources which are
naturally replenished. Among all the renewable energy resources that have been discovered, solar energy is
the most suitable. The solar energy provides light, heat and energy to all living things. Solar energy is a free
energy which does not have any price if using it. Furthermore, solar energy does not produce any pollution,
environmental friendly and endless supplies. Solar energy is an energy generated by the sun in the form of
solar radiation. Solar radiation from the sun is collected and absorbed by the solar panels and convert into
electrical energy. Solar energy shows a great potential for conversion into electrical in Malaysia because it
has very high radiation levels.
Despite of solar energy being a good source of energy, there is a need to improve the methods to
harness this energy. This can be achieved by using solar tracking system instead of fixed system. This report
presented by (Oloka Reagan Otieno et. al., 2015) [2] come out with an idea to develop a single axis solar
tracker for solar panel. The circuit is controlled by microcontroller Atmega328P, two dependent resistor
(LDR) and a servo motor. The purpose of the research is to observe comparison of voltage reading between
fixed and tracking solar panel. This paper presented by (Ayushi Nitin Ingole et. al., 2016) [3] proposed dual
axis tracking method. Solar panel assemble and connected to a stepper motor to track the sun so that
maximum sunlight will be directly shine on the panel at any given time of the day and year. This paper
presented by (Tiberiu Tudorache, Liviu Kreindler et. al.) [4] deals with the design and execution of a solar
tracker system dedicated to the PV conversion panels using a single axis solar tracker device to ensures the
optimization of the conversion of solar energy into electricity by properly move and turn the PV panel into
the real position of the sunlight. This paper by (Gagari Deb and Arijit Bardhan Roy et. al.) [5] discuss on the
important of using solar tracking system for extracting solar energy. The researcher discussed on mechanism
of building an efficient solar tracking system with the help of LabVIEW software. This thesis by
(Muhammad Sami Sabry et. al., 2013) [6] discussed on determining the accuracy of solar trackers by
measuring the tracker angles. The tracker angles of the the solar trackers were measured under varying
conditions. It examines the degree to which the solar tracking system were able to achieve optimal solar
angles (optimal accuracy) over the course of a day and under different operating conditions. (Md. Hanif Ali
Sohag, Hasan, Khatun & Ahmad et. al., 2015) [7] proposed the mechanism of solar tracking which was
implemented by the use of an image processing software which combines the effect of sensors and processed
image of sun to control the solar panel accordingly.
The purposes of this research are to develop a tracking system that control and monitor the
movement of solar panel based on the intensity of the light, to measure output voltage, current and power,
P=IV and to compare the efficiency increase of a solar system between fixed solar system and solar tracking
This section will be focusing on the methods used to develop horizontal single axis solar tracker
using Arduino approach. It is divided into three sub-section which include the specification of components,
software design and hardware design.
It has fourteen digital input/output pins (of which six of it can be used as PWM outputs), six analog
inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It
contains everything needed to support the micro-controller; it can simply connect to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The specifications of Arduino UNO are
tabulated in the Table 1 [8], [9].
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018 : 489 – 496
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752 491
Horizontal Single Axis Solar TrackerUsing Arduino Approach (Siti Amely Jumaat)
492 ISSN: 2502-4752
Solar Servo
Panel/Cel Motor
Figure 3. System Flowchart for Horizontal Single Axis Figure 4. Block Diagram for Horizontal Single
Solar Tracker Axis Solar Tracker
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018 : 489 – 496
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Figure 6. Front View Figure 7. Isometric View Figure 8. Side View A Figure 9. Side View B
Table 4. Comparison of Solar Panel Output Values between Fixed Solar Panel and Horizontal Single Axis
Solar Tracker System with No Load
Further analysis has been done on the comparison of output value: power, voltage and current
between the fixed solar panel and horizontal single axis solar tracker system. The result of the comparison of
output value with no load is shown in the Figure 11 to Figure 13.
Figure 11. Voltage vs Time Figure 12. Current vs Time Graph Figure 13. Power vs Time Graph
From the observation from Figure 11 and Figure 12, voltage and current value measured by solar
tracking system are higher compare to the fixed solar panel. The measured value is higher because the servo
motor rotates the panel perpendicularly directed towards the direction of the sunlight. Therefore, total surface
areas of solar panel for solar tracker system to absorb the sunlight is much bigger compare to fixed solar
panel and produce more output value. However, the value of voltage and current measured slightly decrease
due to cloud shading effect. From Figure 13, indicates that the power produce by solar panel from solar
tracking system higher compare to fixed solar panel. Power produce is calculated using the formula,
P=IV Equation (1).
Overall, it shows that solar tracking system able to receive more sunlight and generate more power
compare to fixed solar panel. The efficiency of the system increase by 49.11% when implemented with the
tracking mechanism. Efficiency of the overall system with the tracker can be calculated using the
Equation (2).
AveragePowertracking AveragePowerfixed
Efficiency 100%
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018 : 489 – 496
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752 495
Table 5. Comparison of Solar Panel Output Values between Fixed Solar Panel and Horizontal Single Axis
Solar Tracker System with Load
Further analysis has been done on the comparison of output value: power, voltage and current between the
fixed solar panel and horizontal single axis solar tracker system. The result of the comparison of output value
with load is shown in the Figure 15 to Figure 117.
Figure 15. Voltage vs Time Graph Figure 16. Current vs Time Graph Figure 17. Power vs Time Graph
For the observation, Figure 15 and Figure 16, value of voltage measured for solar tracking system
are higher compare to the fixed solar panel. The voltage measured from solar tracking system is higher
because the servo motor rotate the panel perpendicularly directed towards the direction of the sunlight.
Solar panel will absorb more sunlight. However, the value of voltage measured slightly decrease due to cloud
Horizontal Single Axis Solar TrackerUsing Arduino Approach (Siti Amely Jumaat)
496 ISSN: 2502-4752
shading effect. For the current measurement, current flow in the circuit is 0.08A for both fixed and tracking
system. The measurement of current constant all the time due to the existence of the load. From Figure 17,
indicates that the power produce by solar panel from solar tracking system higher compare to fixed solar
panel. Overall, solar tracking system receives more sunlight and generates more voltage and power compare
to fixed solar panel. The efficiency of the system increase by 1.43% when implemented with the tracking
mechanism. Efficiency of the overall system for on load test lesser than no load test because of the load that
have been used to limit the current in the circuit.
Firstly, the quality of having a solid, almost unyielding structure should be put as one of the main
characteristics of a solar tracker. Hard and solid material need to be used as the main material for the solar
tracker structure in order to withstand extreme weather condition such as strong windy day. Secondly, build a
solar tracker that can be monitored from long range, by adding Global System for Mobile Communication
(GSM) or build an application software. Lastly, maximizing the solar-system energy production and
produce more energy by upgrading the single axis solar tracker to dual axis solat tracker. More power
means a greater return on the solar investment, and greater energy savings.
An application of solar tracker using arduino approach has been presented in this study. As a
conclusion, firstly the development of tracking system to control and monitor the movement of solar panel
based on the intensity of the light is achieved. The solar panel will face the sun perpendicularly to absorb
more solar energy. Secondly, solar tracking systems generate more output during the hours while fixed solar
panel installation generates least power. However, shading effect give a slightly impact for solar panel to
produce the output value. Thirdly, the percentage efficiency of the system in energy conversion increase
when implemented the tracking system. The efficiency gain varies significantly with altitude and the
orientation of a fixed solar panel installation in the same location.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Research Management Center (RMC), Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malysia (UTHM), Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia for the financial support of this search. This
research is partly by RMC under the U861 (Tier 1) Grant.
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Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018 : 489 – 496