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College of Arts and Science Education Ge 5 (STS) - Course Syllabus

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College of Arts and Science Education

GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus

1. Course Number : GE 5
3. Course Description : The course deals with interactions between science and technology and
social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape are shaped by them (CMO No. 20, Series of 2013).This
interdisciplinary course engages students to conform the realities brought about by science and technology in
society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public, and the global aspects of our living and are integral to
human development. Scientific knowledge and technological development happen in the context of society with
all its socio-political, cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill
reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decision making
in the face of scientific and technological advancement.
4. Pre-requisite : None
5. Co-requisite : None
6. Credit : 3.0 units
7. Class schedule : 6 hours per week
8.General Education Student Outcomes
At the end of the undergraduate program, the students are expected to:

1. Exhibit proficient and effective communication;

2. Demonstrate critical, analytical, and creative thinking;

3. Rationally evaluate Filipino historical and cultural values;

4. Personally and meaningfully assess contemporary social issues

5. Manifest the ability to appreciate artistic beauty through objective evaluation of works of art; and

6. Rationally evaluate moral norms/imperatives as they affect individuals and society.

9.Course Outcomes (COs) of STS and their links to the GenEd Student General Education SOs

1 2 3 4 5 6

Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to:

1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology
2. Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment and its role in
3. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical
ramification that are meaningful to the student as part of society.

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College of Arts and Science Education
GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus

General Education Student Outcomes

Vision: By 2022, a globally recognized

1. Exhibit proficient and effective
institution providing quality,
affordable and open education.
2. Demonstrate critical, analytical, and
Mission: Provide a dynamic and creative thinking;
supportive academic environment 3. Rationally evaluate Filipino historical
through the highest standards of and cultural values;
instruction, research and extension in a
4. Personally and meaningfully assess
non-sectarian institution committed to
democratizing access to education.
contemporary social issues;
5. Manifest the ability to appreciate
Values: Excellence, Honesty and artistic beauty through objective
Integrity, Innovation, Teamwork evaluation of works of art; and
Core Competency: “Quality affordable 6. Rationally evaluate moral
open education” norms/imperatives as they affect
individuals and society.

 CO 1
 CO 2
 CO 3

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College of Arts and Science Education
GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus

CO and Assessment task alignment

CO Schedule Coverage
1.Articulate the impacts of science and Multiple Choice First Exam Week 1-2 Topics
technology on society, specifically Philippine Questions Week 2-3 Topics
2.Explain how science and technology affect society and the Second Exam Week 3-4 Topics
environment and its role in nation- building Week 4-5 Topics
3. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and Third Exam Week 5-6 Topics
express philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to the Week 6-7 Topics
student as a part of society.
4. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the Final Exam Week 7-9 topics
students’ life and Philippine social in general.
*Final assessment will be a comprehensive examination (from first topic to the last) in a Multiple Choice Questions
Assessment Task Details (Theory-based)
Assessment Coverage Assessment Details
Schedule Task

First Exam Week 1-2 Topics Multiple This assessment task is to discuss the historical antecedents in which social
Week 2-3 Topics Choice considerations changed the course of science and technology, discuss the
Questions scientific and technological developments affect society and the environment,
identify the paradigm shifts in history, articulate ways by which society is
transformed by science and technology, discuss the role of science and
technology in Philippine nation building, evaluate Govt. policies pertaining to
science and technology in terms of their contributions to nation building, identify
actual science and technology policies of the Govt. and appraise their impact on
the development of the Filipino nation.
Second Exam Week 3-4 Topics Multiple This assessment task is designed to analyze the human condition in order to
Week 4-5 Topics Choice deeply reflect and express philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to
Questions student as a part of society, critique human flourishing vis-à-vis the progress of
science and technology, examine shared concerns that make up the good life in
order to come up with innovative, creative solutions to contemporary issues
guided by ethical standards, examine human rights in order to uphold such rights
in technological ethical dilemmas, evaluate contemporary human experience in
order to strengthen and enlighten the human person functioning in society, find
and examine local govt. policies that protect the well-being of the person in the
face of new technologies.
Third Exam Week 5-6 Topics Multiple This assessment task is designed to link learned concepts to the development of
Week 6-7 Topics Choice the information age and its impact on society, illustrate how the social media and
Questions the information age have impacted our lives, determine the interrelatedness of
society, environment, and health, discuss the ethics and implications of GMO’s
and potential future impacts, discuss the impacts of nanotechnology on society,
analyze the issue through the conceptual STS lenses, critique the issue on its
costs and benefits to society, describe gene therapy and its various forms,
assess the issue’s potential benefits and detriments to global health, identify the
causes of climate change, assess the various impacts of climate change, apply
STS concepts to the issue of climate change, research and present and make a
stand on S and T issues that currently affect Philippine society.
Final Exam All topics Multiple This assessment task is designed for you to have a comprehensive knowledge
discussed Choice about science, technology and society

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College of Arts and Science Education
GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus


Week 1 Introduction McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M.,
Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology and
to General Concepts and STS Historical Society.1st ed. C and E Pub.
Week 3 Developments
 Lecture -YOU TUBE: “World’s Greatest Inventions”
1.Historical antecedents in which social  Discussion
-YOUTUBE: “Philippine Great Inventions”
considerations changed the course of
science and technology -YOUTUBE:Stephen Colberts interview with Neil
 Powerpoint Tyson
- Ancient presentation/
-A History of Science and Technology in the
- Middle group
Phils. –an article by Olivia C. Caoili
- Modern Age
 Essay -Floridi,Luciano (2014).The Fourth Revolution
-In the Philippines
 Recitation
2.Intellectual revolutions that defined
society https://explorable.com/what-is-a-paradigm
 Short quiz
a.Copernican /videos/mankind-the-story-of-all-of-us-
b.Darwinian  Film viewing
c.Freudian  Role playing http://www.flowofhistory.com.readings
e.Meso-American Flowcharts/revival-west/the-age-enlightenment
f.Asian  Reflection http://hti.osu.ed/scientific
g.Middle East revolution/lessonplans
Phil. Govt. documents on NEDA-National
Development Agenda and Regional Agenda
3.Science and technology and Nation-
- Pre-colonial Period
-Colonial Period
-Post-colonial Period
Week 4 STS AND THE HUMAN CONDITION  Group McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M.,
Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology and
to presentation Society.1st ed. C and E Pub.
Week 5 1. The Human Flourishing in terms
of Science and Technology  Reflection -The Question Concerning Technology by
Martin Heidegger

- Technology as way of revealing -YOUTUBE (The Magicians’s Twin-CS Lewis and

 Research
- Technology as a mode of the Case against Scientism)
revealing reading -Forget “developing” rich countries,its time to
- Technology as Poiesis: (Library work) “de-develop” rich countries by Jason Hickel
Applicable to Modern
Technology  Recitation
-Book VI and Book X Nichomachean ethics of
- Questioning as the Piety of
Though  Group work -What is and what should be the role of
- Enframing : Way of Revealing scientific culture in modern society-Richard
in Modern Technology Feynman in the Pleasure of Finding Things Out:
 Quiz
- Human Person Swallowed by -The Concepts of the Public Good:A view from
Technology the Filipino Philosopher by Ronaldo Gripaldo in
 Reflection
- Art as a Way out of enframing
GE 5 : Science, Technology and Society Revision no. 0 Effectivity: June 2018 Page 4 of 9
College of Arts and Science Education
GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus

the making of a Filipino Philosopher and other

Essays (2009).National Bookstore.pp.82-101
2. Human flourishing as Reflected in  Film viewing
Progress and Development -Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing in Ethics
- Forget ‘developing’ poor and Human Dignity by Christopher Maboloc
(2010).Rex Bookstore.pp.15-23
countries, it’s time to ‘de-
develop’ rich countries -That Sugar Film-A Documentary

-The Ethical Dilemmas of Robotics


-Is goggle making us stupid?by

making us stupid/306868/?

-Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us

(2000) Bill Joy at

-MOVIE entitled “AI”

-Isaac Asimov- “I Robot”

Week 6 THE GOOD LIFE  Book Review McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M.,
Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology and
- Nicomachean Ethics and  Research
Society.1st ed. C and E Pub.
To Modern Concepts article reading
WHEN TECHNOLOGY AND HUMANITY ( Library work) TEDTALK:Julian Assange on “Why the World
Week 7 CROSS Needs Wikileaks”

- Universal Declaration of Human  Recitation

-Information:The new Language of Science by
rights Hans Christian von Baeyer
- Humans vs. robots  Quiz
-Philippine Science and
- Why the future does not need Technology:Economic,Political and Social
us?  Group Events Shaping their Development by Socorro
SPECIAL TOPICS IN SCIENCE, presentation Rodriquez (1996)
TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY -Germ Catcher by David J.Ecker. Scientific
- Information society  Film viewing American (2014)
- Information
-Physics of the future:How Science will shape
- The role of language  Reflection
human destiny and our lives by the year 2100
- Mathematics as the language of by Michio Kaku (2011)
- Technological world -The politics of Golden Rice” by
Dubock,Adrian.GM Crops and Food.Jul-Sept.
- The printing press and beyond 2014.Vol. 5.pp.210-222.
- The world wide web
-“Ethics in Research with Vulnerable
Populations and Emerging Countries:The
Golden Rice Case” by Duguet,Anne Marie et.
al.Journal of International Law and Commercial
Regulations.Vol. 38 Issue 4.p.979-1013, p.35

-TEDTalk:Ray Kurzwell on “How Technology

Will Transform Us”

GE 5 : Science, Technology and Society Revision no. 0 Effectivity: June 2018 Page 5 of 9
College of Arts and Science Education
GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus

-:“Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social

Implications of Nanotechnology.An article by
Patrick Lin and Fritz Allhoff (2007)

-“Environmental Impacts of Nanotechnology

and its Products.Proceedings of the 2011
Midwest Section Conference of the American
Society for Engineering Education. An article by
Zhang, et. al (2011)

-PPT: Can we build a culture of science through

nanotechnology.Fabian M. Dayrit (2013)

-YOUTUBE: Science Fiction:Stem Cell Research

-TEDTalk:Susan Lim on “Transplant Cells Not


-TEDTalk:Juan Enriquez on the “Next Species of

Week 8 BIODIVERSITY  Group McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M.,
Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology and
&9 - The 2010 International Year of presentation
Society.1st ed. C and E Pub.
- Biotechnology  Research -YOUTUBE: “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore
- Genetically Modified Organisms article reading
-“The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change”-a
- Genetic Modification ( Library work)
book by Al Gore
- Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety  Quiz -BUHOS-A Climate Change documentary by
Loren Legarda
- Genetically modified golden rice
 Film viewing
falls short on lifesaving -“Tragedy of the Commons”.An article by
promises Garrett Hardin
 Research
GENE THERAPY presentation
- Earth’s movement around the
- Milankovitch Parameters
- Global warming
- Greenhouse Gases  Research
- Future actions paper


McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M., & Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology and Society (1st edition). C and E
Publishing Inc.
Donald R. Askeland, & Wendelin J. Wright (2016). The Science and Engineering of materials (7th edition). Australia:
Cengage Learning
Janice Patria Javier Serafica (et.al.) (2018). Science, Technology, and Society (1st edition). Rex Bookstore, Quezon City.
Carl Young (2015). The science and technology of counterterrorism: measuring physical and electronic security risk.
Armsterdam: Elsevier.
Maria Jessica B. Alumaga (et.al.) (2014). Science and Technology 8. Vibal Group, Inc., Quezon City.

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College of Arts and Science Education
GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus


Assessment Methods
A. Exam 1 – 3 30%
B. Final Exam
- Multiple Choice Questions 30%
C. Quizzes 10%
D. Research 15%
E. Oral recitation 10%
F. Assignments 5%
Total 100%

4. Policies and guidelines

a. Attendance is counted from the first regular class meeting.
b. A validated student identification card must always by worn be all students while attending classes.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited. Any form of dishonesty shall be dealt with accordingly. Honesty is called for at
all times.
d. Valid examination permits are necessary in taking the examinations as scheduled. CELLULAR PHONES or any
e. Base-15 grading policy should be observed. Students who obtained failing scores in major exams are
recommended to attend the tutorial class.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Faculty Program Head, BS Biology

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


Dean, CASE VP, Academic Planning Service (main)

References reviewed by:

Head - LIC

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College of Arts and Science Education
GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus

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College of Arts and Science Education
GE 5 (STS) – Course Syllabus

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