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English Globalization
A. Warm-Up Questions

1. What language do you speak at home?

2. When did you start to learn English?

3. Do you ever mix your native language

with English when you are speaking?

4. How many people around the world do you

think speak English as a second language?

5. Have you ever heard the terms “Spanglish” or

“Hinglish”? What do you think these terms mean?

6. What is the meaning of globalization?

B. Vocabulary Preview

Match up as many words and meanings as you can.

Check this exercise again after seeing the words in context on page 2.

1. native a)  worldwide

2. estimate b)  to change to fit a new use or situation
3. skill c)  in the area
4. currently d)  to give support or confidence, to help
5. expert e)  to give an idea of the approximate size, number, etc.
6. predict f)  profitable, bringing money
7. compete g)  now, at the present time
8. global h)  a form that is different from the original
9. local i)  born in or belonging to a certain place
10. encourage j)  the ability to do something
11. version k)  to say what will happen in the future
12. adapt l)  a person with a lot of knowledge about a certain topic
13. lucrative m)  to try to win or be better than someone else

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English Globalization

1. Today, the English language is spoken as a 5. As more non-native speakers have learned English,
second language by more people than ever words from local languages have become mixed
before. In 2019, for every native English speaker, with it. For example, Spanglish, a mix of Spanish
there were estimated to be three non-native and English, is now spoken in the United States
English speakers. and Mexico. Hinglish, a mix of Hindi and English,
is becoming more common in India.
2. English is now the language of business,
computer technology, and skilled employment 6. In fact, some experts think that people could one
worldwide. Currently, hundreds of millions of day speak one kind of English at home, another
people, especially in China and India, are learning at work or school, and a third while travelling or
to speak English, many of them in small local talking to international visitors. Other experts
language schools. Some experts predict that believe that countries should encourage local
English will be one of only three languages (also versions of English.
Spanish and Mandarin) that doesn’t die out by
7. Some native English speakers are upset at these
the end of this century.
changes. However, they will have to adapt to them
3. Many non-English-speaking countries now start because the globalization of English has become a
to teach their children English in school at a young fact of life. The highly lucrative English as a second
age. This not only helps the children to learn language teaching industry and the demand for
English but also to get better jobs when they native English speakers will continue to grow for
are older. A country that has workers who have some time to come.
both English and computer skills is better able
to compete in the global marketplace.

4. English is also the language of the Internet. Many

people work in the field of Internet technology,
while many others use the Internet to help them
do their jobs or to improve their English skills.

“A different language is a different vision of life.”

—Federico Fellini, Italian film director and screenwriter

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English Globalization

Discuss these questions in pairs and write the answers in your notebook.

1. In 2019, what was the ratio of non-native

English speakers to native English speakers?

2. In what fields or industries is English spoken around the world?

3. What major prediction have some language experts made?

4. Why are many non-English-speaking countries starting to teach their

children English at a young age?

5. Give two examples of languages that have started to mix with English.

Vocabulary Review
Complete the sentences using a word from the vocabulary list on page 1.
You may need to change the word form.

1. They             live in Canada, but they are planning to move to England soon.

2. When you move to a new country, you have to             to new customs.

3. Thousands of athletes from around the world             in the Olympic Games.

4. At first he lost money in his business, but now it is becoming very             .

5. John has become a very good student because all his teachers             him to work hard.

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English Globalization

Work with a partner or in small groups. Discuss the following questions.

1. At what age do you think children should

begin to study a second language in school?

2. What do you think is the best way to teach English to children?

3. Why do you think English has become the global language?

4. Besides business and technology, what

other industries function primarily in English?

5. How is the spread of English throughout the

world affecting local languages and local cultures?

6. What can countries do to preserve their local languages?

7. Do you think it is important for English language

teachers around the world to try to maintain
a standardized form of English? Why or why not?

8. In what ways do languages change throughout time?

Give some examples.

9. Nowadays, many young people are travelling

to foreign countries to teach English as a second language.
Do you think this would be a good job? Explain your answer.

Debate Write
Below are two topics to debate in small groups or pairs. Choose one of the questions
Your teacher will tell you if you will be debating for or against the idea. from the Discuss section above.
You will have ten minutes to prepare your arguments. Then write a paragraph in
your notebook stating your
Topic #1 Topic #2 own opinion.

With English becoming the In order to facilitate effective

global language, the loss international communication,
of national languages and the mixing of local languages with
cultures is inevitable. English should be discouraged and
teachers everywhere should use
one global standard for English
language instruction.

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English Globalization

Useful Expressions & Transitions for Debating

Agreeing and Disagreeing Expressing an Opinion

• That doesn’t take away from the fact that... • In my honest opinion...
• That’s beside the point. • It is my belief that...
• With all due respect... • From my experience...
• I agree with you there. • From where I look at it...
• I agree with ---- (name). • From my point of view...
• I see your point, but...
• That may be true, but...
Clarifying / Rephrasing
• We’re going to have to agree to disagree.
• I get/see where you’re coming from, but... • Let’s be clear here...
• I’m afraid I disagree entirely. • I think you misunderstood what I said.
• I’m afraid I’d have to disagree. • What I said was... (repeat a point
• I agree to some extent, but... that was misunderstood or confused)
• I disagree with you there. • What I meant to say was...
• Pardon me for disagreeing, but... (rephrase something in a way that is clearer)
• In other words...
• What I was trying to say
Interrupting / Asking to Contribute
before I was interrupted is that...
• I hate to interrupt, but...
• If I may come in here...
Summarizing / Concluding
• I’d like to add something.
• Would you like to contribute something? • So let me get this straight. You think...
• I’d like to raise a point. • To conclude...
• If I could speak for a moment... • I’d just like to summarize by saying...
• I’d like to cut in here. • Finally, I’d like to reiterate that...
• You haven’t answered my question. • It’s time to take stock of what we’ve heard today.
• Both sides have some valid points.
• The stronger argument/team today is...

• Can you see where I’m coming from?

• I challenge you to give this a try/chance.
• I want you to see it my way.
• Put yourself in my shoes.
• Am I getting through to you?

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English Globalization

Answer Key

In this lesson, students read about the globalization of the TIME: 1.5–2 hours
English language. After they read the article and review new
TAGS:  English, globalization, language loss,
vocabulary, students engage in debates about language loss.
native speaker, Chinese, Spanish

Pre-Reading Vocabulary Review

A. WARM-UP QUESTIONS 1. currently 3. compete 5. encourage

2. adapt 4. lucrative
This discussion can be done as a class or in small groups or pairs.


1. i 3. j 5. l 7. m 9. c 11. h 13. f Have students discuss in small groups or pairs. Answers will vary.
2. e 4. g 6. k 8. a 10. d 12. b

Review language used in debates (see page 5). Then divide students
Read individually, in small groups, or as a class. Help your students into pairs or groups, with some arguing for and others arguing
with vocabulary and expressions that they are unfamiliar with. against one or both of the topics. Alternatively, allow students to
choose one topic to debate as a class. If all students want to argue

Comprehension the same side, assign some students to be on the other side of the
debate. Give students time to practise making statements about

1. In 2019, for every native English speaker, there their opinions.

were estimated to be three non-native English speakers.

Remind students to defend their opinions with real-life examples
2. English is now the language of business, computer
and details. They may also need to be reminded to respect the
technology, and skilled employment worldwide.
opinions of others. You could also practise interrupting politely.
3. Some experts have predicted that by the end
(See our Functional English lesson plan on Interrupting:
of the century there will only be three languages
https://esllibrary.com/courses/92/lessons/1747) Consult our
in the world (English, Spanish, and Mandarin).
Teachers’ Notes for more ideas on using ESL Library’s Mini-Debates
4. This not only helps the children to learn English but
in the classroom: https://esllibrary.com/courses/73/lessons/1311
also to get better jobs when they are older. A country
that has workers who have both English and computer
skills is better able to compete in the global marketplace.
5. Spanglish, a mix of Spanish and English, is now spoken
Answers will vary.
in the United States and Mexico. Hinglish, a mix of Hindi
and English, is becoming more common in India.

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