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An Introduction To Gluster

Ryan Matteson
Presentation Overview
•  Tonight I am going to give an overview of
Gluster, and how you can use it to create
scalable, distributed file systems
•  I love interactive presentations, so please
ask if you aren’t sure of something!
What Is Gluster?
•  Gluster is an open source, scalable,
distributed cluster file system capable of
scaling to several brontobytes and
thousands of clients
•  Typically combined with commodity
servers and storage to form massive
storage networks
Gluster Features
•  Gluster has a number of features that
favorably tip the geek scale:
–  Global namespace
–  Clustered storage
–  Modular and stackable
–  Highly available storage
–  Built in replication and geo-replication
–  Self-healing
–  The ability to re-balance data
Gluster Terminology
•  Four main concepts:
–  Bricks - storage units which consist of a
server and directory path (i.e., server:/export)
–  Translators - modules that are chained
together to move data from point a to point b
–  Trusted Storage Pool – a trusted network of
servers that will host storage resources
–  Volumes - collection of bricks with a common
redundancy requirement
Putting Things Together
–  Trusted storage pools contain one or more
storage servers that will host Gluster volumes
–  A brick contains the name of a trusted storage
server and a directory on the server where
data will be read and written by clients
–  Bricks are combined into volumes based on
performance and reliability requirements
–  Volumes are shared with Gluster clients
through CIFS, NFS or the Gluster file system
Gluster Volume Types
•  Gluster supports a number of volumes types, each
providing different availability and performance
–  Distributed – Files are distributed across bricks in the
–  Replicated – Files are replicated across one or more
bricks in the cluster
–  Striped – Stripes data across one or more bricks
–  Distributed replicated – Distributes files across
replicated bricks in a cluster
–  Distributed striped – Stripes data across two or
more nodes in the cluster
Which Volume Type Should I Use?
•  From the official Gluster documentation:
–  Use distributed volumes where the requirement is to scale
storage and the redundancy is either not important or is
provided by other hardware/software layers
–  Use replicated volumes in environments where high-
availability and high-reliability are critical
–  Use striped volumes only in high concurrency
environments accessing very large files
–  Use distributed striped volumes where the requirement is
to scale storage and in high concurrency environments
accessing very large files
–  Use distributed replicated volumes in environments where
the requirement is to scale storage and high-reliability is
critical. Distributed replicated volumes offer improved read
performance in most environments
Getting Gluster Working
•  Seven step process:
–  Install the Gluster packages
–  Start the Gluster services
–  Create a trusted storage pool
–  Create new volumes
–  Start volumes
–  Lock down who can see the volumes
–  Mount the volumes on clients
Installing Gluster
•  Three methods available:
–  For Fedora 16+ you can install via yum:
$ yum install glusterfs flusterfs-fuse \
glusterfs-server glusterfs-vim glusterfs-devel
–  For RPM distributions rpmbuild is your friend:
$ rpmbuild -ta glusterfs-version.tar.gz
–  Configure, make and make install also works
–  You can run `gluster –V` to verify your
installation is complete and functional
Enabling Gluster Services
•  The glusterd service needs to be started
prior to using Gluster
•  Starting Gluster on RHEL, CentOS and
Fedora is crazy easy:
$ chkconfig glusterd on
$ service glusterd start
Adding Storage Servers To A
Trusted Storage Pool
•  A trusted storage pool consists of one or more servers, and
each server can contain one or more bricks
•  To add a server to a trusted storage pool you can run `gluster
peer probe` followed by the hostname or IP of the server to
$ gluster peer probe
Probe successful
•  You can view cluster status with `gluster peer status`:
$ gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 1

Uuid: 8667f377-5736-431b-b905-b607873035f0
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Creating Volumes
•  You can create a volume with `gluster
volume create <options>`:
$ gluster volume create glustervol01 \
replica 2 transport tcp \
gluster01:/gluster/vol01 \
•  In the example above I created a replicated
volume named glustervol01, it contains two
bricks and has a replica value of 2 to tell Gluster
I want my data mirrored to two bricks
Starting Gluster Volumes
•  Volumes need to be started after creation:
$ gluster volume start glustervol01
•  You can run `gluster volume info` to view volume status:
$ gluster volume info
Volume Name: glustervol01
Type: Replicate
Status: Created
Number of Bricks: 2
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
auth.allow: 192.168.1.*
Mounting A Gluster File System
•  You can mount a Gluster file system on a
client with the mount command:
$ mount -t glusterfs fedora-cluster01:/glustervol01 /gluster

•  The server used in the mount command is

only used to retrieve information about the
Gluster volume
•  Once mounted the client will interact with
all of the bricks based on he volume type
Securing Gluster
•  This is currently a major wart in the current
stable release of Gluster
•  Clients are authenticated based on IP
address ranges, which we all know is less
than ideal 
•  Work is actively underway to:
–  Add certificate based authentication
–  Introduce an encryption translator
Securing Gluster (cont.)
•  But all is not lost, we can still take a couple
of actions to improve security:
– Separate Gluster traffic from your
production network traffic
– Utilize iptables to limit who can talk to your
Gluster trusted storage servers
– Configure Gluster to only allow mounts
from specific clients or networks:
$ gluster volume set glustervol01 \
auth.allow 192.168.1.*
Set volume successful
•  Gluster provides an amazing amount of
coolness for a relatively new file system
•  Gluster is still in its infancy, and there are
some growing pains. Once these are
addressed Gluster will truly be amazing!
•  It’s free, open source, so go grab a copy
and start playing with it. You’ll love it!
•  Official Gluster website:
•  Posts I’ve written about Gluster:
•  The future of Gluster:

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