Cadmium Induced Histopathological Alterations in Female Gonad of Freshwater Bivalve Mollusks, Lamellidens Marginalis During Summer Season
Cadmium Induced Histopathological Alterations in Female Gonad of Freshwater Bivalve Mollusks, Lamellidens Marginalis During Summer Season
Cadmium Induced Histopathological Alterations in Female Gonad of Freshwater Bivalve Mollusks, Lamellidens Marginalis During Summer Season
Shaikh Yasmeen
Department of Zoology
Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for Women, Aurangabad (M.S.) India
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Abstract: The study was aimed to investigate the effect of cadmium on the gonad in female fresh water bivalve mollusks,
Lamellidens marginalis. The experiment was carried out on the bivalves collected from Kutluq Lake, Daultabad, district
Aurangabad of Maharashtra, India from January 2018 to December 2018. The histolopathological findings include partial
disruption of ovarian follicle, vacuolation of germinal cells cytoplas m and damaged inter follicular connective tissue. The
cytomorphological structure of ovarian follicles got deformed and elongated, losing their typical configuration. Necrosis and
fibrosis in the connective tissue and damage to yolk vesicles of maturing sites were observed.
Histopathological abnormalities caused due to toxicity of In the light of above researches, the present investigation was
pesticides have been reported earlier by many investigators undertaken with a view to study the histopathological
(Muley and Mane, 1990; Jonnalagadda and Rao, 1996; changes in the female gonad of Lamellidens marginalis,
Waykar, 1998) Zhou et. al., (1993) studied the histological under cadmium toxicity.
changes in the ovotestes of snail Biomphalaria glabrata on
exposure to molluscicides. Jyothi and Narayan (1996) MATERIALS AND METHODS
studied the effect of organophosphorous insecticide phorate After collection of the animals from habitat, they were
on gonads of freshwater fish Clarius batrachus. Kumari and immediately transported to the laboratory. The fouling and
Kumar (1997) studied the histopathological alterations in mud on shell valves were removed without disturbing the
ovary induced by aquatic pollutants in Channa punctatus. siphonal regions. The equal sized animals (90-100 mm shell
Hazarika and Das (1998) investigated the histopathological length) were grouped and kept in sufficient quantity of water
changes induced in ovary of Heteropneustes fossilis exposed (animal/liter) in aquaria with aeration for 24 hrs to adjust the
to BHC. Khan and Jha (2000) studied gonad histopathology animals in laboratory conditions (with renewal of water at
of the freshwater fish, Channa punctatus after exposure to interval of 12 to 13 hrs). No food was given during
phosalone. Ramchandra Mohan (2000) studied malathion acclimation time and during experiments. After 24 hrs, 05
induced changes in the ovary of freshwater fish, Glossobius groups of animals of almost equal size (90-100 mm shell
quaris. Baruah and Das (2002) studied histopathological length) were formed and each group with 10 animals
changes in ovary of fish Heteropneustes fossilis exposed to including control group and exposed to different test
paper mill effluent. Phirke (2008) studied the effect of concentrations of cadmium for static bioassay tests. The
quinolphos and thiodan on gonads of freshwater bivalve, stock solution of cadmium was prepared by was made
Parreysia corugata. Otitoloju et. al., (2009) studied the dissolving appropriate quantity of cadmium chloride (CdCl2
histopathlogy and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in 2½H2O AR Grade CDH Bombay) in double distilled water.
ovotestes of giant land snail, Archachatina marginata. The pH of the water is brought between 6.9 and 7.1 by adding
Kandasamy and Muthukumaravel (2010) studied the toxic 1N HCl (due to insolubility of cadmium in reservoir water
effect of chromium on the histoarchitectural alterations in having 7.6 to 8.1).
ovary of freshwater fish, Oreochromis mossambicus.
Photograph showing: I from North to South and II. From West to East
Appropriate test concentrations were then prepared and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
animals were exposed. The experiments were conducted in The polluting substance could affect the histology of the
natural day-night rhythm. The experiments were repeated organism, meaning the deterioration of tissue and damage at
three times for confirming observed LC0 and LC50 values. The the cellular level. Severe damage at the cellular level was
96 hrs acute test was recorded. After 96 hrs acute toxicity test observed in female gonad after acute exposure. As compared
using cadmium for histological studies, gonad from control, to tissues of a control group of bivalve mollusks, these
LC0 and LC50 groups were fixed in aqueous Bouin's Hollande histological changes were prominent after acute exposure as
fluid for 48 hrs. The dissected tissues were dehydrated with compared to control group.
alcohol and toluene and embedded in paraffin wax (58 to
During the experimental period, the female gonad showed a
60°C). Gonad sections were cut down at 6-7µ. For
developmental condition of gonad. In the control group,
histopathological study of gonad Mallory's triple stain was
female follicle showed follicle wall with prominent germ
used. All the photomicrography was made under light-
cells and vitellogenic oocytes of different sizes. Many free
microscope Labo VT-20 Scan model.
Shaikh Yasmeen 75
mature eggs possessed dense cytoplasm and distinct nucleus vitellogenic oocytes lost their shape and detached from
located in centre having prominent nucleolus. The staining of follicle wall. Swelling of follicle was considerable (Fig. 2).
these different parts in female follicle was distinct (Fig.1).
After acute exposure to cadmium LC 0 group and LC 50 group In LC50 group, the follicle wall was distorted, mostly showed
of bivalves showed considerable damage to the female gonad prominent nuclei, nucleoli and the cytoplasm was opaque.
as compared to control group. In LC0 group, the follicle wall These are likely to undergo degeneration. Small sized
ruptured at places with shrinkage of germ cells along the wall. previtellogenic oocytes also showed such conditions. Nature
Deterioration of ooplasmic material, the nucleus and nucleoli of damage was more severe in LC50 than the LC0 group (Fig.
were observed in mature eggs. The germ cells and 3).
Histological changes in gonads: (Fig 1to3): biochemical disturbances in aquatic organisms like mollusc
due to pesticide toxicity are well documented, Waykar and
Control Lomte (2002 and 2004). Histopathological changes are
In female ovaries many vitellogenic oocytes were found and mostly confined to organs directly involved in their
being released. In few follicles degenerating oocytes were metabolism and detoxification, Rashatwar and Ilyas (1994).
also seen. In the control group, during maturation the lumen of a female
follicle was filled with developing oogonia and primary
LC0 and LC50 groups
oocytes. Few follicles showed primary germ cells along the
In summer, LC0 group showed the formation of many pre
wall. The nuclei of the oocytes and ripened gametes were
vitellogenic and vitellogenic oocyte. Prominent vacuole conspicuous, but chronic stress from experimental group
appeared in their nuclei and lipid globules and nutritive cells showed rupture of follicle at some places, discontinuous
decreased much in quantity. In LC50 group, follicles distorted germ cells, loss of continuity in the follicle wall, dislocation
and ooplasmic material and nuclei showed vacuoles, of nucleus, internal follicular edema in ovary and disrupted
vitellogenic oocyte were also formed. Prominent vacuole basement membrane. Comparing the effects of Cadmium on
appeared in their nuclei and lipid globules and nutritive cells female gonads of bivalves, it was observed that, the effects
decreased much in quantity. In LC50 group, follicles distorted were more prominent in LC50 group, followed by LC0 group.
and ooplasmic material and nuclei showed vacuoles. Follicular shrinkage and distortion was observed in LC0, LC50
and chronic groups. In LC50, vacuoles in cytoplasm and
LC50 group showed swelling of the follicle walls and
degeneration of oocytes were observed. Similar changes
deterioration of cellular material. F ollicle wall was ruptured
were observed in both LC0 and LC50 groups of V. bengalensis
in places. Cytoplasm of oocytes showed prominent vacuoles.
A few vitellogenic oocytes showed karyolysis and appeared after acute exposure to folithion and lebaycid (Muley, 1985)
to undergo degeneration. The vitellogenic oocytes showed and in the female gonad of Meretrix meretrix after acute
fragmentation of cytoplasm. The damage was more severe exposure to Cypermethrin (Prabhupatkar, 2004).
than LC0 group (Fig. 3). Any particular alteration of cell may
Most of the study is related to pesticide induced changes in
indicate the presence of disease or the toxic substance. There the cytoarchitecture of different organs were carried out on
is a clear correlation between pathological condition of cell or fishes and other invertebrates, while that of mollusk and
tissues and its affected functions (Brown et al, 1967). The bivalves were still scanty (Shinde, 2019). It is widely
extent of damage induced by the toxicant to a particular organ recognized that, growth and reproduction in aquatic animals
can also be judged on a cellular level. Pathological and were affected due to contamination of toxicants in aquatic
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