Impact of Climate Change On Biodiversity: An Overview
Impact of Climate Change On Biodiversity: An Overview
Impact of Climate Change On Biodiversity: An Overview
Abstract: Biodiversity is the 'Full variety of Life on Earth'. It includes diversity within species, between species and of
ecosystem. Biodiversity plays an important role in climate regulation. Biodiversity conservation will lead to strengthening of
ecosystem resilience and will improve the ability of ecosystem to provide important services during increasing climate
pressures. But due to anthropogenic activities the global climate has changed since last few decades.This climate change
adversely affected the biological resources of the country. This review basically discuss the importance of biodiversity, the
consequences faced by the plants, animals, humans and ecosystem owing to the climate change and also control measures or
strategies should be taken for the conservation of biodiversity which can protect the earth from the consequenceof climate
Keywords: Biodiversity, Climate change, Conservation, Ecosystem, Human health, livelihood, Species.
Himalayas, North-east India and Andaman Islands, and the Large scale development and construction have posed
Western Ghats. Biogeographically, India is situated at the tri- significant threat to biodiversity. It has lead to destruction of
junction of three realms: Afro-tropical, Indo-Malayan and various fragile ecosystems. Human activities significantly
Paleo-Arctic realms, and therefore, has characteristic contribute towards destruction of natural habitats. The
elements from each of them. This assemblage of three distinct construction of road, dams, mining activities and other
realms makes the country rich and unique in biological development projects have led to destruction of biodiversity of
diversity. It has a great wealth of biological diversity in its that region. All these factors related to large scale development
forests, wetlands and in its marine areas. It is estimated that are one of the major contributors of threat to biodiversity.
over 46,000 species of plants and 81,000 species of animals
are found in India. The flowering plants comprise 15,000 In the recent times India's biodiversity is severely threatened.
The important causes of threats to biodiversity are the habitat
species of which about 7000 species are endemic. Among the
destruction, invasive species, pollution, population and
animal species diversity more than 50,000 species of insects, overexploitation of natural resources. Other prominent factor
4,000 molluscs, 6,500 other vertebrates, 2,546 fishes, 197 for the depletion of biodiversity is the rampant poaching.
amphibians, 408 reptiles, 1224 birds and 350 species of Though stringent laws have been enacted by the government
mammals are found in different habitats (Myers et al., 2000). regarding poaching and Wildlife Protection Act (1972) has
been passed, which ensures the protection of wildlife and
India is equally rich in traditional and indigenous knowledge, effectively deal with poaching related issues and also many
both coded and informal on the use and importance of the arrests have been made regarding that in recent few years, it is
biodiversity in the country. For generations, thousands of still prevalent and is a cause of concern for the biodiversity and
human communities have lived in the midst of this rich despite the government spending cores on the conservation of
biodiversity and evolved sustainable lifestyles, of a symbiotic animals, the effective implementation of poaching related laws
nature with the natural bounty around them. In the last two is yet a cause of concern. Similarly overharvesting of forest also
centuries, these equations have been radically challenged and depletes the biodiversity of the region.
threatened by various factors. Among them are a social and
political mandate that favours maximum extraction of natural Another important factor is the conversion of land under
resources to achieve a certain paradigm of 'development' and a forest and grasslands into residential lands and using them for
top-down model of conservation that ignores and threatens the other developmental activities which lead to depletion of
very existence of the first allies of conservation–local people biodiversity. Deforestation has a huge impact on the
whose lives are deeply entwined with that of their surrounding biodiversity and clearing of forests for developmental
for their physical, social, emotional and moral sustenance, in activities lead to reduced forest cover and also contributes to
fact their very livelihood (Roy and Roy, 2015). climate changes affecting ecosystems around the globe.
With the current trend of globalization and Intellectual The biodiversity loss has ecological impact (Kumar Ajay et
Property Rights (IPR) regimes there is an urgent need for al., 2017) and its main cause is the changes in the
environment. Environmental conditions play a key role in
proper and scientific quantification and documentation of our
defining the function and distribution of organisms, in
biodiversity and associated traditional and indigenous combination with other factors. Environmental changes have
knowledge especially in the developing country. This had enormous impacts on biodiversity patterns in the past and
traditional knowledge is critical to science and society for will remain one of the major driver s of biodiversity patterns
maintaining the nation's natural resources, for growing its in the future. Environmental changes are studied under the
agricultural economy, for sustaining and improving the change in climate or changes due to overpopulation,
human health and its life style. overexploitation of natural resources and deforestation.
Figure: Link between climate change and its impacts on loss of biodiversity and ecosystem.
62 International Journal of Biological Innovations 1 (2), (DEC. 2019)
Climate Change and its Impact and microorganisms both by changing their habitats and by
The word climate refers to the weather variation of any directly affecting their physiological processes. The means
specific area over a period of time. Climate includes the sea level has risen by 10 to 20 cm and may further rise to 88cm
average temperature, amount of precipitation, days of (Rathore and Jasrai, 2013). Climate change has resulted in an
sunlight, and other variables that might be measured at any increase in the temperature to about 5°C to the normal and has
given site. However, there are also changes within the Earth's resulted in the melting of the ice, increase in sea level which is
environment that can affect the climate. Climate change threatening the endemic species (polar bears, walruses, seals,
refers to any change in the environment due to human emperor penguins, krill and ringed seal).
activities or as a result of natural processes. Climate change
refers to significant and long-term changes to a region's Coral bleaching: Another important phenomenon
climate. These changes can occur over a few decades, or associated with temperature rise is coral bleaching. When
millions of years. Climate change alters entire ecosystems corals become affected by the rising temperature and other
along with all of the plants and animals that live there. climatic issues they lose their beautiful colours turning white.
The rising temperature results into increase in sea
Plants and animals are sensitive to fluctuations in temperatures which negatively impacts the corals resulting in
temperature and climate. Evidence of organic evolution vanishing of the reefs which are considered to be one of the
clearly indicated that rapid climate changes have been most bio-diverse ecosystems.
associated with mass extension of plants and animals. Rapid
climatic changes could lead to increased diseases, land slide, Water resources: Climate change affects the water resources
forest fire which result in destruction of animals and plants. thought increased evaporation rate. Increased evaporation
All organisms are adapted to a particular range of climatic rates are expected to reduce water supplies in many regions.
conditions. Change in the climatic condition has a danger of The greatest deficits are expected to occur in the summer
extinction of several plants and animals species. Although all leading to be decreased soil moisture levels and more
species are not directly influenced by changes in frequent and severe agriculture drought. More frequency and
environmental conditions but also indirectly influence severe droughts arising from climate change will have serious
through their interactions with other species. Indirect impacts and management implication for water resource users. Such
are equally important in determining the response of plants to droughts also impose costs in terms of wildfires both in
climate change. A species whose distribution changes as a control costs and lost timber and related resources.
direct result of climate change may 'invade' the range of
another species for example, introducing a new competitive IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON BIODIVERSITY
relationship.Thus climate change is likely to affect minimum Only a small change in pattern of climate has severe impact
and maximum temperatures and trigger more extreme on the biodiversity, altering the habitats of the species and
rainfall events and storms. For the Indian sub-continent, less presenting a threat for their survival, making them vulnerable
rainfall in winter and increased precipitation in the summer to extinction. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA)
monsoon are predicted; and in 2050, decreases in winter predicts climate change to be the principal threat to the
precipitation by 10-20% and summer by 30% have been biological diversity (Anonymous, 2007).
projected (Kumar and Chopra, 2009). Climate change results Due to increase in temperature several plant species like
due to both; natural and anthropogenic driver. Berberisa siatica, Taraxacum officinale, Jasminum officinale
Natural drivers involves earth's climate variability caused by etc.have shifted towards higher altitude in Nainital. Teak
changes in the solar radiations, Milankovitch cycle, volcanic dominated forests are predicted to replace the Sal trees in
eruption, plate tectonics, ocean circulations, earthquakes and central India and also the conifers may be replaced by the
so on (Kunzing, 2008). Anthropogenic drivers involves the deciduous types. According to Gates (1990) 3°Cincrease in
contribution of human activities to increasing the emission of temperature may leads to the forest movement of 2.50 km/
green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous year which is ten times the rate of natural forest movement.
oxide into the atmosphere at an alarming rate in different Anonymous (2009) reported that changes in climate affects
sectors such as in energy supply (25.9%), industrial sector the normal life cycle of plant. He also reported that invasive
(19.4%), deforestation (17.4%), agricultural (13.5%), species (Lantana, Parthenium and Ageratum conyzoides) are
transportation (13.1%), urbanization (7.9%) and waste a threat to native species being more tolerant to climatic
(2.8%) (Rathore and Jasrai, 2013). variations. Variation in temperature and precipitation
IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON patterns can result in more frequent droughts and droughts
ENVIRONMENT and floods making indigenous plants more vulnerable to pests
Global warming: The impact of the greenhouse gases is the and diseases (Tibbetts, 2007).
warming near surface global temperature through the green
house effect. The average global temperature has increased Slight change in climatic condition leads to the extinction of
by 0.6°C since mid 1800s and is predicted to rise by 1.4-5.8°C animal species. For example climate change has resulted in
by the year 2100. The global warming affects plants, animals extinction of animals like golden toad and Monteverde
Sadguru Prakash and Seema Srivastava 63
harlequin frog (McCarthy et al., 2001). Polar bears are in considerably higher than the global average of 0.7°C per
danger due to reduction in Arctic ice cover; North Atlantic decade. Due to this changes mosquito are seeing first time in
whale may become extinct, as planktons which are its main Lhasa and Tibet cities, located 3490 meters above sea level.
food have shown declination due to climate change. Though There are similar reports of flies at Mount Everest base camp
the exact impact of climate change on India's natural in Nepal. The presence of these insects suggests the possible
resources is yet to be studied in detail, pioneering studies spread of vectorborne diseases, such as malaria and dengue
show that endemic mammals like the Nilgiri tahr face an fever, to areas where cooler temperatures previously
increased risk of extinction (Sukumar et al., 1995). Further, protected people from these threats (FAO, 2012).
there are indicative reports of certain species e.g., Black-and
rufous flycatcher (Mikania micrantha) shifting their lower Island ecosystem: Islands are rich in biodiversity and has
limits of distribution to higher reaches, and sporadic dying of high economic importance. But at present due to climate
patches of Shola forests with the rise in ambient surface change more than 23% island species are becoming
temperatures. endangered and hence economic loss in the tourism sector.
The sex ratio of sea turtle disturb because as a result of high Inland water ecosystem: It includes lotic and lentic fresh
temperature more female turtles are produced. Some water ecosystem and comprising 0.8% of the earth's surface,
threatened species (frogs, toads, amphibians, tigers and but support 6% of the total species. They are rich source of
elephants) are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change food, income, employment and biodiversity. Changing
like sea level changes and longer drier spells. Changes in climatic conditions like rainfall and temperature lead to
ocean temperature and acidification may lead to loss of 95% changes in the phenology, physiology and migration trends of
of the living corals of Australia's Great Barrier Reef some organisms like migratory fishes and birds.
(Anonymous, 2007).
Forest ecosystem: One third of earth's surface is covered by
Climate change also alters the disease behavior in animals. forest and it is the home place of two third of all terrestrial
The devastating amphibian disease chytrid fungus, likely species. They are also rich biodiversity hotspots. But half of
exacerbated by warmer temperatures, has left many the original forest has been cleared up till now. Green house
amphibian populations dwindling or extinct. effect has led to increase in growth of some forest, migration
of tree species towards high altitude, increased attack of pest,
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) predicts that only invasive species and wild fires, hence modifying the
a small change in climate has severe impact on the composition of forest. According to FAO (2000), due to these
ecosystems (Anonymous, 2007). changes many animals, primates and 9% of all known plant
species are at verge of extinction.
Marine and Coastal ecosystem: 70% of earth's surface is
covered by oceans comprising unique ecosystems like Agriculture: Climate change leads to variability in rainfall
mangroves, coral reefs, sea grass beds. Climate change is patterns, heat stress, spread of pests and diseases and
leading to sea level rise, increased coastal erosion, flooding, shortening of the crop cycle and affecting plant growth and
higher storm surges, sea salinity ingress, increased sea- production. It affects both sustainable and unsustainable
surface temperatures, ocean acidification and coral agriculture. The unsustainable agriculture has multiple
bleaching. Rising sea level presents extreme threat to marine effects (Verma 2017c) and disturbs the ecological balance
ecosystems which can lead to disturbance in habitat and (Verma 2018a) and biodiversity structure. Biodiversity loss
patterns of survival of marine species. Wetlands and coastal has impacted the fishing and hunting practices by indigenous
ecosystems are at a huge risk due to increasing sea levels. people posing an implication on their only source of food. By
Many communities have already become climate refugees to the middle of the century, crop yields could decreases by 30%
evade rising sea level (Anonymous, 2007). Indian coastal in Central and South Asia, while by 20% in East and
areas vulnerable to climate change are Sunderbans, Southeast Asia.
Maharashtra, Goa and Gujarat (Rann of Kutch). Species
composition and distribution will surely be affected by such Dry lands and grassland: They have localized species (Wild
changes (Rathore and Jasrai, 2013). The Sundarbans is the ass, Kutch etc.) and have varied crops and livestock. The risk
largest natural low-lying mangrove ecosystem in the world, of wild fire is increasing which could change the species
distributed over 10,000 square kilometers. The sea level rise biodiversity.
recorded over the past 40 years is responsible for the loss of
28% of the mangrove ecosystem. Modelling suggests that up IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON HUMANS
to 96% of suitable tiger habitat in the Sundarbans could be Climate change leads toan increase in temperature, melting of
lost in the next 50–90 years (Loucks et al., 2010). the ice, increased natural events like floods, droughts, and
cyclones displace the humans from their home.Hot climate
Himalayan ecosystem: Temperatures in the Himalayan makes insect pests in general and vectors and pathogens in
ecosystem are increasing at a rate of 0.9°C annually, which is particular to spread over a wider range and enhances their
64 International Journal of Biological Innovations 1 (2), (DEC. 2019)
survival rate. An increase of 1°C in surface temperature is Human activities like deforestation, pollution,
estimated to correspond 10% increase in incidence of insects as overpopulation are ultimately responsible for habitat
pests and insurgence of many diseases like cholera, typhoid destruction. Introduction of exotic species is also responsible
etc.; spread of tropical and vector borne diseases like malaria, for the loss of biological diversity. The endemic and other
dengue etc. androdent borne diseases like plague. These local species may not be able to compete with the exotic
diseases have shown a persistent increase in the past 50 years. species and are unable to survive. Overexploitation, in the
form of hunting of animals and plants for their commercial
Thus global climate changes have major implications on value is one of the major reasons for loss in biodiversity.
human health. It is obvious that effect on ecosystem will Illegal wildlife trade is the single largest threat to biodiversity
change the distribution and burden of vector borne infectious loss. Overpopulation of human and over consumption of
diseases including bacterial diseases. Changes in natural resources is the root cause of all biodiversity loss
epidemiology may already be underway, complex biological (Sharma and Mishra, 2011).
changes are associated with change in ecosystem. Water and
food borne pathogens create havoc in developing countries CONCLUSION
that too when conditions are conducive for spread of It is evident that the loss in biodiversity is due the change in
pathogens and compromise with the hygiene conditions. climate. All these changes in environment, adversely
Green house gases play their role by increasing the carbon affecting the biodiversity, are mainly due to the human
emission, due to which the disease curve is increasing faster. activities.The increase in the greenhouse gases is leading to
Carbon emission is increasing to a dangerous level, making global warming at a faster rate and impacts on biodiversity,
animal lives vulnerable to pathogens and diseases. The ecological balance and humans. The ecological balance is an
increasing sea level rise has already submerged many islands indispensable need for human survival (Verma 2018b). Every
and will soon leave millions of refugees for the world to change in the ecosystem process or in ecological balance
provide shelter. The sea salinity ingress in the fresh water works on the principle of Newton's law of motion (Every
sources has made land barren and will soon be a threat to the action has an equal and opposite reaction) which may be
food security. damaging or complimentary. Even a small change in the
climate can lead to the extinction of some vulnerable and
IMPACT OF HABITAT LOSS, OVERPOPULATION sensitive species. Climate change results in the impact on the
AND OVEREXPLOITATION biodiversity like change in their distribution pattern,
Besides climatic change, other human activities are also migration of species, invasion of invasive species, change in
largely responsible for biodiversity loss. It is estimated that the phonological behaviour like breeding period, migration
about 27000 species become extinct every year. If this will time etc., increase in the forest fires and pest attacks (Rathore
continues, 30% of world's species may be extinct by the year and Jasrai, 2013). To maintain the balance of ecosystem,
2050. The current extinction rate is 100 to 1000 times to that interaction between the plants, animals and biodiversity
of natural rate of extinction. Other human activities are: needs to be understood, hence promoting its conservation and
habitat destruction, invasive species, pollution, population protection by designating the hotspots as biosphere reserves,
and overexploitation of natural resources (Kannan and increasing aforestation, reforestation and agro-forestry
James, 2009). practices. Biodiversity-based adaption and mitigation
strategies willenhance the resilience of ecosystems and
Climate change will provide new ways for invasive species to prevent damage to human and natural ecosystems.
encroach on new territory. Natural disasters like storm surges
and high winds, which increase in number and severity as the Increasing our understanding of the affects of climate change
earth warms, spread non-native plants and insects to new on biodiversity, developing ways of mitigating such effects
territories. Virtually all ecosystems worldwide have suffered and reduced anthropogenic activities are critical to limit such
invasion by the main taxonomic groups including India. The damage. Without conserving the biodiversity and minimizing
major invasive alien plant species include Lantana camara, the anthropogenic activities, it is almost impossible to get the
Eupatorium odoratum, Eupatorium adenophorum, inclusive and sustainable development (Verma, 2019). Thus,
Parthenium hysterophorus, Ageratum conyzoides, Mikania there is a growing realization among decision-makers that
micrantha, Prosopis juliflora and Cytisus scoparius. biodiversity is not an optional bonus in human affairs, but the
very foundation of our existence. Moreover, biodiversity
Rapidly increasing population has forced down the men to cut conservation tailored to changing climatic conditions is not
down the forests to fulfill the requirements of food and only necessary to help species and habitats to adapt to change,
shelter. Deforestation has led to the destruction of the habitats but such action is also likely to mitigate climate change (FAO,
of plants and animals. Loss of habitats is the most important 2012). In terms of agriculture, there is a need for climate
cause of extinction of species. Habitat extinction compels the resilient farming systems. Climate literacy should be spread
species to move where they find it difficult to adapt and this and a cadre of Community Climate Risk Managers should be
may ultimately lead to their extinction. Physically larger formed in villages. The calamity of climate change should be
species and those living at lower latitude or in the forests or converted into an opportunity for developing and spreading
oceans are more sensitive to reduction in habitat area climate resilient farming techniques and systems
(Drakare et al., 2006). (Swaminathan and Keshvan, 2012).
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