National Law University, Orissa: Federal Structure of Indian Constitution
National Law University, Orissa: Federal Structure of Indian Constitution
National Law University, Orissa: Federal Structure of Indian Constitution
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Every Constitution has only one design. It will be either Federal or Unitary. Before defining the
design of Indian Constitution, I would like to explain the difference Federal and Unitary
Constitution. By a unitary state is a state governed by on single unit in which the central
government is supreme and executive division work out only powers that the central government
chooses to delegate.
By a federal we mean a constitutional division of power between one general government (that is
to have authority over the entire national territory) and a series of sub national governments
individually have their own independent authority over their own territories, whose sum
The adoption of the G.I. Act, 35 as the basis of the new Constitution had the great advantage of
making the transition from British rule to the new Republic of India without any break with the
past; the old laws and constitutional provisions continued without a break; and thus secured for
India the advantage which an evolutionary change has over a revolutionary break with the past.
Besides, the G.I. Act, 35 had great merits as an instrument of federal government. 1
Division of power
Independence of state
Dual government
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Supremacy of Constitution
common to all Federal Constitution, namely, that the general and regional governments under
these Constitutions have plenary power within their respective jurisdiction, as assigned by the
Constitutions, - the general or Federal government having control over nation-wide problem,
extending over the entire Federal territory, while the regional governments control matter within
respective regions only. While in a unitary state, there is only one government but in Federal
A Federal State derives its existence and every power- executive, legislation or judicial- whether
it belongs to the federation, or to the component State, - is subordinate to and controlled by the
Constitution. A constitutional division of power between the center and the component territorial
units is a central point in most definitions of federalism between the center and the component
territorial units is a central point in most definition of federalism and also in our graphic model
of a federal system and under the VII Schedule and part Vth, VIth of Constitution of India, power
The special feature of a Federal Constitutions, which is relevant in the present context and
present, is that since it has to enumerate and limit 2 the respective power of two governments-
Cf. Wheare, Modern Constitutions (1966), p. 19; Federal Government (1963), p. 3, 10, 12, 14n, 33
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If we talk about the rigidity of the Indian Constitution is rigid as well as flexible. Under the
Indian Constitution the power and procedure for amendments have been provided under Article
4, Schedule VI and principally under Article 368 of the Constitution. The power to initiate the
amendment is vested with the union in all cases. Ratification of the states for amendments are
not required. However, Article 368(2) indentifies certain types of Amendments which essentially
need the ratification by at least half of the states. The Amendment that requires ratification by at
least half of states are provided under Article 368 (2) (a) to (e) of the Indian Constitution. Thus it
In a federal system there seems to be an even more acute need for an impartial agency because
the interpretation of the meaning of the constitution includes also the delicate original political
agreement between territorial communities from which the whole federal system had issued.
Under Article 131 of Indian Constitution speaks about the original jurisdiction of the Supreme
Court in any intra-federal dispute between the Government of India and one or more States, or
between two or more state. Thus there is a judicial authority in India, which can ascertain the
meaning of the nation‟s supreme law, the constitution, and that in light of its findings, can
determine the compatibility of any given law or official act, national or local and that has power
of judicial review. And all these power has been provided to the Supreme Court under article
131, 137, 141 and 142…………………etc, Chapter IV, Part V of the Indian Constitution.
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to decide what is the design of Indian Constitution, it is clear that the Constitution of India
According to Wheare, the Constitution of India is not federal, it is quasi-federal. 3 He said that
any constitution will be federal if it is similar to USA Constitution. But I would like to say that
the American Constitution in itself is not federal. The basic feature of federalism is not satisfied
by the USA Constitution. For example- there should be one written Constitution but in USA,
centre and states have their own Constitution. There are some other basic features of the
federalism that is not fulfilled by the USA Constitution. It was only an example to show that how
In S. R. Bommai v Union of India 4, several judges have characterized the Indian Federalism in
Wheare, Federal Government, 27-8 (1964); 48 All LJ 21
S. R. Bommai v Union of India, AIR 1994 SC 1918: (1994) 3 SCC 1.
Ibid, 1977
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“Democracy and Federalism are essential part of our Constitution and are parts of its basic
“The fact under the scheme of our Constitution, greater power is conferred upon the Center vis-
à-vis the State do not mean that State are mere appendages of the Centre. Within the sphere
allotted to them, States are supreme. The Centre cannot tamper with their powers. More
particularly, the courts should not adopt an approach, an interpretation, which has the effect of or
tends to have the effect of whittling down the power reserved to the states.”
As I have mentioned that the design of Indian Constitution is federal, but there some areas which
During emergency, under article 352, the centre gets more overriding powers vis-à-vis the State.
It can be directions to the way they should exercise their executive power [Art. 353(a)]. During a
financial emergency, the Centre can give directions to a state [art. 360(3)], and, under art. 356,
the Centre can take over a State Government when it cannot be carried on in accordance with the
Constitution. 7 Under the Plantation Labour Act, 1951, the executive power is let with the state
but the Central Government has power under S. 41 to give directions to a State Government as to
Ibid, 2053
Prof. M P Jain, Indian Constitutional Law, (5th ed. 2008), p. 664.
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In State of Rajasthan v Union of India 8, BEG, C.J., sought to judge the Indian federalism by the
yardsticks propounded by WHEARE (which is not generally accepted now) and characterized
the Constitution as “more unitary than federal”, and having the „appearances‟ of a federal
structure. He also went on to say…………………….. “In a sense, therefore, the Indian union is
federal. But, the extent of federalism in it is largely watered down by the needs of progress and
development of a country which has to be nationally integrated, politically and economically co-
Exercise of center was again justified in Karnataka v Union of India9, the court held that “Our
Constitution has, despite whatever federalism may be found in its structure, so strongly unitary
If we talk about the finance freedom of the state that is also not fulfilled. Under article 280 (3) (a)
of Indian Constitution, the Finance Commission has been provided power that it shall be the duty
Union and the States of the net proceeds of taxes……………………, but the Union was not
satisfied with this provision and it makes a body i.e. Planning Commission to decide in the
matter of finance. By the de jure authority Prime Minister is appointed as Chairman of Planning
Commission and the vice-chairman is appointed by Prime Minister itself. By this body near
about 70% of taxes go to center and only 20% goes to the states.
Finally I would like to conclude that in Indian Constitution the provision is such that Center has
been some extra-ordinary power, which has been already discussed that in certain conditions
AIR 1977 SC 1361: (1977) 3 SCC 592
A.I.R. 1977 S.C. 1361
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how centre has supervision over the state. By only that reason Indian Constitution is Federal but
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