Procedure For The Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate
Procedure For The Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate
Procedure For The Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate
Laboratory Testing Manual Date: 06 02 01 Page 1 of 18
1.1 This procedure outlines the method to be employed in the petrographic analysis of coarse
aggregate. The procedure appraises the quality of coarse aggregate, and provides a numerical
means (in terms of a petrographic number, or P.N.) of expressing and comparing the quality of
samples from the same or different sources.
1.2 This procedure does not attempt to describe the techniques used in the geological
classification of the aggregate particles, since it is assumed that the examination will be performed
by persons qualified to do so by experience and training. The subsequent classification of
aggregate particles into quality types employs index tests related to their strength. Sets of reference
samples for the petrographic analysis can be obtained from the Petrographer, Soils and Aggregates
Section, Engineering Materials Office, 1201 Wilson Ave., Downsview, Ontario,
M3M 1J8.
2.1 ASTM C 294, C 295
2.2 MTO LS-602, LS-616
2.3 EM - 91, Petrographic Examination of Aggregate and Concrete in Ontario, Engineering
Materials Office, Ministry of Transportation.
3.1 Siliceous Aggregates: means rock particles containing or composed of silica (SiO2) or
minerals with silica in the crystal structure as silicate (SiO4). Siliceous aggregates include the
following Type Numbers given in Figure 1 and Table 1: 03, 22, 06, 04, 05, 08, 07, 09, 10, 30, 29, 25,
34, 27, 28, 46, 56, 50, 55, 51, 48, 63, 71, 81, 82, 73, 74, 33, 86, 84, 97, 87, 32, and 64.
4.1 HAND LENS: 10x magnification.
4.3 POCKET KNIFE: Good quality with a blade hardness of between 5.5 and 6 on Moh's scale.
4.4 ANVIL & HAMMER: Suitable for breaking aggregate particles.
4.5 HYDROCHLORIC ACID: Technical grade, 5 % by volume, in polyethylene squeeze-type
bottle with spout.
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5.1 A representative sample of oven dried aggregate shall be prepared to the following
approximate masses:
Note 1: Generally this examination is performed on the pass 19.0 mm retained 9.5 mm material (full
fraction), which should consist of pass 19.0 mm retained 16.0 mm, pass 16.0 mm retained 13.2 mm
and pass 13.2 mm retained 9.5 mm material proportioned according to the sieve analysis of the
aggregate. The pass 13.2 mm retained 9.5 mm material should not exceed 500 g in weight. If the
full fraction constitutes less than about 68.5 percent of the sample, the pass 9.5 mm retained 6.7 mm
fraction shall also be examined. If these fractions together constitute less than about 68.5 percent of
the sample, the pass 6.7 mm retained 4.75 mm fraction shall also be examined. Each sieve size
examined should contain a minimum of 200 particles.
6.1 The sample shall be spread on a tray or other flat working surface.
6.2 If required, the sample shall be examined visually for angularity and shape characteristics
and an estimate made and noted of the percentage of crushed, as well as flat and elongated,
6.3 The aggregate shall be examined for coatings (such as clay), cementations and
encrustations which may affect the bond with Portland cement paste or asphalt cement. The type of
coating and the degree of adhesion to the aggregate shall be noted.
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6.4 If clay balls or other particles, which may break down in water or with normal handling are
present, these particles shall be separated out.
6.5 The sample shall be washed to remove clay and dust coatings. In addition, when the
sample contains carbonates and or metavolcanics it shall be soaked for a period of at least one
hour. Following immersion, each particle shall be quickly surface dried and then examined, and
tested for scratch.
Note 2: Soaking will cause clay, shale, and shaley, slightly shaley or micaceous particles to soften,
making recognition easier.
6.6 The washed sample shall be spread on a flat surface covered with paper or cloth towel to
absorb excess water.
6.7 Each particle in the sample shall be classified into a rock type listed on Form PH-CC-343
(Figure 1) or the supplementary rock type list (Table 1). A guide is provided as an appendix to this
Note 3: Index tests and microscopic examination will usually be sufficient to classify a rock particle.
If not, the particle shall be referred to a petrographer for identification (possibly requiring detailed
petrographic study).
6.8 In the classification of each particle, the following features may be relevant:
6.8.1 Strength; features such as fossils and clay or shale partings (including stylolites) may
constitute weaknesses.
6.8.2 Relative Density.
6.8.3 Shape.
6.8.4 Texture, including porosity and cementation.
6.8.5 Colour.
6.8.6 Mineralogy.
6.8.7 Structure, including bedding and foliation.
6.8.8 Effervescence with acid.
6.8.9 State of weathering.
6.8.10 Magnetism.
6.9 On the completion of the examination, each group of classified particles shall be weighed to
the nearest 0.1 g and the weights recorded on Form PH-CC-343 (Figure 1). If any rock types are
present which are not found on this form, the category in which they shall be recorded will be found
in the supplementary rock type list (Table 1).
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7.1 The percentage of each rock type shall be calculated to the nearest 0.1 percent. The
percentages of good, fair, poor and deleterious particles shall be calculated. The sum of the sub-
totals shall be 100 percent.
7.2 The petrographic number of aggregates for use in hot mix asphalt, surface treatment and
concrete shall be calculated as the sum of the products of the percentage of each petrographic
category (good, fair, poor and deleterious) and the appropriate factor for each category (1,3,6, and
10, respectively).
7.3 If the material is to be used for granular base or sub-base, a correction shall be applied
which reflects the differing environmental conditions in which the material is used. The percentage
of each rock type shall be multiplied by the appropriate correction factor (0, 2, 3, 5, 7, or 9) shown on
Form PH-CC-343 and the supplementary rock type list. The sum of the values obtained shall be
subtracted from the petrographic number for hot mix asphalt, surface treatment and concrete to
obtain the corrected petrographic number for granular use.
Note 4: The use of a petrographic number to classify aggregate for use in granular base and sub-
base has been discontinued by MTO.
7.4.1 When the test is performed on more than one size fraction, a weighted average petrographic
number shall be calculated by multiplying the percentage (based on the 'as received' coarse
aggregate sample grading) of each sieve fraction by the petrographic number for that fraction,
adding these products, and dividing by 100.
7.4.2 For the purpose of calculating the weighted average, any fractions (not tested) that contain
less than 5 percent of the 'as received' sample shall be considered to have the same value as the
average of the next smaller and the next larger fraction or, if one of these fractions is missing, to
have the same value as the next larger or smaller fraction, whichever is present.
8.1 The report of the examination should include the following:
8.1.1 The aggregate source name, location, and Mineral Aggregate Inventory Data Bank (MAIDB)
8.1.2 The laboratory sample number.
8.1.3 The date, the fraction examined, and the name of the analyst.
8.1.4 The percentages (to the nearest 0.1 percent) of each rock type and of good, fair, poor, and
deleterious particles.
8.1.5 The petrographic numbers (to the nearest whole number) for hot mix asphalt, surface
treatment and concrete, and for granular base and sub-base.
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8.1.6 The weighted average petrographic numbers (to the nearest whole number), when the test
is performed on more than one size fraction.
8.1.7 When required, the percent by mass of siliceous aggregate.
9.1 In the event that there are a number of particularly absorptive particles, they should be dried
before weighing so that water absorbed during washing will not significantly influence the mass.
9.2.1 Due to the time-consuming nature of petrographic examination on the smaller coarse
aggregate sizes, a shorter procedure is usually used.
9.2.2 A full petrographic examination shall always be performed on the largest aggregate size of a
sample. If smaller sizes are also to be tested, they may be separated into the petrographic
categories 'good' and 'deleterious' without separation into individual rock types. The nature of the
material in the 'good' and 'deleterious' categories will normally be apparent from the complete
petrographic analysis on the largest size. Those particles that fall into the 'fair' and 'poor' categories
must be separated into their individual rock types.
9.2.3 If the nature of the 'good' and 'deleterious' material is questionable, a full petrographic
analysis of the smaller sizes must be performed.
9.3 The factors applied to each rock type are based on laboratory studies and in-service
performance for the intended use and prevailing conditions in Ontario. These factors may not apply
under other conditions and in other areas. The factors are subject to periodic review, and shall be
changed when necessary to reflect current experience.
9.4 The petrographic factors take only physical properties into account. The possibility of the
aggregate being alkali-reactive in concrete is not considered.
10.1 The petrographic number of a stockpile of coarse aggregate varies by up to 20 on either
side of the mean (19 times out of 20).
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IRON FORMATION (mod. weathered) 82 -
F VOLCANIC (glassy) 73 X2
A VOLCANIC (ochreous) 74 X2
R TRAP (21-74 % sulphide) 33 X2
SEDIMENT: SIBLEY GROUP (med. hard) 83 -
In the petrographic analysis, aggregate particles are initially subjected to a geological classification.
Particles are then categorized into types, using descriptors such as 'hard', 'soft', 'brittle', 'friable', 'surface
weathered', 'deeply weathered', 'decomposed', etc. For the purposes of standardization, descriptions of the
various types are presented in this appendix.
Index tests related to the strength of the aggregate particles, such as scratching, scraping, peeling and
plucking using a knife blade, are employed in this classification. Scratching, scraping, and peeling determine
the application of hardness descriptors; and plucking determines the application of descriptors such as
'brittle'and 'friable'. Each rock group, such as carbonate, sandy carbonate, marble, volcanic, gneiss, etc., is
described separately so as to highlight the decreasing quality of the group through categories 'good' to
'deleterious'. This enables an aggregate to be classified on a systematic basis.
Due to the subjective nature of this test method, descriptions of types contained in this appendix should be
considered only as a guideline. The petrographic examination is largely dependent on the experience of the
analyst and, where possible, should be complemented by routine tests and/or performance data. In specific
cases (especially those of rocks whose performance is unfamiliar to the analyst) additional testing including
the study of thin sections may be necessary. A freeze-thaw test conducted on medium hard and slightly
shaley carbonate can be used to determine if the shale seams are planes of weakness, and therefore
whether or not the particles are classified correctly; the material should be immersed in a 3 % sodium
chloride solution in a pan and subjected to five cycles, each cycle consisting of approximately 16 hours of
freezing followed by approximately 8 hours of thawing at room temperature.
20. Carbonate (surface weathered): mainly high strength; can be scratched; no more than 33
percent of particle consists of medium to low strength weathered material
20. Carbonate (silty, surface weathered): mainly high strength; can be scratched; raspy sound
when scratched; commonly greenish grey; no more than 33 percent of particle consists of
medium to low strength weathered material
35. Carbonate (soft): medium strength; uniform consistency; can be scratched and scraped with
ease; cannot be peeled
35. Carbonate (silty, soft): medium strength; can be scratched with ease and scraped with
some difficulty; may contain minor low strength zones which can be scraped with ease;
raspy sound when scratched; commonly greenish grey
41. Carbonate (soft, pitted): medium strength; can be scratched with ease and scraped with
some difficulty; moderately pitted
42. Carbonate (deeply weathered): more than 33 percent of particle consists of medium to low
strength weathered material
42. Carbonate (silty, deeply weathered): more than 33 percent of particle consists of medium to
low strength weathered material; raspy sound when scratched; commonly greenish grey
43. Carbonate (clayey): contains between 33 and 75 percent very low strength material; can be
scraped and peeled with ease
43. Carbonate (silty, clayey): contains between 33 and 75 percent very low strength material;
can be scraped and peeled with ease; raspy sound when scratched
44. Carbonate (ochreous): contains between 33 and 75 percent ochreous material
56. Siltstone: fissile (tends to separate readily along thin bedding planes on which mica flakes
can commonly be seen); medium to low strength; poorly cemented; friable (many pieces can
be plucked easily from particle)
62. Clay: greater than 75 percent of particle consists of very low strength material; can be
peeled with ease and at times can be broken with the fingers or cut completely through;
includes kaolin
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2. Carbonate (sandy, hard or medium hard): high strength (matrix material may be slightly
weaker than quartz grains); can be scratched with some difficulty; raspy sound when
scratched; ranges from no weathering to thin surface weathering; contains 5 to 49 percent
sand-sized quartz grains
40. Carbonate (sandy, soft): medium strength; can be scratched with ease and scraped with
some difficulty; may contain minor low strength zones which can be scraped with ease;
raspy sound when scratched; contains 5 to 49 percent sand-sized quartz grains
44. Carbonate (sandy, ochreous): contains between 33 and 75 percent ochreous material;
contains 5 to 49 percent sand-sized quartz grains
23. Marble (hard or medium hard): high strength; can be scratched; intact (edges and corners
cannot be plucked)
24. Marble (brittle): medium strength; can be scratched with ease and scraped with some
difficulty; brittle (edges and corners can be plucked); may have partial to total thin surface
49. Marble (friable): low strength; friable (many pieces can be plucked easily from particle) to
highly friable (particle crumbles totally when plucked); includes cleavable calcite
43. Carbonate (shaley): low strength; can be scraped with ease and peeled with some difficulty;
generally shows grey, brown or black (sometimes greasy) streak when scratched
61. Shale: low to very low strength; can be scraped and peeled with ease; sometimes greasy to
3. Conglomerate-Sandstone-Arkose (hard): high strength; cannot be scratched; intact (edges
and corners cannot be plucked)
22. Conglomerate-Sandstone-Arkose (medium hard): high strength; generally cannot be
scratched, although cementing material may be scratched with some difficulty; some edges
and corners can be plucked with difficulty
30. Conglomerate-Sandstone-Arkose (brittle): medium to high strength; generally cannot be
scratched, although cementing material may be scratched with moderate ease; brittle
(edges and corners can be plucked)
46. Conglomerate-Sandstone-Arkose (friable): low strength; generally poorly cemented; friable
(many pieces can be plucked easily from particle) to highly friable (particle crumbles totally
when plucked)
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5. Quartzite: very high strength; cannot be scratched
4. Gneiss-Amphibolite-Schist (hard): mainly very high strength; generally cannot be scratched;
minor medium to high strength (e.g., micaceous and chloritic) zones which can be scratched
and scraped with some difficulty; may have partial thin surface weathering
25. Gneiss-Amphibolite (brittle): mainly medium to high strength; generally cannot be scratched;
brittle (edges and corners can be plucked); minor medium to low strength zones which can
be plucked with ease; may have partial to total, thin, surface weathering
25. Schist (brittle): medium strength; can be scratched with moderate ease; brittle (edges and
corners can be plucked); may contain minor more friable zones which can be plucked and
scraped with ease
50. Gneiss-Amphibolite (friable): low strength; friable (many pieces can be plucked easily from
particle) to highly friable (particle crumbles when plucked)
55. Schist (soft): low strength; can be scraped and plucked with ease; contains chloritic and/or
micaceous zones which can be peeled with ease
63. Schist (decomposed): very low strength; can be crumbled with the fingers; high mica or
chlorite content; low quartz and feldspar content
63. Gneiss (decomposed): very low strength; can be crumbled with the fingers; high mica
content; low quartz and feldspar content
6. Greywacke (hard or medium hard): high strength; can be scratched with difficulty; some
edges and corners can be plucked with difficulty
6. Argillite (hard or medium hard): high to very high strength; can be scratched with difficulty
29. Greywacke (brittle): medium to high strength; can be scratched with moderate ease and
scraped with some difficulty; brittle (edges and corners can be plucked)
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34. Argillite (medium soft): medium strength; can be scratched with moderate ease and scraped
with some difficulty
97. Greywacke (friable): low strength; friable (many pieces can be plucked easily from particle)
to highly friable (particle crumbles when plucked)
86. Argillite-Tuffite-Slate (soft): low to medium strength; can be scratched and scraped with
ease; fissile (particle breaks along closely spaced fractures, and shatters when struck by a
hammer); generally characterized by length to thickness ratio less than 4 to 1
32. Argillite-Tuffite-Slate (vey soft): low to very low strength; can be scraped and peeled with
ease; very fissile (particle breaks readily along very closely spaced fractures, and shatters
easily when struck by a hammer); rusty weathering stains penetrate into the particle;
generally characterized by length to thickness ratio greater than 4 to 1
8. Granite-Diorite-Gabbro (hard): mainly very high strength; generally cannot be scratched;
minor medium strength (e.g., micaceous and chloritic) zones which can be scratched and
scraped with some difficulty; may have partial thin surface weathering
27. Granite-Diorite-Gabbro (brittle): mainly medium to high strength; generally cannot be
scratched; brittle (edges and corners can be plucked); minor medium to low strength zones
which can be plucked with ease; may have partial to total thin surface weathering
51. Granite-Diorite-Gabbro (friable): low strength; friable (many pieces can be plucked easily
from particle) to highly friable (particle crumbles when plucked)
52. Encrustation: 33 percent or more of particle is covered by a coating, usually calcium
carbonate (25 percent in the case of a thick coating)
53. Cementation (partial): a group of particles cemented together, usually by calcium carbonate;
one dominant host particle
54. Cementation (total): a group of particles cemented together, usually by calcium carbonate;
no dominant host particle
7. Volcanic (hard or medium hard): mainly very high strength; generally cannot be scratched;
minor medium to high strength zones which can be scratched and scraped with some
difficulty; may have partial, thin, surface weathering
28. Volcanic (soft): medium strength; can be scratched with moderate ease and scraped with
some difficulty; may contain minor low strength zones which can be gouged
73. Volcanic (glassy): cannot be scratched; conchoidal to semi-conchoidal fracture; includes
74. Volcanic (ochreous): contains between 25 and 50 percent ochreous material
48. Volcanic (very soft): low strength; can be scraped with ease and peeled with some difficulty;
may contain up to 75 percent ochre
48. Volcanic (porous): porous; low strength; can be scratched and scraped with ease; may
contain up to 75 percent ochre
63. Volcanic (decomposed): very low strength; can be peeled with ease and crumbled with
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60. Ochre: greater than 75 percent of particle consists of ochre
77. Gypsite (< 10 % gypsum): less than 10 percent of particle consists of gypsum; host rock
should be used for particle classification if it is not good aggregate
78. Gypsite (10-49 % gypsum): contains between 10 and 49 percent gypsum
79. Gypsite (> 49 % gypsum): contains between 49 and 100 percent gypsum
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10. Quartz (vein or pegmatitic): does not include quartzite
64. Talc: sectile; greasy to touch
72. Sulphide: particle contains at least 75 percent sulphide minerals such as pyrite, marcasite,
and chalcopyrite
31. Coal-Coke-Cinder
92. Slag-Glass (in non-slag aggregate)
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