I 485 PC PDF
I 485 PC PDF
I 485 PC PDF
Country Chargeable:
Priority Date:
Select this box if Volag Number Attorney State Bar Number Attorney or Accredited Representative
Form G-28 is (if any) (if applicable) USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: If you do not completely fill out this application or fail to submit required documents listed in the
Instructions, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) may deny your application.
3.a. Family Name
Part 1. Information About You (individual (Last Name)
applying for lawful permanent residence) 3.b. Given Name
(First Name)
Your Current Legal Name (do not provide a
3.c. Middle Name
1.a. Family Name 4.a. Family Name
(Last Name) (Last Name)
1.b. Given Name 4.b. Given Name
(First Name) (First Name)
1.c. Middle Name 4.c. Middle Name
Other Names You Have Used Since Birth (if Other Information About You
5. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
NOTE: Provide all other names you have ever used, including
your family name at birth, other legal names, nicknames, NOTE: In addition to providing your actual date of birth,
aliases, and assumed names. If you need extra space to include any other dates of birth you have used in
complete this section, use the space provided in Part 14. connection with any legal names or non-legal names in
Additional Information. the space provided in Part 14. Additional Information.
2.a. Family Name 6. Gender Male Female
(Last Name)
2.b. Given Name 7. City or Town of Birth
(First Name)
2.c. Middle Name
13.c. Apt. Ste. Flr. 22.a. Was inspected at a port of entry and admitted as (for
example, exchange visitor; visitor, waived through;
13.d. City or Town temporary worker; student):
14.d. City or Town 23.c. Status on Form I-94 (for example, class of admission, or
paroled, if paroled)
14.e. State 14.f. ZIP Code
Special Immigrant
Provide your name exactly as it appears on your Form I-94 (if
4.a. Religious worker, Form I-360
4.b. Special immigrant juvenile, Form I-360
25.a. Family Name
(Last Name) 4.c. Certain Afghan or Iraqi national, Form I-360
25.b. Given Name
(First Name) 4.d. Certain international broadcaster, Form I-360
8.d. S nonimmigrants and qualifying family members NOTE: If you answered "Yes" to Item Number 11., you
(only law enforcement agencies can file Form I-485 must have selected a family-based, employment-based,
for someone in this category.) special immigrant, or Diversity Visa immigrant category
listed above in Item Numbers 2.a. - 8.e. as the basis for
8.e. Other eligibility (see the Form I-485 Instructions,
your application for adjustment of status. Fill out the rest
Who May Form I-485, Item Number 3. Other
of this application AND Supplement A to Form I-485,
Immigrant Categories for examples)
Adjustment of Status Under Section 245(i) (Supplement
A). For detailed filing instructions, read the Form I-485
Instructions (including any Additional Instructions that
Additional Alien Worker Information relate to the immigrant category that you selected in Item
Numbers 2.a. - 8.e.) and Supplement A Instructions.
Answer Item Number 9.a. only if you selected Item Number
3.a. “Alien worker, Form I-140.” Information About Your Immigrant Category
9.a. Did a relative file the associated Form I-140 for you or If you are the principal applicant, provide the following
does a relative have a significant ownership interest (five information.
percent or more) in the business that filed Form I-140 for
you? (The relative must be your husband, wife, father, 12. Receipt Number of Underlying Petition (if any)
mother, child, adult son, adult daughter, brother, or sister.)
Yes No
13. Priority Date from Underlying Petition (if any)
7.h. Country
3. Decision (for example, approved, refused, denied,
Dates of Employment
18.b. To (mm/dd/yyyy)
Parent 1's Name at Birth (if different than above) 16. Current Country of Residence (if living)
2.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
2.b. Given Name
(First Name)
2.c. Middle Name
Part 5. Information About Your Marital History Place of Marriage to Current Spouse
9.a. City or Town
1. What is your current marital status?
Single, Never Married Married Divorced
9.b. State or Province
Widowed Marriage Annulled
Legally Separated
9.c. Country
2. If you are married, is your spouse a current member of the
U.S. armed forces or U.S. Coast Guard?
N/A Yes No 10. Is your current spouse applying with you?
3. How many times have you been married (including Yes No
annulled marriages and marriages to the same individual)?
Information About Prior Marriages (if any)
If you have been married before, whether in the United States or
Information About Your Current Marriage in any other country, provide the following information about
(including if you are legally separated) your prior spouse. If you have had more than one previous
marriage, use the space provided in Part 14. Additional
If you are currently married, provide the following information
Information to provide the information below.
about your current spouse.
Prior Spouse's Legal Name (provide family name before
Current Spouse's Legal Name
4.a. Family Name
(Last Name) 11.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
4.b. Given Name
(First Name) 11.b. Given Name
(First Name)
4.c. Middle Name
11.c. Middle Name
5. A-Number (if any)
12. Prior Spouse's Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
► A-
8.c. Country
15. Date Marriage with Prior Spouse Legally Ended
Child 2
Part 5. Information About Your Marital History
(continued) Current Legal Name
7.a. Family Name
Place Where Marriage with Prior Spouse Legally Ended (Last Name)
16.a. City or Town 7.b. Given Name
(First Name)
7.c. Middle Name
16.b. State or Province
8. A-Number (if any)
► A-
16.c. Country
9. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
11.c. Country
3.a. City or Town
Part 8. General Eligibility and Inadmissibility Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the
Grounds (continued) INA (Form I-864)
You may need to file Form I-864. For more information, read
Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted,
the Form I-485 Instructions, What Evidence Must You
helped with, or otherwise participated in any of the following:
Submit, Item Number 9. Public Charge: Declaration of Self-
58.a. Acts involving torture or genocide? Yes No Sufficiency (Form I-944) and Affidavit of Support Under
INA section 213A (Form I-864).
58.b. Killing any person? Yes No I am EXEMPT from filing Form I-864 because:
58.c. Intentionally and severely injuring any person? 62.a. I have earned or can receive credit for 40 qualifying
Yes No quarters (credits) of work in the United States (as
defined by the Social Security Act (SSA). (Attach
58.d. Engaging in any kind of sexual contact or relations with your SSA earnings statements. Do not count any
any person who did not consent or was unable to consent, quarters during which you received a means-tested
or was being forced or threatened? Yes No public benefit).
62.b. I am under 18 years of age, unmarried, immigrating
58.e. Limiting or denying any person's ability to exercise
as the child of a U.S. citizen, and will automatically
religious beliefs? Yes No become a U.S. citizen under the Child Citizenship
Act of 2000 upon my admission to the United States.
59. Have you EVER recruited, enlisted, conscripted, or used
any person under 15 years of age to serve in or help an 62.c. I am applying under the widow or widower of a U.S.
armed force or group? Yes No citizen (Form I-360) immigrant category.
60. Have you EVER used any person under 15 years of age 62.d. I am applying under an alien worker (Form I-140)
to take part in hostilities, or to help or provide services to employment-based preference immigrant category
people in combat? and both of the following apply:
Yes No
(1) I am not a relative of the Form I-140 petitioner;
NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to any part of Item Numbers and
52. - 60., explain what occurred, including the dates and
(2) I do not have a relative with a significant
location of the circumstances, in the space provided in Part 14.
ownership interest (at least five percent) in the
Additional Information.
business that filed Form I-140.
Part 8. General Eligibility and Inadmissibility 80.a. Have you EVER left or remained outside the United
Grounds (continued) States to avoid or evade training or service in the U.S.
armed forces in time of war or a period declared by the
Since April 1, 1997, have you EVER reentered or attempted to President to be a national emergency? Yes No
reenter the United States without being inspected and admitted
80.b. If your answer to Item Number 80.a. is “Yes,” what was
or paroled after:
your nationality or immigration status immediately before
73.a. Having been unlawfully present in the United States for you left (for example, U.S. citizen or national, lawful
more than one year in the aggregate? Yes No permanent resident, nonimmigrant, parolee, present
without admission or parole, or any other status)?
73.b. Having been deported, excluded, or removed from the
United States? Yes No
prepared this application for me based only upon 6.b. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)
information I provided or authorized.
NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: If you do not completely fill
Applicant's Contact Information out this application or fail to submit required documents listed
in the Instructions, USCIS may deny your application.
3. Applicant's Daytime Telephone Number
Part 11. Interpreter's Contact Information, Part 12. Contact Information, Declaration, and
Certification, and Signature (continued) Signature of the Person Preparing this
Application, if Other Than the Applicant
Interpreter's Mailing Address
Provide the following information about the preparer.
3.a. Street Number
and Name
Preparer's Full Name
3.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
1.a. Preparer's Family Name (Last Name)
3.c. City or Town
3.d. State 3.e. ZIP Code 1.b. Preparer's Given Name (First Name)
3.f. Province
2. Preparer's Business or Organization Name (if any)
3.g. Postal Code
3.h. Country
Preparer's Mailing Address
3.a. Street Number
and Name
Interpreter's Contact Information
3.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
4. Interpreter's Daytime Telephone Number
3.c. City or Town
5. Interpreter's Mobile Telephone Number (if any) 3.d. State 3.e. ZIP Code
3.f. Province
6. Interpreter's Email Address (if any)
3.g. Postal Code
3.h. Country
Interpreter's Certification
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that:
I am fluent in English and , Preparer's Contact Information
which is the same language specified in Part 10., Item
4. Preparer's Daytime Telephone Number
Number 1.b., and I have read to this applicant in the identified
language every question and instruction on this application and
his or her answer to every question. The applicant informed me
5. Preparer's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)
that he or she understands every instruction, question, and
answer on the application, including the Applicant's
Certification, and has verified the accuracy of every answer. 6. Preparer's Email Address (if any)
Interpreter's Signature
7.a. Interpreter's Signature (sign in ink)
Part 12. Contact Information, Declaration, and NOTE: Do not complete Part 13. until the USCIS Officer
Signature of the Person Preparing this instructs you to do so at the interview.
Application, if Other Than the Applicant
(continued) Part 13. Signature at Interview
Preparer's Statement I swear (affirm) and certify under penalty of perjury under the
laws of the United States of America that I know that the
7.a. I am not an attorney or accredited representative but contents of this Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent
have prepared this application on behalf of the Residence or Adjust Status, subscribed by me, including the
applicant and with the applicant's consent. corrections made to this application, numbered
7.b. I am an attorney or accredited representative and my through , are complete, true, and correct. All
representation of the applicant in this case
extends does not extend beyond the additional pages submitted by me with this Form I-485, on
preparation of this application. numbered pages through are complete,
NOTE: If you are an attorney or accredited true, and correct. All documents submitted at this interview
representative, you may be obliged to submit a were provided by me and are complete, true, and correct.
completed Form G-28, Notice of Entry of
Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Subscribed to and sworn to (affirmed) before me
Representative, with this application.
USCIS Officer's Printed Name or Stamp
Preparer's Certification
By my signature, I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)
prepared this application at the request of the applicant. The
Applicant's Signature (sign in ink)
applicant then reviewed this completed application and
informed me that he or she understands all of the information
contained in, and submitted with, his or her application,
USCIS Officer's Signature (sign in ink)
including the Applicant's Certification, and that all of this
information is complete, true, and correct. I completed this
application based only on information that the applicant
provided to me or authorized me to obtain or use.
Preparer's Signature
8.a. Preparer's Signature (sign in ink)
Part 14. Additional Information 5.a. Page Number 5.b. Part Number 5.c. Item Number