A Study On The Optimal Hydraulic Loading Rate and Plant Ratios in Recirculation Aquaponic System
A Study On The Optimal Hydraulic Loading Rate and Plant Ratios in Recirculation Aquaponic System
A Study On The Optimal Hydraulic Loading Rate and Plant Ratios in Recirculation Aquaponic System
Bioresource Technology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biortech
A study on the optimal hydraulic loading rate and plant ratios in recirculation
aquaponic system
Azizah Endut a,*, A. Jusoh b, N. Ali b, W.B. Wan Nik c, A. Hassan d
Faculty of Innovative Design and Technology, University Darul Iman Malaysia, KUSZA Campus, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Faculty of Science and Technology, University Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Faculty of Maritime Studies and Marine Science, University Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Institute of Tropical Aquaculture, University Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The growths of the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) were evalu-
Received 4 June 2009 ated in recirculation aquaponic system (RAS). Fish production performance, plant growth and nutrient
Received in revised form 10 September removal were measured and their dependence on hydraulic loading rate (HLR) was assessed. Fish produc-
tion did not differ significantly between hydraulic loading rates. In contrast to the fish production, the
Accepted 10 September 2009
Available online 9 October 2009
water spinach yield was significantly higher in the lower hydraulic loading rate. Fish production, plant
growth and percentage nutrient removal were highest at hydraulic loading rate of 1.28 m/day. The ratio
of fish to plant production has been calculated to balance nutrient generation from fish with nutrient
Hydraulic loading rate
removal by plants and the optimum ratio was 15–42 gram of fish feed/m2 of plant growing area. Each
Aquaponic unit in RAS was evaluated in terms of oxygen demand. Using specified feeding regime, mass balance
African catfish equations were applied to quantify the waste discharges from rearing tanks and treatment units. The
Water spinach waste discharged was found to be strongly dependent on hydraulic loading rate.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1512 A. Endut et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 1511–1517
ration of fish to plants and optimal nutrient supplementation (Sea- and pH were in the range of 27.5–28.8 °C and 5.6–7.3 respectively
wright et al., 1998). and was acceptable for African catfish.
Several mass balance models have been proposed from previous Samples of C. gariepinus fingerlings, with an initial average body
studies (Pagand et al., 2000; Papatryphon et al., 2005; Schneider weight of 30–40 g were randomly transferred into three replicate
et al., 2005; Mongirdas and Kusta, 2006), from which the total fiberglass culture tanks. Water exited and flowed from the culture
nitrogen and phosphorus discharges into receiving waters can be tank was sprinkled over the vegetables in the hydroponic trough
estimated. However, most of these studies were conducted in open and outflow trickled down to the sump for denitrification process.
systems. Recently, the incorporation of recirculated fish with veg- The components were installed such that the water flowed by
etable hydroponics production has become an interesting model to gravity, by placing components at appropriate elevation relative
private sector, aquaculture and environmental scientists (Rakocy to one another. The water was then pumped vertically to the sand
et al., 2006; Bakhsh and Shariff, 2007; Endut et al., 2009). filtration tanks for particulate removal. After exiting the sand filter
The objectives of this study were to (1) determine the optimum the water went directly to water storage tank and was flowed by
hydraulic loading rate in term of fish production, plant production, gravity back to the fish tank. During this study the inflow rates
and nutrient removal, (2) evaluate the optimum plants ratio in of the RAS were maintained to be identical as possible by adjusting
term of daily fish feed input to plant growing area, and (3) study the gate valves according to the target rate of each trial.
the mass balance of oxygen in achieving sustainable balance be- In the first experiment, five trials were consecutively performed
tween fish and plants. at different hydraulic loading rates, each operating for 35 days and
compared with control with no plants. Each treatment was repli-
cated thrice. The experimental was operated with fish for one week
2. Methods prior to the initiation in order to acclimate the biofilters as to min-
imize net nutrient uptake by bacteria at the beginning of each trial.
2.1. Experimental design At the initiation of hydraulic loading rate of 0.64 m/day, system
was flushed and fingerlings African catfish were added to each cul-
The recirculation aquaponic system (RAS) utilized is depicted in ture tank up to the treatment biomass. Due to our inability to
Fig. 1. The experimental facility was located in a greenhouse of the obtain fish of similar size for trials two and three, fish from the
University of Malaysia Terengganu campus. RAS consisted of a prior trial were pooled and reallocated to the systems for the fol-
fiberglass rearing tank, hydroponic trough (growing bed), sand fil- lowing trial. Hand feeding, twice per day at the range of 2–4% body
ter for solid removal, sump system for denitrification unit, water weight/day. Fish were fed with 3.2 mm commercial diet floating
holding tank and reservoir (pre-aeration). Pipelines made of poly- pellet (Cargill Company) with 32% protein and 10% moisture. The
vinyl chloride were installed to connect the culture tank and food size was adjusted to compensate for changes in fish size.
hydroponic trough to recirculate the water. Water spinach seedlings were planted directly into the gravel sub-
Three culture tanks arranged in series were used in the rearing strate of the hydroponic growing bed at 10 cm 10 cm spacing.
of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Air stones, connected to an air In the second experiment, the effect of seven ratios of plants to
blower were installed in the culture tank to supply oxygen for fish fish (2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) was evaluated by manipulating water
culture. Water level in each culture tank was kept at 0.85 m deep spinach stocking rate. The size of the hydroponic trough and sys-
to maintain the water volume at 1000 L. Water lost through evap- tem volume were the same for all ratios, but the daily feeding rate
oration, transpiration and sludge removal was replenished with increased in direct proportion to the fish biomass. African catfish
water in the pre-aeration tank. The tank openings were covered were stocked into rearing tank as at optimum HLR obtained in
by plastic net (20 mm aperture) to hinder the fish jumping out of the first experiment. Water samples from outlet of fish tank and
the tanks. Measurements of temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) outlet of the hydroponic trough were collected once a week for
and pH of water samples were performed in situ during the sam- water quality determination. At the end of the experiment, all
pling process using the YSI multi-probe meter (model YSI 550A) fishes in each tank will be netted, weighed and their individual
and pH Cyber Scan waterproof, respectively. Water temperature lengths will be recorded as well as the weight of vegetable.
Fig. 1. A: Culture tank, B: hydroponic trough (planted bed), C: hydroponic trough (control bed), D: filter, E: sprinkler, F: sump, G: pump, H: rapid sand filter, I: water storage
tank, J: air blower, and K: valves.
A. Endut et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 1511–1517 1513
If nutrient flows are subsequently connected from one system to 2.3. Samples analyses
another one, overall system nutrient retention and balances can be
estimated. The oxygen flows and its retentions were calculated using Water samples were taken once a week from each culture tank,
mass balances, based on the concept: output = input retention. influent and effluent of the hydroponic trough, sump, water stor-
This retention can be expresses as g per kg feed with the feed to age tank and inflow of culture tank. The samples were analyzed
the fish (percent fish nutrient). The nutrient discharges (output) for 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended so-
from the system serve as input in the other subsequent system. Table lid (TSS), total ammonium nitrogen (TAN), nitrite nitrogen
1 illustrates the hydraulic condition for this study. (NO
2 —N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3 —N) and total phosphorus (TP).
Dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature were also recorded each
time water was collected. Weekly sampling was carried out be-
2.2. Measurement of growth and yield
tween 8.30 am and 9.30 am in each sampling date and refrigerated
at 4 °C in labeled polythene bottles for chemical analysis. The BOD5
To assess the overall system performance, data on fish growth
and TSS analyses were performed according to Standard Method
and feeding were collected. The feeding data collected include,
(APHA 1998). The TAN, NO
2 —N, NO3 —N and TP measurements
the feeding rate, amount of feed; number of feeding/day; feed
were performed using HACH DR4000 spectrophotometer accord-
amount per tank per day; total feed per day and feed protein. Fish
ing to salicylate, diazotization, cadmium reduction and ascorbic
(10%) were taken from the culture tank to measure their length and
acid method respectively. The DO and pH of the sample were mea-
body weight to estimate the growth rate of the fish and assumed to
sured using DO meter YSI 55A and pH cyber scan waterproof
be representative of the fish in the tanks. The growth of fish was
also monitored from the time at stocking up till the harvest time.
Fish sampling in juvenile and grow-out systems were done on a
weekly basis for survival and average weight. 2.4. Statistical methods
The following production parameters were determined accord-
ing to the procedure of Ridha and Cruz (2001): Statistical software of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) Version 16 and Microsoft Excel were used to calculate mean,
ðln mean final weight ln mean initial weightÞ 100 standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA. Differences of mean
Specific growth rateðSGRÞ ¼
culture days were evaluated for significance by the range tests of Tukey HSD
(p 6 0.05) for homogeneous variances (Levene test) and by the
range test of Dunnett T3 (p 6 0.05) for inhomogeneous variances,
respectively (Schulz et al., 2003).
total weight of dry feed given
Feed conversion ratio ðFCRÞ ¼
total wet weight gain
3. Results and discussion
Plants growth was monitored weekly by measuring the plant
height of all water spinach plants on a 0.5 m2 planting area accom- 3.1. Effect of hydraulic loading rates
panied by counting of number of shoots. The plants were harvested
at height ranging from 45 to 50 cm. Each growing trough was Specific growth rates (SGRs), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and
cleaned and the biomass of plants was measured and recorded. fish production did not differ significantly between hydraulic load-
ing rates (Table 2). FCR values are in the range of 1.23–1.39. In our
study, the same feed is used and the ration is fixed similarly in all
Table 1
Hydraulic condition for operating the aquaponic recirculation system. culture tanks. Stocking at hydraulic loading rate of 1.28 m/day
gives the best production performance (Table 2).
Q (m3 day1) HLRa (m day1) HRTb for overall system (h)
The FCR recorded (1.23–1.39) is not far above the ideal value of
4.6 0.64 4.5 1.0 for culture of African catfish in recirculation system and FCR va-
9.2 1.28 2.3
lue 0.85 reported in the culture of African catfish by Eding and
13.8 1.92 1.5
18.4 2.56 1.1 Kamstra (2001). However the recorded FCR are better than the
23.0 3.20 0.9 range 1.1–1.7 reported in recirculation system of African catfish
as reported by Akinwole and Faturoti (2007). HLR did not affect
HLR, hydraulic loading rate, which is flow rate (Q) divided by total surface area
of the trough.
growth rate or feed conversion ratio.
HRT, hydraulic retention time, which can be computed as (surface area water Plants grew actively in the hydroponic trough and did not
depth porosity of gravel trough/flow rate). identify any nutritional deficiencies or mineral imbalances. Plant
Table 2
Fish growth, feed conversion factor and water spinach by hydraulic loading rates.
Table 3
Mean values for various parameters of water quality by the RAS.
Different superscript numbers within one column denote statistically significant differences (p 6 0.05).
production increased as the hydraulic loading rate increased from 2008). The optimum hydraulic loading rate can be determined by
0.64 m/day to 1.28 m/day, whereas an increase in the HLR from a compromise between fish and plant productions and removal
1.28 m/day to 3.20 m/day did not result in a higher plant produc- efficiency.
tion. At the end of the growth period (20–28 days), the plants Similar to previous studies (Cottingham et al., 1999; Jamieson
reached the market size at average height of 45–50 cm. Whole et al., 2003), the improvement in TAN removal is paralleled by
plant water spinach growth rate and yields differ significantly be- the increase in NO3 —N. It can be concluded that the improvement
tween hydraulic loading rates (Table 2). in ammonia removal is due to increased nitrification activity. The
Plant growth rate and productions differ significantly between accumulation of NO 3 —N in the system indicates that after NH3–
HLR. The growth decreased significantly with increasing in HLR N is nitrified, subsequent denitrification is limited. Possible factors
supported the development of aerobic conditions in the hydro- that could limit denitrification include inadequate residence/reten-
ponic trough and hindered denitrification processes. Nevertheless, tion time for the sump to denitrify NO 3 —N, the presence of DO, or
low HLR with lower out flowing oxygen contents promoted deni- lack of available carbon in the system.
trification and highest NO 3 —N elimination is observed in lower A number of mechanisms are responsible for the removal of
hydraulic loading rate (0.64 m/day and 1.28 m/day). NO3 —N from the wastewater. One mechanism for the removal of
Average plant productions are 17.63 kg, 17.90 kg, 17.53 kg, NO3 —N is plant uptake through the root system from the growth
17.03 kg and 16.83 kg for HLR 0.64 m/day, 1.28 m/day, 1.92 m/ medium. A second mechanism for the removal of dissolved solids
day, 2.56 m/day and 3.20 m/day, respectively. The decrease in pro- is microbial assimilation. It may also be assimilated by microor-
duction corresponded strongly concludes that insufficient N in the ganisms in the water column or by biofilms associated with the
influent could be a limiting factor for a further increase in plant root mats of plants (Vaillant et al., 2004).
production. An increasing of HLR might diminish the contact time Denitrification activity is reduced if available carbon supplies
for nitrate and denitrifying bacteria, thus decreasing the perfor- were low and proceeds only when the oxygen supply was inade-
mance of hydroponic trough for denitrification (Endut et al., 2009). quate for microbial demand (Hamlin et al., 2008). In this study, car-
Snow and Ghaly (2008) evaluated the use of barley for the puri- bon availability may have been inadequate to support high levels
fication of aquaculture wastewater in a hydroponic system and re- of denitrification due to the lack of an established litter layer in
ported the crop yield was significantly influenced by the seed the system. If, on the other hand, the influent wastewater itself is
quantity. The major growth-limiting mineral is usually nitrogen an adequate source of carbon, the lack of denitrification may be
and highest growth rates and yields are generally seen when nitro- attributed to the short hydraulic retention time of the system.
gen is supplied as combination of ammonium and nitrate.
Continuous flow operation of the aquaponic system was initi-
ated with a low HLR of 0.64 m/day. The mean value and percentage 3.2. Plant ratios
removal of water quality variables at various HLR are shown in Ta-
ble 3. It is found that removal percentage of BOD5, TSS, TAN and Ni- The percentage removal values of TAN, nitrite–N, nitrate–N, to-
trite–N increased with increasing in HLR. In contrast to BOD5, TSS, tal phosphorus and plant productions at seven ratios of plants to
nitrite–N and TAN, removal percentage of nitrate–N and TP in- fish are shown in Table 4. There was significant difference in
creased with increasing in HLR from 0.64 m/day to 1.28 m/day TAN, nitrite–N, nitrate–N and total phosphorus concentrations be-
and decreased with increasing in HLR from 1.28 m/day to 3.2 m/ tween ratio of plants to fish. The percentage removal of water qual-
day. Statistically, there were significant differences in all water ity parameters and plant productions increased with increasing in
quality parameters by HLR (p < 0.05) as shown in Table 3. The plants ratios to fish until the maximum was reached at plant to fish
whole treatment, RAS basically showed effective nutrient removal ratio of 8, which was equivalent to a fish feeding rate of 15–42 g/
with average reduction efficiency range from 47% to 89.5%. m2 plant growing area. Further increasing plant ratios led to con-
Values of TSS, BOD5, TAN, nitrite–N, nitrate–N and total phos- siderable decreases in water spinach production. This strongly con-
phorus in final effluent from this study are in accordance with cludes that insufficient nitrogen in the influent of hydroponic
the previous studies (Eding and Kamstra, 2001; Schulz et al., trough could be a limiting factor for a further increase in plant
2003; Franco-Nava et al., 2004; Lin et al., 2005; Snow and Ghaly, production.
A. Endut et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 1511–1517 1515
Table 4
Percentage removal of water quality parameters and plant productions in RAS with hydroponic water spinach at seven ratios of plants to fish.
Pollutant removal can be described using first-order kinetic Fig. 2. The relationship between first-order removal rate constant for TAN (kTAN)
model (IWA, 2000). Average first-order removal rate constants and HLR.
for a specific pollutant are determined by substituting mean
hydraulic retention time (Table 1) and mean influent–effluent con-
ing rate. Efficient removal was always achieved in these studies
centrations of the pollutant (Table 3) into the following equation,
under a wide range of hydraulic loading rate because of low pollu-
and then solving for k.
tant levels of aquaculture wastewater, thus leading to HLR control-
Ce kehw ling the removal rate constant.
¼ expðktÞ ¼ exp ð1Þ
where Ce, effluent pollutant concentration (mg/L); Ci, influent pollu- 3.4. Oxygen concentration dynamics in RAS components
tant concentration (mg/L); k, first-order removal rate constant
(day1), t, hydraulic retention time (day); HLR, hydraulic loading Figs. 3–5 show oxygen concentration dynamics in culture tank,
rate (m/day); e, porosity of hydroponic trough (assuming 0.45– influent planted trough and effluent planted trough, respectively.
0.70); and hw, water depth of trough (m). At the beginning of the system operation, the oxygen difference
These results are shown in Table 5. Distinct values of removal across the system components was insignificant because of the
rate constants for major pollutants have been reported and were low system loading (low fish biomass and therefore low feed load-
evaluated using the same methods as this study with the influ- ing). At the end of the experiment, oxygen concentration in culture
ent–effluent data. The effect of hydraulic loading rate on removal tank, influent planted trough and effluent planted trough then
rate constant was further examined by linear regression with log- reached a value of 4.70 mg/L, 4.35 and 4.2 mg/L, respectively. The
arithmic scale using the k-HLR data in Table 5. Good correlations decreased of oxygen concentration with increasing in culture day
with power function were found between removal rate constant due to the increase of fish biomass and accumulation of organic
and HLR for TAN as depicted in Fig. 2. matter in the system.
Removal rate constants for TSS, TAN, NO2–N and NO3–N, ob-
tained from this study and other comparative studies (Schulz 3.5. Oxygen consumption in fish tank
et al., 2003; Lin et al., 2005), are found to be proportional to
hydraulic loading rate to a power equation. These suggest that re- Reared fish are the main oxygen users here. Oxygen demand de-
moval rate constant would be varied depending on hydraulic load- pends on metabolic rate so the oxygen usage is expressed in terms
Table 5
First-order removal rate constants at various HLR.
HLR 0.64 (m/day)
9.00 HLR 1.28 (m/day)
HLR 1.92 (m/day)
HLR 2.56 (m/day)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (days)
Oxygen concentration (mg/l)
10.00 4. Conclusion
HLR 0.64 (m/day)
Oxygen concentration, (mg/l)
9.00 HLR 1.28 (m/day) This study demonstrated that the changes in concentrations of
HLR 1.92 (m/day) different nutrients in aquaponic system differ because of the dispar-
8.00 ity between the relative proportions of available nutrients generated
HLR 2.56 (m/day)
by fish and nutrients uptake by plants. The optimal HLR in term of
7.00 HLR 3.2 (m/day)
fish productions, plant growth and percentage nutrient removal
6.00 were found to be 1.28 m/day. Reviewing the calculated balances
and limitations of intensive integrated aquaculture systems, the per-
5.00 spectives of such integration are very promising, as these systems re-
quire fewer nutrients in relation to overall production, and reduce
4.00 nutrient discharge by reutilization. Development of the optimum
conditions, e.g., HLR, plants to fish ratio, oxygen levels and water
temperature, for system design and operation in RAS is vital in order
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
to maximize fish and plant productions and nutrient recovery and
Time (days) minimize water exchange and nutrient accumulation as well as ben-
Fig. 5. Dynamics of oxygen concentration in effluent planted trough with different
eficial environmental impacts.
hydraulic loading rates.
of feeding rate. Literature data (Bovendeur, 1989; Timmons and The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Higher Educa-
Losordo, 1994) report broad limits ranging from 200 g/kg to tion of Malaysia for financially supporting this research under bud-
610 g/kg of fodder used. Henceforth the value ko/p = 368 g O2/kg get code T-E-210-59020.
fodder/day (Bovendeur, 1989) applied for African catfish rearing
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