The Report Must Be Arranged As Follows
The Report Must Be Arranged As Follows
The Report Must Be Arranged As Follows
The sequence in which the seminar report should be arranged and bound
should be as follows:
1. Cover Page
2. Certificate
3. Acknowledgement
4. Abstract
5. Table of contents
6. Chapters
7. References
The seminar report should be prepared in A4 size and should be soft bound. (max 25 – 30 pages)
3.1 Cover Page A specimen copy of the Cover page of the report is given in Annexure1. The
fonts and locations of various items on this page should be exactly as shown in Annexure 1.
(To be printed on photopaper)
The fonts and locations of various items on this page should be exactly as shown in
Annexure 2. The Certificate should be in double line spacing using Times New Roman
Font Style and, as per the format in Annexure 2.
3.4 Abstract – Abstract should be a one page synopsis of the seminar, typed in double line
spacing (about 300 words with max 6 key words). Font Style Times New Roman and Font
Size 12. See Annexure 3.
3.5 Table of Contents – The table of contents should list all headings, sub headings after the table
of contents page, as well as any titles preceding it. The title page and Certificate will not find a
place among the items listed in the Table of Contents. One and a half spacing should be adopted
for typing the matter under this head. A specimen copy of the Table of Contents of the project
report is given in Annexure 4
3.6 Chapters
The main text will be divided into several chapters and each chapter may be further divided
into several divisions and sub-divisions.
• Each chapter should be given an appropriate title.
• Tables and figures in a chapter should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the
reference where they are cited.
• Footnotes should be used sparingly. They should be typed single space and placed directly
underneath in the very same page, which refers to the material they annotate.
See Annexure 9
3.7 List of References –The listing of references should be typed 4 spaces below the heading
“REFERENCES” in alphabetical order, in single spacing and left – justified. The reference
material should be listed in the alphabetical order of the surname of the first author. The name
of the author/authors should be immediately followed by the year and other details. See
Annexure 10.
Every page in the seminar/project report, except the seminar/project report title page, must
be accounted for and numbered.
The page numbering, starting from acknowledgements and till the beginning of the
introductory chapter, should be printed in small Roman numbers, i.e, i, ii, iii, iv......
The page number of the first page of each chapter should not be printed (but must be
accounted for). All page numbers from the second page of each chapter should be printed
using Arabic numerals, i.e. 2,3,4,5...
Use only Arabic numerals with decimals. Section numbering should be left justified using
bold print. Example: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.
Use only Arabic numerals with two decimals. Subsection numbering should be left Justified
using bold print. Example: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc.
Use only Arabic numerals with single decimal. Equation numbers should be right
justified using normal print.
Format: (<Chapter number>.<Equation serial number>).
Example (1.1)
Use only Arabic numerals. Serial numbering should be carried out based on Alphabetical
order of surname or last name of first author. Ref. Annexure 6
5.1 COLOR - Black
5.2 FONT
5.2.1 REGULAR TEXT - Times Roman 12 pts. and normal print.
5.2.2 CHAPTER HEADING - Times Roman 14 pts., bold print and all capitals.
5.2.3 SECTION HEADINGS - Times Roman 12 pts., bold print and all capitals
5.2.4 SUBSECTION HEADINGS - Times Roman 12 pts., bold print and leading
capitals. i.e. Only first letter in each word should be in capital
5.2.6 REFERENCES - Same font as regular text. Serial number and all authors'
names to be in bold print. Journal names and book titles should be in italics.
6.3 Use single space in references and double space between references.
The text should be fully justified
= 1.00"
= 1.00"
= 1.00" |
All tables should have sharp lines, drawn in black ink, to separate rows/columns as and
when necessary.
Tables should follow immediately after they are referred to for the first time in the text.
Splitting of paragraphs, for including tables on a page, should be avoided. Provide double
spaces on the top and the bottom of all tables to separate them from the regular text,
wherever applicable.
The title of the table etc. should be placed on the top of the table
The title should be centered with respect to the table. The titles must be in the same font as
the regular text and should be single spaced. The title format is given below:
Table<blank><chapter number>.<serial number><left indent><table title>.
All figures, drawings, and graphs should be drawn in black ink with sharp lines and adequate
contrast between different plots if more than one plot is present in the same graph.
The title of the figure etc. should be placed on the bottom of the figure.
Figures should follow immediately after they are referred to for the first time in the text.
Splitting of paragraphs, for including figures on a page, should be avoided. Provide double
spaces on the top and the bottom of all figures to separate them from the regular text,
wherever applicable. Figures should be centered with respect to the figure. The titles must be
in the same font as the regular text and should be single spaced. The title format is given