NAME: Ahmed - Jamal Class: 3 - Stage - (P&M) H.W

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NAME : Ahmed –Jamal

CLASS : 3rd-stage-(P&M)

H.W (3)

I can notice when we take the value of (RS=1000 OHM) many values had changed

fls flc fle fhi** fho B.W Fls* Flc* Fle* Fhi* Fho* B.w*
19.09 25.67 87 346.87 8.6 346.79 7 25.7 327 687 8.6 686673
Hz Hz Hz 8 MHz 1 Hz Hz Hz KHz MHz KHZ
kHz KHz

So the most important thing the band width has been wider…

*(i.e.) when RS=1000ohm

** I do not use the approximate method so, it is different to the solution in class room

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