Lisa Cody Resume 6 2020
Lisa Cody Resume 6 2020
Lisa Cody Resume 6 2020
37 Idlewood Drive
Stamford, Connecticut 06905
[email protected]
(203) 461-8662 (h)
(203) 496-7969 (c)
July 2016-Present Apples Early Childhood Education Center, Curriculum Associate for
Early Childhood.
Currently completing state IEP compliance training, manage PPT
meetings, update IEP’s as necessary
Responsible for Stamford Public Schools’ School Readiness
Facilitate collection of student tuition
Complete monthly reports for Stamford’s School Readiness Liaison
Serve on 0-5 Community Action Network
Serve as liaison between community preschool providers and
Stamford Public Schools
Responsible for community-wide implementation of Preschool-
Kindergarten Transition Summary, as well as distribution of
completed documents to all 13 public elementary schools in
Coordinate Play and Learn Nights at all elementary schools
Provide kindergarten information sessions to parents in the
Member of Stamford’s School Readiness Council
Represent Early Childhood Council meetings at CES
Assist Director with all aspects of managing Apples
Manage Apples whenever Director is off site
Provide training for Apples staff in CT-DOTS
Oversee busing for Apples students
Oversee Apples after-school program
Serve as TEAM Liaison for Apples
Serve on Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee
Serve on Childcare Re-Entry Sub-Committee