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National Payments Corporation of India NACH Project: June, 2020

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NACH Project

File signing and Encryption

Version 1.0

June, 2020
NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption


Document details

Name Version Date Description


NACH file 1.0 2nd June Provides details of signing and encryption used in ACH
signing and 2020 platform.

This document and any revised pages are subject to document control. Please keep them up-to-date
using the release notices from the distributor of the document.

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NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................3

1.1 CURRENT PROCESS:............................................................................................................................3

1.2 PROPOSED PROCESS:..........................................................................................................................4

2. SIGNING AND ENCRYPTION PROCESS....................................................................................5

2.1 TRANSACTION FILES...........................................................................................................................5

2.2 REPORTS.............................................................................................................................................6

1.3 DIGITAL CERTIFICATES FOR SIGNING.................................................................................................6

2.3 DIGITAL FILE SIGNING.......................................................................................................................6

2.4 ACH FILE SIGNING USING PKCS#7 SIGNATURE IN JAVA.................................................................8

2.5 PGP ENCRYPTION..............................................................................................................................9

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NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption

1. Introduction
This document details the requirement of banks to use the NPCI NACH system. The document talks
about the digital signing and encryption in NACH

As per RBI compliance, any personally identifiable information (PII) data that could potentially identify a
specific individual needs to be protected. Any information that can be used to distinguish one person
from another and can be used for de-anonymizing anonymous data can be considered PII. Sensitive PII is
information which, when disclosed, could result in harm to the individual whose privacy has been
breached. Sensitive PII should therefore be encrypted in transit and when data is at rest. Such
information includes biometric information, medical information, personally identifiable financial
information (PIFI) and unique identifiers such as Aadhaar Number, Account Number, Mobile Number,
Customer Name etc.

1.1 Current Process:

NPCI and member banks exchange files for processing of NACH financial and non-financial transactions,
recon and settlement reports. In the existing process, all the financial and non-financial files are signed
using the signing certificate.

1.2 Proposed Process:

All the financial, non-financial transactions files will be digitally signed and encrypted. Reconciliation and
settlement reports will be encrypted using PGP encryption standards. This is achieved using public and
private key mechanism between member banks and NPCI.

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NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption

2. Signing and Encryption process

2.1 Transaction files

Transaction files includes financial and non-financial files other than reports processed in NACH. Files
should be first digitally signed and then the signed file will be encrypted using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
encryption program.

Source to NPCI

 Signing Using Private key certificate of the Source Bank

 Encryption would be done using the public key of the certificate shared by NPCI.

NPCI to Destination Bank

 Signing Using Private key certificate of NPCI

 Encryption would be done using the Public Key of the certificate shared by destination Bank.

Destination Bank to NPCI

 Signing Using Private key certificate of Destination Bank

 Encryption would be done using the Public Key of the certificate shared by NPCI.

NPCI to Source

 Signing Using Private key certificate of NPCI

 Encryption would be done using the Public Key of the certificate shared by the Source bank.

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NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption

2.2 Reports
All the reports sent to the banks will be encrypted using PGP encryption.

NPCI to Banks

 Encryption would be done using the Public Key of the certificate shared by destination Bank.

1.3 Digital Certificates for signing

1. Class II certificates for users of ACH and MMS & class III certificated for banks
coming through Host-to-Host
2. Procure certificates from IDRBT or any of the CAs approved by IDRBT
3. Procure standard crypto tokens supporting PKCS#7

2.3 Digital File Signing

The following section provides details of how the file signing and verification needs to be done by the
banks for NPCI ACH project. The format needs to be used for all files that are being sent to NPCI ACH

Similarly, for all files received from NPCI ACH system will be digitally signed. Bank needs to validate the
signed file using the NPCI certificate using public key.

The purpose of a digital signature is to ensure data authenticity and that the data is coming from an
authentic source. The signature is to be generated based on SHA 256 algorithm. The signature along
with data and certificate are to be sent in single file which is an XML envelope.

Following process is to be followed by the bank and corporates (direct corporate) for signing the file and
creating the XML envelope with data, signature and certificate:

1. Create signature with original data

2. Base 64bit encoding of original data and certificate

3. Enveloping all three 64 bit base encoded content (original data, signature and certificate) into
single XML file using the below mentioned format.

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NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption

4. The format and tags to be used for the XML envelope is provided below.

5. The XML envelope thus generated is then sent across by bank and from ACH.

The XML file will look like -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>






. .





. .




In the above file structure, the actual data after base 64 encoding is put under “OrgContent” tags of XML

Reference - Approach for Creating Signature using Java APIs

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NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption

2.4 ACH File Signing using PKCS#7 Signature in Java

Steps Involved in Signing:

Creating Signature

Java security packages can be used for the signature creation.

Following are the steps we need to follow for signature creation.

1. Use a PKCS keystore (pfx file) (as specified by the certificate vendor)
2. Specify the signature algorithm (SHA256WITHRSA)
3. Read the file from system (original file)
4. Create an instance of Bouncy Castle's CMSSignedDataGenerator call addSigner API by passing
private key, certificate and digest algorithm(SHA256WITHRSA)
5. Create an instance of the java.security.Signature class with specified signature algorithm.
6. Use initSign method of java.security.Signature to initiate a signature with the private key of the
user (private key extracted from the pfx file)
7. Use update method of java.security.Signature and pass the original file (without Base64
8. Now use sign method of java.security.Signature which will return the signature in bytes
9. Now encode the signature with Base64 encoder
10. Extract the public key certificate from the keystore and encode it to Base64.
11. Encode the original file also into Base64.

Signed Envelope has following three components:

1. OrgContent- Original data is encoded in Base64.

2. Signature- Generate detached signed data by using the private key and certificate. SHA256 digest
algorithm is used. DER Encoded signed data is retrieved from the signed data and Base64 encoded.

3. Certificate- Certificate matching the above signer id is retrieved from the store and Base64 encoded.

Verification of Signed data

1. Original data and signature data are Base64 decoded. Signer instance is created using both data.

2. Certificate data is Base64 decoded and passed to the signer for verifying.

For the verification process to verify whether the data that was sent is authentic and has not been
tampered with, the following steps are followed during the verification process:

1. The data is received in the form of a XML envelope. The XML file is parsed to get the signature,
the original data and the certificate.

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NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption

2. The public key of the certificate and the data is then used to verify the signature.

3. If the data has been tampered, the signature verification fails. Thus allowing checking the
authenticity of the data.

4. Original data can be extracted from the “OrgContent” node in the XML file.

2.5 PGP Encryption

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and
authentication for data communication. PGP is used for encrypting, and decrypting files which will be
shared with Member Banks from NPCI and Vice-Versa.

Public and private keys play a vital role in PGP to encrypt and decrypt the data. Public key is used to
encrypt the data and private keys issued to decrypt the data. NPCI will share the tool and the Key
corresponding to Bank for PGP encryption / Decryption.

Get the PGPPrivateKey and PGPPublicKey from the PKCS keystore (pfx file) and x.509 certificates
respectively for the PGP encryption and decryption process, however pgp internally uses compression
and symmetric key encryption process.

Compression (ZIP) used for the reduce the size of the final output file and symmetric key (AES 256) for
faster encryption process.

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NPCI NACH Solution Signing and encryption

2.5.1 Encryption and Decryption Coding in java:

Converting public key to PGPpublickey in java:

(new JcaPGPKeyConverter().getPGPPublicKey(PGPPublicKey.RSA_GENERAL, <PublicKey object>, new


Converting Privatekey to PGPPrivatekey in java:

(new JcaPGPKeyConverter().getPGPPrivateKey(<PublicKey object>, <PrivateKey object>))

Certificate extenstions:

Application would support .CER or *.CRT certificate extensions

Encryption sample code in java:


Decryption sample code in java:


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