I Dedicate This Report To My Parents.: Dedication
I Dedicate This Report To My Parents.: Dedication
I Dedicate This Report To My Parents.: Dedication
Great thanks goes to the almighty God for protecting me throughout the academic year and
My sincere gratitude also goes to the Manager of Annancy Collection, Mr. Francis Annan for
his acceptance and support during the internship training at his organization.
Staff of Department of Fashion Design and Technology of Takoradi Technical University and
the Supervisors who participated in the student supervision exercise during the semester out
Content Page
Dedicate i
Acknowledgement ii
Sewing section
Challenges Encountered
General comments
As part of requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma in Fashion Design and
organization of their choice. The semester out internship started from the 13th of March, 2017
Takoradi in the Western Region of Ghana. Every student is required to undertake a semester
out internship to transform what is taught in the lecture hall into working to acquire skills
The semester out internship provides a plane for education the student with the opportunity to
integrate relative experience. It is a means of testing career goals and provision of work
expected after graduation. The attachment report serves as a means of confirmation to the fact
1. Enable the student acquire significant attribute such as working with a team, working
under clemano being prompt, resourceful management of time and knowledge use of
2. It affords the student a chance to relate educational programmes and career goals
5. For the pre-professional work knowledge thus give the students a form into their
chosen profession.
Annancy’s Collection was established in February, 2015 as a sewing centre. The company
humbly began with one electric sewing machine and a cutting out table, steam iron, but by
God’s grace, the company can now boast of an industrial sewing machines, three electric
sewing machines, cutting out machine, steam iron, knitting machine, five show cases, a fridge
and other industrial machineries which has made the company became a great fashion hub in
Annancy’s Collection want to be the one Fashion Hub in Takoradi and all over the nation.
2. Sewing section
2. Steam iron
3. Knitting machine
At this section, the fabric is laid out on the table and pressed. The measurement of the client
is then used to draft the design of the garment on the fabric with allowance added. After this,
the design is cut out from the fabric and prepared for sewing.
At this section, the pattern pieces that has been cut out are stitched together using electric
sewing machine.
At this section, the complete garment is neatly pressed with a steam iron, all seams opened
and all creases are removed from the final garment. After that, the garment is packed and
After ironing, all the necessary inspection are done, we then package the garment for
The week served as introductory week to the organization, its rules and regulations, nature of
the work done and to its staff. I was introduce to the various section in the organization, the
types of machine of machine used, which include electric sewing machine, industrial sewing
machine, steam iron and knitting machine and place where the company purchase it materials
for working.
My industrial base supervisor ask me to sew different types of pocket which include Bound
pocket, patch pocket and slant pocket. The next asked me to sew casual shirt with shirt collar
and six buttons and one patch pocket in front. He taught me how to cut trouser without
pattern on the first Friday. On the following week, that is Monday to Friday, I sew trouser
with case and loop and two patch pocket each at the back.
On that week, I sew sixteen trousers with case and loop at the waist and two patch pocket
each left and right at the back that is from Monday to Thursday. On that Friday, I sew one
casual with shirt collar and six button and a patch pocket on the front.
On the week four, I sew two trousers with case and loop and a patch pocket. On the same
day, I sew one casual shirt on the Tuesday, I sew a casual shirt collar one patch pocket and
six buttons in front. From Wednesday to Friday, I sew three classic long sleeve shirt and
On the week, I sew two classic shirt that Monday and Tuesday and from Wednesday to
Friday, I sew three trouser and loop and two is fly waist band and 6 belt holes with case and
loop and a fly in the front and patch pocket at the back. On week six, I sew three classic shirt
and one casual shirt and I was taught how to cut trouser and a jacket.
On that week, I sew three casual shirt, one classic shirt and trouser with waist band, fly and
sizes and bound pocket at the back. And I knitted the garment that I sew and fixing of
I learnt how to cut waist coat and fixing of buttons, I sew classic shirt on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. I knitted trousers and fixed buttons on a shirt on four shirts. On the
Friday, I sew two casual shirt. On the week ten, I sew two waist, a trouser with waist band, a
I cut and sew a trouser with waist band, two slant pocket, a fly with zip, six belt holes and
one bound pocket. I sew a casual shirt, round neck, I fixed buttons and knitted of shirts. One
During my semester out internship at Annancy’s Collections, I acquired the following skills
and knowledge.
Help me to research into other fields of study to improve in my practical work when I
Improve my relation with my colleagues and others in any community I find myself to
We were not using the round method and his method of sewing were different.
I congratulate the liaison and the authorities of the school for organizing the semester out
internship program. It has helped me to see how to apply all that I have learnt in the lecture
hall to the field. I am much impressed with the knowledge gained and also about the unity
and team work that was demonstrated by the supervisors as this is a core requirement to
The semester out internship training program will go a long way to a help students in their
respective fields if were undertaking and hence I will encourage it internship readily
equipped the student for the market and also to handle weightier task and challenges upon
Also I am much grateful to the Takoradi Technical University Administration for designing
I recommend that the company continues to provide more sewing machine especially
industrial machine, I suggest the company adequately motivate its worker to enhance
efficiently. Also, the Internee must be given some incentives to boost their morale towards