Investigation of Tensile Properties of Composite Feed Stock Filament For Fused Deposition Modeling A Review
Investigation of Tensile Properties of Composite Feed Stock Filament For Fused Deposition Modeling A Review
Investigation of Tensile Properties of Composite Feed Stock Filament For Fused Deposition Modeling A Review
ISSN 2229-5518
Key words: AM, FDM, Composite Materials, ABS.
plastics parts and Carbon Fiber Powders. By adding Carbon
INTRODUCTION Fiber tensile strength firstly prepared from Carbon fiber
tensile strength and Young's Modulus increase but may
Normally FDM process uses ABS, polypropylene, Polylactic
decrease, toughness, Yield Strength and ductility.Lu
acid as base material for making 3D models.we hereby try to
Wang[6] et al. have identified that With proper selection of
use the Natural fibre than using Synthetic fibre. To make it
the printing process parameters, can produce PLA possessing
ecofriendly and use the natural properties of the fibre.
higher impact strength than those directly from injection
Numerous novel AM processes have been developed in more
molding. Dul, S., Fambri[7] et al. have done the work on
than 20 years of AM development with applications in
Compounding of graphene nano-platelets by using solvent
aerospace, automotive, biomedical, digital art, architectural
free process. Thermo mechanical properties are compared by
design, etc . There was an exponential increase in AM
various processing routes such as compression moulding
technologies in recent years and they continue to grow due to
extrusion.Dario Croccolo[8] et al. have performed
its versatility and low cost for rapid prototyping and
Experimental tensile test According to ASTM.D638
manufacturing applications. All these features combined with
Standard. The numerical values been calibrated and validated
AM’s customizability to fabricate complex monolithic
by comparing them to experimental outcomes. G.De.With[9]
structures and geometries, with micrometre resolution helped
et al. have used CNT and PBT material in desktop 3D prints.
AM grow to a multibillion-dollar industry.
PBT is used as base polymer. the analysis showed that
FDM uses the thermoplastics PLA,
PBT/CNT 3D printed structures have better functional
ABS, polyphenylsulfone (PPSF), polycarbonate (PC), PETG
properties as well as esthatics than the PBT printed
and Ultem 9085, among others. These materials are used for
structures.O.S.Carneiro[10] et al.have work on
their heat resistance properties. Ultem 9085 also exhibits fire
Polypropylene pellets which were used for filament
retardancy making it suitable for aerospace and aviation
production. Two types of PP were evaluated a glass fiber
reinforced and neat non-reinforced one. Wang Xin [11] et al.
FDM is also used in prototyping scaffolds for medical tissue have proposed to overcome the severe wrapping,
engineering applications. deformation and crack during fabrication of large size thin
walled parts. Using the pre- and post- laser-assisted heating,
increasing the speed ratio to 0.75 and decreasing the layer
LITERATURE SURVEY thickness to 0.25 mm would be favorable to achieve better
Andrew.N.Dickson[1] et al. have conducted work on bonding quality and shape accuracy. David Bourell[12] et al.
Continuous glass, carbon and Kevlar fibers reinforced nylon have studied materials in perfect feedstock which have
composites. They were fabricated in AM up to 6.3 fold and acceptable service properties. Attention is focus on
5-fold enhancement in tensile and flexural strengths. The underfeeding the origin of defects in AM parts. Abdul Manaf
nylon composite strength was in the following order: Carbon Abdullah[13] et al. have found that mechanical properties of
fiber > Glass fiber > Kevlar fiber. Jianlei Wang[2] et al. have highly ceramic filled polyamide 12 were lower than initially
suggested thermal treatment to reduce the voids between expected. Deniz Sera Ertay [14] et al. have system optimizes
deposition lines so as to improve the mechanical properties. the feed while respecting the heater limit and the jerks
acceleration and velocity limits of the machine tools. The
varying extrusion rate is kept proportional to tangential
IJSER © 2018
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 5, May-2018
ISSN 2229-5518
velocity. C.A.Griffiths[15] et al. have identified that izod impact strength as injection method PP.If extrusion temp
Optimization of tensile properties, the infill level and no. of is high and smaller layer height lead to smaller cell size
sheets are only significant and should be maximized. Build attributed to high diffuser.Manu Srivastava [30] et al.
parameters depend on the relative importance of each output Deformation with respect to the direction of force is reduced
in the objective. Dimitris Karalekas and Antreas by replacing default ABS by proposed FGM.This research is
kanturos[16] The experimental results show that their based on Tailoring material properties. Anup Kumar Sood
magnitude is significant and sensitive to the investigated [31] et al. It is found that shrinkage always dominant along
process parameters. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor in the length and thickness is always more than desired. Song
their mid plane were fabricated using two important H[32] et al. The approach proposes to exploit small sub layer
processing parameters, layer thickness and build orientation. 2-motions to better reproduce gently sloped areas.It considers
W. Kempin [17] et al. have used the fluorescent dye quinine within layer nozzle interference, splitting and reordering
as a model drug to visualize drug distribution in filaments and paths to minimize its detrimental effects. R.Singh and S.
implants. Homogeneous guanine distribution in the filaments singh [33] Al as matrix and Al2O3 as reinforcement offers
and model implants were observed by fluorescence better mechanical properties. In this Al / Al2O3 Composite as
microscopy. Lili Zheng [18] et al. have performed the three FGM has been developed using alternative reinforced FDM
dimension numerical simulation to design and optimize the putting in IC process. R.Singh and S. singh [34] AMC’s
deposition substrate placement in furnace. Computational developed via this rate reinforced the surface but inner
model has been developed capable of describing heat and surface remained soft.It can be treated as FGM because the
mass transfer. J. Wang [19] et al. have proposed FDM surface hardness have improved its mechanical properties.
process to achieve anti-gravitational printing process by Schutyser[35] et al. Flow behavior of sodium
means of designing a magnetic platform. There are magnetic caseinate mixtures was reasonably well described by a
and thermal properties without sacrificing mechanical modified Poseuille equation assuming .Power law behavior.
properties. Rupinder Singh [20] et al. have fabricated Terrence E . Johnson [36] et al. In case of 0 horizontal and
alternate reinforced FDM filament with special focus on side build specimens, the cross section appear almost exactly
grinding application of artificial polymeric dentures. Due to same or similar.Fractographic analysis shows that the side
reinforcement Al2O3 particles in Nylon-6 matrix the build specimen makes better use of the geometry of the raster
resistance of composite specimen against wear has been to fill the voids between rows. Z. Ortega[37] et al. Exact
improved significantly. Walter.C.Smith and Richard.W.Dean critical value depends strongly on the geometry of extrusion
[21] have produced two series of tensile test specimens on a device.Results from this study is recommend sheer stress
stratasys vantage SE FDM Machining. The values of rates below 1000 s-1 for PCL and 10000s-1 for PLA to obtain
polycarbonate in bulk form one of two optimistic to be used homogeneous morphology of the filaments. S.H Masood [38]
in design. S.S.Mahapatra [22] et al. have made a functional et al. Injection tool and inserts made out of this material on
relationship between processed parameters and wear FDM demonstrate a higher stiffness comparing to those made
determined by using response surface methodology. out of pure polymetric material. Mostafa Nikzad [39] et al.
Parametric considered are layer thickness, orientation, raster New composite with 10% iron particles filled in ABS
angel, raster width and air gap. Luiz Ferreira RT [23] et al. polymer matrix has been successfully obtained.FE Analysis
have produced Mechanical testing and SEM micrography of is done to investigate main flow parameters such as temp,
materials produced by 3D-printing based on FFF (Fused pressure drop, velocity using two CFD 1)for 2D and other for
Filament Fabrication). The short carbon fibers increase a lot 3D. Melocchi[40] et al. When the disks formed by these
the tensile modulus of the reinforced PLA+CF, in polymers are used as barriers they performed as promptly
comparison to same property of PLA. Li, Nanya [24] et al. soluble swellable / erodible, slowly permeable insoluble
have measured the mechanical and thermal properties by gastro resistant layer consistent with the nature of their
using the electronic testing machine and dynamic mechanical polymeric components. Asaf Levy[41] et al.
analyzer(DMA). The novel nozzle and path control methods Complex-shaped TiCx ceramic performance with a gradient
were designed to satisfy the demand of continuous carbon of carbon content in the titanium carbide phase were
printing. J.S., Dawson [25] et al. have showed that increase in fabricated for first time by Binder Jet 3D printing technology.
the volume of fiber reinforcement results in an increase in
stiffness and ultimate stress of the test samples. A volume
averaging stiffness has been developed in order to predict the GAP ANALYSIS
tensile proper of the fiber reinforced 3D printed samples. S. There are lots of materials which are used in fused deposition
Ahmed [26] et al. have taken Micro images of carbon nano modelling but most of them are synthetic materials like
tubes under microscope for various concentration.The carbon fibre, glass fibre, Kevlar, polypropylene,etc.
images are converted in to multi physics numerical code and So there is a scope of work left in the field of natural fiber
thermal field is computed to arise the thermal characteristics reinforcement as composite materials.
of the mixture. Chi Zhou [27] et al. The microstructure
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Beer-Sheva, 8410501, Israel.
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