A Case Study On Mega Merger of SBI With Its Five Subsidaries
A Case Study On Mega Merger of SBI With Its Five Subsidaries
A Case Study On Mega Merger of SBI With Its Five Subsidaries
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are transactions in which the ownership of companies, other business organizations or their
operating units are transferred or combined. As an aspect of strategic management, M&A can allow enterprises to grow, shrink,
and change the nature of their business or competitive position. From a legal point of view, a merger is a legal consolidation of
two entities into one entity, whereas an acquisition occurs when one entity takes ownership of another entity's stock, equity
interests or assets. However, from a commercial and economic point of view, both types of transactions generally result in the
consolidation of assets and liabilities under one entity, and the distinction between a "merger" and an "acquisition" is less clear. On
15 February 2017, the Union Cabinet approved a proposal to merge five SBI associate banks with SBI. In this present case study,
Merging of five state bank subsidiary banks into the parent bank SBI is named after Mega-merging. The present paper explores the
economic and political pull and push factors cause merger of SBI associate banks into SBI. The paper also attempted to evaluate
prospects and consequences of Mega-merging.
State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (founded 1963) SBI provides a range of banking products through its network
State Bank of Hyderabad (founded 1941) of branches in India and overseas, including products aimed at
State Bank of Travancore (founded 1945) non-resident Indians (NRIs). SBI has 14 regional hubs and 57
Bharatiya Mahila Bank(founded 2013) Zonal Offices that are located at important cities throughout
3 (a). State Bank Of Hyderabad (SBH) Hyderabad State This bank has 976 branches and 10627 employees (June 2014)
Bank was established on 8 August 1941 under the Hyderabad and the Bank has 772 branches (79%) in Karnataka State. The
State Bank Act, by last Nizam of bank's turnover in the year 2013-2014 was around US$19
Hyderabad, Mir Osman Ali Khan now the new state of Billion and Profit about US$46 Million.
Telangana. It is one of the five associate banks of State Bank
of India and is one of the scheduled banks in India. In 1956, 3 (d). State Bank of Patiala (SBP)
the Reserve Bank of India took over the bank as its first Bhupinder Singh, Maharaja of Patiala State, founded the
subsidiary and renamed it as State Bank of Hyderabad. Since Patiala State Bank on 17 November 1917 to foster growth of
1956 it has been a subsidiary and largest associate bank of agriculture, trade and industry. The bank combined the
SBI. The bank has performed well in the past decades, functions of a commercial bank and those of a central bank for
winning several awards for its banking practices. SBH has the princely state of Patiala. The bank had one branch at
over 2,000 branches and about 18,000 employees. The Bank's Chowk Fort, Patiala, undivided India.
business has crossed Rs. 2.4 trillion as on 31.12.2015 with a The formation of the Patiala and East Punjab States Union in
net profit of Rs. 8.12 billion. The bank has performed well in 1948 led to the bank being reorganized, being brought under
the past decades, winning several awards for its banking the control of the Reserve Bank of India, and being renamed
practices. Bank of Patiala. On 1 April 1960 Bank of Patiala became a
subsidiary of State Bank of India and was renamed State Bank
3 (b). State bank of Travancore (SBT) of Patiala. Presently, State Bank of Patiala has a network of
SBT was established in 1945 as the Travancore Bank Ltd, at 1445 service outlets, including 1314 branches, in all major
the initiative of Travancore Divan C. P. Ram swami Iyer. cities of India, Particularly in north India.
Following popular resentment against his dictatorial rule, the
bank no longer credits his role. Instead, the Bank now 3 (e). State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
considers the Maharaja of Travancore as the founder, though SBBJ came into existence on 1963 when two banks, namely,
the king had little to do with the founding. Although the State Bank of Bikaner (established in 1944) and State Bank of
Travancore government put up only 25% of the capital, the Jaipur (established in 1943), were merged. Both these banks
bank undertook government treasury work and foreign were subsidiaries of the State Bank of India under the State
exchange business, apart from its general banking business. Its Bank of India (Subsidiary Bank) Act, 1959. On 25 April 1966
registered office was at Madras. In 1960, it became a SBBJ took over Govind Bank (Private) Ltd., Mathura,
subsidiary of State Bank of India under the SBI Subsidiary established on 8 February 1963.
Banks Act, 1959, enacted by the Parliament of India. In 1984 SBBJ sponsored and established Ganganagar
Kshetriya Gramin Bank as a Regional Rural Bank. Thereafter,
3 (c). State Bank of Mysore (SBM) in 1985 SBBJ opened the Bikaner Kshetriya Gramin Bank, the
State Bank of Mysore was established in the year 1913 as The second Regional Rural Bank sponsored by it. The third
Bank of Mysore Ltd. under the patronage of Regional Rural Bank, sponsored by SBBJ was Marwar
Maharaja Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, at the instance of the Gramin Bank, which covered the districts of Pali, Jalore and
banking committee headed by the great EngineerStatesman, Sirohi. On 12 June 2006, SBBJ merged all three regional rural
Bharat Ratna Sir M.Visvesvaray. During 1953, "Mysore banks that it sponsored under the name MGB Gramin Bank,
Bank" was appointed as an agent of Reserve Bank of India to with headquarters in Jodhpur.
undertake Government business and treasury operations, and It is an associated bank of State Bank of India. As of 2015,
in March 1960, it became a subsidiary of the State Bank of SBBJ had 1,360 branches, mostly located in the state of
India under the State Bank of India (subsidiary Banks) Act Rajasthan, India. Its branch network out of Rajasthan covers
1959. Now the bank is an Associate Bank under State Bank all the major business centres of India. In 1997, the bank
Group and the State Bank of India holds 92.33% of shares. entered the capital market with an Initial Public Offering of
The Bank's shares are listed in Bangalore, Chennai, and 13, 60,000 shares at a premium of Rs 440 per share. For the
Mumbai stock exchanges. year 2015-16 the net profit of the company was 850.60 Crore.
National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
loan growth, the SBI MD said, “Retail loan growth has been
good in February. I think, the retail growth story still remains 5 (d). People-side issues
intact; people are buying cars, there is activity in the housing In mergers it is not the two economic entities joining together,
loan market.” Rajnish Kumar, but also people with so much of career aspirations and
MD, SBI expectations must join together. People’s concerns and their
willingness to work with others are mostly ignored during a
typical merger. SBI must address the issues like employee
delight, morale and career.
6. Conclusion
The union cabinet has approved the merger of SBI, the
country’s largest lender, and its associate banks- a move
which is expected to bring the state-owned entity at paer with
global lender. The merged entity will have an asset base of
about Rs. 37 lakh crore, with nearly 24,000 branches and
about 58,700 ATMs across the country. The merger is seen as
win-win for both SBI and its associate banks. There are
several economic and strategic advantage to the merged entity.
However, the new entity is not free from challenges. It must
gear up to face new challenges that are to come.
7. References
1. Rajinder S et al., Mergers and Acquisitions, Oxford
University, New Delhi. 2014. 2. https://www.rbi.org.in/ 3.
Fig 1 https://www.sbi.co.in/.
4. http://thehindu.com-The Hindu daily-Thursday, June16,
5. Challenges of Mega-merging 2016)
The mega-merger has several economic, strategic and 5. www.livemint.com
structural advantages. However, this strategic move is not free
from challenges. SBI must face several challenges at times
ahead. The important challenges to address are;