Pressure Meter Test in Practice
Pressure Meter Test in Practice
Pressure Meter Test in Practice
The pressuremeter, Introduced In its present form In the 1950s, led to a new ASTM standard to be introduced in the near
has gained substantial acceptance In the United States. Typical future.
testing procedures have for the most part not changed since The pressuremeter test consists of the expansion of a mem-
the meter's Introduction, but changes are being recommended
brane, usually in a predrilled borehole (Figure 1). The volume
by researchers to accommodate test evaluations in clay soils.
The test procedure ls In the process of being standardized. change and the pressure are measured in the test, and the
Typical uses of the test for foundation design, settlement anal- pressures to increase the volume are generally applied in pre-
ysis, and pile behavior are reviewed. determined steps. A modulus is then determined to reflect the
relation between volume change and pressure, and the pressure
at which failure of the soil occurs is also evaluated. It is these
The pressuremeter as an in situ testing instrument is well two parameters, the pressuremeter modulus and limit pressure,
known and used in the United States and is widely accepted for that are used in evaluations, together with the curve of pressure
use in routine investigations. Since its introduction, consider- versus volume.
able research and development have occurred and new testing
methods as well as new methods of evaluation have been
suggested. It is accordingly considered appropriate to trace this
development from its beginning for a better overall understand-
ing of the test of today.
after drilling. The effect of this unload-load cycle will, expansion of the probe to the minimum. Generally a hole
however, exist as long as predrilling is part of the testing. An diameter between 3 to 20 percent larger than that of the probe
improvement is the self-boring pressuremeter, which is inserted should be maintained.
while the original in situ stresses are maintained. This is still
considered a research tool or special testing equipment and is
used mostly on larger, elaborate projects in which the higher THE PRESSUREMETER TEST
cost of such testing can be absorbed.
The second type of disturbance is caused by the drilling The test itself consists of expanding a probe in a predrilled
equipment along the walls of the borehole and can be consider- borehole and measuring volumes and corresponding pressures.
ably reduced by the use of the right tools and techniques. In The most commonly used method is to increase pressures in
everyday practice, some methods have been developed that are about 10 increments to failure. It has also been acceptable to
more useful in one soil than in others. Techniques vary by run the test by controlling strain and measuring the correspond-
geography and country of origin. A tabulation has been ing stress. The principle of the test is, however, to perform the
assembled by ASTM for the upcoming standard, showing test in a relatively short period of time, thereby measuring
methods suited for particular subsoil conditions (Table I). As basically undrained conditions, even where pore-pressure dis-
can be readily seen, the most widely applicable method is hand sipation is significant. Because the test results are sensitive to
augering, which causes probably the least disturbance in most the speed of testing, specifically in fine-grained soils, this
soils. The soils representing the largest problems in hole prepa- makes standardization more important. It has been the practice
ration are the sands and gravels, especially below ground water of the engineering community to perform tests according to the
level. In these soils good results were obtained, however, by original recommendations of Menard in order to maintain the
using mud to keep the boring open. comparative value of the results.
Another factor, also related to preparation of boreholes and As part of the testing procedure, the drill hole is advanced to
disturbance, is the range of tolerances to be maintained to the test level and cleaned of debris and cuttings. Before the
obtain a good test. The pressuremeter generally requires a hole probe is placed in the hole, all calibrations are completed and
in which only minimal space is maintained between the probe checked. The probe is then lowered to the test depth and
and the walls of the borehole in order to keep the necessary pressures are applied in predetermined steps. The load incre-
Note: GWL = gl'Oundwatcr level; NR = not recommended; NA = not applicable; 1 = !mt choice; 2 = second choice.
"Below GWL.
bMethod applicable only under certain conditions (see text).
cPilot-hole drilling required beforehand.
ments are estimated from testing in similar material and from cmRECTED \Q..IME
experience, in order to complete the test in about 10 load
increments. Readings are taken after 30 sec and 1 min during TEST
each load step. The test is complete when the probe expansion URVE
becomes excessive. The test may include cyclic loading to
evaluate load-unload characteristics. The volume-pressure
curve is plotted with all necessary corrections.
The test yields the pressuremeter modulus, which is the
slope of the pressure-volume curve, and the limit pressure, '' /"-..._CREEP
which is the pressure at which unlimited expansion occurs. For : ,/
evaluation in practice, the pressuremeter modulus is generally
determined from the straight-line portion of the pressuremeter
curve and the limit pressure is taken at a volume expansion that BOREHOLE WALL ( P)
is twice the original probe volume. For all applications in FIGURE 2 Typical pressuremeter
general practice, these determinations are adequate and will be test curve.
discussed in more detail later.
It is noted here that several pressuremeters are in use today,
including the most widely accepted original Menard type, in the volume readings and pressure increments used to determine
which three cells are used within the expandable probe. The the pressuremeter modulus. Harder or denser soils will result in
center measuring cell is protected by two guard cells, one at the a flatter curve and higher pressuremeter modulus, whereas the
upper and one at the lower end, to prevent excessive expansion plastic deformation represented by the right end of the curve
of the measuring cell in those directions. Even with this type, a will extend to higher pressures for these soils. Disturbance can
relatively tight hole is advisable. Probes with feelers that mea- generally be easily detected from irregularities in the shape of
sure hole diameter instead of probe volume are less sensitive to the curve.
this problem but make only spot measurements at certain points The limit pressure is not measured directly by this test
of the borehole wall. because of limitations in the probe expansion, and an extrapo-
lation of the last few test points must be made to obtain an
estimated value. By definition the limit pressure is associated
RESULTS OF THE TEST with infinite hole expansion at no additional loading and is a
theoretical value. For practical purposes a hole expansion of
The pressuremeter test fills a very important function in soil twice the original probe volume is taken as the limit pressure.
testing by providing information that previously was difficult to Historically this value has been used in most of the investiga-
obtain with adequate accuracy. The relatively hard clays with tions to date and was adopted for the new ASTM standard. In
various amounts of preconsolidation cannot be sampled and Figure 3 the typical extrapolation is shown by using a log-
tested with ordinary methods, but once a boring has been arithmic plot and the last few points of the test. It may be noted
drilled, excellent information can be obtained with the pres- that the test must be carried as close as practically feasible to
suremeter as to the strength and compressibility of these soils. the limit pressure to get a reliable evaluation.
Granular soils fall into the same category together with residual
formations in various stages of decomposition. The improved
understanding of strength characteristics as well as of com- EVALUATION OF TEST RESULTS
pressibility of these formations is the result of this test.
The major parameters obtained from the test are representa- Three typical uses of pressuremeter test results by the practic-
tive of compressibility and strength. Compressibility is ing engineer will be discussed to indicate some major applica-
expressed by the pressuremeter modulus, which is determined tions of this test. The complete list of available uses and
from the following formula:
where VOLUME
= pressuremeter modulus,
= Poisson's ratio (generally taken as 0.3 for
pressuremeter applications),
= volume of probe,
= volume increase in straight-line portion of
test curve, and 5 0 15 20 25 30
= pressure increase corresponding to D.V P2 PRESSURE
volume increase. FIGURE 3 Determination of limit
pressure from logarithmic plot of volume
In Figure 2, a typical pressuremeter test curve is shown with versus pressure.
applications is a long one and could not be meaningfully high compared with established bearing values, and settlements
discussed here. are generally lower than would be expected by a static settle-
ment calculation. As an example, the typical foundation
requirements of a 6- by 6-ft spread footing are examined. This
Menard Rules for Evaluation footing, when founded on high-density local gravelly sand of
Pleistocene origin, would be designed for a typical soil bearing
The complete design recommendations for the pressuremeter pressure of 4 tsf. The pressuremeter tests performed in this
as introduced by Menard were published in Sols-Soils (1) and geologic formation indicate limit pressures varying between 10
include design methods for several aspects of geotechnical and 20 tsf. An evaluation of bearing capacity using the lower
engineering, such as spread footing foundations, pile capacity value and the Menard formulas will give an allowable bearing
evaluations, and settlement evaluations, with no other testing of 11,500 psf, considering normal embedments and a safety
required but that done with the pressuremeter. Geotechnical factor of 3. The settlements of this footing are calculated to be
consultants in the United States still use pressuremeter test data 0.6 in. when the pressuremeter modulus of 100 tsf on the low
in addition to conventional analysis methods when such data end of the range in this type of soil is used. Consideration of
are available. average parameters for this layer would result in high allowable
The basic equation for the bearing capacity of footings or bearing capacities that could not be realized in the design.
caissons has been formulated as follows: Considering plate load test data available on this material used
as a fill soil, settlements are believed to be in the realistic range.
These formulas have been particularly useful in relatively hard
soils or materials otherwise not suitable for sampling. A signifi-
where cant use has developed in estimating bearing capacities and
settlements of caissons founded on good bearing materials.
q1 = ultimate bearing capacity, Allowable bearing capacities could be increased throughout the
q0 = overburden pressure, years as confidence develops based on performance of these
P1 = limit pressure from pressuremeter test, foundations.
P0 = horizontal pressure at rest, and
K = bearing capacity factor varying from 0.8 to 9.
Static Settlement over Sand
The horizontal at-rest pressure is necessary for this evaluation,
which can be estimated from the pressuremeter test or can be In 1970 Schmertmann (2) published the strain distribution
determined by other methods. method to calculate settlements over sand by using the cone
The general formula for settlement of a foundation has been penetrometer. In 1978 this calculation was revised by
given as follows: Schmertmann (3) to include strip footings. The method gives
good correlation with settlement of footings but requires the
W = (1.33/3£) Pf..'i: + (a/4.5E) P~R use of an elastic modulus (E), which was evaluated from cone
penetrometer tests.
where For users of the pressuremeter, it came as a natural applica-
tion to substitute the pressuremeter modulus in the equation. It
f..z.~ = shape coefficients, a function of the length and was not clear, however, what modification to the modulus, if
width of the foundation; any, would be required. Considerable field measurements were
a = structure coefficient, generally evaluated from performed, and Martin (4) indicatyd in 1977 that the pres-
the ratio of pressuremeter modulus to limit suremeter modulus, if used directly, would give reasonable
pressure; correlation with field measurements in residual soils.
p = foundation pressure; A number of pressuremeter tests were analyzed by the author
E = pressuremeter modulus; and to evaluate the correlation between the pressuremeter modulus
R = radius. and the modulus of deformation as used in the strain distribu-
tion method. At this time, it is believed that the ratio in residual
Values of these variables are given in Tables 2 and 3. soils is probably somewhat higher than l, and in sedimentary
Bearing capacities determined by this method are generally granular soils the modulus was found to be at least 2 to 3 times
Sand and
Peat aal Alluvium Sand Gravel
Type of Material EIP a. EIP a. EIP a. EIP a. EIP a.
-~ · ~
0 ~~
1.12 1.53 1.78 2.14 2.65 - 40
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 . .
~ ~
/. ~ ~ I// where
.'. ,.. .
Q(front) = portion of soil resistance to pile movement
~ .,~
The shaded areas indicate the possible correlation, which is y(pile) = lateral deflection of pile,
relatively large and indicates that caution must be exercised. R(pile) = pile radius,
The percentage of tests covered above and below the weighted y(pmt) = increase in radius of soil cavity in
average, which is indicated by the center zero line, are also pressuremeter test, and
indicated. In practice the pressuremeter tests performed on a R(pmt) = initial radius of soil cavity in pressuremeter
project are plotted on these sheets for each soil type and a test.
F(side) = s(soil) x B(pile) x S(F) will include the recommended procedures for preparing the
borehole, calibrating the equipment, performing the test, and
where calculating the results. The engineering applications included
here as well as the great number of other design methods
F(side) = soil resistance resulting from friction, force available for the pressuremeter have made this instrument a
per unit length of pile; valuable tool in the hands of the engineer.
S(F) = shape factor= 2 for square piles and 1 for
round piles; and
s(soil) = soil shear stress obtained from the REFERENCES
pressuremeter curve by the subtangent
method of Palmer (6). 1. L. Menard. Interpretation and Application of Pressuremeter Test
Results. Sols-Soils, No. 26, 1975.
2. J. H. Schmertmann. Static Cone to Compute Static Settlement over
The p-y curves are obtained by the addition of the Q-y curve Sand. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division,
and F-y curve at a particular depth, and a complete pile evalua- ASCE, Vol. 96, No. SM3, May 1970, pp. 1011-1043.
tion can be made. Briaud et al. report relatively good agreement 3. J. H. Schmertmann et al. Improved Strain Influence Factor Dia-
with one instrumented horizontal pile load test. grams. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE,
Vol. 104, No. 6T8, Aug. 1978, pp. 1131-1135.
In addition to the three applications included here, the pres- 4. R. Martin. Estimating Foundation Settlements in Residual Soils.
suremeter is used in offshore engineering and many other Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 103,
specialty fields. It has proved to be a useful tool in testing No. 6T3, March 1977, pp. 197-212.
before and after ground modification such as grouting and 5. J. L. Briaud et al. "Laterally Loaded Piles and the Pressuremeter:
dynamic compaction, and considerable research work is still Comparison of existing Methods." In Laterally Loaded Deep
FoundaJions: Analysis and Performance. ASTM Special Technical
being done on use of the standard pressuremeter for evaluating Publication 835. ASTM, Philadelphia, Pa., 1985, pp. 97-111.
clay soils. It may be noted that Schmertmann (7) recommends 6. A. C. Palmer. Undrained Plane Strain Explansion of a Cylindrical Cav-
variable pressure differences between the measuring and guard ity in Oay: A Simple Interpretation of the Pressuremeter Test. Geo-
technique, Vol. 22, 1972, pp. 451-457.
cells to accommodate evaluation insensitive clays. Anderson et 7. J. H. Schmertmann. Pressuremeter Tests in Leda Clay. Internal Report
al. (8) in their research on the effects of creep on constant rate 450. Division of Building Research, National Research Council of
expansion during the pressuremeter test and on derivation of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, May 1979.
consolidation parameters from the test will consider special 8. W. F. Anderson et al. "Pressuremeter Testing of Normally Consolidated
Oays: The Effect of Varying Test Technique." Proc., 20th Regional
requirements on the speed and performance of the test. Meeting of the Geological Society, University of Surrey, England, 1984,
For the engineering community using the regular pres- pp.21-32.
suremeter, a standard procedure for performing the test is most
important in order to obtain comparable and reproducible
results. This need was recognized and a standard is under Publication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Exploration and
preparation at this time. The soon-to-be-issued ASTM standard Classification of Earth Materials.