National Strategy: For Sustainable Development and Action Plan (NSSD 1)

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National Strategy

for Sustainable Development

and Action Plan(NSSD 1)
Approved by Cabinet on 23 November 2011
Vision for a sustainable society:

South Africa aspires to be a sustainable, economically

prosperous and self-reliant nation that safeguards its democracy
by meeting the fundamental human needs of its people, by
managing its limited ecological resources responsibly for current
and future generations, and by advancing efficient and effective
integrated planning and governance through national, regional
and global collaboration.

Source: National Framework

on Sustainable Development (NFSD), 2008
A systems approach to sustainability is one where the
economic system, the socio-political system and the
ecosystem are embedded within each other, and then
integrated through the governance system that holds
all the other systems together in a legitimate regulatory
framework. Sustainability implies the continuous and
mutually compatible integration of these systems over
time. Sustainable development means making sure
that these systems remain mutually compatible as the
key development challenges are met through specific
actions and interventions to eradicate poverty and severe
Source: National Framework on Sustainable Development (NFSD), 2008
1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Sustainability and sustainable development..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 From vision to action: The NSSD 1 process ........................................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 The South African vision as outlined in the NFSD................................................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Purpose of the NSSD 1 and the Action Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 The NSSD 1’s links with the National Planning Commission, the New Growth Path and the Industrial Policy Action Plan................... 10

2 A NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................... 11

2.1 Towards sustainable development practices.................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Changing values and behaviour .................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Restructuring the governance system and building capacity ........................................................................................................ 13

3 THE ACTION PLAN AND STRATEGIC PRIORITIES .................................................................................................. 14

3.1 Priority 1: Enhancing systems for integrated planning and implementation ................................................................................... 16
3.2 Priority 2: Sustaining our ecosystems and using natural resources efficiently ................................................................................... 19
2 3.3 Priority 3: Towards a green economy .............................................................................................................................................. 23
3.4 Priority 4: Building sustainable communities .................................................................................................................................... 28
3.5 Priority 5: Responding effectively to climate change ...................................................................................................................... 31

4. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE NSSD 1 ........................................................... 35

4.1 Rationale ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
4.2 Planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting................................................................................................... 35
4.2.1 Planning for sustainable development .................................................................................................................................. 36
4.2.2 Implementation of sustainable development ....................................................................................................................... 38
4.2.3 Monitoring, evaluation and reporting for sustainable development ...................................................................................... 38
4.3 The role of government in sustainable development ..................................................................................................................... 39
4.4 The role of the private sector in sustainable development ............................................................................................................. 39
4.5 The role of civil society in sustainable development ....................................................................................................................... 39
4.6 Science and technology ................................................................................................................................................................ 40
4.7 Financing of sustainable development .......................................................................................................................................... 40

5. CONCLUDING REMARKS .................................................................................................................................. 41

Annex A: Links between environmental and other threats and key socio-economic variables ................................................................42

6. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................................... 43

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

List of tables
Table 3.1 Action Plan: Priority 1: Enhancing systems for integrated planning and implementation ...........................................................17
Table 3.2 Action Plan: Priority 2: Sustaining our ecosystems and using natural resources efficiently ..........................................................20
Table 3.3 Action Plan: Priority 3: Towards a green economy .....................................................................................................................25
Table 3.4 Action Plan: Priority 4: Building sustainable communities ...........................................................................................................29
Table 3.5 Action Plan: Priority 5: Responding effectively to climate change .............................................................................................32

List of figures 3

Figure 1: National Strategy for Sustainable Development Strategic Priorities ............................................................................................14

Figure 2: NSSD 1 twenty headline indicators ............................................................................................................................................15
Figure 3: Responsibility matrix ..................................................................................................................................................................37
List of acronyms
AG Auditor-General NCSD National Committee on Sustainable Development
APP Annual Performance Plan NDIR National Development Index Report
BAU Business-as-usual NEMA National Environmental Management Act
BEE Black Economic Empowerment NEMBA National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act
CBO Community-based Organisations NFSD National Framework for Sustainable Development
CEC Committee for Environmental Coordination NGO Non-governmental Organisation
COGTA Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs NGP New Growth Path
COP 17 17th session of the Conference of the Parties NIPF National Industrial Policy Framework
CSD Commission on Sustainable Development NPAES National Protected Areas Expansion Strategy
DEA Department of Environmental Affairs NPC National Planning Commission
EGS Environmental Goods and Services NSDP National Spatial Development Perspective
FOSAD Forum of South African Heads of Departments NSSD National Strategy for Sustainable Development
FTE Full-time Equivalent NYDA National Youth Development Agency
GDP Gross Domestic Product OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
GHG Greenhouse Gas PAJA Promotion of the Administrative Justice Act
4 HDI Human Development Index PGDS Provincial Growth and Development Strategy
IPAP Industrial Policy Action Plan PPP Public-private Partnerships
ICT Information and Communication Technology R&D Research and Development
IDP Integrated Development Plan RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change REFIT Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs
IP Intellectual Property SAEOR South Africa Environmental Outlook Report
IPP Independent Power Producer SALGA South African Local Government Association
IRP Integrated Resource Plan SARI South African Renewables Initiative
JPOI Johannesburg Plan of Implementation SDF Spatial Development Framework
JSE Johannesburg Stock Exchange SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Plan
LED Local Economic Development SDBIP Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan
MDG Millennium Development Goals SoNA State of the Nation Address
MEA Multilateral Agreement SoPA State of the Province Address
MEC Member of the Executive Committee UN United Nations
MINMEC Ministers and Executive Committee UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
MINTHEC Ministerial Technical Committee UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
MLRA Marine Living Resources Act WMA Water Management Area
MTSF Medium-term Strategic Framework WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development
NAFU National African Farmers’ Union

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

In 2008, Cabinet approved the South implement sustainability practices. The among government spheres to engage
Africa National Framework for Sustainable 2012 Rio+20 identified two important civil society, NGOs, the private sector,
Development (NFSD). The approval themes to support the country’s efforts. academia, independent reviewers
signalled a new wave of thinking aimed These are the green economy, in the and other multistakeholders. South
at promoting the effective stewardship
of South Africa’s natural, social and
context of sustainable development and
poverty eradication, and the institutional
Africa’s commitment to a long-term
sustainable development trajectory
NSSD 1 builds
economic resources. This National
Strategy for Sustainable Development
framework for sustainable development. that is economically, socially and
environmentally sustainable, requires on the 2008
and Action Plan – also referred to as The following five strategic objectives are scientific, technological and innovation
NSSD 1 (2011–2014) – was approved by
Cabinet on 23 November 2011. The NSSD
identified in the NSSD 1: capabilities, supported by strategic public
investments and strategic partnerships.
1 builds on the 2008 NFSD and several
initiatives that were launched by the
1. Enhancing systems for integrated
planning and implementation
The department, in collaboration with all
key stakeholders, will galvanise action Framework for
business sector, government, NGOs, civil 2. Sustaining our ecosystems and using towards the implementation of the
society, academia and other key role
players to address issues of sustainability
natural resources efficiently
3. Towards a green economy
strategy through the harmonised planning
of programmes and execution.
in South Africa. The NSSD 1 will be
implemented during the period 2011–
4. Building sustainable communities
5. Responding effectively to climate The team responsible for the development, Development. 5
2014. The lessons and evaluation of change coordination, monitoring and reporting
progress regarding the implementation
of NSSD 1 will inform NSSD 2 (2015–2020). Various interrelated and enabling
of the NSSD 1 comprises Ms Dorah Nteo,
Ms Mapula Tshangela and Ms Faith
This is a proactive strategy that regards
interventions that promote sustainable
development are being implemented
Phooko, acknowledging the contribution
of the previous team, Ms Keleabetswe made in its
sustainable development as a long- throughout the country. The NSSD 1 Tlouane and Mr Eddy Moeketsi. Enquiries
term commitment, which combines
environmental protection, social equity
identifies 113 interventions that can be
monitored for implementation. The twenty
on the contents of the NSSD 1 and its
implementation can be directed to:
and economic efficiency with the vision
and values of the country. The NSSD 1
headline indicators have been identified
to monitor progress in the implementation
[email protected].
will inform
marks the continuation of a national of NSSD 1 (2011–2014). These headline
partnership for sustainable development.
It is a milestone in an ongoing process
indicators are selected from existing
indicators including the Development
of developing support, and initiating and Indicators, the Millennium Development
upscaling actions to achieve sustainable Goals and the 12 government outcomes.
development in South Africa. The 1992
Rio Earth Summit, which was followed by The Department of Environmental Affairs
the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit will establish and oversee the National
on Sustainable Development, provided Committee on Sustainable Development
a platform to learn and begin to (NCSD) that will operate in multifolds

Department of Environmental Affairs

1. Introduction and Background
Sustainable development is increasingly being acknowledged
worldwide as a conceptual framework for development that
recognises the interdependency between economic growth, social
equity and environmental integrity.

In 2008, Cabinet approved the National The NSSD 1 presents an understanding be required, as well as progressive leaders
Framework for Sustainable Development of sustainable development and who are willing and able to incorporate a
(NFSD), which signalled a new wave of explains the route that is being taken. It long-term vision in their planning.
thinking that was aimed at promoting presents an action plan and indicators
the effective stewardship of South Africa’s for the implementation of the strategy. Furthermore, the strategy invites all
natural, social and economic resources. It is not prescriptive, but is enabling role players to engage in an ongoing
in orientation and will be used to and constructive dialogue. This will be
The National Strategy for Sustainable review sustainability programmes. The inspired by the need to develop a more
Development and Action Plan – also strategy calls for an interdependency efficient and equitable economy. It is
6 known as the NSSD 1 (2009–2014) – builds approach across sectors and action critical that all role players implement
on the NFSD and several initiatives that on sustainability. It covers the key areas the strategy initiatives and that collective
have been launched by the business of human development (people), actions make a significant contribution
sector, government, NGOs, civil society, ecological protection (the planet) and to environmental sustainability.
academia and other key role players to economic growth (prosperity). In order to
address issues of sustainability in South be competitive in the future economic
Africa. landscape, new ways of doing business will

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014


“South Africa aspires to be a sustainable, economically prosperous and self-reliant nation state that safeguards its democracy by meeting the
VISION fundamental human needs of its people, by managing its limited ecological resources responsibly for current and future generations, and by
advancing efficient and effective integrated planning and governance through national, regional and global collaboration”

• Develop and promote new social and economic goals based on ecological sustainability and build a culture that recognises that socioeconomic systems are
dependent on and embedded in ecosystems
• Increase awareness and understanding of the value of ecosystem services to human wellbeing
GOALS • Ensure effective integration of sustainability principles into all policies, planning and decision-making at national, provincial and local levels
• Ensure effective system-wide integration and collaboration across all functions and sectors
• Monitor, evaluate and report performance and progress in respect of ecological sustainability in relation to socioeconomic goals

Enhancing systems for inte- Sustaining our ecosystems Towards a green economy Building sustainable commu- Responding effectively to cli-
STRATEGIC grated planning and imple- and using natural resources nities mate change
PRIORITIES mentation efficiently

• Enhance effective gover- • Value, protect and • A just transition towards • Create community awareness, • A fair contribution to the global
nance, and institutional continually enhance en- a resource-efficient, low- participation and work together effort to achieve the stabilisa-
structures and mechanisms vironmental assets and carbon and pro-employment to protect their environment tion of greenhouse gas con-
to achieve sustainable natural resources growth path through changing the attitudes centrations in the atmosphere 7
development and meeting and behaviour in consuming at a level that prevents dan-
the Millennium Develop- resources sustainably and re- gerous anthropogenic interfe-
ment Goals (MDG) and sponsibly rence with the climate system
Johannesburg Plan of • Develop and support quality • Effectively adapt to and
OBJECTIVES Implementation (JPOI) goals housing projects/programmes manage unavoidable and
and targets including building communi- potential damaging climate
• Strengthen monitoring and ty self-sufficient farming strate- change impacts through
reporting for improved en- gies, indigenous knowledge, interventions that build and
vironmental performance the sustainable production of sustain South Africa’s social,
by government and the herbs and traditional medi- economic and environmen-
private sector cine, and businesses to secure tal resilience and emergency
societal equity and cohesion response capacity

INTERVENTIONS 11 interventions 40 interventions 17 interventions 21 interventions 18 interventions

3 6 4 4 3

National Committee on Sustainable Development (NCSD): spheres of government

INSTITUTIONAL Civil society, private sector, academia, multi-stakeholder and independent review

EVALUATION AND Planning, implementation, monitoring evaluation and reporting

1.1 Sustainability and Sustainability (or a sustainable socie- sustainability. Sustainable development Phase III: 2011–2014 and onwards:
ty) is seen as the overall goal of the implies the selection and implementation Although many relevant activities are
sustainable development NSSD 1. Sustainability in this context of a development option, which allows already being implemented, a formal
implies ecological sustainability. In for appropriate and justifiable social and implementation of the Action Plan will
Although the concept of sustainable
the first instance, it recognises that the economic goals to be achieved, based commence upon approval of the NSSD 1.
development has been on the
maintenance of healthy ecosystems on the meeting of basic needs and Implementation will be accompanied
international agenda since the United
and natural resources are preconditions equity, without compromising the natural by an ongoing process of monitoring
Nations Conference on the Human
for human wellbeing. In the second system on which it is based. and evaluating the progress that is
Environment in Stockholm in 1972, the
instance, it recognises that there are being made in achieving the goal of a
terms ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable
development’ have been used and
limits to the goods and services that can 1.2 From vision to action: sustainable society. This will also provide
be provided. In other words, ecological feedback for a system of adaptive
interpreted in widely different ways. In
sustainability acknowledges that human
the NSSD 1 process management.
developing this strategy for sustainable
beings are part of nature and not a
development, a fixed definition of these The process of developing the NSSD 1 is
separate entity. The evaluation of progress
terms has been accepted in a South undertaken according to the following
African context. phases: regarding the implementation
Sustainable development is the process
that is followed to achieve the goal of of the NSSD 1 will inform the
8 Phase I: 2003–2008: Phase I involved
NSSD 2 (2015–2020).
an analysis of long-term economic,
social and environmental trends and
related policy initiatives. This informed
the vision, goals and strategic priorities 1.3 The South African vision
for sustainable development and as outlined in the NFSD
culminated in the NFSD, which was
adopted by Cabinet in June 2008. The World Summit on Sustainable Deve-
lopment (WSSD), which was held in South
Phase II: 2009–2010: Phase II involved the Africa in 2002, was tasked with reinvigorating
formulation of a strategy and action plan the global commitment to sustainable
for the period 2010–2014 to facilitate the development. It delivered a number of key
implementation of the vision, goals and outcomes, including a political declaration
strategic priorities outlined in the NFSD. known as the Johannesburg Plan of
It included proposals for an institutional Implementation (JPOI), and a range of
framework to drive sustainable partnership initiatives.
development, as well as a process to
monitor and evaluate progress made in
implementing the NSSD 1.

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

According to Paragraph 162(b) of the Fundamental principles Process principles 1.4 Purpose of the NSSD 1
JPOI, “states should take immediate
steps to make progress in the formulation
and the Action Plan
The fundamental principles relate to the The process principles apply to the
and elaboration of national strategies following fundamental human rights that implementation of the NFSD and the The NFSD formed the first step of the
for sustainable development and begin are guaranteed in the Constitution of the NSSD 1, and include the following: NSSD 1 process. This document provides
their implementation by 2005.” Following Republic of South Africa: the National Strategy for Sustainable
the WSSD, Cabinet mandated the former • Integration and innovation Development and an Action Plan to
Department of Environmental Affairs and • Human dignity and social equity • Consultation and participation support the implementation of the NFSD. It
Tourism and the former Department of • Justice and fairness therefore provides a high-level roadmap
• Implementation in a phased manner
Foreign Affairs to formulate a National for strategic sustainable development. Its
• Democratic governance
Strategy for Sustainable Development. intention is to provide public and private
The first phase of this process culminated • A healthy and safe environment The NFSD provides a valuable step in
sector organisations with guidance when
in the adoption of the NFSD by Cabinet in defining key sustainable development
it comes to their own long-term planning,
June 2008. Substantive principles principles for the country. At the same
as the development of sector- or subject-
time, it is mindful of global challenges
specific strategies and action plans must
Among other things, the NFSD spells out The substantive principles are based on and growth ideals. Because of certain
be consistent with the NSSD 1.
South Africa’s vision for a sustainable the following sustainable development complex development considerations
society: principles that are already enshrined in – including the disturbing widening
The NSSD 1 sets out key areas that are in
South African law and that underscore of the gap between the rich and the
need of attention to ensure that a shift
“South Africa aspires to be a a systems approach to achieving poor populations in the country – a
takes place towards a more sustainable
sustainable, economically prosperous sustainable development: simple ‘triple bottom line’ approach to
development path. In this regard, the fol-
and self-reliant nation state that sustainable development is insufficient.
lowing key elements have been identified:
safeguards its democracy by meeting • Natural resources must be used sus- This realisation has led to a broader
the fundamental human needs of tainably. definition of sustainable development,
• Directing the development path to-
its people, by managing its limited which, in accordance with the systems
• Socioeconomic systems are embed- wards sustainability
ecological resources responsibly for approach to sustainability (see definition),
ded in and are dependent on ecosys- • Changing behaviour, values and at-
current and future generations, and accepts that socio-political, economic
tems. titudes
by advancing efficient and effective and ecosystem factors are embedded
integrated planning and governance • Basic human needs must be met to within each other and are integrated • Restructuring the governance system
through national, regional and global ensure that the resources that are through the governance system that and building capacity
collaboration.” necessary for long-term survival are holds all the other systems together in a
not destroyed for short-term gain. legitimate regulatory framework. The Action Plan that forms part of the
This vision is underpinned by a number of strategy is formulated within the context
principles: of the five strategic priorities that have
been identified in the NSSD 1. It sets out
the strategic goals, interventions and
indicators for each of these strategic

Department of Environmental Affairs

1.5 The NSSD 1’s links with the National Planning Commission, the New Growth Path and the Industrial Policy Action Plan
The section unpacks the relationship between the national long-term vision and National Strategic Plan, National Strategy for Sustainable Development, New Growth Path and
Industrial Policy Action Plan.



The President and Cabinet have the The National Planning Commission (NPC) is The NSSD 1 contains a five-year strat- The New Growth Path (NGP) estab- The Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP)
constitutional responsibility for appro- responsible for developing a long-term vi- egy and action plan. It is linked to the lishes a labour-absorbing growth builds on the National Industrial Policy
ving government policy. The President sion and strategic plan for South Africa. It Medium-term Strategic Framework path for the country. The NGP Framework (NIPF) and the 2007/08 IPAP.
exercises executive authority, together comprises 25 part-time commissioners, ap- (MTSF) for 2009–2014. At the end of this identifies a number of job drivers.
with other members of Cabinet. Their pointed by the President on the basis of their period, the NSSD 1 will be followed by It is a significant step forward in scal-
functions include the following: skills and expertise, who serve for a period the NSSD 2 that will be implemented in It identifies areas where employ- ing up government’s efforts to promote
of five years. Their functions include the fol- the period 2015–2020. ment creation is possible on a long-term industrialisation and industrial
• Implement national legislation lowing: large scale as a result of substan- diversification beyond the current reli-
• Develop and implement national A systems approach will be followed tial changes in conditions in South ance on traditional commodities and
policy • Lead the development (and periodic through the establishment of the Nation- Africa and globally. non-tradable services, with the aim to
review) of the draft South Africa Vision al Committee on Sustainable Develop- expand production in value-added
10 • Coordinate the functions of state 2030 and long-term national strategic ment (NCSD). The NCSD is a dedicated It also lays out a dynamic vision sectors with high employment and
departments and administrations plan for approval by Cabinet institutional structure that will oversee for the collective achievement of growth multipliers that compete in ex-
• Prepare and initiate legislation • Lead investigations into critical long- implementation and monitoring inter- a more developed, democratic, port markets, as well as those that com-
• Perform any other executive func- term trends under the supervision of the ventions to address issues of sustain- cohesive and equitable economy pete in the domestic market against
tion provided for in the Constitution Minister in the Presidency for the NPC, ability in South Africa. and society over the medium imports. The IPAP is also an integral
or in national legislation with technical support from a Secreta- term, in the context of sustained component of the New Growth Path.
riat and in partnership with other The NSSD 1 sets out key areas that re- growth.
relevant parties quire attention in order to ensure a shift
towards a more sustainable path. It
• Advise on key issues, such as food se- identifies strategic goals for the period,
curity, water security, energy choices, as well as priorities, objectives, interven-
economic development, poverty and tions and headline indicators, with the
inequality, the structure of the economy, intention of feeding them into the long-
human resource development, social term national vision and strategic plan.
cohesion, health, defence capabilities
and scientific progress The Action Plan sets out the strategic
• Assist to mobilise society around a na- goals and interventions that are re-
tional vision and other tasks related to quired in respect of the strategic priori-
strategic planning ties that have been identified.
• Contribute to reviews of implementation
or progress in achieving the objectives
of the National Plan
• Contribute to the development of inter-
national partnerships and networks of
expertise on planning

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

2. A National Strategy for Sustainable Development
South Africa is an emerging economy. While significant progress has been made since the first
democratic election of 1994, there are still significant developmental challenges that need to be
addressed in a manner that adheres to the principles of sustainable development.

The Development Indicators, which were • 13.4% of households lived in informal countries. It is highly energy-intensive
released by the Presidency at the end of dwellings and its per capita carbon emissions rank
2010, provide measures based on trend • 7.6% of households did not have among the highest in the world. According
analyses, to assist in understanding the access to water supply from a safe to the Greenhouse Gas Inventory South
impact of various government policies source Africa, which was compiled under the
and programmes. They are clustered United Nations Framework Convention
• 27.8% of households did not have ac-
into ten themes: economic growth on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in May
cess to sanitation
and transformation, employment, 2009, the country’s emissions increased
poverty, inequality, household and • 17.4% of households did not have ac- from 347 metric tons CO2 equivalent
community assets, health, education, cess to electricity (Mt CO2e) in 1990 to 437 Mt CO2e in
social cohesion, safety and security, 2000. The trends analysis that informed
international relations and good An additional challenge for the coun- the NFSD revealed that the country’s
governance. try is the increasing number of mater- natural resource base is under severe
nal deaths. According to the Millennium pressure. Many of its ecosystems are
Based on information provided in the la- Development Goals Country Report for already seriously degraded and South
bour force surveys of Statistics South Africa, 2010, the maternal mortality ratio could Africa is likely to be significantly affected
there are still high levels of inequality and be as high as 625. Adult illiteracy is also by climate change. These point to the
unemployment. In mid-2011, the unem- something that needs to be addressed. fact that South Africa is currently on an
ployment rate stood at 25.7%. According to Statistics South Africa, the unsustainable development path.
proportion of individuals over the age of
In terms of access to services by 20 years who could be regarded as func- Following the adoption of the NFSD,
households, the General Household tionally illiterate stood at 19.2% in 2010. South Africa (along with many other
Survey, 2002–2009 of Statistics South countries) has been in an economic
Africa revealed the following domestic On the other hand, the South African recession due to the global financial
situation for 2009: economy has certain characteristics in crisis. This has exacerbated many of the
common with a number of developed socioeconomic problems.

Department of Environmental Affairs

According to a report published by the term socioeconomic objectives and to • Restructuring the governance system • Monitor, evaluate and report perfor-
Organisation for Economic Cooperation deliver on the Millennium Development and building capacity mance and progress in respect of
and Development (OECD) in 2008, the Goals. (An analysis of the links between ecological sustainability in relation to
prices of many staple foods nearly these threats and socioeconomic Contextual information and strategic socioeconomic goals.
doubled between 2005 and 2007 and variables is presented in the form of a goals are provided for each of these ele-
spiked in early 2008 (OECD, 2008). The matrix in Annex A.) ments in the subsections below. It should 2.1 Towards sustainable
United Nations Environment Programme be noted that these strategic goals are development practices
(UNEP) reported in March 2009 that oil In the face of the multiple international overarching in nature and are therefore
prices had increased to almost US$150/ crises, the UNEP proposed the Global relevant to each of the strategic priorities South Africa’s current economic develop-
barrel in 2008 (UNEP, 2009). Prof Tim Green New Deal in a policy brief that make up the NFSD. While not spe- ment path is based primarily on maximising
Jackson, economics commissioner published in March 2009 as part of its cifically mentioned in each set of inter- economic growth – as measured by the
with the Sustainable Development Green Economy Initiative. In this report, ventions, it should be acknowledged gross domestic product (GDP), particularly
Commission in the United Kingdom, it recommends that countries view the that gender mainstreaming is central to through mining, manufacturing and agri-
predicts that oil scarcity is likely to financial crisis as an opportunity to shift poverty eradication and sustainable de- cultural activities. This has resulted in an en-
become a significant issue over the their economies towards ecological velopment, and is therefore implicit in all ergy-intensive economy and an erosion of
next decade. He also notes that global sustainability (UNEP, 2009). This report was the proposed interventions. the resource base: a situation that is clearly
12 carbon emissions have risen by 40% followed by the Green Economy Report unsustainable.
since 1990 (Jackson, 2009). (Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to The strategic goals of the NSSD 1 include
Sustainable Development and Poverty), the following: Historically, most of South Africa’s towns
Climate change is expected to reduce which outlines priority areas of focus in and cities have been characterised by
crop yields and alter rainfall patterns, transitioning to a green economy (UNEP, • Develop and promote new social and urban sprawl. The predominant housing
which will further exacerbate food and 2011). This publication, together with economic goals based on ecological model is detached, single family
water security. Pollution also poses a the work of many other agencies and sustainability, and build a culture that houses. Moreover – largely as a result
threat to water scarcity and will have a governments (including South Africa), recognises that socioeconomic sys- of apartheid policies – communities
serious impact on people’s health. In is set to inform a renewed sustainable tems are dependent on and embed- are not integrated, and low-income
the opinion of Dr Rajendra K Pachauri, development vision for the next century. ded within ecosystems. housing and informal settlements are
chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on generally located on the outskirts of
• Increase awareness and understand-
Climate Change (IPCC) and co-recipient In developing the the NSSD 1 as a strategy urban areas, far removed from job
ing of the value of ecosystem services
of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, up to 1.2 to give effect to the NFSD, cognisance opportunities and community services.
to human wellbeing.
billion people in Asia, 250 million Africans is taken of the threats that are detailed At the same time, safe and efficient
and 81 million Latin Americans will be in Annex 1. The strategy contains the • Ensure effective integration of sustain- public transport is generally lacking.
exposed to increased water stress by following elements: ability principles into all policies, plan- There are also enormous inequalities
2020 (Pachauri, 2009). ning and decision-making at national, between the lifestyles of those living in
provincial and local levels. informal settlements (where there are
• Directing the development path to-
These concerns do not only pose a threat wards sustainability • Ensure effective system-wide integra- limited or no basic services) and the high
to achieving the goal of a sustainable tion and collaboration across all func- consumption levels characteristic of the
• Changing behaviour, values and at-
society in the long term, but also challenge tions and sectors. wealthy suburbs. This lack of access to
the ability of government to meet its short- modern services often forces the poor to

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

engage in practices that are detrimental moving towards a low-carbon economy. A key component of moving towards a 2.3 Restructuring the
to both their health and the environment, Furthermore, in his Medium-term Budget sustainable society is to change people’s
for example, the indoor burning of solid Policy Statement Speech, delivered perceptions of what constitutes ‘wellbeing’
governance system
fuels for cooking. This practice is not on 27 October 2009, he identified and – based on this – to develop new and building capacity
consistent with a sustainable society. innovation (especially around climate social goals. Efforts should be made to
change challenges) as a priority. increase awareness and to understand The process of developing the NSSD 1
The need to put new socioeconomic the important role that ecosystems and is driven by the Department of Environ-
objectives in place, particularly around natural resources play in human wellbeing. mental Affairs (DEA) through consultation.
issues of equity, is clearly central to the 2.2 Changing values and Efforts should also be made to introduce There are already a number of sectors
policies of the democratic government. behaviour incentives or disincentives to encourage that have, to a greater or lesser extent,
More recently, there has been some environmentally responsible behaviour. incorporated sustainability criteria into
recognition of the need for a more The purpose of human development is to some or all of their policies, legislation,
radical redefinition of our development improve human wellbeing and quality of The current structure of society often strategies and action plans. In many
path. The policy document outlining life. Unfortunately, the predominant view prevents people from behaving in a cases, however, implementation does
South Africa’s response to the financial of ‘wellbeing’ is that it entails the accu- sustainable manner, even when they not seem to be effective for a number
crisis, Framework for South Africa’s mulation of physical goods and money would like to do so. This is illustrated by of reasons. These include inadequate
response to the international economic (things that are at the heart of our con- the lack of safe and efficient public resources, lack of management and
crisis (Department of Trade and Industry, sumerist society). However, only a rela- transport, and the shortage of recycling institutional capacity, and the absence
2009), notes the need to emphasise tively small percentage of the population facilities. Attempts to change behaviour of technical capacity.
opportunities to green the economy. The – globally and nationally – has achieved must therefore be supported by the
Global Green New Deal report of UNEP such prosperity. The majority still lives in availability of appropriate opportunities. Initiatives need to be linked to an insti-
(updated in September 2009 for the G20 poverty. Thus, one of the major challen- Changing values and behaviour is likely tutional framework with clear mandates
Pittsburgh Summit) assigns South Africa a ges to building a sustainable society lies to be a significant challenge and will to ensure the effective coordination of
Green Stimulus Ranking of 11% based on in changing the current beliefs, values require a wide range of initiatives, from the priorities contained in the NSSD 1. Its
a stimulus package of US$ 7.5 billion for and long-established practices of our so- regulatory mechanisms to educational implementation needs to be linked to the
the period 2009–2011, which includes ciety. Many of these beliefs, values and and awareness-raising campaigns. It will incorporation of principles of sustainabil-
the construction of railways, energy- practices promote unsustainable patterns require the involvement of government, ity into the policies, legislation, strategies
efficient buildings, and water and waste of production and consumption, and in- business and a number of civil society and action plans of government. This
management. clude the perspective that human beings organisations. If the level of awareness includes the effective monitoring and
are separate from and superior to nature, that is required to bring about a change evaluation of progress towards achieving
The Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan, and that human wellbeing can best be in society’s goals is to be achieved, the a sustainable future. The contributions of
speaking at the UNEP Finance Initiative enhanced by acquiring more physical support of a range of NGOs, churches, the private sector and civil society also
Global Round Table on 22 October goods or money, as conspicuous con- youth groups, unions and cultural need to be managed.
2009, has also recognised that the cost sumption is the best measure of success. organisations will have to be enlisted. It is
of a lack of action towards sustainable recommended that a massive outreach
development will far exceed the cost of programme be developed to promote
this strategy.

Department of Environmental Affairs

3. The Action Plan and Strategic Priorities
In the NSSD 1, five strategic priorities and an associated Action Plan have been The five strategic priorities are discussed
developed within the context of sustainable development. Cognisance is taken of in the following subsections, with strategic
emerging global issues and challenges, such as the financial crisis, the global climate goals proposed for each priority. Key
change and transitioning to a green economy. To remain within the prevailing and interventions, targets and indicators
flexible context, the strategic priorities of the NFSD have been reformulated as follows: for each priority are outlined in each
tabulated Action Plan, while 20 headline
indicators have been identified to monitor
NFSD strategic priorities Reformulated NSSD 1 strategic
progress towards the implementation of
priorities NSSD 1.
Priority 1: Enhancing systems for inte- Priority 1: Enhancing systems for inte-
The indicators included in each tabulated
grated planning and imple- grated planning and imple-
Action Plan provide a starting point for
mentation mentation the development of a set of national
sustainability indicators. They were
Priority 2: Sustaining our ecosystems Priority 2: Sustaining our ecosystems
compiled from key strategic national
and using natural resources and using natural resources documents, including the Development
14 efficiently efficiently Indicators published by the Presidency,
the Environmental Sustainability Indicator
Priority 3: Economic development Priority 3: Towards a green economy
Technical Report, the Millennium
through investing in sustain- Development Goals (MDG) and the
able infrastructure 12 key outcomes that give structure to
government’s priorities for the MTSF.
Priority 4: Creating sustainable human Priority 4: Building sustainable com-
settlements munities
Priority 5: Responding appropriately Priority 5: Responding effectively to
to emerging human de- climate change
velopment, economic and
environmental challenges
(including climate change,
rising oil prices, globalisation
and trade)

Figure 1: National Strategy for Sustainable Development Strategic Priorities

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

Enhancing systems for integrated • Establish an effective National Committee on Sustainable Development (NCSD) [established by March 2012]
planning and implementation • Number of government entities and private sector companies that report against sustainability indicators
[King III sustainability reporting, Carbon Disclosure Project and Water Disclosure Project]
• Number of community-based capacity building projects [begin measuring]
Sustaining our ecosystems and using • Curtail water losses at water distribution systems to an average percentage reduction (saving) [from 30 to 15% by 2014]
natural resources efficiently • Reduction (saving) of demand as determined in the reconciliation strategies for seven large water supply systems by 15%
[assessment of water requirements and water monitoring systems implemented by 2014]
• Increase the number of Blue Flag beaches [to above 29 beaches]
• Rehabilitation of land affected by degradation [3.2 million ha by 2014]
• Percentage of coastline with partial protection [from 12 to 14% by 2014]
• Percentage of land mass protected (formal and informal) [from 6.1 to 9% by 2014]
Towards a green economy • Progress on the implementation of the nine green economy programmes [impact on social (jobs), economic (industry
development) and environmental (ecosystem) benefits by 2014]
• Increase percentage (or amount) of financial resources ringfenced/streamlined and spent for green economy programmes
[2010/11 amount – Industrial Development Corporation: R11.7 billion, Development Bank of South Africa: R25 billion, Private: 15
>R100 billion, National Treasury: R800 million]
• Number of patents, prototypes, and technology demonstrators added to the intellectual property (IP) portfolio annually from funded
or co-funded research programmes (five additions to the IP portfolio – patents, patent applications, licences and trademarks – by
March 2014)
• Share of GDP of the Environmental Goods and Services (EGS) Sector [3% of GDP by 2014]
Building sustainable communities • Percentage of households with access to water (92 to 100%), sanitation (69 to 100%), refuse removal (64 to 75%) and electricity
(81 to 92%) [by 2014]
• Upgrading of 400 000 households in well-located informal settlements with access to basic services and secure tenure
(approximately 2 700 informal settlements are in good locations, ie located close to metropolitan areas and basic services, have
high densities and, in 2008, housed approximately 1.2 million households)
• Increase in the South African Human Development Index (HDI) [2010 HDI: 0.597]
• Gini coefficient (reduce income inequality) [2008: 0.66]
Responding effectively to climate • Greenhouse gas emissions (metric ton CO2 equivalent) [34% reduction below a business-as-usual baseline by 2020 and 42% by 2025]
change • Percentage of power generation that is renewable [10 000 GWh by 2014]
• Climate change adaptation plans developed [12 sectors by 2012 (Biodiversity, Forestry, Water, Coastal Management, Agriculture,
Health, Tourism, Land and Rural Development, Local Government, Fisheries, Human Settlements, Business/Insurance)]

Figure 2: NSSD 1 twenty headline indicators

Department of Environmental Affairs

3.1 Priority 1: Enhancing systems for integrated planning and implementation

Effective implementation of the NSSD 1 and strategies need to be realigned • Ensure effective planning and imple-
and the Action Plan will require an and improved to integrate sustainable mentation of sustainable development
institutional mechanism that facilitates development considerations. • Build capacity to enhance the
coordinated planning, monitoring effectiveness of government agencies
and evaluation of performance, and The following are the immediate goals to empower communities
measures progress towards sustainability to enhance institutional systems and • Enforce normative criteria (values,
that supports ethical behaviour, and also capacity for the implementation of the attitudes and aptitudes) as a suitable
defines and underpins conduct that is right NSSD 1 under Priority 1: base for effective and efficient public
or wrong at an individual and institutional service delivery to the public or
level (in the national, provincial and • Ensure integration of sustainable de-
local spheres of government). The velopment into the national vision and
need to ensure that there is capacity strategic planning processes of gov-
to implement sustainable development ernment
remains critical across all sectors in South • Establish a monitoring and evaluation
16 African society, especially in the public system to facilitate the ongoing assess-
sector. The policies, frameworks, plans ment of progress towards sustainability

The need to ensure that there is capacity to implement

sustainable development remains critical across all sectors in
South African society, especially in the public sector.

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014



Enhancing governance systems for inte- Ensure integration of sustainable de- • Engagement with government departments, the Pres- • Effective National Committee on Sustainable Devel-
grated planning and implementation velopment into the national vision idency and the NPC to discuss the integration of sus- opment (NCSD) established
and strategic planning processes of tainability principles, outcomes, indicators and other • Sustainability indicators integrated into government-
Objectives: government NSSD 1 proposals into the national vision and strategic wide strategic plans (national, provincial, local and
plan public entities) and private sector strategic plans
• Enhance effective governance and • Active participation in processes aimed at develop-
institutional structures and mechanisms • Clusters and departments leading various priority
ing and implementing Vision 2030 and the National areas feed into the NCSD
to achieve sustainable development Strategic Plan
and meet the MDG and the JPOI goals • Number of engagement sessions held between the
and targets. • Engagement with the private sector, civil society and NCSD and the NPC

• Strengthen monitoring and reporting for Establish a monitoring and evalua- • Development and adoption of a set of national sus- • Number of stakeholder meetings held to finalise sus-
improved environmental performance tion system to facilitate the ongoing tainability indicators tainability indicators
by government and the private sector. assessment of progress towards sus- • Tracking and reporting of sustainability indicators by • Sustainability indicators developed
tainability government entities and the private sector • Number of government entities and private sector 17
• Establishment of an information management system companies reporting against sustainability indicators
linked to the sustainability indicators • Number of sustainability reports published by govern-
ment and the private sector
• Degree of NSSD information availability

Ensure effective planning and imple- • Engagement through the Forum of South African • Number of engagement sessions conducted through
mentation of sustainable develop- Heads of Departments (FOSAD) clusters and inter- the clusters
ment governmental structures and forums in the three • Number of frameworks and strategies that have inte-
spheres as envisaged in the Intergovernmental Rela- grated sustainable development principles
tions Framework Act on Sustainable Development
• Strengthening of the integration of sustainability prin-
ciples in the specific planning frameworks and strate-
gies, such as the Provincial Growth and Development
Strategy (PGDS), the Integrated Development Plan
(IDP), the Spatial Development Framework (SDF) and
the Local Economic Development (LED) Strategy

Build capacity to enhance the effec- • Development of capacity-building programmes • A comprehensive capacity-building programme
tiveness of government agencies to • Organisation of capacity-building sessions on sustain- • Number of capacity-building sessions conducted
empower communities able development • Number of community-based capacity-building pro-
• Identification of funding to support community-based jects
capacity-building projects

Department of Environmental Affairs


Enforce normative criteria (values, at- • Participating in the Public Sector Anti-Corruption • Departments’ anti-corruption programmes aligned to
titudes and aptitudes) as a suitable Capacity-building Programme the National Anti-corruption Strategy and Programme
base for effective and efficient public • Facilitating the alignment of national, provincial and • Batho Pele SDIPs addressed in departments’ annual
service delivery to the public or com- municipal anti-corruption policies and programmes plans.
munities • Provision of training on integrated ethics manage- • Number of programmes conducted on integrated
ment ethics management, for example, PAJA training
• Addressing Batho Pele service delivery improvement
plans (SDIPs) in departments’ annual reports in order to
promote their implementation
• Applying the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act of
2000 (PAJA) for fairness in service delivery
• Enhancing the current qualification accreditation
system to ensure that appointees have the skills and
experience required for their work
• Strengthening the rate at which departments respond
in fighting corruption, especially in managing conflicts
of interest and tender irregularities
• Strengthening the implementation of the Public Sector
18 Integrity Management Framework in the whole of gov-

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

3.2 Priority 2: Sustaining our ecosystems and using natural resources efficiently

Natural resources (water, soil and • South Africa has a relatively low annu- are threatened, whereas 50% of the
biodiversity) form the basis of life, al rainfall and water is extracted from wetlands have already been destroyed
economic activity and human wellbeing. most of the country’s 22 major rivers to and living marine resources are either
Functioning ecosystems generate supply the growing number of domes- maximally or over-exploited.
goods (natural products, such as water, tic, agricultural and industrial users. It is • There are elevated levels of a variety of
timber, flowers, food and medicines) estimated that national water require- pollutants in the atmosphere that, among
and services (waste recycling, water ments will exceed availability by 2025. other things, are leading to a growing
and air purification, flood attenuation, This is exacerbated by the fact that incidence of respiratory problems.
recreational opportunities and water quality has been seriously com-
carbon sequestration). The depletion promised in many areas.
or wasteful use of natural resources, If South Africa is to achieve the vision of a
• There is limited agricultural land in
and/or degradation of ecosystems sustainable society, these trends need to
South Africa. Of the 122 million hec-
poses a threat to the achievement of be urgently reversed by working towards
tares total land surface of the coun-
socioeconomic objectives. The analysis achieving the following strategic goals
try, it is estimated that 16 million hec-
undertaken during the development of under Priority 2: 19
tares can be used for crop production
the NFSD concluded that South Africa’s (7.5%). Soil erosion and the degrada-
natural resource base is under severe • Manage the use of all natural re-
tion of agricultural land through over-
pressure and that many of the country’s sources to ensure their sustainability
exploitation and inappropriate and
ecosystems are degraded to the point unsustainable farming methods pose • Protect and restore scarce and
that threatens our wellbeing. This is of a threat to food security. There are degraded natural resources
particular concern given the important many issues that affect agricultural • Prevent the pollution of air, water and
role of natural systems in climate change production, soil quality and erosion, as land resources so that community
and adaptation, particularly for the most well as lack of infrastructure, but water and ecosystem health is not adversely
vulnerable communities. is considered to be one of the most affected
important (Raga & Taylor). • Avoid the irreversible loss and de-
Key trends in respect of the state of South • About 34% of the country’s terrestrial gradation of biodiversity (marine,
Africa’s natural resources include the ecosystems, 82% of its main river eco- terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems)
following: systems and 65% of its marine biozones

Department of Environmental Affairs



Sustaining our ecosystems and using natu- Manage the use of all natural re- Water resources
ral resources efficiently sources to ensure their sustainability • Implementation of water demand management via a • Availability of groundwater and surface water
staggered tariff structure, water loss management and • Freshwater available per capita
Objectives: conservation measures (water-wise activities)
• Water stress
• Establishing and strengthening catchment manage-
• Value, protect and continually en- ment agencies • Ecological reserve volume and flow
hance environmental assets and natu- • Sustainable abstraction levels for strategic aquifers
ral resources • Undertaking reserve determinations for priority rivers
and estuaries, and incorporating ecological require- • Water use per capita
ments into water resource planning • Water losses at water distribution systems curtailed to
• Determining sustainable use levels for strategic aquifers an average percentage reduction (saving)
• Integration of water availability concerns into econo- • Water use per area (to indicate equity)
mic development planning, water allocation reform • Reduction (saving) of demand as determined in the
and water reconciliation strategies for each water reconciliation strategies for seven large water supply
management area (WMA) systems by 15%
20 • Enhancing the water resources base by investing in • Number of rivers where abstraction exceeds or meets
desalination plants and water harvesting where appro- ecological reserve requirements
• Number of Blue Flag beaches increased
• Strengthening invasive plant management in catch-
• Number of strategic aquifers where abstraction ex-
ceeds or meets sustainable volumes
• Addressing the backlog in the issuing of water use

Protect and restore scarce and de- Living marine resources

graded natural resources • Implementation of a regulatory framework for rights al- • Number of registered fishermen in each sector
location in subsistence, large pelagic, recreational and
non-consumptive sectors • Status of selected fish stocks
• Reviewing the performance of rights-holders • Contribution of mariculture and the non-consumptive
sector to the GDP
• Growing the fisheries sector (implementing the aqua-
culture policy, assessing the potential of new fisheries • Trends in transgressions recorded in monitoring and
and the non-consumptive sector) in accordance with inspection registers
the Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA) • Percentage of coastline with partial protection
• Proceeding with the declaration of priority areas for the
expansion of protected areas; a total area of 122 782 km2
(12 278 200 ha – 20 year target) and 42 priority areas
have already been identified
• Rebuilding depleted stocks (abalone, hake and line fish)
• Implementation of an ecosystem approach to the
management of seabirds, sharks and selected fisheries
• Intensification of compliance and enforcement efforts

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014


Biodiversity and ecosystems

• Finalising and implementing the Protected Area Expan- • Protection status of threatened ecosystems
sion Strategy to create a network that is representative of • Percentage land mass protected
South Africa’s biodiversity
• Status of priority estuaries
• Establishing and strengthening provincial stewardship
programmes • Number of critically endangered species
• Strengthening programmes that support the informal • Number of endangered species
conservation system • Number of critical biodiversity areas
• Implementation of the Integrated Coastal Manage- • Percentage land surface classified as critical biodiver-
ment Act sity areas
• Mainstreaming biodiversity into spatial and land-use
• Number of landowners participating in conservation
plans through provincial bioregional spatial plans, bio-
farming or land stewardship programmes
regional sector plans and bioregional plans
• Finalising and implementing the Invasive Alien Species • Number of spatial plans that integrate or mainstream
Regulations biodiversity issues
• Establishing seed banks
• Development and implementation of invasive species
management plans for protected areas 21
• Development and implementation of estuary manage-
ment plans for priority estuaries
• Reintroducing environmental courts
• Implementation of the Framework on Fiscal Incentives
for Biodiversity
• Implementation of the provisions of the National Environ-
mental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA) in
respect of the listing and protection of threatened eco-

Prevent the pollution of air, water and Air and water quality
land resources so that community • Reducing the household combustion of various fuels • Ambient air quality
and ecosystem health is not adverse- by increasing access to electricity and/or renewable • Percentage of households with access to electricity
ly affected resources
• Number of non-compliance incidents and directives
• Reducing the use of fossil fuel for electricity generation
issued for non-compliance
• Speeding up the implementation of air quality legisla-
tion through air quality management plans in priority • Percentage of permitted facilities that are being moni-
areas and hot spots tored
• Developing ambient air quality standards and review- • Percentage of permitted facilities that comply with
ing air pollution permits permit requirements
• Reducing vehicle emissions • Percentage of households with access to sanitation
• Reintroducing environmental courts • Surface water nutrients

Department of Environmental Affairs


• Provision of universal access to sanitation • Coastal water quality status

• Installation of clean technology options and reuse of • Number of water bodies meeting the applicable re-
wastewater ceiving water quality objectives
• Development and implementation of catchment
management plans
• Implementation of Receiving Water Quality Objectives
• Eradicating backlogs in the issuing of effluent discharge
• Implementation of the Programme of Action on Land-
based Sources of Marine Pollution in eight priority areas

Waste management
• Implementation of the National Waste Act • Percentage of permitted facilities that are being moni-
• Ensuring the effective implementation of waste man- tored
agement legislation • Percentage of wastewater being reused
• Implementation of waste minimisation programmes • Tonnage of waste going to landfill sites
22 and the provision of appropriate facilities and incen- • Generation of hazardous waste
tives to support them
• Tonnage of materials being recycled
• Number of non-compliance incidents and directives
issued for non-compliance
• Percentage of permitted facilities that comply with
permit requirements
• Waste recycled per capita

Avoid the irreversible loss and degra- Arable land

dation of biodiversity (marine, terres- • Reforming agricultural legislation to support sustainable • Rates of soil loss and erosion
trial, aquatic ecosystems) farming practices • Rehabilitation of land affected by degradation
• Strengthening land care, woodlands conservation, • Number of farmers participating in land care or similar
habitat rehabilitation, ecosystem rehabilitation, refores- programmes
tation and other conservation farming programmes
• Percentage of organic production
• Ensuring the retention of high-potential agricultural land
for agricultural purposes, wherever feasible • Extent of organic production areas

• Improving coordination with other government depart- • Percentage of high-potential agricultural land being
ments and organisations that have jurisdiction over the used for agricultural purposes
use of land and other natural resources

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

3.3 Priority 3: Towards a green economy
While the South African economy, as plan that recognises the importance out that South Africa has no option but
measured by standard economic of building on existing best processes, to manage its natural resources in a
indicators, is considered to be relatively programmes, initiatives and indigenous sustainable manner, and that it has
stable, there are a number of concerns knowledge in key sectors, to shift towards no choice but to be ecofriendly and
from an ecological sustainability a resource-efficient, low-carbon and develop a green economy.
perspective. These include the following: pro-employment growth path. It also
recognises that government alone The Cabinet approved a number of key
• The economy is highly energy inten- cannot manage and fund a just supportive policies and this was the first
sive and includes a significant mining transition to a green economy, and that sign that the green economy was being
sector (7.7% of GDP in 2006 and 6% the private sector and civil society must prioritised by government. The policies
of the labour force in 2008) play a fundamental role. in question included the Medium-term
• The natural resource base is under se- Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2009–2014,
vere pressure The Economic Sectors and Employment the Ten-year Innovation Plan, the revised
cluster departments hosted the first Industrial Policy Action Plan for 2010/11–
• There is a national crisis in terms of
national Green Economy Summit from 2012/13 (IPAP2), the revised Integrated 23
electricity supply
18 to 20 May 2010 to gather valuable Resource Plan (IRP2) and New Growth
• There is widespread poverty, unem- insights on key focus areas and issues that Path (NGP).
ployment and inequality require attention in the short, medium and
long term. The summit was addressed by Through contributions from the various
A green economy implies the decoupling the President, ministers, deputy ministers, sectors’ implementation plans, South
of resource use and environmental members of the Executive Council Africa is to develop a National Green
impacts from economic growth. It is (MECs) and Parliamentary Committee Economy Strategy. The implementation
characterised by substantially increased chairpersons, as well as representatives of this strategy has a number of cross-
investment in green sectors, supported from the private sector, NGOs and labour cutting roles and responsibilities and will
by enabling policy reforms. This implies organisations. require work to ensure coherence and
moving towards a stable, steady-state
coordination within government and
economy “supplemented by conditions In his address, the President highlighted between social partners. The strategy will
that ensure distributional equity, establish the fact that ecosystem failure will also address crucial issues of technology,
sustainable levels of resource throughput seriously compromise the country’s innovation, localisation, manufacturing,
and emissions, and provide for the ability to address its social and economic skills and funding, drawing from a variety
protection of critical natural capital” priorities. He further reiterated that natural of potential sources, including the fiscus,
(Jackson, 2009). resources are national economic assets, international funds, business and industry,
and the economy depends heavily public-private partnerships (PPPs) and
The South African approach is to ensure on energy and mineral resources, other possible measures. The review
that a green economy is supported by biodiversity, agriculture, forestry, fishing of relevant regulatory, macro- and
a practical and implementable action and tourism. The President pointed microeconomic policies and institutional

Department of Environmental Affairs

frameworks will culminate in proposals 5. Green buildings and the built environ- • Implement skills development, par-
of the appropriate regulatory framework ment ticularly youth in the green economy
to enable the development of sector 6. Sustainable transport and infrastruc- sector/industries
action plans and related green markets ture • Use market-based instruments
and industries.
7. Clean energy and energy efficiency • Promote innovation, science and
8. Agriculture, food production and for- technology
Guided by the outcomes of the National
estry • Create investment and finance op-
Green Economy Summit, the environ-
ment sector has developed an imple- 9. Sustainable consumption and portunities and financing instruments
mentation plan for this sector’s contribu- production • Create and protect jobs
tion to national green economy action. • Implement Industrial Policy Action
The country began interventions and The goals of a transition towards a green Plan 2: 2010/11–2012/13 (IPAP2)
fundraising nationally and internationally economy should include green growth
for the implementation of the nine key contributions to economic growth
focus areas: and employment, while preventing
environmental degradation and pollution,
24 1. Resource conservation and manage- loss of biodiversity and unsustainable
ment natural resource use.
2. Sustainable waste management prac-
tices Priority 3 (Towards a green economy)
identified the following necessary en-
3. Water management
ablers of implementation:
4. Environmental sustainability, which
comprises the following: • Provide support to the regulatory
(i) Greening and legacy projects: framework
Major events and tourism • Implement and upscale green eco-
(ii) Research, awareness, training, nomy programmes
skills development and knowledge

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014



Towards a green economy Provide support to the regulatory National Green Economy Strategy
framework (contribution to Outcome 4: Decent employment through • Developed and approved sectors’ green economy
Objective: inclusive economic growth) implementation plans
• Approved National Green Economy Strategy
• A just transition towards a resource-effi- Sectors’ green economy implementation plans
cient, low-carbon and pro-employment
growth path Implement and upscale green eco- Sustainable consumption and production
nomy programmes Formulation and adoption of sustainable development • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
performance monitoring to guide the integration of eco- economy programmes
nomic growth, social equity and environmental protec-
tion, including measures for institutional triple bottom-line
accounting and finalisation of the national eco-label

Green buildings and the built environment

Development and implementation of the Green Building • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
Regulatory Enforcement Programme, and awareness and economy programmes
capacity-building programmes at local levels of gover- 25

Sustainable transport and infrastructure

Reducing the transport sector’s carbon footprint through • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
cost-effective interventions, including shifting freight from economy programmes
road to rail, as well as passengers towards public and non-
motorised transport, shifting from inefficient and internal
combustion engine vehicles to efficient, hybrid and elec-
tric vehicles

Clean energy and energy efficiency

• Diversification of energy sources and implementation • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
of energy efficiency programmes that are crucial for economy programmes
ensuring green growth, as contained in the IRP
• Encouraging investment in renewable energy on a
scale sufficiently large to justify the localisation of com-
petitive technologies, along with active support for lo-
cal renewable technology manufacturing to present
an opportunity for sustainable economic development
and job creation

Department of Environmental Affairs

Environmental sustainability (cross-cutting)
• Implementation of greening legacy interventions (2010 • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
Soccer World Cup, COP 17 flagship, major events and economy programmes
tourism projects)
• Implementation of programmes in research, awareness,
training, skills development and knowledge management
• Implementation of green economy interventions by
local government, including communication, educa-
tion and regulation that will be necessary to ensure
local green growth and job creation, as well as urban
infrastructure, sustainable land-use management, spa-
tial planning and the efficient use of natural resources
• Implementation of green cities and towns, event
greening and tourism
Resource conservation and management
Implementation of programmes to ensure the conserva- • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
tion, sustainable management and rehabilitation of natu- economy programmes
ral and ecosystem services and assets (freshwater, marine
environments, grasslands, landscapes) and to improve
26 reductions in energy and water use
Sustainable waste management practices
Implementation of the waste hierarchy and the ambition • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
to minimise waste and, where unavoidable, recycling and economy programmes
reusing waste or turning it into energy
Agriculture, food production and forestry
• Adoption of Integrated Water and Land Resources • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
Management as a model framework for the sound and economy programmes
equitable allocation of water as a public good among
all users, and its implementation in a sustainable way at
all levels, including catchments
• Supporting programmes to ensure the protection of
agricultural land, sustained food security and local
economic development
Water management
Implementation of interventions defined in Output 1 of • Progress on the implementation of the nine green
Outcome 10 (Water demand, security and efficiency, economy programmes
water resource protection and water quality regulation)
Implement skills development, in par- Ensuring a well-maintained and resourced training aca- • Creation of 40 permanent jobs (youths employed in
ticular the youth, in the green econo- demy that produces quality graduates with skills relevant green industries) per annum
my sector (green industries) to the green economy through relevant stakeholders, for • Training of 500 youths per quarter, incubating them in
example, the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) community development projects
Use market-based instruments Development of instruments to incentivise the use and pro-
duction of environmentally friendly products without having
a huge negative impact on production costs

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

Grow and strengthen a portfolio of • Implementation of the Ten-year Innovation Plan to sup- • Percentage spent on research, development and in-
niche high-potential science and port the commercialisation of green technologies novation for the development of green industries
technology capabilities, as well as • Increasing research, development and innovation in • Human capital development in research, develop-
actively facilitate the exploitation of human capital for a growing knowledge economy ment and innovation by increasing the output of gra-
both existing and new capabilities duates as follows: 200 students funded annually for re-
to support sustainable development • Increasing investment in strategic research and deve-
lopment (R&D) that contributes to improving govern- search degrees (master’s and PhDs) by 31 March 2014
priorities and green economy ambi- • Number of patents, prototypes and technology dem-
tions ment decision-making on science and technology as
productive investments and to promote the private onstrators added to the intellectual property (IP) port-
sector’s R&D activities folio annually from funded or co-funded research pro-
grammes (five additions to the IP portfolio – patents,
• Increasing the graduate output in natural and physical patent applications, licences and trademarks – by
sciences March 2014)
• Increasing the country’s expenditure on R&D as a per- • Number of publications generated annually in identi-
centage of GDP fied niche areas per year (150 published scientific and
technical papers by 31 March 2014)
• Number of graduates in the natural and physical sci-
ences and engineering per annum
• Percentage increase in R&D expenditure as a percen-
tage of GDP 27
• Number of patents registered in the natural and physi-
cal sciences and engineering sector (including waste,
water, energy, environmental monitoring and manage-
Create investment and finance op- Development of Green Economy Mechanism • Number of programmes supported by the Clean Tech-
portunities and financing instruments nology Fund meeting renewable energy targets
• Percentage (or amount) of financial resources ring-
fenced or streamlined for green economy pro-
• Number of programmes supported by Green Economy
Create and protect jobs Promotion of programmes that create green jobs • Number of direct green jobs created
• Number of work opportunities and full-time equivalent
(FTE) jobs
• Share of non-public works employment as a percen-
tage of total employment
Implement Industrial Policy Action • Manufacturing aspects of the green economy within • Share of GDP of the EGS industry
Plan social, economic and environmental criteria: interven- • A higher growth rate in the waste recycling industry
tions in green industries, industrial energy efficiency and • Percentage localisation of manufacturing of materials
the South African Renewables Initiative (SARI) with solar and wind power
• Implementation of regulatory instruments to stimulate • Local production of solar water heaters
the Environmental Goods and Services (EGS) Sector
• Interventions to promote greater localisation and

Department of Environmental Affairs

3.4 Priority 4: Building sustainable communities

The limit of the available housing subsidy

has also, for the most part, precluded the
installation of eco-technologies, such
as solar water heaters, which generally
have higher upfront costs. Moreover,
the lack of long-term planning means
that there is insufficient infrastructure in
many areas (for example, wastewater
treatment plants) to meet the needs of
the rapidly growing urban population.
Insufficient attention has been given
to the environmental constraints and
opportunities of particular locations.

28 The following are the overall specific

strategic goals under Priority 4 that aim
to reduce poverty and provide a decent
quality of life for all:

• Enhance spatial planning to promote

social cohesion and integration between
communities, as well as between com-
munities and the natural environment
• Ensure universal access to basic and
To be sustainable, human settlements For the past few years, this priority has been community services
must meet the different needs of their guided by the Breaking New Ground Policy.
• Improve the quality of housing and
residents, including housing, basic However, there have been significant
other structures to optimise resource
services, community facilities, transport problems with housing and service delivery.
efficiency (energy, water, building
and livelihood/job opportunities, while With the pressure of meeting quantitative
materials, etc.)
at the same time, being sensitive to the targets, large numbers of houses have
surrounding ecosystems and natural been built at the expense of quality and • Promote self-sufficiency, food security
resources. Given the large number of durability, to the extent that thousands and equitable access to natural
poverty-stricken people still living in of Reconstruction and Development resources that support livelihoods
informal settlements in South Africa, Programme (RDP) houses are currently • Improve equity, security and social
building such communities is a priority. being demolished and rebuilt. cohesion

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014



Building sustainable communities Enhance spatial planning to promote • Development of national spatial planning guidelines • Ecological footprint
social cohesion and integration be- • Strengthening sustainability principles in land-use plan- • Measure of social integration
Objectives tween communities, as well as be- ning, growth and development strategies and plans
tween communities and the natural • Upgrading of 400 000 households in well-located
at all levels informal settlements with access to basic services
• Create community awareness and environment
participation, and work together to and secure tenure (approximately 2 700 informal
protect the environment through settlements are in good locations, ie located close
changing attitudes and behaviour in to metropolitan areas and basic services, have high
consuming resources sustainably and densities and, in 2008, housed approximately 1.2
responsibly million households)

Ensure universal access to basic and • Integration of service provision requirements, including • Percentage of households with access to water
• Develop and support quality housing community services bulk infrastructure, into development planning process infrastructure, sanitation, refuse removal and electricity
programmes, including building com- • Provision of free minimum services to be combined • Reduction in electricity consumption in the higher tariff
munity self-sufficient farming strategies, with demand management for water and electricity range
indigenous knowledge, the sustainable
production of herbs and traditional Improve the quality of housing and • Promotion of land stewardship and food growing pro- • Number of people in employment in relevant sectors 29
medicines, and businesses to secure other structures to optimise resource grammes (urban and rural) • Poverty Headcount Index
societal equity and cohesion efficiency (energy, water, building • Implementation of local tourism projects • Human Development Index
materials, etc.)
• Implementation of sustainable production of tradi-
tional medicines
• Implementation of local waste collection/recycling
• Strengthening the People’s Housing Process
• Implementation of the recommendations of the fish-
ing harbour study
• Supporting the Decent Work Agenda
• Introduction of government procurement pro-
grammes that support LED
• Supporting alternative business models such as coope-
ratives and community associations
Note: also see sustainable livelihoods in Table 3.2.

Department of Environmental Affairs


Promote self-sufficiency, food security • Development and implementation of climate adap- • South Africa becomes a net exporter of food
and equitable access to natural re- tation strategies for water and agricultural sectors • Reduction in erosion and loss of soil
sources that support livelihoods • Promoting conservation farming, permaculture and • Fertiliser use per hectare of arable land
organic farming
• Food basket price
• Increasing support to urban good growing initiatives
• Percentage of people working the land in rural areas
• Introducing schemes that enable the very poor to ac- or the percentage of land being worked in rural areas
cess sufficient nutritional food to support quality of life
• Percentage of organic production
• Strengthening financial support and extension servi-
ces through the Land Care Programme to land claim • Percentage of land claims settled
beneficiaries, small-scale women farmers and African • Percentage of land redistributed
farmers’ unions, for example, the National African • Percentage of redistributed land used for community-
Farmers’ Union (NAFU) based conservation
• Incorporating sustainable land-use and agriculture
principles into land claim projects in rural areas
• Integrating conservation opportunities (as an alterna-
tive economic opportunity) into the land reform pro-
30 gramme, particularly where agriculture is marginal

Improve equity, security and social • Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) programmes • Gini coefficient (income inequality)
cohesion and gender mainstreaming • Living standards measure
• Number of crimes
• Various indicators of social cohesion in the National
Development Index Report (NDIR)

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

3.5 Priority 5: Responding effectively to climate change

Climate change is considered to be Many years ago, government recog- of mitigation and adaptation-related
among the most serious threats to global nised that climate change was real and activities, the National Programme on
sustainable development, if not the most that it was a significant threat to the Climate Change should be vigorously
serious threat, with adverse impacts country’s development. This was formally pursued regardless of delays in the
expected on food and water security, acknowledged during the National international arena.
economic activity, human health, Climate Change Conference in 2005. In
physical infrastructure and natural November 2011, South Africa approved The following are the overall specific
resources. These impacts will seriously a National Climate Change Response goals under Priority 5 that relate to the
undermine efforts to achieve sustainable white paper. This white paper presents national climate change response:
development and the Millennium government’s vision for an effective
Development Goals, particularly in climate change response and a long- • Decrease greenhouse gas emissions
developing countries that are not only term, just transition to a climate-resilient to levels required by science/in line
the most vulnerable, but also the least and lower-carbon economy and society. with Cabinet-approved targets – with
equipped to deal with climate change. This response is guided by principles set particular emphasis on the energy
out in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, sector, which accounts for over 70% 31
Conversely, addressing climate change the National Environmental Management of South Africa’s emissions
by mitigating greenhouse gas emissions Act (NEMA), the Millennium Declaration • Reduce dependency on fossil fuels
and building resilient communities will and the United Nations Framework and enhance security of electricity
make a major contribution to achieving Convention on Climate Change. The supply
a sustainable society. Since terrestrial and development and implementation of
• Build resilience to climate change in
marine ecosystems play a significant an effective climate change response
role in the carbon cycle, climate strategy is a priority for South Africa,
change mitigation and adaptation must both in the short and longer terms. • Ensure that ecosystem resilience is not
include ecosystem-based solutions. Activities include continued participation disrupted
The protection of natural habitats is in the international climate change
particularly important as the poorest negotiations with a view to concluding an
people, who depend directly on natural equitable, but ambitious climate change
systems, are also the most vulnerable to agreement for the post-2012 period.
the effects of climate change. However, given the broader benefits

Department of Environmental Affairs



Responding effectively to climate change Decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) • Mitigation interventions that significantly contribute to a • GHG emissions (metric ton CO2 equivalent)
emissions to levels required by peak, plateau and decline emission trajectory where
Objectives: science/in line with Cabinet-ap- greenhouse gas emissions peak between 2020 and
proved targets – with particular em- 2025 at 34 and 42% respectively below a business-as-
• A fair contribution to the global effort to phasis on the energy sector, which usual baseline, plateau to 2035 and begin declining in
achieve the stabilisation of greenhouse accounts for over 70% of South absolute terms from 2036 onwards, in particular inter-
gas concentrations in the atmosphere Africa’s emissions ventions in the energy, transport and industrial sectors
at a level that prevents dangerous • Feasibility study into the development of a specialised
(GHG emissions to peak between 2020 funding agency, the Climate Change Science Council
anthropogenic interference with the
and 2025 and decline from 2035)
climate system
Reduce dependency on fossil fuels
and enhance security of electricity

• Obtain 10 000 GWh of electricity • Mitigation interventions that have potential positive job • MWh of electricity saved
from renewable sources by 2013 creation, poverty alleviation and/or general economic
32 impacts, in particular interventions that stimulate
new industrial activities and those that improve the
efficiency and competitive advantage of existing
business and industry
• Have city-wide public transport • Industry in partnership with government, promoting • GHG intensity of electricity and transport (metric ton
systems in place by 2020 the development of sector-specific strategies and CO2 equivalent per metre)
targets that will contribute to the achievement of the
overall energy efficiency target set by government; • Metric ton CO2 equivalent of GHG emissions reduced
developing common reporting requirements for
energy usage from all energy sources, taking into
account, where possible, existing internationally
recognised protocols for reporting such as those
developed by the Global Reporting Initiative; defining
industry-specific projected energy use in the future,
based on business-as-usual (BAU) growth expectations
• Achieve energy efficiency target of • Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs (REFIT) as a • MWh of renewable energy electricity contributed to
at least 12% by 2015 mechanism to promote the deployment of renewable the national grid
energy that place an obligation on specific entities to
purchase the output from qualifying renewable energy
generators at predetermined prices
• Use market-based instruments to • The use of incentives and disincentives, including • Market-based instruments to support environmental fis-
support environmental fiscal reform regulation and the use of economic and fiscal cal reform in South Africa published and implemented
measures, to promote behaviour change that would
support the transition to a low-carbon society and

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

• Develop Integrated Resource Plan • The IRP2 is a long-term electricity capacity plan that • MWh of renewable energy contribution into the IRP2
(IRP2) defines the need for new generation and transmission
capacity for the country. Together with other • MWh of electricity saved through energy efficiency and
interventions, the IRP2 is intended to improve the long- demand-side management interventions
term reliability of electricity supply through meeting
adequacy criteria over and above keeping pace with
• IRP 2 gazetted
economic growth and development, and to ascertain
South Africa’s capacity investment needs for the
medium-term business planning environment.
• Roll out 1 000 000 solar water hea- • 1 000 000 solar water heaters rolled out by 2014 to • MWh of electricity saved
ters by 2014 reduce electricity demand, and to provide universal
access to modern, affordable and environmentally
beneficial solar water heater services for all, off-setting
rising electricity costs to residential households through
savings on water heating through coal-generated
electricity, and achieving renewable energy targets
of 10 000 GWh, as contained in the White Paper on
Renewable Energy of 2003
• Biofuel strategy aims to achieve a • Contributing towards the achievement of the renewable • Metric ton CO2 equivalent of GHG emissions reduced
2% penetration level of biofuels in energy goals, energy security and the reduction of GHG • Litres/percentage of biofuel contributed on liquid fuels
the national liquid fuel supply emissions per supply year
• Implement integrated energy plan- • Integrated energy planning will interpret the requirements • Integrated energy planning policy developed and
ning of national economic, social and environmental policies implemented
for the energy sector; to analyse energy needs in terms
of how their fulfilment will contribute towards attaining
national economic and social goals; and to analyse
the potential of energy supply systems and demand-
side management to meet current and potential future
energy needs. This would include analyses of individual
supply subsectors and the linkages between subsectors
and of the potential effects of global and technological
developments on the energy sector
• Effectively adapt to and manage Build resilience to climate change in • A GHG emissions information management system in • Development of GHG emissions information manage-
unavoidable and potential damaging communities the energy sector will provide accurate, up-to-date and ment system in the energy sector
climate change impacts through complete information to the South African Air Quality In-
interventions that build and sustain • Develop, implement and maintain formation System’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory,
South Africa’s social, economic and a GHG emissions information man- hosted by the South African Weather Service. This GHG
environmental resilience and emergency agement system in respect of the emissions information management system should pro-
response capacity energy sector vide measurable, reportable and verifiable information
on all significant interventions
• Develop various adaptation strategies with • Develop an energy efficiency stan- • Development and implementation of appropriate stan- • Guidelines and codes of practice for the appropriate
climate sensitive sectors dard dards and guidelines and codes of practice for the ap- use of renewable energy technologies developed and
propriate use of renewable energy technologies implemented

Department of Environmental Affairs


• Assist various key sectors to develop and • Develop energy efficiency meth- • The independent system operator entity will be respon- • Independent system operator established
implement climate change adaptation odology and monitoring tool sible for reliability of the interconnected power system,
plans which will control and operate the transmission system
• Develop renewable energy meth- and dispatch generation (or balance the supply and
odology and monitoring tool demand) in real time

• Finalise power purchase agree- • The provisions of Regulation 7 of Government Notice • Rules on selection criteria for renewable energy pro-
ment R.721 Government Gazette No. 32378 of 5 August jects under the REFIT programme published
2009 (Electricity Regulation Act No. 4 of 2006: Electric-
ity Regulations on New Generation Capacity) authorise
the Energy Regulator to prepare and pass rules not in-
consistent with these regulations for purposes of setting
out criteria for the selection of preferred independent
power producer (IPP) under the REFIT programme.

• Enhance the ability of various sec- • Development of climate risk management systems for • Climate change adaptation plans developed
tors to manage and adapt to im- priority adaptation sectors
pacts of climate change
• Strengthen key sectors such as water, Ensure that ecosystem resilience is
agriculture, health etc to be more not disrupted
resilient and also have the ability to • Adaptation interventions that address immediate • Health surveillance plan developed and implemented
adapt to climate variability and change • Develop effective water manage-
ment systems threats to the health and wellbeing of South Africans,
including interventions in the water, agriculture and
• Effective information dissemination tool that can be
health sectors
used by various sectors

• Strengthen early warning systems • Development of information management systems • Sustainable mechanisms that counteract or reduce
that increase our ability to measure and predict natural disasters developed
• Reduce incidents of respiratory in- climate change, and especially extreme weather
fections events, floods, droughts and forest and veld fires

• Establish emergency medical ser- • Development of decision support systems, such as a

vices and outbreak control systems malaria mapping tool

• Implement more than 50% of the • Building economic and social resilience through the
National Protected Areas Expan- diversification of economies to reduce dependence
sion Strategy (NPAES) by 2020 to on climate-sensitive sectors
build ecosystem resilience and re-
duce risk of natural disasters

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

4. Institutional arrangements for the management of the NSSD 1
4.1 Rationale routine work of government and that • Increase awareness and understand-
performance against targets is subject ing of the value of ecosystem services
A number of institutional arrangements to established accounting systems, to human wellbeing
have been developed to support the including auditing by the Auditor- • Ensure effective integration of sustain-
implementation of the NSSD 1, based General (AG). This is also in keeping with ability principles into all policies, plan-
on a literature review on international advice contained in the guidelines of ning and decision-making at national,
practice, interviews with stakeholders the Development Assistance Committee provincial and local levels
and an assessment of what will be of the Organisation for Economic • Ensure effective system-wide integra-
possible in a South African context. Cooperation and Development (OECD), tion and collaboration across all func-
Among the key principles that informed Strategies for Sustainable Development, tions and sectors
the development of these arrangements that sustainable development plans • Monitor, evaluate and report perfor-
were the need to do the following: should be integrated into national mance and progress in respect of
frameworks to ensure access to the ecological sustainability in relation to
• Ensure simplicity without compromis- budget (OECD, 2001). socioeconomic goals
ing effectiveness
The Ministry of Water and Environmental
• Make use of and create linkages with The DEA, in collaboration with the relevant
Affairs, through the Department of
existing frameworks and mechanisms sector departments and stakeholders, 35
Environmental Affairs (DEA) will be the
in order to avoid the proliferation of will initiate action towards the
coordinating focal point, working with
structures implementation of the strategy through
relevant spheres of government, the
• Learn from international practice the harmonised planning of programmes
private sector, NGOs and civil society.
• Ensure high-level location and support and execution. The NCSD will have
The DEA will establish and oversee the
for the NSSD 1 different structures of engagement, for
National Committee on Sustainable
example, an Interministerial Committee,
Development (NCSD), which will operate
accounting officers and senior technical NSSD 1, including goals, indicators and
4.2 Planning, implemen- at multiple levels to engage government
management that may form task teams. programmes, will be reflected in the
tation, monitoring, departments, civil society, the private
The institutional responsibilities for the strategic plans of these institutions and
sector, academia, independent
evaluation and reviewers and other stakeholders. The
strategic management of the NSSD 1 are organisations, with the implementation,
reporting function of the NCSD will be to ensure
illustrated in Figure 3. monitoring, evaluation and reporting of
the strategy enforced through strategic
that the goals of the NSSD 1 and the
The approach that is used for planning, The three key aspects of strategic plans.
Action Plan are implemented effectively.
implementation, monitoring, evaluation management are planning, implement-
These goals are the following:
and reporting on progress towards the ation and monitoring, and evaluation, All the parties that are responsible for
achievement of sustainability targets • Develop and promote new social and and reporting. Institutions that will take the implementation of the NSSD 1 will be
must be aligned with the existing economic goals based on ecological responsibility for planning will include expected to report on their performance
government-wide monitoring and sustainability and build a culture that the National Planning Commission against sustainability indicators, as part of
evaluation system. This alignment will recognises that socioeconomic sys- (NPC), government clusters, government the normal reporting process. Research
ensure that the practice of sustainable tems are dependent on and embed- departments, private sector organisations institutions will play an important role in
development is integrated into the ded in ecosystems and NGOs. The relevant elements of the gathering and analysing data that relates

Department of Environmental Affairs

to the NSSD 1. The NPC will provide a MINTHEC (Ministerial Technical Commit- government’s five-year MTSF ensures by the national vision and strategic plan,
long-term vision for the country, while the tee) and MINMEC (Ministers and Execu- that sustainable development is placed and the MTSF. National and provincial
Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of tive Committee). Performance against at the centre of government planning. departments then have to include
the Presidency will play a key role in the sustainability targets will be included in It also ensures that performance sustainable development indicators
monitoring process. discussions that take place during these against sustainability targets is tracked and targets in their annual performance
forums. Coordination with local govern- and reported on as part of regular plans (APPs), while municipalities must
The NCSD will be responsible for ment will be facilitated through the South development indicator reporting to include them in their annual service
the effective coordination of work African Local Government Association National Treasury and the Presidency. delivery budget implementation plans
on sustainable development. This (SALGA) and the Department of Cooper- (SDBIP), which are linked to their IDPs.
committee will be established to drive ative Governance and Traditional Affairs Government’s medium-term
sustainable development, while making (COGTA). planning Spatial planning
use of existing structures for both horizontal
and vertical coordination. The main 4.2.1 Planning for sustainable The five-year strategic plans that are In the Green Paper: National Strategic
vehicles for horizontal coordination at a development developed by national and provincial Planning of September 2009, national
national level will be the Forum of South departments are to be informed, among spatial guidelines are identified as
African Heads of Departments (FOSAD) Sustainable development will be others, by the national vision (Vision important tools for bringing about
and the cluster system, in particular the integrated into the national planning 2030) and strategic plan of the NPC, the coordinated government action and
Cluster for International Cooperation, system. Figure 3 provides an illustration MTSF, the National State of the National alignment. Internationally, spatial plan-
Trade and Security, Social Protection and of the hierarchy of planning frameworks Address (SoNA), the Provincial Growth ning instruments are increasingly being
Community Development, the Human to which government departments at and Development Strategy (PGDS) and used to achieve alignment between
Development Cluster, the Economic all levels need to respond. Sustainability the State of the Province addresses the actions of different sectors and the
Sectors and Employment Cluster, and indicators and targets will be integrated (SoPA). These five-year strategic plans various spheres of government. South
the Infrastructure Development Cluster. into these planning frameworks, starting should include sustainability indicators Africa has an established spatial planning
with the national vision and strategic and targets as core indicators agreed framework, through which alignment
The Director-General of the Department of plan that will cover a longer period, to by each of the government sectors, can readily be achieved. The country’s
Environmental Affairs will be a member of possibly 15 years, according to the as required by the Treasury Guidelines for overarching framework is provided
the FOSAD clusters that will carry through revised Green Paper on the NPC. Strategic Planning. In their interactions in the National Spatial Development
the work of the NCSD. Other formal and This also takes care of the need for with municipalities, and their strategic Perspective (NSDP).
ad hoc sector-specific coordinating intergenerational sustainability targets. planning oversight roles, provincial
structures, such as the Committee for Working with the NCSD, the Ministry of governments must therefore ensure that In the development of their PGDS, the
Environmental Coordination (CEC) of Water and Environmental Affairs will municipal integrated development plans provinces must include a spatial plan
the Environmental Sector, will also be ensure that sustainable development is (IDPs) include sustainability indicators. (the Provincial Spatial Development
used in accordance with the National incorporated into the short- and long- Framework). Similarly, local governments,
Environmental Management Act on term vision of government processes by Annual planning in the development of their IDPs, must
cooperative governance. engaging with the NPC. also include a spatial plan (the Spatial
In the annual SoNA and SoPA, the President Development Framework or Spatial
Vertical coordination with provinces Securing the prominence of sustainable and premiers highlight the centrality of Development Plan). This means that
will be take place through meetings of development indicators and targets in sustainable development as directed both provincial and local governments

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014


Figure 3: Responsibility matrix

Department of Environmental Affairs

need to align their development plans The NCSD will participate in the review as water and energy) These indicators reports on the contribution of various
and spatial development frameworks of the departmental strategic plans and should be considered in the finalisation sectors to sustainable development.
with the national perspective. In this way, APPs and will conduct a periodic analysis of sustainability indicators. The periodic Civil society will play a key role in the
coordination, alignment and integrated of reports with a view to keeping track of South Africa Environmental Outlook monitoring of the government and
action with respect to the development the country’s overall progress towards Report (SAEOR), the provincial and private sector’s performance towards
of a spatial economy can be achieved, achieving sustainability targets. The municipal State of the Environment the achievement of sustainability targets.
and the integration of sustainability NCSD will also analyse annual reports for Report and other similar reports will be Part of this role will be exercised through
principles in the national strategic the same purpose. important sources of information. the establishment of a civil society or
plan, the PGDS and the IDPs of local NGO forum and other multi-stakeholder
government will ensure that sustainability Because the system will be integrated into The NCSD will take responsibility for consultative forums.
is also reflected in spatial planning. the government’s reporting and accounting distilling information from these reports,
cycle, performance against sustainability verifying their accuracy and validity, and The NCSD will commission regular
4.2.2 Implementation of targets will be subject to auditing by the producing annual reports to be presented external evaluations on South Africa’s
sustainable development Auditor-General. A special function of audit to Parliament and the United Nations performance in relation to the
performance on sustainable development (UN). The NCSD will seek certification from achievement of sustainability. In addition,
The implementation of sustainable should be established within the office of the Statistics South Africa in accordance sustainability will be included in the
38 development action will be decentralised Auditor-General, focusing on the monitoring with the South African Statistical Quality periodic development indicator reports
through the strategic plans of all spheres of sustainability outputs, as is done in other Assessment Framework. This framework and five-year reviews that are conducted
of government, public entities, civil countries such as Canada. Oversight sets criteria for certification, including by the Presidency. As part of the ongoing
society, organised labour and business. bodies, such as Parliament, provincial the relevance, accuracy, timeliness, evaluation of sustainable development
legislatures and municipal councils, will accessibility, methodological soundness performance, the NCSD will commission
4.2.3 Monitoring, evaluation and hold the executive accountable for delivery and integrity of produced statistics. The periodic spending reviews as spending
reporting for sustainable against sustainability indicators and targets, NCSD will be a member of the National could be a good indicator of the level of
development including associated spending. Statistics System. commitment.

The key to effective monitoring, evalu- Other sources of information for the Reporting on sustainable development In order to ensure that there is learning
ation and reporting will be the country’s progress towards achieving by the private sector will be encouraged and adaptation on sustainable
establishment of baselines for all sustainable development will be the through incorporation of sustainability development, the NCSD will convene
sustainability indicators. The performance surveys conducted periodically by into the King Code for Corporate periodic multi-stakeholder sustainable
against sustainability indicators will Statistics South Africa. As the entity Governance, including the triple development review conferences.
be monitored through quarterly non- responsible for South Africa’s official bottom-line reporting requirement of the (Canada does these reviews every three
financial reports. These reports will have statistics, Statistics South Africa will be Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). The years.) In addition, a research network on
to be linked to programme outputs tasked with the tracking and reporting of NCSD will initiate discussions with private sustainable development, constituted by
or strategic objectives contained in sustainability indicators. (Statistics South sector representative organisations to research institutions (both government
the APPs of government departments, Africa is in the process of developing ensure reporting. Industry organisations and non-state, including academia), will
municipalities and public entities. environmental accounting indicators could be required to produce annual be established.
that will cover the different sectors, such

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

4.3 The role of government international issues related to sustainable • Identify sustainable development
development. The unit has to ensure that goals and actions that are relevant to
in sustainable
international policy decisions and activities
are tailored to support and implement
their sectors
• Agree on sectoral sustainability indica-
sustainable development at the national
The Ministry of Water and Environmental
Affairs, specifically the Department of
level. Working with the NCSD, government
departments, civil society, organised
tors and targets in line with those con-
tained in the national strategy Department of
• Discuss and agree on monitoring and
Environmental Affairs (DEA), through
dedicated internal units, is the
coordinating focal point for sustainable
labour and business, the unit will ensure
participation within the United Nations
reporting mechanisms for sustainable
development (This might entail a re-
systems on sustainable development
development both nationally and
issues. The country submits biennial
progress reports on concrete progress
quirement that companies submit an-
nual progress reports on their activities Affairs(DEA),
and progress towards contributing to
National arrangement
achieved with the implementation of
internationally agreed goals on sustainable
sustainability targets.)
• Submit annual industry sector sustain-
development to the CSD.
The DEA has established a national
focal point unit that coordinates the
able development progress reports to
the NCSD
dedicated 39
4.4 The role of the private
country’s implementation of the national
sustainability vision and multilateral
agreements (MEAs). This unit will work with
sector in sustainable
• Contribute to funding sustainable de-
velopment in partnership with govern- internal
development ment and donors to support projects
the NCSD, government departments, civil
society, organised labour and business As suppliers of societal goods and
and initiatives aimed at supporting
sustainable development
units, is the
to ensure that there is effective planning services, the private sector has a
and implementation of sustainable pivotal contribution to make in pursuit of
development throughout all spheres sustainable development objectives and 4.5 The role of civil
of government, public entities and the
private sector. At the same time, it will
targets. Within the context of sustainable
development, a key principle that will be
society in sustainable
focal point for
promote capacity-building to enhance adopted in relation to the private sector is
the effectiveness of government agencies that of partnership with government and Civil society, as represented by NGOs,
to empower communities on sustainability. civil society. To this end, industry bodies community-based organisations (CBOs)

International arrangement
will be invited to send representatives
to the consultative forum that will be
and labour, has a key role to play in
advancing sustainable development in
development both
nationally and
established for the implementation of the South Africa. This is the sector that tends
The DEA has established an international NSSD 1. In addition, the private sector, to pay the highest price for unsustainable
focal point unit to coordinate the country’s via industry bodies, will be encouraged development practices.
participation in MEAs. The unit is the focal
point of the Commission on Sustainable
to do the following:
Development (CSD) and participates on

Department of Environmental Affairs

Civil society will be represented in the clear knowledge advantage, such as The achievement of sustainable 4.7 Financing of sustainable
consultative forum and will play the indigenous knowledge and deep mining). development priorities require
following roles: These missions and platforms were targeted science and technology
expanded under the Ten-Year Innovation interventions and the development
The financing of sustainable development
• Identify, design and implement com- Plan to include “grand challenges” in of strategic partnerships with other
and its activities will be sourced from the
munity-based sustainable development space science and technology, energy government departments, industry,
private sector and national fiscus through
projects security, human and social dynamics research institutions and communities.
the national budgeting process. This is
in development, global change, and Interventions include high potential
• Participate in research on sustainable because sustainable development will
the bioeconomy. The responsibility for research and development (R&D)-led
development gradually become an integral part of
addressing the grand challenges is spread industrial development programmes,
• Serve as a watchdog, tracking the the private sector and government’s
across many government departments. technology support programmes
performance of government and the planning and spending. In addition to
for industry, the introduction of new
private sector against sustainability tar- this, other funding mechanisms from the
The Ten-Year Innovation Plan also set long- approaches to government service
gets (This role will also include lobbying private sector, donors and funds from the
term goals based on these challenges. delivery and planning, strengthening
and advocacy for sustainable deve- economy, for instance, public-private
These included the following: science-based policy development
lopment.) partnerships, will be attracted. National
and decision-making, demonstrating
Treasury is already working on the market-
40 • Becoming one of the top three technology-led opportunities for creating
based instruments and environmental
emerging economies in the global sustainable jobs and wealth creation,
4.6 fiscal reforms that serve as a further
pharmaceutical industry, based on and strengthening the contribution
Science and the innovative use of South Africa’s of technology in sustainable human
source of sustainable development
technology financing.
indigenous knowledge and rich settlements.
The National • Deploying satellites that provide The key contributing socioeconomic
Research and a range of scientific, security and strategic objectives include the following:
Development specialised services for all spheres of
Strategy estab- government, as well as the public and • Technology for poverty reduction
lished a new set the private sector • Science and technology capability
of technology
• Achieving a 25% share of the global for sustainable development and a
platforms (biotechnology, information
hydrogen and fuel cell market with green economy
technology, technology for advanced
novel platinum group metal catalysts • Promoting growth in public and pri-
manufacturing, technology for and from
natural resource sectors, and techno- • Becoming a world leader in climate vate sector investments in science
logy for poverty reduction) and a new science, and responding effectively and technology, and R&D
set of science missions (in areas in which to the multiple challenges associated • Supporting the development of new
South Africa has an obvious geographic with global and climate change industries in advanced manufactur-
advantage, such as astronomy, human • Meeting the 2014 Millennium ing, chemicals, advanced metals
palaeontology and biodiversity, as well Development Goal to halve poverty and information and communication
as in areas in which South Africa has a techonolgies (ICTs)

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

5. Concluding remarks
Urgent action is required to direct the All sectors, including all ele- When deciding on resource allocation These priority areas should, over
development path of the country and in making policy choices, the
ments of the government and the coming three to five years,
towards sustainability, particularly in light executive should seek to give effect to
of the potential consequences of climate civil society, organised labour the vision of sustainability. The strategic serve as catalysts for policy
change, the financial recession, job and business, need to take part plans, priorities and commitments should change that will facilitate the
losses and declining natural resources. It in the social contract to imple- be clearly articulated. While sustainability achievement of the desired
is acknowledged at an international level concerns impact on all facets of life, we
ment the NFSD, the NSSD 1 and ideal state as articulated in the
that the poorest and most vulnerable should keep our focus on mainstreaming
are likely to be affected most by climate the Action Plan for 2011–2014. the five identified priority areas for strategic national vision for sustainable
change. For this reason, it is imperative intervention: development.
that active and urgent interventions are Simple actions need to be promoted on a
taken to deliver on social objectives, while large scale. As understanding of sustainable • Enhancing systems for integrated plan-
ensuring that the natural resources on development increases, and it becomes ning and implementation
which a decent quality of life depends clear that this is the key mechanism for • Sustaining our ecosystems and using
are managed to ensure their long- building capacity and governance to natural resources efficiently
term sustainability. Thus, the NSSD 1 and achieve human development based on
• Towards a green economy
Action Plan must receive priority, and sustainable production and consumptions
systems, government and society across • Building sustainable communities 41
achievements against its targets must be
assessed through the application of the all spheres and sectors will approach and • Responding effectively to climate
relevant indicators. address the issues identified in this strategy change
with the seriousness they deserve.
This NSSD 1 puts into action the NFSD
that requires the nation as a whole to
increasingly share in the common vision.

Department of Environmental Affairs

Annex A: Links between environmental and other threats and key socioeconomic variables


Food security Rising food prices are Crop yields (e.g. Crop failures and Loss of e.g. agricul- Reduced producti- Loss and reduction of Inability to purchase Inadequate measures
caused by multina- maize) are likely livestock deaths oc- tural potential occurs vity due to the natural food sources food on the markets, to prevent food price-
tional monopolies, to decrease up to cur because of due to soil erosion contamination of the (fish stocks, forest limited access to fixing, loss of land with
increasing prices of 50% in some African drought and/or and the decreased air, water and soil. resources, wild fruit land for growing agricultural potential
inputs, reduced agri- countries. depleted water availability of water. and nuts) food. etc. Lack of support for
cultural subsidies and resources. Less subsistence and sustainable agriculture.
competing land-use livelihood support
options. from land.
Water security Water demand South African rainfall Water demand ex- The natural water Lack of water of an Water demand ex- Lack of access Insufficient investment
exceeds supply. patterns to change ceeds availability. storage capacities adequate quality ceeds availability. to water supply in infrastructure and
– drier in some areas of wetlands and for human consump- networks/affordability lack of operational skills.
42 and less predictable. aquifers are lost. tion. issues.
Energy security Rising oil and energy Growing pressure to Limits on hydro-po- Continued mining Pressure to phase out Depletion of coal Lack of access to Poor forward planning –
prices lead to re- reduce the use of wer as an alternative for new fossil fuels. highly polluting and oil reserves. electricity supply inadequate supply and
duced affordability. fossil fuels. to fossil fuel. Climate change energy sources. networks/affordabi- limited development of
impacts. Health impacts from lity issues. renewables.
the continued use of
Shelter and related The current model Increase in damage Places limits on suit- Loss of amenities Impacts on health Increased housing Major affordability Construction of sub-
infrastructure favours single-unit (and costs) due to able locations for from public use and quality of life in costs. concerns. Increased standard facilities and
(including transport) dwellings, private extreme weather settlements and/or areas and ecosys- poorly located settle- crime and other lack of maintenance.
rather than public events. Buildings are high prices for water tems such as rivers. ments. social problems. Communities not cohe-
transport, etc., which not suitable for hotter transfer schemes. sive, stable or safe.
are all unsustainable. weather.
Social services Demand for social Spread of diseases Decreased health Loss of aesthetic, Pollution-related health Reduced availability Large percentage Lack of service delivery,
(health, security, services exceeds ca- such as malaria, and wellbeing. spiritual and recre- problems overload of traditional of the population declining education
cultural resources pacity, for example, increase in natural di- Deaths from poor ational resources. the health system. medicines, biomass, is dependent on standards.
and education) the high costs of sasters such as floods sanitation and poor building materials social services. This
imported medicines. and decreased hygiene increase. and livelihood means that demand
water availability. support resources. exceeds capacity.
Sustainable Promote jobs that Impacts on liveli- Limits on all jobs and Loss of ecosystem Resources degra- The decline of op- People without skills Inability to create suf-
livelihoods and jobs are not sustainable in hoods due to dwin- industries that require services, including ded though pollu- tions for sustaining or resources are dis- ficient jobs or livelihood
the longer term. High dling natural resour- water. the benefits provided tion, making them livelihoods. advantaged in terms opportunities.
unemployment and ces (including tourism by natural systems unavailable for liveli- of jobs or livelihood
social unrest. as a livelihood sup- for climate change hood support. opportunities.
port activity). mitigation and adap-

National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014

6. References
• Jackson, T. 2009. Prosperity without growth: The transition to a sustainable economy, p 122. Sustainable Development Commission. Available at
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• Pachauri, RK. 2009. Science News. Science Daily, 6 October. Available at (accessed on 23 October 2011).
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Mandela Metropolitan University.
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• Republic of South Africa. 2008b. National Accounts: Minerals Accounts for South Africa: Discussion Document D. 405.2. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
• Republic of South Africa. 2009a. Framework for South Africa’s Response to the International Economic Crisis. Pretoria: Department of Trade and Industry.
• Republic of South Africa. 2009b. Greenhouse Gas Inventory South Africa. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.
• Republic of South Africa. 2010a. Development Indicators 2010. Available at (accessed on 23 October 2011).
• Republic of South Africa. 2010b. General Household Survey. Statistics South Africa. Available at (accessed on
23 October 2011).
• Republic of South Africa. 2010c. Millennium Development Goals Country Report 2010. Available at (accessed on
23 October 2011).
• Republic of South Africa. 2011a. Strategic Plan for the Fiscal Years 2011–2016. Pretoria: Department of Science and Technology.
• Republic of South Africa. 2011b. Strategic Plan 1 April 2011 to March 2016. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs.
• Republic of South Africa. 2011c. Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Quarter 2, 2011). Available at
(accessed on 23 October 2011).
• United Nations Environmental Programme. 2009a. Global Green New Deal – A policy brief, March. Available at
(accessed on 23 October 2011).
• United Nations Environmental Programme. 2009b. Global Green New Deal – An update for the G20 Pittsburgh Summit, September. Available at
brief_Final.pdf (accessed on 23 October 2011).
• United Nations Environmental Programme. 2011. Towards a green economy: Pathways to sustainable development and poverty alleviation: A synthesis for policy makers.
St-Martin-Bellevue, France.

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National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan(NSSD1) 2011-2014
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