Smart Helmet Iot Base

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International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing

Vol. 7(2); April (2019), pp. 85–92

DOI:; ISSN 2211-7946

Design and Implementation of an IoT-Based Smart Home

Security System

Mohammad Asadul Hoque1,*, Chad Davidson2

Department of Computing, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 37614, USA

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA


Article History Recent advances in smartphones and affordable open-source hardware platforms have enabled the development of low-cost
Received 13 January 2019 architectures for Internet-of-Things (IoT)-enabled home automation and security systems. These systems usually consist
Accepted 18 March 2019 of sensing and actuating layer that is made up of sensors such as passive infrared sensors, also known as motion sensors;
temperature sensors; smoke sensors, and web cameras for security surveillance. These sensors, smart electrical appliances, and
Keywords other IoT devices connect to the Internet through a home gateway. This paper lays out an architecture for a cost-effective smart
Smart home door sensor that will inform a user through an Android application, of door open events in a house or office environment. The
security proposed architecture uses an Arduino-compatible Elegoo Mega 2560 microcontroller board along with the Raspberry Pi 2
IoT board for communicating with a web server that implements a RESTful API. Several programming languages are used in the
Arduino implementation and further applications of the door sensor are discussed as well as some of its shortcomings such as possible
Raspberry Pi interference from other radio frequency devices.
MongoDB © 2019 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
RF transmission This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license (

1. INTRODUCTION management; and smart lighting. The Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV)

is a subfield of IoT that uses wireless technology to enable vehicles
The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is a vision for an internetwork of to communicate with their environment. IoV creates opportuni-
intelligent, communicating objects such as home appliances, ties for developing novel applications in intelligent traffic control
vehicles, factory machines, wearable devices and various types of and management, road safety and vehicular safety such as online
sensors. The convergence of technologies like ubiquitous wire- diagnosis, anti-theft systems and tracking [1–16]. IoV enables vehi-
less communications, machine learning, real-time analytics and cles to communicate utilizing multiple modes of communications
embedded systems has made novel IoT applications possible in a including vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-network-to-vehicle, and
multitude of domains. A combination of commercial interests and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications.
government initiatives have made smart homes, smart healthcare,
Smart home is a section of the IoT paradigm that aims to inte-
smart cities, and smart transport primary areas of focus for IoT
grate home automation and security. Enabling objects in a typical
application development.
household to be connected to the Internet allows home-owners to
Internet-of-things-enabled personal healthcare applications will remotely monitor and control them. From lamps that are set on
require sensors to collect data in smart spaces, such as smart homes timers to turn off at a specific time of the day, to smart thermostats
or healthcare environments, and from wearable or implanted RFID that will regulate the temperatures in a house and generate detailed
tags. Data from RFID devices will provide insights into people’s reports about energy usage, smart homes have found its niche in
diurnal activities, help detect abnormal events, and possibly alert the consumer market. The availability of affordable smartphones,
caregivers to problems. The idea of using an IoT to create smart micro-controllers and other open-source hardware along with the
cities may have originated with a 1990’s era nationwide coalition, increasing use of cloud services, has made it possible to develop
Smart Growth America (SGA). SGA sought to address issues low-cost smart home security systems. With families having busier
related to urban environments, including resource management, lives than ever, smart home automation and security systems can
transportation, and public administration. Recent government also cater to household members with limited mobility such as the
support for information and communication technology systems handicapped and the old.
may finally allow the SGA’s vision to be realized. Potential appli-
The purpose of this paper is to present a low-cost architecture using
cations of IoT include the monitoring of building health, energy
RF based communication in a household to create an IoT-enabled
consumption, noise, and air quality; improved waste and traffic
smart home security system [17]. Smart home devices that typically
consume low power such as smart bulbs and door or window sen-
*Corresponding author, Email: [email protected] sors use RF transceivers to communicate with each other. In this
86 M.A. Hoque and C. Davidson / International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing 7(2) 85–92

paper, an inexpensive architecture is proposed for a smart door PC server that also implemented a MATLAB-GUI platform to con-
sensor that will utilize an Elegoo Mega 2560 microcontroller board, trol the temperature, lights, and fans. The PIR sensor also acted as a
Raspberry Pi 2, a web server, and an Android application. security component by detecting possible intrusions and setting off
a buzzer to alert the residents.

2.  RELATED WORK Howedi et al. [23] proposed a low-cost smart home system built
upon a similar architecture using the Arduino Uno board, PIR
Prior work in IoT-enabled home security system has proposed sensors, DHT11 temperature sensors, INA219 high side DC cur-
architectures that focused on the use of low-cost open-source hard- rent sensor and servo motors that control doors and windows.
ware components like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi MCU boards The Arduino IDE is used to implement the control and monitor-
and a combination of sensors. Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors are ing module of the system while the MIT App Inventor is used to
used to detect motion and can work in sync with a webcam that develop a simple Android application.
captures images to alert users of trespassing.
Panwar et al. [24] implemented the Eyrie smart home automation
Kodali et al. [18] describe a cost-effective wireless home security system using the Raspberry Pi 3 MCU as the central hub. Their
and automation system based on the TI-CC3200 LaunchPad: a proposed architecture connected several Arduino Nano boards
battery-powered Microcontroller Unit (MCU) with built-in Wi-Fi located around the house to various types of sensors and NRF24L
connectivity. PIR motion sensors are placed at the entrances to a trans-receivers that eliminated the need for Ethernet or Wi-Fi con-
building and connect to a digital input–output pin of the MCU. nectivity. Mosquito Broker, an open-source message broker used
The MCU is programmed using Energia Integrated Development for relaying messages to the Raspberry Pi 3, operates using the
Environment (IDE) and Wi-Fi enabled. Kodali et al.’s configura- Debian OS. Eclipse SmartHome framework was used to implement
tion allows mobile phones without Internet connectivity to receive a web interface and a smartphone app for end-users.
security alerts and control IoT devices connected to the microcon-
In Baraka et al. [25], a home automation system with smart task
troller. Tanwar et al. [19] describe an inexpensive home security
scheduling is developed making use of wireless ZigBee to connect
system that implements a real-time email alert system. The system
appliances and wired X10 technology to connect light and switch
uses a PIR module and a Raspberry Pi MCU. Security cameras
modules to an Arduino microcontroller. An Ethernet shield mounted
and PIR sensors are connected to the Raspberry Pi via USB ports
on the Arduino MCU allows communication between Arduino and
and general purpose input/output pins respectively. The system
a web-based Android application which is then used to remotely
assumes that homes have Internet access; it uses the Internet to
add and manage devices and view recommended scheduling.
send e-mails to the resident in real-time. The system’s intrusion
detection logic identifies motion by comparing signal inputs from ShariqSuhail et al. [26] implemented a prototype for smart home
the PIR sensors with their previous values. When current and pre- security system that uses PIR sensors for intrusion detection, MQ2
vious signals differ, the security camera captures an image that is sensors for detecting smoke and gas leaks, LM35 temperature sen-
stored temporarily on the Raspberry Pi and then automatically sors as input to an Arduino Mega 2560. A buzzer, LCD, LED strip
e-mailed to the resident. and a Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) module are
outputs to this MCU board while a Raspberry Pi 2 board is used
Gupta and Chhabra [20] describe a cost-effective Ethernet-based
to include a webcam that captures images upon motion detection.
smart home system for monitoring energy consumption, smoke
GSM, a wireless technology interfaces with the Arduino Mega to
and temperature levels and detecting trespassing. This system uses
send SMS notifications and calls to the user’s cell phone whenever
the Arduino-certified Intel Galileo 2nd generation microcontroller
potential intrusion, smoke or gas leak is detected.
board. Temperature, smoke and PIR sensors are connected directly
to the microcontroller, while four 220 V devices are connected via In Gunputh et al. [27], a similar architecture utilizes an Arduino
a relay module. An android based mobile app that connects to the Mega 2560 board with a Wi-Fi module to implement a voice-­
Intel Galileo-based server over the Internet allows users to toggle controlled smart home system. The Elechouse V3 voice recognition
switching devices by tap-to-touch or voice commands through module allows users to send voice commands to adjust lighting,
Google API speech recognition tools. open or close windows and control a folding bed.
Piyare et al. [21] present a Bluetooth-based home automation Vineeth’s et al. [28] voice-controlled secure eHome also make use of
system where an Android cell phone running a Python script the V3 voice recognition module but use an RF module instead of
communicates with an Arduino BT board with digital and analog Wi-Fi for wireless communication between an Arduino UNO and
input/output ports to which sensors and appliances are connected. Raspberry Pi MCUs. The Raspberry Pi supports sensor connectiv-
The smartphone application has a toggle on and off feature for each ity to the Internet so all sensory data can be logged onto a Google
device. However, Bluetooth connectivity between the smartphone spreadsheet. There is no implementation of a mobile or web app thus
and the Arduino BT board required a range of 50 m or less within a confining the controlling of this system to the location of the mic.
concrete building and mobile platforms other than Symbian do not
Sunehra et al. [29] propose two schemes for a speech-based home
support the Pyhton application.
automation system. The first scheme uses HC-05 Bluetooth module
Behera et al. [22] designed and implemented a real-time smart along with Arduino Bluetooth controller mobile application to
home automation system using an Arduino Uno board along with control appliances when inside the house. GSM/GPRS technology
an Arduino Wi-Fi Shield and a PC home server. A PIR or motion is used to remotely control appliances and receive SMS alerts for
sensor, an light dependent resistor and an LM35 temperature possible intrusion detections. The ARM11 Raspberry Pi board acts
sensor were used to collect data which was made available on the as the central hub for receiving voice commands though the HC-05
M.A. Hoque and C. Davidson / International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing 7(2) 85–92 87

Bluetooth module and connects to a PIR sensor, relays, a Wi-Fi

router and a webcam.


3.1.  Devices and Sensors
•• Elegoo Mega 2560 board (or Arduino).
•• RF receiver–transmitter pair (433 Hz).
•• Magnetic reed switch.
•• Raspberry Pi 2.
•• Female-to-Female–Female-to-Male Jumper Cables.
•• Android phone or emulator.

3.2. Schematics
Figure 1 presents a diagram of the pinout of the Raspberry Pi 2
attached to an RF Receiver. The RF Receiver has leads to ground,
a 5 V power supply, and to pin 13 on the Raspberry Pi (used in
OpenDoor.cpp in repository). Note that there is a second Data pin
that is not to be utilized in this project and an antenna (not pic-
tured) was formed out of rolled aluminum foil.
Figure 2 | Mega 2560 board with magnetic reed switch and RF transmitter
Figure 2 describe the schematics for wiring the Elegoo Mega boards.
In Figure 2, a magnetic reed switch and RF 433Hz transmitter is
attached to the Mega 2560 board. The ordering of the wires do not
matter for the reed switch. One wire leads to ground and for the code
located in the repository, pin 2 on the Mega 2560 board is where the
other wire will lead. The RF transmitter has leads to ground, a 5 V
power supply, and a lead to pin 10 on our board. The antenna used
for this project is a simple rolled piece of aluminum foil.

3.3.  System Architecture

Figure 3 describes the overall architecture of the smart home security
system. Figure 4 shows the flow diagram of data communication.

Figure 3 | System architecture for IoT-based smart home security.

Each of the following subsections provide a detailed explanation of

how the devices communicate with each other. A simple overview
of the system architecture will help understand why the sections
have been laid out in the order they are. Initially, the reed switch is
opened which causes the Elegoo board to send an RF signal from
its transmitter to the RF receiver located on the Raspberry Pi 2. The
Raspberry Pi then sends an HTTP POST request to a RESTful web
Figure 1 | Raspberry Pi 2 pinout diagram with RF receiver wiring. server that is set up in the cloud. This web server then either pushes
88 M.A. Hoque and C. Davidson / International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing 7(2) 85–92

3.5. Communication between Raspberry

Pi 2 and NodeJS Web Server
When the binary codes have been received and sent as output to a
text file, a Python script utilizing the Requests library checks the
text file every second for new updates. When a new code is placed
in the text file, a POST request is then sent to an HTTP web server
that is set up with NodeJS and a MongoDB database. This server
implements a RESTful API that stores door open events by date
and time. The data located in this database are accessible via GET
requests that can be performed by the Android application.

3.6. Communication between Web Server

and Android Device
The final step in the communication process is between the web
server and the Android application written in Java. It is possible
to send push notifications whenever a new door open event is
detected by the web server, however, for the purposes of this proj-
ect, the Android application makes GET requests to the server.
The Android application uses a variety of libraries that are avail-
able through the Android Studio but the library used to make the
requests is the Volley library.

In this section, we discuss the algorithms corresponding to the dif-
ferent programs running in different portion of the system. The
Raspberry Pi required a Python script for updating the NodeJS server
Figure 4 | Flowchart representing data flow through the system. (Algorithm 1) and a C++ program for receiving the code transmit-
ted by Arduino through the 433 MHz RF antenna (Algorithm 2). The
program in Arduino for sensing door opening and transmitting code
information, or receives GET requests from an Android application to Raspberry Pi was written in C++ (Algorithm 3). The Android appli-
to allow the end user to view the door open events by date and time. cation was implemented using Java. Due to complexity, the algorithm
All libraries mentioned in the following sections are open source. for the Android application is not presented in this paper.

3.4. Communication between Elegoo and 5.  TESTING OF THE PROTOTYPE

Raspberry Pi 2
This section describes the actual testing using the prototype of
The connection between the Elegoo and the Raspberry Pi is the the proposed IoT-based smart home security system. Figures 5–9
most important part as it is where the sensor in the IoT architec-
ture communicates with another device. Once the door is open and
Algorithm 1 | Python program for Raspberry Pi
the reed switch is activated, an RF transmission of 433 Hz is sent
from the transmitter using the RC-switch library for the Arduino. 1. Initialization:
A binary code is sent to the receiver connected to the Raspberry 2. import time
Pi and it is incremented for every subsequent door open event. 3. import requests
This enables the Raspberry Pi to keep track of individual door 4. list = [ ]
open events. The RF transmission range was tested in a 1200 sq. ft 5. while true do
6.     file = open(“openevents.txt”, “r”)
apartment. When the reed switch is activated, a constant stream
7.     until EOF reached if line in list then
of binary numbers is transmitted to the receiver attached to the 8.     continue
Raspberry Pi. Using a simple piece of aluminum foil as antennae on 9.     else
the receiver and the transmitter, the entire 1200 sq. ft of the house 10.       print(line)
is covered. The Raspberry Pi utilized the wiringPi library and the 11.       list.append(line)
433Utils library to receive the binary codes. These codes are then 12.        r =‘’, data = ‘name’:‘Door Open’)
sent as a text file output that is read by a Python script that will 13.     file.close( )
14.     time.sleep(2)
perform the next step of the communication process.
M.A. Hoque and C. Davidson / International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing 7(2) 85–92 89

Algorithm 2 | C++ Program for sensing and receiving code in Raspberry Pi

1. Initialization:
2. RCSwitch mySwitch;
3. std::ofstream myfile;
4. int PIN = 2;
5. int pulseLength = 0;
6. mySwitch = RCSwitch();
7. int received = 0;
8. if wiringPiSetup() == -1 then
9.    printf(“wiringPiSetup failed, exiting...”);
10.   return 0;
11. if argv[1] != NULL then
12.    pulseLength = atoi(argv[1];
13. if pulseLength != 0 then
14.   mySwitch.setPulseLength(pulseLength);
15. mySwitch.enableReceive(PIN); while TRUE do
16.   if mySwitch.available() then
17.     int value = mySwitch.getReceivedValue();
18.    if value == 0 then Figure 5  Setup for testing the door sensor.
19.     printf(“Unknown encoding”);
20.     value == received printf(“Duplicate”);
22.     myfile << value << endl;
23.    myfile.close();
24.     printf(“Received %i”, value); received = value;
25.    mySwitch.resetAvailable();

Algorithm 3 | C++ Program for sensing and transmitting from Arduino

1. Initialization:
2. RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch();
3. const int switchPin = 2;
4. const int ledPin = 13;
5. int code = 28728;
6. int just_transmitted = 0;
7. Configure:
8. Serial.begin(9600);
9. mySwitch.enableTransmit(10);
10. pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);
11. pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
12. digitalWrite(switchPin, HIGH);
13. while system is operational do Figure 6 | Arduino LED is OFF indicating the door is closed.
14.   if digitalRead(switchPin) == LOW then
15.    if just_transmitted == 1 then
16.     code++;
17.     just_transmitted = 0;
18.    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
19.   else
20.    just_transmitted = 1;
21.    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
22.    mySwitch.send(code, 24);

sequentially depicts the successful testing and operation of the pro-

totype. The system has been tested within a 1200 sq. ft apartment.
The range can be extended if the 433 MHz antenna is extended
with cheap aluminum foils.


This design can be used as a reference for further applications to
be developed with the current sensor architecture, and it provides
a framework using the Raspberry Pi through which other sensors
can be added to the smart home network. Figure 7 | Arduino LED is ON indicating the door is open.
90 M.A. Hoque and C. Davidson / International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing 7(2) 85–92

6.2.  Further Raspberry Pi Applications

Since the Raspberry Pi uses an RF receiver it can not only receive
the transmission from the magnetic reed switch but also be outfit-
ted with the ability to receive transmissions from other RF-enabled
devices in the household. The Raspberry Pi could be used as a hub
for RF-enabled smart home devices throughout the house. The
concept can be used to develop a more advanced home security
system that would include PIR motion sensors placed in other
areas of the house to detect intrusion while homeowners are away.
Using, RF-enabled bulbs the smart home system can be extended to
include energy management inside the house.
The Raspberry Pi can serve as a fog computing device which can
store information locally before sending it to the cloud server. This
can be useful when applications might need real time support or
low latency that cannot be provided by the cloud service.

Figure 8 | Raspberry Pi receiving code from Arduino upon door opening 6.3.  Android Application Improvements
The Android application for this project, written in Java, is a basic
application. Future work may involve adding time zone support
from the device so as not to depend solely on Unix timestamps.
Multiple options to view and display the data located in the MongoDB
database, can also be added. A calendar feature can be integrated so
users can have a more robust view of the door open events in their
household. The system can be enhanced to display alerts to users in
the form of SMS or email in the event of trespassing.

Potential issues may arise through interference on the 433 Hz RF
frequency. Many home devices use RF signals to communicate and
at a given time there may be more than one RF receiver trying to
send signals to the Raspberry Pi or it could be picking up signals
that it was not intended to receive. An interference testing with the
RF units can be done as a part of future work. In the case of mul-
tiple transmitters attempting to communicate with the Raspberry
Pi, there would need to be a registration system in place on the
Raspberry Pi that kept track of incoming signals and their sources.
However, the architecture proposed here does not provide that
Figure 9 | Android App displaying the time of door opening. support.

6.1.  Reed Switch Applications 8. CONCLUSION

The door sensor provides a way of seeing whether or not a door
This paper presents an architecture that can be used as framework
has been opened. The most obvious way to extend this application
to build a low-cost smart home security system. Using affordable
is to record the amount of time a door is open. While this may be
components such as microcontrollers from Elegoo and Raspberry
useful to individual end users, there lies a possible business interest
Pi and RF signals as a communication channel between these
in knowing how often the doors to a store are opened and closed.
devices, it was possible to develop an IoT system that allows users
This information can then be used by businesses to lower their
of a household to view when a particular door has been opened.
energy costs.
Schematics for connecting the different components have been
A second future application for this architecture could include provided along with figures to demonstrate them. The data flow
connecting a Bluetooth module to the Mega 2560 board to identify between each of these devices have been explained and potential
individuals entering through the door by pairing with an end users issues that may arise have been discussed. Finally, future work in
phone. It could also be used by parents to check on a child that may this area along with potential use cases for this architecture have
try to leave home at an odd hour. also been discussed.
M.A. Hoque and C. Davidson / International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing 7(2) 85–92 91

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