Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) : What Is The AMPT?
Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) : What Is The AMPT?
Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) : What Is The AMPT?
Tester (AMPT)
The AMPT complements current asphalt mixture design
The Asphalt Pavement procedures by providing engineering properties for mixture
Technology Program is an evaluation and pavement structural design. This Technical
integrated, national effort to Brief summarizes the development of the AMPT and
improve the long‐term describes how the AMPT can be used in pavement
performance and cost structural design and mixture design.
effectiveness of asphalt
pavements. Managed by the What is the AMPT?
Federal Highway Administration
The AMPT is a testing machine specifically designed to
through partnerships with State
highway agencies, Industry and measure asphalt mixture engineering properties. Shown in
academia the program’s Figure 1, it is a compact servo-hydraulic testing machine
primary goals are to reduce that was developed through work completed under National
congestion, improve safety, and Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
foster technology innovation.
Projects 9-19, Superpave Support and Performance Models
The program was established to
develop and implement Management (1), and 9-29, Simple Performance Tester for
guidelines, methods, Superpave Mix Design (2-5). With the AMPT, a mixture’s
procedures and other tools for rutting resistance can be quickly evaluated using the flow
use in asphalt pavement
number test. The flow number has been correlated with the
materials selection, mixture
design, testing, construction rutting resistance of mixtures from various full scale
and quality control. pavement tests (1). The AMPT also greatly simplifies the
development of dynamic modulus master curves needed for
pavement structural design using the AASHTOWare®
Pavement ME Design (formerly DARWin-ME™) Pavement
Design and Analysis Software or other mechanistic-
empirical structural design procedures. Dynamic modulus
Office of Pavement Technology tests at multiple temperatures and loading frequencies are
FHWA‐HIF‐13‐005 used to develop the dynamic modulus master curve. In
addition to the flow number and the dynamic modulus tests,
February 2013
which have been standardized, work is currently underway to develop and standardize a direct
tension fatigue test for the AMPT that can be used to evaluate the resistance of a mixture to
fatigue and top down cracking (6,7).
Pavements began the development of a mechanistic-empirical pavement design procedure that
ultimately became AASHTOWare® Pavement ME Design (11). The compatibility of triaxial
tests for rutting resistance with the new mechanistic-empirical pavement design procedure led to
the selection of the flow number and dynamic modulus tests as the preferred performance tests to
complement mixture design and were included in the development of the AMPT equipment.
How Does the AMPT Differ From Other Asphalt Mixture Performance Test
A number of performance tests have been developed for evaluating asphalt mixtures (12).
The major differences between the AMPT tests and other rutting resistance tests like the Asphalt
Pavement Analyzer or the Hamburg Wheel Track Test are the fundamental mechanical nature of
the AMPT tests and that results can be used in AASHTOWare® Pavement ME Design to
estimate the performance of a pavement constructed with the mixture. The use of the same tests
for both mixture evaluation and structural design provides a link between mixture design and
structural analysis that has been an underlying goal of a substantial amount of past flexible
pavement research. Additionally, the AMPT tests have received national support rather than
regional support during their development. This has resulted in a generic equipment
specification for the AMPT, multiple vendors
producing production AMPT devices, AASHTO AMPT Standards
standards for testing and data analysis, initial • AASHTO TP 79, Provisional Standard
estimates of repeatability and reproducibility, and Method of Test for Determining the
Dynamic Modulus and Flow Number
coordinated training and support. Figure 2 is a for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using the
Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester
flow chart showing the AMPT development, (AMPT)
which has taken approximately 10 years to • AASHTO PP 60, Provisional Standard
Practice for Preparation of Cylindrical
complete. The need for the AMPT was Performance Test Specimens Using
the Superpave Gyratory Compactor
established by agency materials engineers. The (SGC)
• AASHTO PP61, Provisional Standard
research and the development of draft test
Practice for Developing Dynamic
methods and prototype equipment was completed Modulus Master Curves for Hot Mix
Asphalt (HMA) Using the Asphalt
in NCHRP Project 9-19. Support continued Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT)
through NCHRP Project 9-29 to commercialize
the equipment by developing an equipment
specification, evaluating first article devices, performing ruggedness testing on the first articles
to improve the equipment specification and test methods, developing AASHTO Provisional
standards, and conducting round robin testing to establish repeatability and reproducibility for
the flow number and dynamic modulus tests. The FHWA, through Transportation Pooled Fund
Project TPF-5(178), conducted training for the AMPT and is providing support to agencies as
they use the AMPT.
gyratory specimen using a standard diamond coring stand. Finally the ends are trimmed smooth
and parallel using a masonry saw. AMPT test specimen preparation has been standardized in
AASHTO PP 60, Provisional Standard Practice for Preparation of Cylindrical Performance
Test Specimens Using the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC). The size and dimensions of
the AMPT test specimen were selected to ensure that fundamental engineering properties are
measured in the AMPT tests. The test specimen is taken from the middle of a larger gyratory
specimen to improve specimen uniformity by eliminating high air voids that occur around the
circumference and at the ends of gyratory compacted specimens.
3. Trim Ends
How is the AMPT Used for Pavement Structural Design?
The primary material property used to characterize asphalt mixtures for pavement structural
design is a dynamic modulus master curve. During dynamic modulus testing, a specimen is
subjected to continuous sinusoidal, stress-controlled loading at a specified frequency and
temperature. Both the applied stress and the resulting strain are continuously recorded during
testing. The dynamic modulus is defined as the peak stress divided by the peak strain and is a
measure of the overall stiffness of the mixture at a particular test temperature and loading
Because the response of asphalt materials depends on both temperature and loading rate, the
later relating to traffic speed, the modulus of asphalt concrete cannot be described by a single
value. The dynamic modulus master curve is an equation that gives the modulus of an asphalt
concrete mixture for any combination of temperature and loading rate. During structural
analysis, AASHTOWare® Pavement ME Design uses the dynamic modulus master curve to
assign an appropriate modulus value depending on temperature, traffic speed, and depth in the
pavement structure. A dynamic modulus master curve is constructed using time-temperature
superposition as shown schematically in Figure 4. Dynamic modulus measurements are made at
different temperatures and frequency of loading. Then the data are shifted horizontally until the
data from different temperatures align into a smooth continuous function representing the
pavement response at various temperatures and loading rates. Conditions relating to cold
temperature and fast traffic speeds are the high reduced frequencies on one end of the master
curve and conditions relating to high temperature and slow traffic speeds are the low reduced
frequencies at the other end of the master curve.
Dynamic modulus testing in the AMPT requires the use of on-specimen deformation
measuring sensors to minimize errors associated with end effects. The sensors are mounted to
gauge points that are glued to the specimen and are designed to be rapidly installed. Dynamic
modulus testing for master curves should be performed on specimens prepared to the expected
in-place air void content; typically seven percent.
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Frequency, Hz
Dynamic Modulus, ksi
1000 20 C
40 C
100 3.0
Log Shift Factor
10 -2.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Temperature, C
0.0001 0.01 1 100
Reduced Frequency at 20 °, Hz
The construction of dynamic modulus master curves using the AMPT has been standardized
in AASHTO PP61, Provisional Standard Practice for Developing Dynamic Modulus Master
Curves for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT).
Dynamic modulus data are collected at three temperatures and four frequencies. A public
domain Microsoft Excel™ application, MasterSolver 1, is used to perform the time-temperature
superposition and develop the dynamic modulus master curve for input in AASHTOWare®
Pavement ME Design. Figure 5 illustrates the four steps for using the AMPT and MasterSolver
to obtain dynamic modulus input data for AASHTOWare® Pavement ME Design.
Figure 5. Generating Dynamic Modulus Master Curves for Structural Design with the
AMPT and MasterSolver.
MasterSolver is available from
and includes a ‘README’ tab with details of the computations in the tool.
How is the AMPT Used for Mixture Evaluation?
Currently, the primary use of the AMPT for mixture evaluation is assessing the rutting
resistance of a mixture using the flow number. As discussed in the next section, a fatigue
cracking test for the AMPT is under development. Evaluating the rutting resistance of a mixture
using the flow number is straightforward. During flow number testing, a specimen is subjected
to a repeated compressive load pulse at a specific test temperature. The resulting permanent
axial strains are measured for each load pulse and used to calculate the flow number, or point
where the specimen exhibits uncontrolled tertiary flow. Specimen mounted instrumentation is
not needed for the flow number test as the actuator displacement is used to measure the
permanent deformation. To evaluate rutting resistance, an unconfined flow number test using a
repeated axial stress of 600 kPa (87 psi) is conducted with the AMPT at the 50 percent reliability
temperature from LTPPBind version 3.1 at a depth of 20 mm for surface courses or the top of the
layer for intermediate and base courses. The specimens are prepared to target air voids of seven
percent. Typically flow number testing can be conducted on the specimens after they are tested
for dynamic modulus limiting the number of specimens required. The measured flow number is
then compared to criteria developed in NCHRP Project 9-33 for hot mix asphalt (HMA) or
NCHRP 9-43 for warm mix asphalt (WMA) (13). The criteria are shown in Table 1. The criteria
are different for HMA and WMA because the laboratory conditioning is different. HMA
specimens are short-term conditioned for 4 hours at 135 °C. WMA specimens are short-term
conditioned for 2 hours at the planned field compaction temperature, which is usually around
115 °C. Figure 6 illustrates the steps for using the AMPT to evaluate rutting resistance.
Design Traffic,
Million ESAL
<3 -- --
3 to < 10 50 30
10 to < 30 190 105
> 30 740 415
HMA conditioned 4 hours at 135 °C, WMA
conditioned 2 hours at field compaction temperature.
Rutting Resistance with the AMPT
interest. Current mix design procedures rely on a minimum volume of effective binder, and
proper binder properties to mitigate fatigue and thermal cracking. Due to uncertainties
associated with the mixing of new and recycled binders, and the effect of modifiers that cannot
be accurately evaluated through binder testing, a test related to mixture cracking resistance is
needed to provide confidence in mixtures designed with these materials.
A thermal cracking test is not possible in the AMPT. The temperature control in the AMPT is
limited to the range from 4 °C to 70 °C and the load capacity is not high enough for low
temperature testing. Tests for fatigue cracking are possible and there is ongoing work to develop
an appropriate fatigue testing protocol for the AMPT (6,7). The fatigue methods that are being
pursued are based on continuum damage principles. The testing involves performing cyclic
direct tension tests and monitoring the change in the modulus of the mixture with increasing
cycles. Figure 7 shows an AMPT test specimen with tension end plates needed for testing and a
fixture for gluing multiple specimens. The current focus of the research is developing efficient
testing and data analysis protocols for use by technicians responsible for asphalt pavement mix
designs. It is anticipated that draft test methods for fatigue testing will be submitted to AASHTO
in 2013.
Are There Other Tests That Can be Used?
The AMPT is not the only performance testing equipment available for asphalt concrete mix
design. Table 2 summarizes a number of tests that have received some level of industry
acceptance. This table is organized by five major types of performance tests: modulus,
permanent deformation, load associated cracking, thermal cracking and moisture sensitivity. The
applicability of each test to routine mixture design is rated based on the following criteria.
1. Standardization. Has a standard method for the test been adopted by AASHTO or
ASTM, or is there work in progress that will lead to standardization in the near future? It
is critical that performance tests included in mix design methods be standardized and that
estimates of within and between laboratory precision be available so that the tests can be
confidently used by technicians and engineers involved in the mixture design process.
2. Criteria. Have criteria for using the test been developed? Past experience with
attempted implementation of the Superpave Mixture Analysis System suggests that test
criteria differentiating acceptable and unacceptable performance should be provided for
routine mixture design. Pavement performance models may also be used by some
organizations as additional assurance for critical projects.
3. Complexity. Are the test methods and required data analyses appropriate for technicians
and engineers involved in the mixture design process? Many pavement performance tests
involve the manufacture of special test specimens or the use of instrumentation that
technicians are not familiar with. Data analysis often involves relatively complex
theories that can be beyond the capabilities of engineers and technicians involved in mix
design. Computer control and data analysis can eliminate much of the test complexity;
however, the equipment and algorithms must be robust. An excellent example of proper
use of computer control is the dynamic shear rheometer, which is very sophisticated
equipment and uses relatively complex analysis, but because the control and data analysis
are robust, dynamic shear rheometers were quickly adopted for use in the asphalt
4. Equipment. Is the equipment for the test available from commercial sources at a
reasonable cost and if the test is relatively complex, is the computer control and analysis
software reliable? Preferably the equipment should be available from multiple sources so
that demand and competition in the market place will lead to continuous improvement of
the equipment. The Superpave gyratory compactor and the dynamic shear rheometer are
excellent examples of equipment that is available from multiple vendors where there is a
history of manufacturer driven improvement
Table 2. Assessment of Available Performance Tests for Use in Routine Mixture Design.
Table 2 shows that substantial progress has been made developing modulus, permanent
deformation, and moisture sensitivity tests for asphalt mixtures. Standards and criteria for these
tests have been developed and equipment is readily available at low to moderate costs. Many of
these tests lack precision statements that are needed when a test method is used to accept or
reject material. In recent years, progress has been made on using fracture energy tests for low
temperature cracking analysis. Much of this work has been done in Transportation Pooled Fund
Study 776 (14). Only limited progress has been made on developing tests for load associated
cracking for asphalt mixtures. Although continuum damage and fracture energy approaches
appear promising, only the flexural fatigue test has been standardized.
As shown in Table 2, the AMPT is moderate cost equipment that shows promise for being
able to conduct tests for modulus, permanent deformation, and load associated cracking using a
specimen that can be prepared in the Superpave gyratory compactor that is available in most
laboratories. The modulus and permanent deformation tests have been standardized and initial
estimates of precision are available. The load associated cracking test is currently under
development and is expected to be standardized in 2013. Another major benefit that the AMPT
provides is the ability to link mixture design to pavement structural design. The AMPT tests
provide data that can be used for both mixture evaluation and for pavement performance
predictions using AASHTOWare® Pavement ME Design or other mechanistic-empirical
structural design software.
2. Bonaquist, R.F., Christensen, D.W., and Stump, W, “Simple Performance Tester for
Superpave Mix Design: First Article Development and Evaluation, NCHRP Report 513,
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2003.
3. Bonaquist, R., “Refining the Simple Performance Tester for Use in Routine Practice,”
NCHRP Report 614, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2008.
4. Bonaquist, R., “Ruggedness Testing of the Dynamic Modulus and Flow Number Tests
with the Simple Performance Tester,” NCHRP Report 629, Transportation Research
Board, Washington, D.C., 2008.
5. Bonaquist, R., “Precision of the Dynamic Modulus and Flow Number Tests Conducted
with the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester,” NCHRP Report 702, Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2011.
6. Hou, T., Underwood, B.S., and Kim, R., “Fatigue Performance Prediction of North
Carolina Mixtures Using the Simplified Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Model,”
Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Volume 79, 2010.
7. Christensen, D.W., and Bonaquist, R. “Analysis of HMA Fatigue Data Using the
Concepts of Reduced Loading Cycles and Endurance Limit,” Journal of the Association
of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Volume 78, 2009.
8. Anderson, R.M., Turner, P.A., Peterson, R.L., and Mallick, R.B., “Relationship of
Superpave Gyratory Compaction Properties to HMA Rutting Behavior,” NCHRP
Report 478, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2002.
9. Kandhal, P.S., and Cooler, L.A., Jr., “Accelerated Laboratory Rutting Tests: Evaluation
of the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer,” NCHRP Report 508, Transportation Research
Board, Washington, D.C., 2003.
10. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Research Results Digest Number 262,
“Field Shear Test for Hot Mix Asphalt,” Transportation Research Board, Washington,
D.C., February, 2002.
11. Applied Research Associates, “Guide for Mechanistic-Empirical Design of New and
Rehabilitated Pavement Structures,” Final Report of NCHRP Project 1-37A, National
Cooperative Highway Research Program, March, 2004.
12. Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC “A Manual for Design of Hot Mix Asphalt with
Commentary,” NCHRP Report 673, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
13. Bonaquist, R., “Mix Design Practices for Warm Mix Asphalt,” NCHRP Report 691,
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2011.
14. Marasteanu, M., Zofka, A., Turos, M., Li, X., Velasquez, R., Li, X., Buttlar, W., Paulino,
G., Braham, A. Dave, E., Ojo, J., Bahia, H., Williams, C., Bausano, J., Gallistel, A., and
McGraw, J., “Investigation of Low Temperature Cracking in Asphalt Pavements National
Pooled Fund Study 776,” Report MN/RC 2007-43, Minnesota Department of
Transportation, St. Paul, MN, October 2007.
Contact—For information/questions related to the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester, contact
the following:
Jeff Withee - [email protected] (Office of Pavement Technology)
Nelson Gibson - [email protected] (Office of Infrastructure R&D)
Tom Harman – [email protected] (Pavement & Materials Technical Service Team)