DND Dun Ecol Malaugrym PDF
DND Dun Ecol Malaugrym PDF
DND Dun Ecol Malaugrym PDF
By Brian Cortijo
Illustration by Jason Juta
Malaugryms are hideous, sinister creatures, bent on fortress that malaugryms call the Castle of Shadows
the domination, devastation, and consumption of and consider to be their ancestral home. In time,
all sentient life around them. Even as grotesque and Malaug began to walk the planes, discovering a wide
unfeeling as they are, perhaps the most unsettling range of other creatures that he could learn to imper-
aspect of these shapechanging beasts is that they have sonate. The offspring he sired during this period were
a human heritage. the original malaugryms, each one having the same
true form and inheriting his shapechanging ability.
Origin of the R ace Ever since, these three-eyed, tentacled beings have
pursued a campaign of asserting their supremacy
From their base of operations deep in the Shadowfell, over all other beings.
the malaugryms have made several incursions into
Faerûn over the centuries. During those events, they
have been heard to invoke the name “Malaug,” refer-
Forays into Toril
ring to that individual as the leader and progenitor of According to one documented tale, Malaug returned
their race. to Toril on at least one occasion, in the third century
Individuals who claim to know more than that of the Dalereckoning calendar. He took the form of
assert that Malaug (or Maulaugadorn, as he is some- a wizard called Undarl Dragonrider and subverted
times called) was indeed the name of a brilliant the rule of the kingdom of Athalantar. Finally con-
wizard—the first human to cross from the natural fronted and seemingly slain by the rightful heir and
world of Toril into the Plane of Shadow. As a con- young Chosen of Mystra, Elminster Aumar, “Undarl”
sequence of that transit, he gained unprecedented reverted to a shifting mass of flesh and tentacles
mastery over shadow magic—but at the same time was before he was whisked away by contingency magic.
transformed into an inhuman abomination. Once Whether he survived the incident is unknown,
a normal man of great strength and sharp intellect, because none of his progeny have seen or heard from
this new creature was twisted and strange, capable of him since.
shifting his form to match that of nearly any creature Provoked by their forebear’s apparent demise,
he encountered. malaugryms have organized several times to strike
While exploring and honing his new abilities into Toril and get vengeance on their hated ene-
in the depths of the Shadowfell, Malaug crafted a mies—not only those who had a hand in Malaug’s
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Ecology of the Malaugrym
disappearance, but humankind in general. The most views multiple malaugryms in their true form, the though. An aging malaugrym begins to forget events
notable attempts are summarized below. creatures appear identical. To other malaugryms, of its earlier life, and it becomes unable to recall
An assault on Blackstaff Tower in 1179 DR was however, subtle differences in flesh color, eye place- individuals, plots, or locations. When a malaugrym
turned back by the combined efforts of a group of ment, and beak structure provide a unique profile as starts to unknowingly leave evidence of its nature or
mages led by Elminster and Khelben Arunsun. clearly identifiable to a malaugrym as a human face is its intrigues, or to forget where its caches of stored
In 1182 DR, the malaugryms and the newly to another human. magic and wealth are hidden, other members of the
formed Harpers engaged in a conflict known as the Malaugryms are capable of near-perfect imitation race recognize that it is time to dispatch their ailing
Harpstars Wars. The fighting spanned several planes of a living creature’s form. They often use this ability relative.
and lasted until 1222 DR, when Khelben took over in an innocuous way, to duplicate humanoids they Malaugryms view the mental degeneration of
the body of their leader and persuaded the malau- have encountered so that they can better blend into their species to be a flaw that must be concealed from
gryms to return to their home realm. society, but in a dangerous situation a malaugrym other races at all costs—not merely to protect them-
In 1357 DR, malaugryms (along with other can transform into nearly any shape imaginable, even selves, but to preserve their pride. Once a malaugrym
power groups and secret cabals) attempted to seize combining aspects of multiple creatures or incorpo- has endangered the race or revealed its intentions
the secrets of spellfire from young Shandril Shes- rating elements of its own natural form. A malaugrym to the world at large, its fellows move in to destroy
sair but were thwarted—again—by Elminster and his that is transformed, if it loses concentration due to a the offending specimen with savage efficiency. As
companions. heightened state of emotion, can sometimes be identi- such, no malaugrym has ever been known to die of
Malaugryms descended on Faerûn in profusion in fied by the subtle golden glow in its eyes (detectable advanced age or other natural causes.
1358 DR at the outset of the Time of Troubles. Before with a hard Perception check).
they could bring their plans to fruition, most of them
were dispersed and defeated.
Their magical nature and ability to shift form gives
malaugryms an uncanny ability to heal most physi-
Creature Comforts
At least one malaugrym was killed while trying cal wounds. This regeneration is not effective against As a feature of their racial memory, malaugryms are
to impersonate a Masked Lord of Waterdeep, and silver weapons. Malaugryms are not harmed by the acutely aware that they will one day forget everything
constant rumors fly that one or another Lord of touch of silver, but they nevertheless avoid its use in that was important to them. This awareness leads to
Waterdeep is always in danger of being replaced—or, certain tools (such as eating utensils) that might be apprehension and fear of what awaits them, which
indeed, is a malaugrym already. used as weaponry. Malaugryms are immune to poi- malaugryms compensate for by indulging in every
In the present day, accounts suggest that a malau- sons of all types. kind of physical and mental decadence. Each malau-
grym calling itself Seriadne has infiltrated the In their natural form, malaugryms move about by grym has specific preferences for amusement, dress,
Simbarch Council of Aglarond, which might repre- a means of flight similar to the levitation of behold- and other pleasures of existence, and it does what
sent the greatest influence one of their number has ers. If one is somehow forced to move without the it can to indulge these desires at every turn. Malau-
possessed since the days of Undarl Dragonrider. use of flight, a malaugrym can ambulate—slowly and gryms also share a love of intrigue and manipulation,
clumsily—by dragging itself along with its tentacles. and they carefully cultivate circles of influence
P hysiology and Although they are capable of flight even in human-
oid form, malaugryms prefer to walk when they have
around them to make easier the acquisition of those
pleasures they most desire.
Behavior legs, sometimes to keep up appearances and some-
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Ecology of the Malaugrym
especially applies to their clear favorite among meals: malaugryms confront those beings that disrupt their environments on the mortal plane. Spells and ritu-
intelligent humanoids. Each malaugrym has a pref- subterfuge. A displaced malaugrym, divorced from als that banish extraplanar creatures to their home
erence for how to corner and kill its prey (poison, its comforts, protections, and favored food supply, is a planes have no effect on malaugryms. In other words,
seduction, combat, and so on), but all share a love of dangerous and relentless foe. once a malaugrym arrives on Toril, it generally
extending a hooked tentacle into a victim, adding a doesn’t leave until and unless it wants to.
vicious maw to the end of the appendage, and con-
suming the meal from the inside out.
H abitat On Toril, malaugryms seek out population centers
that provide easy access to food, influence, and enter-
Malaugryms have two natural habitats: the Shadow- tainment. Because they are loath to perform any real
fell and Toril (the mortal world).
Questing for Magic work and can blend in virtually anywhere, malau-
gryms can find lairs of comfort and ease in any city of
Malaugryms constantly seek magic items of two
kinds: those that can transport the user to another The Shadowfell Faerûn.
Population numbers for malaugryms on Toril
plane, and those that can delay or prevent the slow Malaugryms are justly proud of their ancestor, the
are understandably difficult to come by. As of 1372
loss of memory and mind inherent to their species. first human mage to explore the secrets of the Plane
DR, five malaugryms were known to be at large in
They seek plane-spanning magic for its utility in of Shadow. Ironically, however, since the unraveling
Faerûn. During the last century, estimates of their
transporting them to the Shadowfell, but also for the of the Weave during the Time of Troubles and the
numbers have ranged from half a dozen to more than
much rarer magic that might show them a path to the subsuming of the Plane of Shadow into the Shadow-
thirty. Most sages who have studied the matter agree
Far Realm. Malaugryms have come to believe that the fell, the old pathways that malaugryms employed to
that roughly twenty individual malaugryms are active
“strange beings” Malaug mated with to create their gain access to the world have vanished or changed,
in the world today.
race came from that place outside reality, but none making passage for them between Toril and the Shad-
owfell more difficult than before.
have yet discovered what their “mother” (or “moth-
ers”) might have been, nor has any reliable means of Although rare malaugryms might have the power S ociety
passage to that realm been found. to transport themselves between planes through ritu- Malaugryms as a group are best understood as a
als or other acts of wizardry, such ability only comes large, sprawling noble family. Although infighting
with experience. Most aging malaugryms remain in
Guises the Castle of Shadows, conserving their energy in an
and even kinslaying occur within the group, malau-
No two malaugryms are identical, either in their true gryms are most concerned with the survival of the
effort to keep hold of their memories and their sanity. race. The head of the family, the Shadowmaster,
form or in terms of the other bodies they prefer to Some malaugryms worm their way into the societies
“create” for themselves. Although the race is gender- sometimes directs individual malaugryms to work
of other planar travelers or manipulate spellcasters toward goals necessary for their inevitable conquest
less, a malaugrym usually identifies with a preferred into doing their bidding to transport themselves to
gender (male or female) and assumes identities that of Toril, but otherwise a malaugrym is free to pursue
and from their home. its own desires and amusements, and even to work
match its preference. Additionally, malaugryms All these difficulties prevent malaugryms nowa-
develop attachments to particular elements of society (sometimes feverishly) against the equally selfish
days from infiltrating Toril in great numbers. plots of its fellow malaugryms.
that manifest in similarities between the personages
they adopt. For instance, a malaugrym that pretends
in one generation to be a noble with a love of the sea Toril Naming
might in its next incarnation choose to be that noble’s Although the race did not originate in the natural Malaugryms have few traditions regarding naming.
child, or a powerful merchant in command of ships world, malaugryms can operate on Toril as tough One custom that has continued down the generations
that traverse the Inner Sea. they were born here—no doubt due to the fact of is the use of a common syllable or part of a name to
The malaugryms’ enjoyment of their pursuits is their progenitor’s heritage. They suffer no ill effects commemorate an important (but likely forgotten)
intense, but nothing compared to the fury with which from extended exposure to the differing magic or ancestor. The use of the element “-luth” in names
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Ecology of the Malaugrym
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Ecology of the Malaugrym
A number of malaugryms lurk within humanoid ested in consolidating its influence in the city through Amarune, Level 11 Elite Controller
society today, waiting for their chance to engage a trade and black market enterprises, profiting from “Lady Irlingstar”
new intrigue or to consume their next target. Game both legitimate merchants and illegal businesses Medium aberrant magical beast (shapechanger) XP 1,200
statistics for two of them, Arathluth and Luthvaerynn, under its many guises. Nearly all of its identities are HP 171; Bloodied 85 Initiative +8
appear in the Forgotten R ealms® Campaign Guide. female, although their age and appearance varies AC 25, Fortitude 21, Reflex 25, Will 23 Perception +6
widely. Speed 2 (clumsy) or 6 as a humanoid; Low-light vision
Luthvaerynn is far more comfortable in human- fly 6 (hover)
Arathluth oid form than in its native monstrous shape. When Immune poison
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Adopting aliases such as Gahnek, Imbar, Napid, and threatened, it prefers to preserve its masquerade for Traits
Ulstult, Arathluth travels regularly up and down the as long as possible, using its magic and hiding behind Regeneration
Sword Coast, posing as a merchant or a mercenary. lackeys. Once its minions have been dispatched, it is Amarune regains 10 hit points whenever it starts its turn
In human form, Arathluth has an off-putting habit willing to unleash its tentacles on anyone who might and has at least 1 hit point. When it takes damage from a
of staring intently into a listener’s eyes. Arathluth threaten its plans. silvered weapon, its regeneration does not function on its
delights in the moment of betrayal, when it can shift next turn.
form and watch the look of horror on the faces of its Standard Actions
victims as they realize, too late, that their original
Amarune, “Lady Irlingstar” m Vicious Beak F At-Will
This relatively young malaugrym began its charade in Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
apprehension about it was correct. Hit: 2d10 + 8 damage.
Arathluth’s favored nonhumanoid form is that of Waterdeep, when it slew and replaced a noble by the
M Flailing Lash F At-Will
a great leonine beast with thick, powerful tentacles name of Lady Nael Irlingstar. In the last century, it Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +16 vs. AC. If Ama-
growing from its back. has staged the noble’s kidnapping and disappearance, rune targets only one creature, it can make this attack
orchestrated the death of several of “Nael’s” husband’s against that creature twice.
kinsfolk, allowed itself to be captured by the War Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, and the target falls prone.
Wizards of Cormyr, and was imprisoned in—and later C Hail of Missiles (force) F Encounter
escaped from—the castle bearing the Irlingstar name. Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +14 vs. Reflex;
Custom Malaugryms Hit: 4d10 + 4 force damage.
Since its escape, Amarune has operated in the
Thanks to the versatile nature of malaugryms, Miss: Half damage.
Heartlands, and it moves frequently between Sembia Minor Actions
there are almost no restrictions to the sorts of abili- and Cormyr. Through guile, seduction, and murder, it Change Shape (polymorph) F At-Will (1/round)
ties you can give one. Most malaugryms are elite has amassed great wealth and influence. Effect: Amarune alters its physical form to appear as a
monsters of the paragon or the epic tier. Give the Amarune is capable of minor magic, but lacks the Medium malaugrym or as a member of any Medium
monster immunity to poison, regeneration 10 (15 necessary discipline to truly study wizardry. Because humanoid race (including an individual it has seen) until
if it’s level 21 or higher) except against silver, the it has seen no major threats to its existence for nearly it uses this power again or until it drops to 0 hit points.
change shape ability, and whatever attacks you think Other creatures can make a DC 32 Insight check to dis-
a century, Amarune has grown complacent, and it
best match its form. cern that the form is a disguise.
might find itself in danger of exposure in the near Skills Arcana +15, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14
Use the Monster Builder to create a custom future due to its continued use of a single identity. Str 20 (+10) Dex 16 (+8) Wis 12 (+6)
malaugrym to menace your group! In its humanoid form, Amarune appears as a beau- Con 18 (+9) Int 20 (+10) Cha 18 (+9)
tiful noble just entering middle age, matching the Alignment evil Languages Common
general ethnic makeup of the victim it is preparing
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Ecology of the Malaugrym
Jason Juta
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