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Lesson 3 Greetings and Responses

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Lesson 3 - Greetings and Responses


This lesson intends to introduce learners the importance of Pin-Yin and its
corresponding vowels with integration of the four standard tones in correct
pronunciations. This lesson also aims to familiarize learners the simple
greetings and responses in Chinese as simple tools in communicating.

At the end of this lesson, student will be able to say both consonants and vowels
of Pinyin with its corresponding tones. Students are expected to say the proper
response of the corresponding greetings in Chinese.

我 Wǒ - I / Me
你 Nǐ – You (addressing same level / junior)
您Nín – You (polite manner)
他/她 Tā – He / She

们 Men – place after a pronoun or a noun referring to a person to form plural

我们 Wǒ men – we / our / us
你们Nǐmen – you (plural)/ Kayo
他们/她们Tā men – they / them/ sila

的De-Noun attribute, expressing belongingness.

我的 Wǒ de – My /Mine
你的 Ní de/ Nín de – yours
他的/她的 Tā de – His /hers
我们的wǒmen de - ours
你们的 N ǐ men de – yours (plural)
他们的/她们的 - Tā men de – Theirs

先生 Xiān shēng – Mister

女士 nǚshì – Miss

爱人Àirén – Love ones

丈夫 Zhàngfū - Husband (formal) or 老公Lǎo gōng (non formal)

太太Tài tài – Missis / Wife (formal) or 老婆Lǎo pó (non formal)

夫人 fūrén - Madame

老板Lǎo bǎn – Boss

老师Lǎo shī – Teacher

小朋友 Xiǎo péng yǒu – Kids / Children

好 Hǎo – Good

早上好 Zǎo shàng hǎo – Good Morning

下午好 Xià wǔ hǎo – Good Afternoon

晚上好 Wǎn shàng hǎo - Good Evening

Sample phrase construction:

hǎo – Good

Nǐ hǎo! - Hi! / Hello! / How are you?

Nǐn hǎo - Hi! / Hello! / How are you? ( When addressing to a superior/ senior)
Nǐ men hǎo – Hello to every one! / kamusta kayo?

Xiān shēng / Xiǎo jiě Nǐn hǎo - Hello Mister / Hello Miss

Lǎo shī hǎo Teacher!

Lǎo bǎn hǎo - Hi / Hello Boss

Xiǎo péng yǒu hǎo – Hello/ Hi Kids

请 Qǐng – Please/ Request/ Invite

请坐 Qǐng zuò – Please sit

请进来 Qǐng jìnlái – Please come in

请来Qǐng lái – Please come / please send

请吃Qǐng chī– Please eat

请喝Qǐng hē – Please Drink

Simple Response to Greetings:

1. A: 你好 !N ǐ Hǎo
B: 你好!Nǐ Hǎo

2. A: 谢谢! Xièxie ( Thank You)

B: 不客气Bù kèqì ( Don’t mention it / your welcome)

3. A: 对不起Duìbùqǐ ( Sorry)
B: 没关系Méiguānxì ( Doesn’t matter)

4. A: 再见!Zàijiàn ( See you again/ good bye)

B: 再见!Zàijiàn ( See you again/ good bye)

5. A: 请坐 Qǐng zuò ( Please sit down)

B: 谢谢!Xièxie ( Thank you)
Additional terms for Greetings and Response

1. 大家好dà jiā hǎo! - Hi / Hello! Every one!

你好 !N ǐ Hǎo - Hi! / Hello!

2. A: 你怎么样nǐ zěn me yàng? - How are you doing?

B: 我很好wǒ hěn hǎo, 谢谢 Xièxie -I’m fine , thank you - or

我还行wǒ hái xíng,谢谢Xièxie - I’m still fine, thank you

3. A: 欢迎huān yíng - Welcome!

B: 谢谢Xièxie - Thank you !

4. A: 恭喜你/您gōngxi nǐ /nín - Congratulations !

B: 谢谢Xièxie - Thank you !

5. A: 祝你一路平安Zhù nǐ yí lù píng ān - Have a safe journey

B: 谢谢Xièxie - Thank you!

6. A: 你好 ! - N ǐ Hǎo!Hello!

B: - 你好 !认识你,很高兴 Nǐ hǎo! rènshí nǐ(nín) hěn gāoxìng. - Hello! I’m

to glad meet you

7. A: 明天见 míngtiān jiàn - See you tomorrow!

B:明天见 míngtiān jiàn /再见!Zàijiàn ( See you again/ good bye) -See you!

8. A: 祝你生日快乐 Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè! - Happy birthday to you!

B: 谢谢 Xièxie - Thank you

9. A: 恭喜发财 Gōngxǐ fācái ! Congratulations! Wish you prospertiy

B: 恭喜发财 Gōngxǐ fācái ! Congratulations! Wish you prospertiy

Note: In Chinese culture, the surname comes first before the actual designation
of a person.

Ex. Mr Wang – Wáng Xiān shēng Madame Lee – Lǐ fūrén

Boss Wang – Wáng lǎo bǎn

Mrs Lee - Lǐ Tàitai (formal)

In greeting someone , the designation of a person comes first followed by the

actual greetings.

Ex. Good morning Mr Cai (Tsai)– Cài Xiān shēng , Zǎo shàng hǎo!

Happy birthday Mrs Lee! – Lǐ Tàitai, Zhù nín shēngrì kuàilè!

Activity drill:

Translate the following in pinyin:

1. Mr Wang, please come in.

2. My love ones.

3. Hello kids!

4. Good afternoon Teacher!

5. Mrs Lee’s (Belong to Mrs Lee )

6. Mr Lu, Good bye! (Good bye Mr Lu!)

7. Thank you Mrs Cai!(Mrs Tsai)

8. Hello Mr Chen! I’m glad to meet you.

9. May I help you sir?

10. Have you eaten boss?

11. See you tomorrow Miss Lee.

12. Happy birthday Mr Liu!

13. Mr Chen, may I help you?

14. Madame Li, Welcome! ( Welcome Madame Li)

15. Boss Wang, have a safe journey.

Fill in the blanks with the proper response (in Pin yin)

1. A: Xièxie 3. A: Nǐ hǎo

B:________________ B:____________________

2. A: Qǐng zuò 4. A: Duìbùqǐ

B:________________ B: ___________________

5. A: gōngxi nǐ /nín 6. A: Xiǎo péng yǒu hǎo!

B:_________________ B: _____________________

7. A: Nǐ hǎo! 8. A: nǐ zěn me yàng?

B: ( Hi! Glad to meet you)) B:_______________________

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