Lesson 3 Greetings and Responses
Lesson 3 Greetings and Responses
Lesson 3 Greetings and Responses
This lesson intends to introduce learners the importance of Pin-Yin and its
corresponding vowels with integration of the four standard tones in correct
pronunciations. This lesson also aims to familiarize learners the simple
greetings and responses in Chinese as simple tools in communicating.
At the end of this lesson, student will be able to say both consonants and vowels
of Pinyin with its corresponding tones. Students are expected to say the proper
response of the corresponding greetings in Chinese.
我 Wǒ - I / Me
你 Nǐ – You (addressing same level / junior)
您Nín – You (polite manner)
他/她 Tā – He / She
我们 Wǒ men – we / our / us
你们Nǐmen – you (plural)/ Kayo
他们/她们Tā men – they / them/ sila
我的 Wǒ de – My /Mine
你的 Ní de/ Nín de – yours
他的/她的 Tā de – His /hers
我们的wǒmen de - ours
你们的 N ǐ men de – yours (plural)
他们的/她们的 - Tā men de – Theirs
女士 nǚshì – Miss
夫人 fūrén - Madame
好 Hǎo – Good
hǎo – Good
Nǐn hǎo - Hi! / Hello! / How are you? ( When addressing to a superior/ senior)
Nǐ men hǎo – Hello to every one! / kamusta kayo?
Xiān shēng / Xiǎo jiě Nǐn hǎo - Hello Mister / Hello Miss
1. A: 你好 !N ǐ Hǎo
B: 你好!Nǐ Hǎo
3. A: 对不起Duìbùqǐ ( Sorry)
B: 没关系Méiguānxì ( Doesn’t matter)
6. A: 你好 ! - N ǐ Hǎo!Hello!
B:明天见 míngtiān jiàn /再见!Zàijiàn ( See you again/ good bye) -See you!
Note: In Chinese culture, the surname comes first before the actual designation
of a person.
Ex. Good morning Mr Cai (Tsai)– Cài Xiān shēng , Zǎo shàng hǎo!
Activity drill:
2. My love ones.
3. Hello kids!
Fill in the blanks with the proper response (in Pin yin)
1. A: Xièxie 3. A: Nǐ hǎo
B:________________ B:____________________
B:________________ B: ___________________
B:_________________ B: _____________________