Thesis AP Boris Delaide

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A study on the mineral elements available in

aquaponics, their impact on lettuce productivity and

the potential improvement of their availability.

Etude des éléments minéraux disponibles en

aquaponie, de leur impact sur la productivité des
laitues et de la potentielle amélioration de leur





A study on the mineral elements available in aquaponics, their

impact on lettuce productivity and the potential improvement of
their availability.
Etude des éléments minéraux disponibles en aquaponie, de leur
impact sur la productivité des laitues et de la potentielle
amélioration de leur disponibilité.


Dissertation originale présentée en vue de l’obtention du grade de docteur en

sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique

Promoteur: M. Haïssam Jijakli

Comité de thèse:
Maurício Emerenciano,
Peter Bleyaert,
Sébastien Massart,
Hélène Soyeurt.

Année : 2017

Delaide Boris (2017): A study on the mineral elements available in aquaponics, their impact on
lettuce productivity and the potential improvement of their availability (thèse de doctorat).
Université de Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgique, 100 pages, 15 tables, 15 figures.

Aquaponics is an integrated farming concept that combines fish and hydroponic plant production in a
recirculating water system. This innovative technique has the potential to reduce the impact of fish
and plant production on the environment by namely closing the nutrient loop. Indeed, the nutrients
leaving the fish part are used to grow hydroponic plants.
This thesis focused on the mineral elements available in aquaponics to grow plants. The thesis
started by deepening the aquaponic concept. It was identified that the mineral elements available for
plants growth in solution were lower concentrated than in hydroponics. It was assumed that an
important parts of the nutrients input were unavailable and lost out of the aquaponic system via
sludge spillage. This leaded to the necessity to determine the consistency of the plant growth and the
proportion of mineral elements that were recycled in aquaponic systems. A solution to improve the
recycling of these elements and increase their availability was also studied. Therefore, the
performances of a one loop aquaponic system named the plant and fish farming box (PAFF Box), in
terms of yields of fish and plant, energy and water consumption, and mineral elements mass
balances were studied. The mineral nutritive elements were also characterised. For experimentation
convenience, lettuce was taken as a model plant. To determine if aquaponics can assure consistent
plant growth compared to conventional systems, lettuce growth has been compared between a one
loop aquaponic solution, a hydroponic solution and a complemented aquaponic solution in deep
water systems in controlled conditions. The latest allowed studying also the growth when nutrient
concentrations are increased in the aquaponic solution. The potential of improvement of nutrient
recycling for increasing their availability to plant by sludge digestion onsite was studied. Therefore,
the mineralisation performance of sludge has been explored in simple aerobic and anaerobic
reactors and in up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors (UASB).
In the term of this work, it appeared that aquaponics consumed and discharged less water to
produce fish and plant but required more energy than conventional farming systems. The lettuce
showed similar growth performance between aquaponic and hydroponic solution but significantly
higher growth (i.e. 39% fresh mass increase) in complemented aquaponic solution. This indicated
that lower mineral elements concentrations did not impact negatively plant growth and that an
increase of concentrations improved growth compared to conventional hydroponics. Also the
microorganisms and dissolved organic matter may play an important role for promoting plant roots
and shoots growth in aquaponics. Mineral elements mass balances analysis showed that an
important part of the elements were accumulating in sludge and lost by water and sludge spillage.
However, the sludge digestion onsite showed promising results to recover these elements in
available form for plants. It would allow reducing environmental footprints by limiting the nutrients
loss and recycle even more water. Regarding these results an improvement of the one loop
aquaponic system was suggested as a hybrid decoupled aquaponic system that would limit water and
nutrients discharge and improve plant growth.

Firstly, I wish to thank my promotor M. Haissam Jijakli for his constant support and his professional
guidance. I want to extend my thanks to all my colleagues of the urban and plant pathology lab and
especially to the technicians Gladys Ruflard, Frederic Dresen, Angelo Locicero, Jimmy Bin and Thibaut
Fievet for their everyday technical support. A special though to other colleagues from Gembloux and
UCL, Michael Dermience, Jacques Jean-Rock, Jean-Charles Bergen, Thierry Fievez, Gilles Colinet,
Ronny Santoro, and yet others.

In particular, I would like to thanks Simon Goddek for all the work achieved together, his constant
motivation, dynamism and move forward mind-set. A special thanks also to James Gott for his help
for the experiments and to constantly improving my English.

I would like to express my gratitude to the members of my thesis committee, Maurício Emerenciano,
Peter Bleyaert and Sébastien Massart for their advises and the following of my work and particularly
to Hélène Soyeurt for also her support for the statistics.

I’m also very grateful to the internship students that helped with the experimentation, François-
Xavier Biot and Guillaume Delhaye.

I want to acknowledge networking and publication support by COST Action FA1305—The EU

Aquaponics Hub and all the members of the COST whom we exchanged rich ideas and shared nice
discussion in working group meetings and around.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all my family and friends for their support and

Most of all and finally, thank you Morgane for your everyday support and forbearance. Without you
it would have not be the same.

Author’s Note
When my thesis started only a few papers had been published on the aquaponic subject. They were
mostly research done at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) by Prof James E. Rakocy. Most of
the other papers at that time were based on imitations of his aquaponic system and corroborated his
results (J. E. Rakocy personal communication). We could however feel on the scientific side a growing
interest and the beginning of a new research area where everything was possible and everything had
to be done. Indeed, European commission started to fund a COST network dedicated to aquaponics.
We took part into it and this allowed us to greatly improve our research by cooperation and sharing
ideas. Dr Simon Goddek whom I published most of my papers was a member of this EU COST (Action
FA1305). This fascination for aquaponics from the scientific community but also from the general
public in the noble aim of better feeding people while preserving the environment, gave sense to our
work and extremely motivated us. Throughout my thesis, I have seen the number of papers
published about aquaponics increasing months after months validating aquaponics as a new growing
research field. In parallel, the general public interest increased the same and many aquaponic farms,
associations, projects and business emerged.

Table of contents
1. General introduction ....................................................................................................................... 7
2. Objectives of the thesis ................................................................................................................... 9
3. Challenges of sustainable and commercial aquaponics. ............................................................... 10
3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.2. Principles of Aquaponics ........................................................................................................ 11
3.3. System Description ................................................................................................................. 13
3.4. Technical Challenges .............................................................................................................. 17
3.5. Socio-Ecological Challenges .................................................................................................... 23
3.6. Economic Challenges .............................................................................................................. 25
3.7. Education as a Necessity ........................................................................................................ 27
3.8. Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.9. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 28
4. Plant and fish production performance, nutrient mass balances, energy and water use of the
PAFF Box, a small-scale aquaponic system. ...................................................................................... 29
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 29
4.2. Material and methods ............................................................................................................ 30
4.3. Results and discussion ............................................................................................................ 34
4.4. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 43
5. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata cv. Sucrine) growth performance in complemented
aquaponic solution outperforms hydroponics. ................................................................................. 45
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 45
5.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................................... 46
5.3 Results ..................................................................................................................................... 49
5.4 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 53
5.5 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 55
6. Exploring the potential of nutrient recycling of aquaponic sludge by aerobic and anaerobic
digestion. ........................................................................................................................................... 56
6.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 56
6.2. Materials and methods .......................................................................................................... 56
6.3. Results and Discussion............................................................................................................ 58
6.4. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 59
7. Nutrient Mineralisation and Organic Matter Reduction Performance of RAS-based Sludge in
Sequential UASB-EGSB Reactors ....................................................................................................... 61
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 61

7.2. Materials and Methods .......................................................................................................... 62
7.3. Results .................................................................................................................................... 66
7.4. Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 71
7.5. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 74
8. General discussion ......................................................................................................................... 75
9. General conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 85
10. References ................................................................................................................................... 87

List of abbreviations
AE Aerobic
AER Aerobic reactor
AN Anaerobic
ANOVA Analysis of variance
ANR Anaerobic reactor
AP Aquaponics
CAP Complemented aquaponics
COD Chemical oxygen demand
CHP Combined heat and power
DAPS Decoupled aquaponic system
DO Dissolved oxygen
DOM Dissolved organic matter
DRAPS Double recirculation aquaponic systems
DWC Deep water culture
EAF Ebb and flow
EC Electro-conductivity
EGSB Expended granular sludge bed reactor
FCR Feed conversion ratio
HP Hydroponics
HRT Hydraulic retention time
IAA Indole-3-acetic acid
ICP-OES Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
NFT Nutrient film technique
NSPs Non starch polysaccharides
ORP Oxidation reduction potential
RAS Recirculating aquaculture system
RH Relative humidity
SD Standard deviation
SRT Sludge retention time
T° Temperature
TAN Total ammoniacal nitrogen
TSS Total suspended solids
TS Total solids
UA Urban agriculture
UASB Up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
VFA Volatile fatty acid
WUR Wageningen University and Research

1. General introduction

Human world population has grown continuously through history and in 2015 reached 7.3 billion [1].
The United Nations association is clear “global population is virtually certain to rise in the short-to-
medium term future”. With approximately 83 million more people annually, world population is
projected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030 and increase further to 9.7 billion by 2050 [1]. More than two
third of this population will reside in cities [1]. Rural populations are currently literally rushing to
urban areas. Thirty-five years ago, more than 60 percent lived in rural areas and nowadays slightly
more than the half of the global population is urban [2].
Humanity, during its development, has modified the Earth environment like no other species before.
According to marked shifts in Earth’s state geologists suggest that Earth may have entered a new
human-dominated geological epoch, the Anthropocene[3].
Humanity now faces the double challenge: preserving its environment to avoid the increase in
unliveable space, whilst also sustainably feeding itself, especially its soilless growing urban

Indeed, it has been seriously estimated that several important planetary boundaries (i.e. by order of
importance biosphere integrity, N and P cycle, land system change, Fig 1.1) are currently overtaken
and could lead to unpredictable consequences, such as the collapse of the ecosystem balance [4].
The eutrophication of surface water and decline of fisheries stock around the planet are particularly
acute examples [5].
These findings urge the development of food production solutions addressing this double challenge
of feeding growing urban population while reducing its environmental impact.

Fig 1.1. The current status of the control variables for seven of the nine planetary boundaries [4]. One can see
that P and N biochemical flows are in red and so, one of the most urgent topics to address.

Urban agriculture (UA) which is generally defined as the practice of growing crops and grazing
livestock in urban, suburban and peri-urban areas [6], has become a popular topic to overcome the
accessibility of food in metropolitan areas by producing food in places where population density is
highest, and at the same time reducing transportation costs. UA aims to use urban areas efficiently
by directly connecting people to food systems [7]. UA is often proposed as an environmentally
friendly agricultural production method [8] and is expected to develop more and more in the future,
worldwide [9]. However, UA practices need to develop and adopt more eco-intensive food
production methods i.e., methods producing high yields of food on small areas with low
environmental impact.
Some of the most advanced eco-intensive agricultural practices that UA should adopt are
recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and hydroponics (HP). RAS produce fish and other aquatic
animals off ground on small areas [10]. HP consistently produces the highest yield of vegetables
[11,12]. Both technology consume and discharge less water into the environment compared to
conventional farming methods. Life cycle assessments (LCA) of such systems show that their main
impact on the environment is due to their feeding input (i.e. fish feed for RAS and fertilizer for HP)
and the energy consumption to operate these systems [13–15].

It is possible to innovate for reducing the environmental footprint of the feeding input and the
energy consumption of such systems. Energy use linked to fossil energy source depletion and global
warming is an issue that could be addressed among others by developing technology producing
renewable energy [16]. But this thesis is not devoted to the renewable energy thematic.
A way to reduce the respective feeding input impacts of RAS and HP on the environment can be the
coupling of both systems. This combination of RAS and HP is called aquaponics (AP) [17]. Indeed, the
fish feed input in RAS, after being processed by fish and microorganisms, is then used as fertilizer in
hydroponics. Nutrient contained in fish feed will be distributed to the fish and to the plants. The feed
impact on the environment of fish feed is thus reduced because its use is improved. The fertilizer
impact on the environment for hydroponics is removed or consistently diminished because it is not
needed anymore (i.e. only RAS nutrient are used) or consistently reduced.

LCA of RAS showed that fish production is the most contributing factor to the eutrophication
potential [13,14]. This comes down to the fact that fishes release up to two thirds of the nutrients
they ingest as feed [18,19]. In conventional and recirculating aquaculture these nutrients are
released in the environment, impacting P and N biochemical flows (Fig 1.1), and thus leading to
eutrophication of surface water. In AP, however, the nutrient rich water discharged from RAS is used
as fertilizer in hydroponics in order to strongly reduce its release into the environment. Aquaponics is
then a very promising innovative technique for producing aquatic animals and plants (e.g.
vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc.).

As N and P biochemical flows are highly perturbed and safe planetary boundaries have been
breached, one of the big stakes for aquaponics is to prove its ability to drastically reduce the quantity
of nutrients released from fish and plant production into the environment. Ensuring the efficient use
of nutrients within aquaponic systems is then a primary concern. Therefore, this thesis focuses on
the nutrients available in aquaponics and more precisely on the following mineral elements
necessary to grow plants: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg),
sulphur (S), iron (Fe), bore (B), copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) and molybdenum (Mo).

2. Objectives of the thesis

The scientific scope of this thesis concerns the mineral elements available in aquaponics to grow
plants. A number of more specific questions related to this topic were investigated. Regarding the
input of mineral elements via fish feed, to what extent is aquaponics really closing the loop and how
to improve the recycling of these elements? In such systems, are enough soluble mineral elements
released by fish to assure healthy, consistent plant growth? If the amount of soluble mineral
elements is increased what is the impact on plant productivity?
To address these questions different objectives were defined here below. Each chapter of the thesis
focuses mainly on one of the objectives.

The first objective was to deepen the aquaponic concept. Therefore, the concept was properly
defined and the state of the art was established. The challenges to make aquaponics a breakthrough
technology sustainable and economically viable were exposed. Especially, a focus was made on the
challenges concerning the mineral element available to grow plant in aquaponics. All this was
addressed and published in a review which constitutes the chapter 3 of this thesis.

The second objective of the thesis was to determine the impact of aquaponics on the environment in
relation with the performances of the system. Therefore, the performances of a one loop aquaponic
system, in terms of yields of fish and plant, energy and water consumption, and nutrient mass
balances were studied. The mineral nutritive elements were also characterised. The results have
been published as a manuscript which is the chapter 4 of this thesis.

The third objective was to determine if aquaponics can assure consistent plant growth compared to
conventional systems. Therefore, lettuce growth has been compared in controlled condition,
between a one loop aquaponic solution, a hydroponic solution and a complemented aquaponic
solution. The latest allowed studying also the growth when nutrient concentrations are increased in
the aquaponic solution. For experimentation convenience, lettuce was taken as a model plant. The
results have been published and are presented in the chapter 5 of this thesis.

The fourth and last objective of the thesis was to analyse the potential for the improvement of
nutrient recycling by sludge digestion onsite in aquaponic systems. Therefore, the mineralisation
performance of sludge has been explored in aerobic and anaerobic reactors to assess the potential
for the reintroduce of plant-assimilable nutrient forms back into the aquaponic solution. Exploratory
results are presented in chapter 6 under the form of a short submitted communication. Because up-
flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) has been identified in literature as the most promising
biodigestion technique, its performances for aquaponic sludge digestion in terms of total solids (TS),
chemical oxygen demand (COD), fat, and fibres reduction, plus the macro and microelements
mineralisation ability have been evaluated in a set of UASB and expanded granular sludge blanket
(EGSB) reactors. The results are presented in chapter 7 under the form of a manuscript.

3. Challenges of sustainable and commercial aquaponics.

This chapter has been published as a manuscript entitled “. Challenges of sustainable and commercial
aquaponics.” By Delaide, B.; Goddek, S.; Mankasingh, U.; Ragnarsdottir, K. V.; Jijakli, H.;
Thorarinsdottir, R, in Sustainability (MDPI), 2015, 7, 4199–4224.

3.1. Introduction
Aquaponics is an integrated multi-trophic system that combines elements of recirculating
aquaculture and hydroponics [20], wherein the water from the fish tanks that is enriched in nutrients
is used for plant growth. It is a soil-free down-sized natural process that can be found in lakes, ponds
and rivers. Using fish waste as fertilizer for crops is an ancient practice. The most well-known
examples are the “stationary islands” set up in shallow lakes in central America (e.g., Aztec’s
Chinampas 1150–1350 BC) [21], and the introduction of fish into paddy rice fields in South-East Asia
about 1500 years ago [22]. In the late 70s and early 80s, researchers at the New Alchemy Institute
North Carolina State University (USA) developed the basis of modern aquaponics [23]. The probably
most known example was set up at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) in 1980 [20]. A survey,
conducted by Love et al. [23], shows that aquaponics has been receiving growing interest since then
[24], which underpins its increasing significance for society as an innovative response for food

Its role for food security would be particularly relevant because the global population now exceeds
7.2 billion and is growing rapidly. It is expected to reach 9.6 billion around 2050 with more than 75%
living in urban areas [25]. Urban population growth will require an increasing demand for animal
protein [26]. However, the future of conventional farming, including intensive animal protein
production, in meeting this demand is challenged by rising but fluctuating energy and oil costs,
climate change and pollution. Resource limitations including the decrease of arable surfaces,
constrained freshwater supplies, soil degradation and soil nutrient depletion also add to these
challenges [27,28]. This alerts researchers to the necessity to compensate existing sustainability
deficits in agricultural food systems.

The interlinking of aquacultural and hydroponic procedures allows some of the shortcomings of the
respective systems to be addressed, and this represents a promising sustainable food production
method. Aquaponics can be considered a sustainable agricultural production system regarding the
definition of Lehman et al. [29], who define sustainable agriculture as a process that does not
deplete any non-renewable resources that are essential to agriculture in order to sustain the
agricultural practices. Francis et al. [30] add that sustainable agricultural production can be achieved
by resembling natural ecosystems and “designing systems that close nutrient cycles”, which is one of
the main characteristics of aquaponics.

Mineral transfers from aquaculture to hydroponics support efficient nutrient recycling, while water
recirculation reduces the water use [21]. High yield hydroponic systems require a considerable
amount of macro- and micronutrients from industrial and mining origin, leading to high energy (i.e.,
for production and transport) and finite resources use (e.g., phosphorus and oil) [11,31,32]. Also, in
no-recirculating systems, intermittent disposal of the considerable amounts of nutrient rich water
leads to high water consumption as well as surface and groundwater pollution [33]. The regular
exchange of water performed in conventional aquacultural systems is not necessary in aquaponics. In

this respect, 1 kg of beef meat requires between 5000 and 20,000 L of water [34] and the same
amount of fish bred in semi-intensive and extensive conventional aquaculture systems requires a
range of 2500–375,000 L [35]. Recirculating aquaculture systems, on the other hand, have a high
degree of water reuse (i.e., 95%–99%) [36], with water usage down to below 100 L kg−1 of fish
produced [10]. In aquaponics, nitrate in excess is used for valuable plant production instead of being
removed in gaseous form in denitrification units [37].

Although preliminary research has shown that developed aquaponic system components are not yet
fully realized in view of either cost effectiveness or technical capabilities [38,39], the aquaponics
concept is promising to contribute to both global and urban sustainable food production and should
at the same time diminish pollution and need for resources. In order to meet the goal of establishing
large-scale eco-efficient and economically viable aquaponic farming projects, this paper reviews the
technical and socio-ecological developments that have been undertaken to date and demonstrates
which aspects still need to be addressed. The purpose of this paper is to highlight current aquaponics
challenges and give directions for further research. For each challenge, various approaches are

3.2. Principles of Aquaponics

Aquaponics combines hydroponics and recirculating aquaculture elements. Conventional
hydroponics requires mineral fertilizers in order to supply the plants with necessary nutrients but the
aquaponics systems use the available fish water that is rich in fish waste as nutrients for plant
growth. Another advantage of this combination lies in the fact that excess of nutrients does not need
to be removed through periodical exchange of enriched fish water with fresh water as practiced in
aquaculture systems. The system results in a symbiosis between fish, microorganisms and plants, and
encourages sustainable use of water and nutrients, including their recycling (Figure 3.1). Within this
synergistic interaction, the respective ecological weaknesses of aquaculture and hydroponics are
converted into strengths. This combination substantially minimizes the need for input of nutrients
and output of waste, unlike when run as separate systems.

Figure 3.1. Symbiotic aquaponic cycle.

Plants need macronutrients (e.g., C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, S and Mg) and micronutrients (e.g., Fe, Mn, B,
Zn, Cu and Mo), which are essential for their growth. Hydroponic solutions contain well-defined
proportions of these elements [12] and are added to the hydroponic solution in ionic form with the
exception of C, H, and O, which are available from air and water. In aquaponics systems, plant
nutrient input from the fish tanks contains dissolved nutrient rich fish waste (gill excretion, urine and
faeces), comprising of both soluble and solid organic compounds that are solubilized to ionic form in
the water and assimilated by the plants. To sustain adequate plant growth the concentrations of
micro- and macronutrients need to be monitored. Periodically some nutrients may need to be added
to adjust their concentration, for example iron is often deficient in fish waste [40,41].

Aquaponic systems need to be able to host different microorganism communities that are involved in
fish waste processing and solubilisation. Ammonia (NH3) from fish urine and gill excretion can build
up to toxic levels if not removed from the system. This can be done by step-wise microbial
conversion to nitrate. One of the most important microbial components is the nitrifying autotrophic
bacteria consortium that is established as a biofilm on solid surfaces within the system and is
principally composed of nitroso-bacteria (e.g., Nitrosomonas sp.) and nitro-bacteria (e.g., Nitrospira
sp., Nitrobacter sp.). The ammonia within the system is converted into nitrite (NO2−) by nitroso-
bacteria, before being transformed into nitrate (NO3−) by the nitro-bacteria [42]. The final product of
this bacterial conversion, nitrate, is considerably less toxic for fish and due to its bioconversion, is the
main nitrogen source for plant growth in aquaponics systems [43–45]. In most systems, a special
biofiltration unit where intensive nitrification occurs is required.

The optimal ratio between fish and plants needs to be identified to get the right balance between
fish nutrient production and plant uptake in each system. Rakocy [46] reports that this could be
based on the feeding rate ratio, which is the amount of feed per day per square meter of plant
varieties. On this basis, a value between 60 and 100 g day−1 m−2 has been recommended for leafy-
greens growing on raft hydroponic systems [47]. Endut et al. [48] found an optimum ratio of 15–42
grams of fish feed day−1 m−2 of plant growing with one African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) for eight
water spinach plants (Ipomoea aquatica). Hence, finding the right balance necessitates fundamental
knowledge and experiences with regard to the following criteria: (1) types of fish and their food use
rate; (2) composition of the fish food, for example, the quantity of pure proteins converted to Total
Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN); (3) frequency of feeding; (4) hydroponic system type and design; (5) types
and physiological stages of cultivated plants (leafy greens vs. fruity vegetables); (6) plant sowing
density, and (7) chemical composition of the water influenced by the mineralisation rate of fish
waste. Additionally, since fish, microorganisms and plants are in the same water loop, environmental
parameters such as temperature, pH and mineral concentrations need to be set at a compromise
point as close as possible to their respective optimal growth conditions.

3.3. System Description
As outlined above, the aquaponics system can be seen as the connection between a conventional
recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and hydroponics components. In short, water recirculates in
a loop as it flows from the fish tank to filtration units, before it is pumped into the hydroponic beds
that are used as water reprocessing units. The filtration units are composed of mechanical filtration
units for solid particles removal (e.g., drum filter or settling tank), and biofilters for nitrification
processes (e.g., trickling or moving bed biofilter). Although system configurations and complexity can
vary greatly, Figure 2.2 illustrates a typical layout.

Figure 2.2. Basic aquaponic system layout.

Three types of hydroponic beds are commonly used: media-based grow bed, Deep Water Culture
(DWC) bed, and Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) gutter shaped bed. The media-based grow bed is a
hydroponic trough filled with inert substrate (e.g., expanded clay, perlite, pumice, gravel), serving as
root support and microbial substrate. The water is commonly supplied in an ebb and flow pattern,
ensuring sequential nutrition and aeration. The DWC system consists of large troughs with
perforated floating rafts, where net plant pots are inserted. In the DWC system, these plant pots are
generally filled with media, such as Rockwool, coco or pumice that support the roots, which are then
continually submerged in the water tank. The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) consists of narrow
channels of perforated squared pipes where the roots are partially immersed in a thin layer of
streaming water. A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of these hydroponic beds
versus soil culture is presented in Table 3.1. With respect to a holistic system approach, there are
many ways to frame an aquaponic system in terms of hydrological and functional design. A few
scientific papers provide working knowledge about different design and key parameters. Table 3.2
gives an overview of these.

Table 3.1. Advantages, disadvantages and nutrient uptake for different grow components in aquaponics with
regard to different practical and productivity aspects.

Media-Based Growing
- Constant water
- Biofiltration: media - Less
- Small sump
serves as substrate for infrastructure
- Constant water tank needed;
nitrifying bacteria [49]; - Natural roots
flow; - Ease of
- Act as a solids environment;
- Small sump maintenance and
filtering medium - Colonized by
Advantages tank needed; cleaning;
- Mineralization in grow broad microflora
- Ease of - Require smaller
bed; and fungi [51];
maintenance and volume of water;
- Colonized by a broad - Accepted as
cleaning [50] - Light hydroponic
microflora “organic way
of production”
suits well for roof
- If flood and drain - Small control
method: sizing and - Separate on the soil
- Separate biofilter
reliability plus large biofilter needs to nutrient solution;
sump tank needed; be added [49]; - Good soil
- Lower yields
- Heavy hydroponic - Require large not available
(showed for
infrastructure; volume of water; everywhere;
lettuce by) [49];
Disadvantages - Maintenance and - Heavy - More
- Expensive
cleaning difficult; hydroponic vulnerable for
- Clogging leading to infrastructure; diseases;
- the system is less
water channeling, - Device for - Lower basil
stable as there is
inefficient biofiltration roots aeration and okra yield
less water,
and inefficient nutrient mandatory [52] than in
delivery to plants [50] aquaponics [45]
- Lower
Nutrient because smaller
- High - High - Lower
uptake root-water contact

Table 3.2. Comparison of design and key parameters in well described aquaponic systems found in scientific

System A System B System C System D

Nutrient Film Deep
Deep Water
Technique (NFT) configured in Deep Water Culture Water
System Type Culture
the conveyor production (DWC) Culture
system. (DWC)
Roosta and Rakocy et al. Endut et al.
Source Adler et al. [53]
Hamidpour [54] [55,56] [57]
The Conservation
University of University
Fund’s Freshwater Institute, University of
Location Virgin of Malaysia
Shepherdstown, Rafsanjan, Iran
Islands, USA Terengganu
W. Va., USA
The system was theoretically
valuated using data from
Own setup
studies conducted at the
Based on UVI-System (UVI- Own Setup
Conservation Fund’s
Freshwater Institute during
1994 and 1995 [42]
Volume RAS
>38 0.848 43 3
Size Unknown
Hydroculture 498 (consisting of 8 220 2
(m ) plants)
8 (basil);
Density 5.7 per meter of NFT trays ND ND
2 2–4 (okra)
(pcs/m )
17.69 (Common
Fish Density Carp), 23.58 (Grass
113.4 61.5–70.7 ND
(kg/m3) Carp),
17.69 (Silver Carp)
Daily feed
ND ND 81.4–99.6 15–42
growing area
ND ND ND 1:8
Ratio (kg)
Basil (Ocimum basilicum); Tomato Spinach
Plants Used Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. (lycopersicon (Spinacia
“Ostinata”) esculentum) oleracea)

Common Carp
(Cyprinus carpio),
Grass Carp Nile Tilapia
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Catfish
Fish Used (Ctenopharyngodon (Oreochromis
mykiss) (Clarias
idella), Silver Carp niloticus L.)
(Wet) 2 (basil);
ND ND 1.16
Biomass 2.9 (okra)
Fluidized Sand Filter + Rapid Sand
Biofiltration Net Filter Net Filter
Carbon Dioxide Strippers Filters
Clarifier plus
Mechanical Clarifier plus Net Rapid Sand
Drum filter Net Plastic
Filtration Plastic Filter Filters
pH 5.6–7.3;
pH 7.0–7.7; Temp : pH 7.0–7.5; Temp:
Parameters pH 7.2; Temp : ND
25.7 °C Temp : 28 °C 27.5–28.8
(pH; °C)
Temporal 28 weeks
length of ND 108 days (basil); 11.7 35 days
experiment weeks (okra)
Cost of setup $100,120
($ U.S.) (hydroponic part) *
Cost of
annual $204,040 (lettuce); $24,440
running $194,950 (basil) (tilapia+basil)
($ U.S.)
$3.23 (per kg
Break-even $13.80 (per box of 24 lettuces); of tilapia);
price ($ U.S.) $0.53 (per basil plant) $1.66 (per kg
of basil)
$116,000 (for
$12,350–$44,350 (for box
Potential tilapia sold at
of 24 lettuces sold at $14–$16);
annual profit ND $5.50/kg and ND
$27,750–$66,090 (for basil
($ U.S.) basil sold at
plant sold at $0.60–$0.70)

With respect to Table 3.2, it is particularly noticeable that DWC systems are mainly used, and
important design parameters such as fish to plant ratio or daily feed input are sometimes missing
from the literature. It must be mentioned that some costs (i.e., labour costs) are not taken into
account, so the financial viability can only be partially estimated.

Apart from the UVI system, there is a lack of scientific literature when it comes to aquaponic
experiments on large scale and during long time sequences. Moreover, many experimental setups
published are small-scale replicates of the UVI design. Limited data on cost and potential profit of
such systems are available [55,57–59]. As aquaponics is still in a maturing experimental phase,
scientific research has focused more on technical aspects than economic viability. However,
economic challenges need to be addressed. Experiments covering bigger production systems exist,
but they are performed by private research centres or companies, whereby confidential findings are
not always made accessible to third parties.

3.4. Technical Challenges

Aquaponics system design and application can be considered a highly multidisciplinary approach
drawing from environmental, mechanical and civil engineering design concepts as well as aquatic and
plant related biology, biochemistry, and biotechnology. System specific measurements and control
technologies also require knowledge of subjects related to the field of computer science for
automatic control systems. This high level of complexity necessarily demands in-depth knowledge
and expertise of all involved fields. The biggest challenge in commercial aquaponics is its multi-
disciplinarity, needing further expertise in economics, finance and marketing. Thus, a high degree of
field-specific insight in terms of both practical and in-depth theoretical knowledge is required. This
leads to an increasing level of complexity, which directly affects the efficiency factors of the running
system. In the interest of highest efficiency and productivity, some numerical trade-offs are
recommended and are outlined below. They include pH stabilization, nutrient balance, phosphorus,
and pest management.

3.4.1. pH Stabilisation

A crucial point in aquaponic systems is the pH stabilization, as it is critical to all living organisms
within a cycling system that includes fish, plants and bacteria. The optimal pH for each living
component is different. Most plants need a pH value between 6 and 6.5 in order to enhance the
uptake of nutrients. The fish species Tilapia (Oreochromis) is known to be disease-resistant and
tolerant to large fluctuation in pH value with a tolerance between pH 3.7 and 11, but achieves best
growth performance between pH 7.0 and 9.0 [60]. The nitrifying bacteria have a higher optimum pH,
which is above 7. Villaverde [61] observed that nitrification efficiency increased linearly by 13% per
pH unit within a pH range between 5.0 and 9.0 with the highest activity of ammonium oxidizers at
8.2. Similar observations were made by Antoniou et al. [62], who report the overall nitrification pH of
approximately 7.8. There are three major bacteria, for which optimal pH conditions are as follows: (1)
Nitrobacter: 7.5 [63]; (2) Nitrosomonas: 7.0–7.5 [64], and (3) Nitrospira: 8.0–8.3 [65].

Based on these data, the highest possible pH value should be consistent with the prevention of
ammonia accumulation in the system. Then, the ideal pH value for the system is between 6.8 and
7.0. Although root uptake of nitrate raises pH as bicarbonate ions are released in exchange [66], the
acidity producing nitrification process has a higher impact on the overall system pH, leading to a
constant and slight decrease in the pH-value. There are two approaches to counteract that trend:

(1) Nutritional supplementation is the most applied method in use. By adding carbonate, bi-
carbonate or hydroxide to the system, the pH value can temporarily be adjusted in line with the
requirements. Also, they increase the alkalinity parameter that prevents large fluctuations in pH and

thus keeps the system stable. The buffers should preferably be based on calcium, potassium, and
magnesium compounds, since they compensate for a possible nutritional deficiency of those
essential nutrients for plants [46]. Regarding the composition of the supplementation, it is important
to seek a balance between those three elements.

(2) A proposed alternative approach is the implementation of the fluidized lime-bed reactor concept
[67] into the field of aquaponics. This water neutralization concept consists of the controlled addition
of dissolved limestone (CaCO3) to the acid water that leads to a continuous pH-elevating effect due
to carbonate solubilisation that releases hydroxide anions (OH−).

CaCO3(s) ⇌ Ca2++ CO32−

Depending on pH, when CaCO3 dissolves, some carbonate

hydrolyses produce HCO3−

CO3 2−+ H2O ⇌HCO3-+ OH−

The degree to which the pH is raised is dependent on the adjustable flow rate. However, this concept
requires preliminary empirical measurements with respect to the system’s steady pH-drop in order
to determine the size of the lime-bed reactor taking the specific flow-rate into consideration.

3.4.2. Nutrient Balance

As an innovative sustainable food production system, the challenge in aquaponics is to use the
nutrient input efficiently, minimizing its discard and tending to a zero-discharge recirculating system
[68,69]. Fish feed, the main nutrient input, can be divided into assimilated feed, uneaten feed, and
soluble and solid fish excreta [19]. Soluble excreta are mainly ammonia and is the most available
mineral until it is successively transformed into nitrite and nitrate by nitrifying bacteria [70,71]. Both
uneaten feed and solid faeces need to be solubilized from organic material to ionic mineral forms
that are easily assimilated by plants. Minerals have different solubilisation rates and do not
accumulate equally [41,50], which influences their concentrations in the water. All involved
microorganisms and chemical and physical mechanisms of solubilisation are not well understood
[37,72]. Under current practices in RAS the solid wastes are only partially solubilized as they are
mechanically filtered out on a daily basis [73]. These filtered wastes can be externally fully
mineralized and reinserted into the hydroponic beds.

Given the objective of obtaining a low environmental footprint, a zero-discharge recirculating system
concept should be achievable according to Neori et al. [69], but more research needs to be carried
out on fish waste solubilisation with the objective to transform all added nutrients into plant
biomass. There are two methods for mineralising organic material that could be implemented: (1)
anoxic digestion in special mineralization or settling units using bioleaching abilities of heterotrophic
bacteria (e.g., Lactobacillus plantarum) [74]; and/or (2) using earthworm species such as Lumbricus
rubellus capable of converting organic wastes to water enriching compounds in wet composting or
grow beds [75]. Vermiculture can facilitate a high degree of mineralization as worm casts contain
micro- and macronutrients broken down from organic compounds [76,77]. Addition of external
sources (e.g., food waste) of feed for the worms to provide the aquaponic system with additional
organic fertilizers has also been suggested [78].

Feed composition directly affects the nutrient excretion by fish, consequently affecting the water
chemistry [50,79]. One challenge is to find the right fish feed composition for aquaponics in order to
attain a water composition that is as close as possible to hydroculture requirements. There is a need
to establish the macro- and micronutrient proportion that fish can release in the water for a given
feed in a given system; this depends on fish species, fish density, temperature, and type of plants
(i.e., fruity plants or leafy greens). This will allow prediction of the subsequent mineral addition
needed to match optimal plant growth requirements. Inorganic mineral input adds extra cost and
issues for sustainable resource management (e.g., global P peak production reality) [31,80]. Thus, fish
feed composition should be adapted to minimize this mineral addition while ensuring required
nutrition properties for fish yield and avoiding phytotoxic mineral accumulation (e.g., Na). The fish
feed origin regarding its environmental footprint should also be taken into account. Low trophic fish
species should be preferred and alternative production solutions should be promoted such as human
food waste recycling [81], insects, worms, aquatic weed, and algae as a feed base [82,83]. Also, some
fish–plant couples might be more appropriate than others in terms of overlap between nutrients
profiles offered by excreta and nutrient profiles demanded by plants. Identifying these couples would
assure an optimum use of the available nutrients.

A comparison of mineral concentrations in the published aquaponics literature (Table 3.3), with
recommended recirculating hydroponics solutions leads to two main observations: (1) there is a lack
of aquaponic data for some macro- and micro-elements, indicating the necessity of more research
focus on them; (2) for the available data, the aquaponic concentrations are below the recommended
hydroponic level. However, Rakocy and Lennard (pers. comm.) report that hydroponics and
aquaponics nutrient solutions are not comparable for many reasons. The nature of the total
dissolved solid (TDS) is not the same in these systems. In hydroponics, TDS consists mainly of mineral
compounds, while in aquaponics it includes organic molecules wherein nutrients can be locked up
and overlooked by measuring procedures such as electrical conductivity (EC) or aqueous sample
filtration. Both aqueous sample filtration and the EC measurement methods only take nutrients that
are available in ionic form into account. These suspended organic solids are assumed to promote
growth because they might simulate natural growing conditions as found in soil, unlike the growing
environment of hydroponics [84].

Table 3.3. Comparison of pH and nutrient concentrations in hydroponic and aquaponic solution for different plant species, all nutrients reported in mg L−1.

NO3- PO4- SO4-

Plant Species System pH Ca Mg Na K TAN Cl Fe Mn Cu Zn B Mo Source
5– Sonneveld and
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Hydroponic 180 24 430 18 266 62 36 2.2 0.3 0.05 0.3 0.3 0.05
6.2 Voogt, 2009 [11]
50– 65–
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Hydroponic 200 50 210 190 50 66 5 0.5 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.05 Resh, 2012 [12]
90 253
Al-Hafedh et al.,
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Aquaponic 8 48 20 10
2008 [85]
Pantanella et al.,
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Aquaponic 180 44 17 106 137 9
2012 [86]
Basil (Ocimum Rakocy et al.,
Aquaponic 7.4 12 7 45 2.20 42 8 2.5 0.8 0.05 0.44 0.19 0.01
basilicum ‘Genovese’) 2004a [40]
Water spinach (Ipomoea Endut et al.. 2010
Aquaponic 5.6–7.3 20 17
aquatica) [48]
Tomato (Solanum 5- Sonneveld and
Hydroponic 110 24 254 18 151 39 48 0.8 0.6 0.05 0.3 0.2 0.05
lycopersicum) 6.2 Voogt, 2009 [11]
Roosta and
Tomato (Solanum
Aquaponic 7.7 34 27 0.33 35 8 0.2 0.04 0.37 Hamidpour, 2011
Okra (Abelmoschus Rakocy et al.,
Aquaponic 7.1 24 6 14 64 1.58 26 15 6 12 1.3 0.06 0.03 0.34 0.09 0.01
esculentus) 2004b [87]

There is a lack of knowledge about the nature of organic molecules and the biochemical processes
occurring for their assimilation by plants. Some can be taken up directly or need complex
biodegradation to make them available. Another difference is the microflora inherent to aquaponics
while sterilization occurs in hydroponics. This microflora can have significant beneficial effects on
plant growth and organic molecules’ assimilation. Hence, some aquaponics investigators report
similar or even better yield than hydroponics for some crops, despite lower concentrations of
mineral nutrients [86,88–90].

Voogt [91] identifies three aspects of the hydroponic nutrient solution composition that should be
taken into account in aquaponics: (1) elemental uptake ratio compared to nutrient composition; (2)
ease of uptake of specific elements; (3) the type of growing system that also require a specific
nutrient composition. The composition of a nutrient solution must reflect the uptake ratios of
individual elements by the crop, otherwise it will lead to either accumulation or depletion of certain
elements. As the demand between crops differs, the basic compositions of nutrients solutions are
crop specific [92]. The uptake of elements differs widely, the absorption of some can be more
difficult and necessitates relatively higher ratios than the straightforward uptake ratio of the crop.

The optimal nutrient levels for leafy and fruity vegetables in aquaponics systems are not yet well
established. Additional research should be carried out to assess the optimum value of mineral
concentration per single crop or hybrid multi-crop systems regarding growth rate and crop yield.
Optimal suspended organic solids’ level should be identified with respect to its impact on vegetative
growth. Also, a special emphasis should be placed on crop quality since productivity should not be
the only argument for competitiveness. For output purposes, this should be compared to (1)
hydroponic crop grown with mineral nutrient solution; (2) conventionally soil-based agricultural
methods; and (3) organic soil-based agricultural methods. Within-system comparative studies
address the productivity, as the macro- and micronutrient composition of the products will play a
decisive role with respect to future orientation of healthy and efficient quality food production. A
deeper understanding of the biochemical processes occurring in solid fish waste solubilisation is
necessary with the aim to increase mineral levels in aquaponic water by implementing process and
specific waste biofiltration units.

3.4.3. Phosphorous

Among the different minerals, phosphorus (P) deserves a specific attention. It is a macronutrient,
which is assimilated by plants in its ionic orthophosphate form (H2PO4−, HPO42−, PO43−). It is essential
for both vegetative and flowering stages of plant growth [93]. In RAS, 30-65% of the phosphorus
added to the system via fish feed is lost in the form of fish solid excretion that is filtered out by either
settling tanks or mechanical filters [18,41]. Moreover, organic P solubilised as orthophosphate can
precipitate with calcium (e.g., hydroxyapatite–Ca5(PO4)3(OH)) making these elements less available in
solution [41,72]. Consequently, aquaponic experiments report a range of 1-17 mg L−1 PO4-P
[56,85,88,94]. However, recommended concentrations in standard hydroponics are generally
between 40 and 60 mg L−1 PO4-P [11,12,95]. This discrepancy suggests that phosphate should be
added to aquaponic systems, especially for fruity vegetables that do not yet show satisfying yields in
aquaponics [96]. Phosphorus is a finite and scarce mining resource and subsequently, an expensive
component of hydroponic solutions. Sufficient phosphorus production will certainly be a major
concern in the near future [80]. Therefore, solutions to reuse the discharge of P-rich effluents must

be explored [97,98]. As up to 65% of P can be wasted in form of aquaculture effluent sludge,
recovery solutions should be developed to achieve zero-discharge systems. For example, leachate
rich in P could be obtained by sludge digestion with selected P-solubilising microorganisms [74] and
then reinserted in the hydroponic part of the system. The ultimate objective is to develop a zero-
discharge recirculating system with maximum nutrient recycling transformed into plant biomass and
improved yield.

3.4.4. Pest and Disease Management

The challenges of pest and disease management is another aspect that needs further improvement
[39]. Aquaponic systems are characterized by a broader range of microflora than conventional
hydroponic systems, especially because the breeding of fish and biofiltration occurs in the same
water loop. Conventional pesticides that are used in hydroponics cannot be used in aquaponics
because of toxicity risk to the fish and to the desired biofilm (e.g., autotrophic nitrifying biofilm) [96].
The need to maintain the nitrification biofilm and other nutrient solubilizing microorganisms also
prevents the use of antibiotics and fungicides for fish pathogen control and removal in the aquatic
environment. Furthermore, antibiotics are not allowed for plant application so their use against fish
pathogens must be avoided in aquaponic systems. These constraints demand innovative pest and
disease management solutions for fish and plants that minimize impacts on fish and desired
microorganisms. Plant and fish pests and pathogens can be divided into four different categories
based on specific alternative treatment solutions. These are (1) plant pests—mostly insects that
damage the leaves and roots (e.g., aphids, spider mites); (2) plant diseases—microorganisms (e.g.,
bacteria, fungi) and viruses that attack plants; (3) fish parasites (e.g., monogenea, cestoda); and (4)
fish diseases caused by viruses and microorganisms.

Rearing and crop practices that decrease the occurrence of diseases could be applied such as
preventive sanitary measures, low density of fish and/or plants, and/or control of environmental
conditions, which decrease relative humidity around the plants. In addition to these practices, a few
innovative methods of biocontrol already exist for plants cultivated under field or greenhouse
conditions. These methods are based on the use of microorganisms with biocontrol activity [99,100],
or extracts of such microorganisms or extracts of plants (including essential oils) that show high
antimicrobial efficiency and short residence time [101,102]. It will be a challenge to select and adapt
these methods to aquaponics systems, considering their compatibility with the other living organisms
of the system. Furthermore, microbial diversity can be beneficial for plants. The presence of some
mutualistic microorganisms in the plant biosphere can retard the development of pathogens
[103,104] while promoting growth (e.g., plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and plant growth-
promoting fungi).

Since the presence of a broad range microflora belongs to aquaponic practices, the occurrence of
pathogens and risk for human health should also be established, in order to assess the safety of
aquaponics and to conduct appropriate quality control. These challenges can lead to the production
of products that are quality and pesticide free certified (e.g., organic) and thereby achieve a higher
prize in the market and leads to a healthier population [105].

3.4.5. Other Technical Challenges

The regulation of the nitrate level in aquaponics is another challenge. Leafy vegetables need 100–200
mg L−1 of NO3-N concentration, while fruity vegetables need lower level at species specific growth
stages [12]. Intermittent intervals of high nitrate can be harmful for fish and nitrate concentration
must stay under a certain threshold to avoid adverse physical effects to sensitive species (e.g., 100,
140, 250 mg L−1 NO3-N for Oncorhynchus mykiss, Clarias gariepinus, Oreochromis niloticus,
respectively [106–108]). Therefore, it is of particular relevance to determine the best practical means
fish:plant ratio before setup and/or implement a flow-controlled denitrification unit in the system in
order to be able to adjust the desired nitrate level. Some denitrification tanks are already used in RAS
[10], however, the technology is not yet fully developed. The approach involves creating anoxic
conditions in a column by using the sludge as an organic carbon source for heterotrophic denitrifying
microorganisms and recirculates the nitrate-rich water through it. If anoxic conditions are applied in
sludge, heterotrophic microorganisms are able to use nitrate instead of oxygen as electron acceptor
and reduce it successively to gaseous nitrogen (N2) [109]. A critical step is to guarantee additional bio
filtration before discharging the treated water back into the system to reduce the risk of toxic NO 2−
ions from the denitrification process entering the system.

Together with environmental conditions, the population density is the most important parameter for
the fish well-being. In outdoor aquaponics facilities such as the UVI system, the common tilapia fish
density without use of pure oxygen is around 30–40 kg m−3. A higher density up to 60 kg m−3 can be
achieved in greenhouses [110]; this may be due to more algae and cyanobacteria blooms under
longer daylight conditions, producing more oxygen from increased photosynthesis. These
characteristics, however, cannot be generalized. In fact, different fish species require different
optimal water quality; e.g., warm water species tilapia require a dissolved oxygen (DO) level of 4–6
mg L−1, whereas the cold water species trout needs at least 6–8 mg L−1 DO [111]. Dissolved oxygen is
not the only factor that needs to be kept stable. Large fluctuations in temperature and pH might
harm fish, plants, and nitrifying microorganisms [112,113]. Despite this fact, temperatures for warm
water species such as tilapia and nitrifying bacteria can be 25-30 °C, whereas most plants rather
prefer colder water temperatures (approx. 20-25 °C).

Thus far, aquaponics has been built on a trade-off between the needs of fish and plants, respectively.
Development is now needed to achieve optimal conditions for both fish and plants with either: (1)
emphasis on interdependent parameters of both system components (e.g., combining fish and plant
species that preferably require similar environmental conditions within the same range of
temperatures and pH that ensure bacterial nitrification); or (2) the physical separation in two
recirculating loops, i.e., an aquaculture and hydroponic loop, described as decoupled systems, where
optimal condition for each system is applied with periodic water exchange between them. These are
different types of solutions that may contribute to the breakthrough of commercial aquaponics.

3.5. Socio-Ecological Challenges

Aquaponics as such is also responding to diverse ecological and social challenges, which point to the
importance to focus on efficient and sustainable forms of agricultural production. Socio-ecological
challenges include mineral recycling, water scarcity, energy availability, overfishing, as well as urban
farming and short supply chains. They are outlined below.

3.5.1. Mineral Recycling

In terms of sustainability, both phosphorus and potassium are major components of agricultural
fertilizers, and like oil, they are non-renewable resources. Therefore, increasing use and depletion of
these minerals without reuse or recapture has a negative impact on and is of significance to their
future supply. This in turn would have dramatic consequences for global food security. Nutrient
recycling policies, especially for phosphorus, are crucial in order to avoid global food shortages

3.5.2. Water

An increasing number of countries are facing economic and physical water scarcity, leading to a
growing incapability in feeding their people [114]. On average, global agriculture uses around 70% of
the available freshwater resources. In arid climate zones such as the Middle East and North Africa,
the agricultural water consumption can even be up to 90% [115]. Compared to conventional
agriculture, aquaponics uses less than 10% of water, depending on the climatic conditions [116].
Aquaponics can reduce fresh water depletion associated with irrigation whilst guaranteeing safe
encouraging sustainable farming and food production practices, which in turn reduces the freshwater
consumption in countries facing water stress. System related water losses that occur in evaporation,
plant transpiration and the water content of the agricultural products can be compensated for by
capturing water from air humidity [117]or by reverse osmosis desalination plant in coastal areas

3.5.3. Energy

The energy requirements of aquaponics are likely to be based on system configuration (design,
species, scale, technologies) and geographic location (climate, available resources). For each location,
different measures are needed in order to ensure that each system will have a suitable sustainable
energy source all year round to provide stable conditions for fish and plants. This is crucial, as
fluctuations in temperature might harm fish, plants, and nitrifying microorganisms [113]. This
requirement constitutes a mandatory factor in regions with constantly and seasonally changing
climatic conditions as well as in hot and arid climatic zones. Ensuring stable conditions may be
achievable in equatorial areas without additional technology. Harnessing solar energy can be
beneficial in order to either run climate control systems within greenhouses (e.g., via air conditioning
operated by solar photovoltaic modules), or to heat up a low-energy greenhouse with passive solar
heating [120]. The latter option is practicable for small sized non-commercial (passive solar)
greenhouses, but may not be suitable for larger greenhouses because of the high thermal resistance
and high energy losses, associated with medium and large greenhouses. These larger structures may
require alternative solutions. In countries such as Iceland and Japan, near-surface geothermal energy
can be used by means of heat pumps and direct geothermal heat for maintaining the indoor
temperature at the desired level [121,122]]. Countries with comparatively unfavourable geological
conditions still might assess possible options in terms of using waste heat of combined heat and
power (CHP) units to heat the greenhouse during cold days [123] or cool them down during hot days.
Those CHP units can mostly be found in combination with agricultural biogas plants, whereby surplus
heat is fairly cheap for further disposal. Alternatively, they might consider using fish and plant species
that are more suitable for the respective climatic conditions in order to avoid the expensive heating
or cooling down of the system’s water.

3.5.4. Overfishing

Eighty percent of the world’s oceans are fully- or over-exploited, depleted or in a state of collapse.
One hundred million tons of fish are consumed worldwide each year, providing 2.5 billion people
with at least 20% of their average per capita animal protein intake [124]. Fish is one of the most
efficient animal protein producers, with a food conversion ratio (FCR) between 1 and 2 [125]. Since
fish demand is increasing whilst the fishing grounds are overexploited [126], aquaculture is the
fastest growing sector of world food production [124]. Adverse effects of this development include
the high water consumption in case of conventional fish protein production [127], and release of up
to 80% of N and 85% of P per kg of fish feed [18,37] into the environment. This causes the loss of
valuable nutrients, resulting in eutrophication in rivers, lakes and coastal waters, and excessive
productivity leading to vast dead zones in the oceans [128]. However, it has to be noted that high-
protein fishmeal and fish oil are still key components of aquaculture feeds [129]. Between 2010 and
2012, 23% of captured fish was reduced to fishmeal and fish oil [129]. Decreasing the proportion of
both fishmeal and fish oil in fish feed is thus a challenge that needs to be addressed.

3.5.5. Urban Farming and Short Supply Chains

Aquaponic systems can be set up almost everywhere and have the potential to (sub-)urbanise food
production. This could bring important socio-environmental benefits. Aquaponic farming plants could
be implemented in old industrial neglected buildings with the advantages of re-establishing a
sustainable activity without increasing urbanization pressure on land. Roof gardens would be another
possibility, allowing the saving of space in urban areas. If greenhouses are used on roofs, they can
insulate buildings while producing food [130]. Another important aspect is minimizing the distance
between the food producer and consumer. The longer the supply chain, the more transport,
packaging, conservation and labour needed, leading to substantial decreases of resources and energy
(e.g., up to 79% of the retail price in US conventional food distribution [131]). Shortening and
simplifying the food supply chains can drastically diminish their environmental impacts, while
providing cities with fresher products. This also allows the consumer to clearly identify his food origin
[132,133]. Nevertheless, one should not underestimate the development of rural locations, where
farmland is plentiful. As aquaponics can be considered a high-tech agricultural method, it is
necessary to assure knowledge transfer in this field to maintain skilled labour forces.

3.6. Economic Challenges

The current literature cannot be used to critically assess and predict economic challenges; as
presented in Table 3.2, only two economic sub-studies are available in the peer-reviewed literature
[53,55]. At this early stage of scientific research, the main focus has been on technical aspects of
aquaponics; financial figures held by private research entities are not shared with the public.
Furthermore, it is difficult to compare the two systems to determine which is better as information
may not be available for all system parameters and outputs. For example, light intensity (lm) was not
reported by Rakocy et al. [55], yet this is one of the major factors affecting plant growth and thus the
harvested biomass. Overall, system costs can be measured in the cost per square meter, which is
influenced by the complexity of the system and this is closely related to climatic and geographic
conditions such as seasonal daylight availability, temperature extremes, and fluctuation of warmth
and cold. Also, dynamic costs such as maintenance costs (i.e., price per kWh and labour) and sales

revenues in regional markets might differ, making it more difficult to make accurate economic
evaluations. Even comparing the most expensive item within a system is difficult, as it differs per
region and country (e.g., electricity prices, heat availability, etc.). Consequently, there is no general
optimal system, as the system must be adjusted to environmental conditions. Another approach
could be to calculate the cost savings by comparing the cost of RAS and hydroponics separately to
the same system and integrated to an aquaponic system, under the same environmental and market
conditions. Hence, Rupasinghe and Kennedy [134] calculated an improvement of the net present
value of 4.6% in an integrated aquaponic system of lettuce and barramundi. Unfortunately, there are
no other studies available for comparison.

Market prices, one of the major factors for profit, can greatly vary between countries for several
(e.g., cultural, historical availability) reasons. However, the profit margins will definitely be higher if
the product manufacturing costs are low and the food distribution supply chain is short. The
transport, packaging and conservation of the food are time and energy consuming, which has an
effect on the additional costs and freshness of the products. In order to meet these problems, more
urban and peri-urban fresh food production plants need to be implemented to guarantee efficient
short food supply chains [133].

Rakocy [38] showed with respect to the crop choice, leafy greens generally achieve a higher
profitability than fruity vegetables. In an initial economic analysis, given the University of Virgin
Islands (UVI) system design, they had a profit margin with basil exceeding almost by a factor 4 of that
of lettuce. This finding should be viewed with a degree of caution because of different domestic
market dependencies. Nonetheless, when addressing economic optimization, the three most
important factors are: (1) sustainability considerations, which, in the case of aquaponics, are
interrelated with economic profits, since the reuse of resources should cut costs for the producer
and for the customer; (2) technical optimization of processes (e.g., nutrient availability in different
growth stages, nutrient recycling, etc.), and; (3) system components (e.g., design of the hydrological
regime, P recycling unit, pH stabilizing reactors, etc.).

Although Vermeulen and Kamstra [39] state that the actual perceived environmental benefits of
nutrient reuse, energy efficiency and land use seem only marginally cost-effective, the aspects of
possible differences in product quality and societal value are not necessarily reflected in business
costs. Also, the use and cost of fertilizers in hydroponic production systems has an increasing
importance, as fertilizer costs lie between 5% and 10% of the overall costs, and scarce fossil fuels are
required in their manufacture [135]. The costing forecasts for fossil fuels could rather exacerbate the
situation further and increase the demand of alternative fertilizing solutions such as using waste.
Another resource that becomes increasingly scarce is fresh water. Reprocessing instead of
discharging contaminated water will be a big challenge that needs to be met in the future. Taxes for
wastewater discharge or strong limitations in discharge by local or national policies might become a
factor as all point source discharges are regulated by water quality policies. Anticipating this trend
will ensure economic and financial advantages with respect to conventional agriculture or
hydroponic approaches.

3.7. Education as a Necessity
A broad range of knowledge is required to understand and implement the multidisciplinary concept
of aquaponics. From the theoretical perspective, the multidisciplinarity of the field and a lack of
training in holistic thinking is a hurdle to fully comprehend the concept of aquaponics covering all
interrelating issues. The bundling of field-specific in-depth knowledge is required in order to
consolidate available scientific knowledge and evidence. At most universities, the two main
disciplines, i.e., hydroponics and aquaculture, are either not taught, or offered in different schools,
which could complicate access and exchange of knowledge. In practice, aquaculture and hydroponic
technologies are well-known. The problem lies in the fact that those disciplines need to be
connected. This lack of information-sharing shows the necessity for developing an education network
dealing with the improvement of the interconnection between (scientific) disciplines involved in this
field. Aquaponic stakeholders, including researchers, entrepreneurs and technicians, need to have
basic knowledge covering all disciplines that are involved in this field. Furthermore, experts within
every connected field are required to address specific issues within theoretical, scientific, financial as
well as practical frameworks.

3.8. Discussion
Challenges underlying sustainable socio-ecological, technical and economic factors pertaining to
aquaponics are discussed in this paper to demonstrate the need and the means of extensively
investing in more research and development and education in the aquaponics sector. Taking these
factors into account is necessary because a pure financial perspective faces significant constraints,
notably in terms of natural resource scarcity and their long-term economic consequences. The
commercial development of socially, ecologically, and environmentally sustainable aquaponic
systems confronts several technical challenges that need to be addressed further: (1) improved
nutrient solubilisation and recovery for a better use of the nutrient input and reducing extra-mineral
addition, e.g., phosphorus recycling; (2) adapted pest management; (3) reduce water consumption to
a high degree by limiting the need for water exchange; (4) use of alternative energy sources for
hot/cold and arid areas (e.g., CHP waste heat, geothermal heat, etc.); and (5) innovative pH
stabilization methods by implementing fluidized lime-bed reactors that have successfully been used
in natural waters [67].

All the factors mentioned above require additional attention, because some production parameters
still need to be determined and optimized to prepare aquaponics for commercial use as some
components and their interactions are not technically mature yet. This cannot be sufficiently
achieved without a greater focus on combining existing knowledge of the different involved fields
within a scientific and international framework. These aspects are important, as the commercially
aligned technology should not be restricted by certain external conditions. Instead, the systems to be
developed should be universally applicable, which implies resource–economic (i.e., resource-saving)
production systems that can be run in arid, hot, cold, and urban areas or any combination thereof.

Vermeulen and Kamstra [39] report only a marginal cost reduction for environmental benefits of
nutrient reuse and energy efficiency when aquaponics is compared to RAS and hydroponics run
separately. However, this study did not take socio-ecological factors into account, such as operating
in a resource (e.g., phosphorous, water) limited world. Energy cost and fertilizer prices are constantly

rising and governmental policies encourage reduction of emitted pollution (e.g., tax incentive
schemes), so this cost margin benefit of aquaponics is expected to rise. Although the highest financial
profit margin has been shown with leafy greens, it is still necessary to determine the purpose and the
scale of the respective systems before building them; the needs on a microeconomic level in terms of
food self-sufficiency or local food supply might differ from profit-oriented approaches and from
country to country.

3.9. Conclusions
Given the fact that aquaponics follows nutrient and water reusing principles, it seems to be a
promising solution for sustainable aquaculture and hydroponic practices. However, further research
and developments are needed as demonstrated by the challenges described in this paper. These
challenges need to be resolved with the aim to establish fully controlled and standardized aquaponic
systems that will be easy to handle and economically viable. The competitiveness of the production
method depends on technological developments, local markets, and climatic and geographic
conditions that need to be assessed and cannot be generalized. Only addressing those factors
thoroughly will eventually validate aquaponics as a sustainable food production alternative.


The work was partly supported by the EcoInnovation funded project EcoPonics, by Aquaponik
Manufaktur GmbH and the COST Action FA1305: The EU Aquaponics Hub-Realising Sustainable
Integrated Fish and Vegetable Production for the EU.

Author Contributions

Simon Goddek and Boris Delaide both have equally added to the manuscript. They were assisted by
the other co-authors in form and content.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

4. Plant and fish production performance, nutrient mass balances, energy
and water use of the PAFF Box, a small-scale aquaponic system.

This chapter has been published as a manuscript entitled “Plant and fish production performance,
nutrient mass balances, energy and water use of the PAFF Box, a small-scale aquaponic system.” By
Delaide, B.; Delhaye, G.; Dermience, M.; Gott, J.; Soyeurt, H.; Jijakli, M H. Aquacultural Engineering,
2017, 78, 130–139.

4.1 Introduction
The increased demand for food from a growing world population is intensifying the pressures on
natural resources and ecosystems. Recent studies suggest that the planetary boundaries of
biosphere integrity, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycles have been or are soon to be overtaken.
Overtaken planet boundaries can lead to unpredictable consequences, as deep changes of the
ecosystem balance [4]. Solutions urge to be found. The potential for more efficient resource use
through the tightening nutrient cycles and reduction of waste may explain the increasing interest in
aquaponics [23] as an innovation for the rapid expanding sectors of recirculating aquaculture
systems and hydroponic productions [11,129].
Aquaponics is an integrated farming concept that combines fish, hydroponic plant production, and
nitrifying bacteria in a symbiotic environment. The most common form is the integration of
hydroponic beds in the water circuit of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) [47,136]. This
integration aims to convert the normally wasted nutrients excreted by fish into valuable plant
biomass. This allows for lower water exchange and spillage which should significantly reduce the
environmental impact of fish and hydroponic plant production.
Recirculating aquaculture systems are composed of fish tanks, a mechanical filter, a biofilter (i.e. for
autotrophic conversion of ammonia into nitrate) and a sump. A pump recirculates the water
constantly. Oxygen is supplied by air blower or air cones and water temperature is controlled. In this
system configuration, nitrate tends to accumulate in water and is the first toxic factor for fish,
necessitating water exchange. The idea to introduce hydroponic beds in the water loop is originally
due to address this issue [50]. However, the impact on fish welfare of the water quality in such highly
recirculated system has not yet been clearly established and would need special attention [137].
Healthy plant growth requires the presence of additional macro- and micronutrients (i.e., potassium
(K), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), Sulphur (S), iron (Fe), boron (B), copper (Cu), zinc
(Zn), manganese (Mn), and molybdenum (Mo)) in specific proportion and concentration in the water
[11,12]. To date, the mass balance dynamics and budget of these nutrients, with the exception of N,
P, K [138], have not yet been fully studied in aquaponic systems while these data are fundamental for
better system sizing, design and feed formulation [136].
Three types of beds are most frequently used in aquaponics: nutrient film technique (NFT); ebb-and-
flow (EAF); and deep water culture (DWC or RAFT) beds. EAF beds composed of heavy substrate (e.g.,
clay balls, perlite, etc.) and siphon bells seem to be less practical for maintenance [50] and there is
only a few reports on their production performance compared to DWC or NFT [139]. Aquaponics is a
new research field and a theoretical lower environmental footprint compared to conventional
farming methods is expected but there is a lack of data establishing it. Namely, the water and energy
used but also the expectable plant yields are not yet well documented and need to be compared to

RAS and hydroponic systems. The ability of aquaponic systems to produce the same yield and quality
as conventional one needs to be also reported.
Using a small-scale aquaponic system, the objectives of this study were threefold: 1) Comparing the
plant yield between ebb and flow and DWC hydroponic beds in order to select the most productive
one. 2) Describing the plant and fish production capacity, as well as water and energy consumption
over one season’s production. 3) Analysing all macro- and micronutrient mass balances. In the
attempt to establish the environmental advantages of aquaponics in terms of plant and fish
production, nutrient fluxes and energy and water uses, these data have been confronted to
conventional systems and other small-scale aquaponic systems.

4.2. Material and methods

4.2.1 Experimental setup and operation
The PAFF Box aquaponic system was situated at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - University of Liège, in
Gembloux, Belgium (latitude 50° 33’N, longitude 4° 41’E, altitude 157 m). The system was harboured
in a two floor structure composed of a steel container measuring 2.21 m high, 5.72 m long, 2.17 m
wide, insulated with 8.2 cm polyurethane foam, and topped with an aluminium and polycarbonate
greenhouse (Euro-Maxi, Euroserre, Genk, Belgium) measuring 2.40 m x 6 m x 2.40 m, the whole
occupying a space of 71.21m³ with a total water volume of 2.673m³.
The aquaculture part of the system was in the container and the plant production, consisting of bunk
plant grow beds, was located in the greenhouse. The design and specifications are presented in Fig.
4.1. In 2014 half of the grow beds were used as EAF beds. These beds were filled with expanded clay
balls (AH 7/16, Argex, Burcht, Belgium) and siphon bells were used to create a flood and drain period.
The EAF and DWC beds were irrigated with the same water (i.e. same water quality). Then, in 2015
all beds were converted in DWC.
The mechanical systems and their energy demand are reported in Table 4.1. Mechanical components
requiring electrical supply included: water pump, air blower, three submersible heaters, wall
mounted greenhouse fan, fluorescent lighting, LED light, and an energy recovery ventilator (ERV).
The greenhouse fan was thermostat-controlled to extract air when its temperature exceeded 25°C.
Four 0.7 m x 0.9 m windows in the greenhouse roof were automatically opened by thermosensitive
pistons (Ventomax, J.Orbesen teknik ApS, Asnaes, Denmark). In summer sunny days, shade cloths
were installed on the roof and south side of the greenhouse to mitigate excessive temperatures. The
air in the container was kept warm using an ERV. Target water temperature was set at 25°C with
thermostat submersible heaters. The solid excretions of the fish and uneaten feed were retained in
sieve and microbeads filters (Fig. 4.1) and removed daily from the system.
Prior to the studies, the system was operated for two months with fish and water as a recirculating
aquaculture system, allowing the biofilter to mature and the nutrient levels to increase. The study
started as soon as the full fish load and the first seedlings were introduced.

Fig. 4.1. Aquaponic plant and fish farming box (PAFF Box) system layout and dimensions. This system is a one
loop aquaponic system.

Fish stocking
The system was stocked with 200 Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) obtained from the Centre de
Formation et de Recherches en Aquaculture located at Tihange, Belgium. They had an average
weight of 73.9 g ± 20.8 for a total of 14,784 g. They were reared in tanks at a starting density of 23
kg/m³. Fish were fed 200 g of feed twice per day (i.e. 42 g per m² of DWC beds). This feeding rate was
kept constant throughout the experiment in order to be able to easily draw conclusion on the
nutrient mass balance dynamics in water. It was equivalent to 2.7% of the body weight at the
beginning of the experiment and 0.9% at the end. The feed (3.2mm Omegabaars Grower, AQUA4C,
Kruishoutem, Belgium) was 100% veggie based and had a content of 40% proteins, 12% lipids and 3.7
% crude fibre.

4.2.2 Sampling and analytical methods

Water quality
The water quality was closely recorded in order to follow its evolution with a daily feed input of 42 g
per square meter of DWC beds. A temperature of 25 °C and a pH of 7 were targeted as trade-off
value for plant, fish and nitrifying bacteria [42].
The temperature (T°), dissolved oxygen (DO), electro-conductivity (EC) and pH were measured daily.
Total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN), nitrite (NO2--N) and nitrate (NO3--N) were measured three times
per week. Alkalinity, phosphate (H2PO4−, HPO42− or PO43−), sulphate (HSO4−, SO42−), Mg, Ca, K, Fe, Cu,
Mn, Zn, B, Mo and Na were measured twice per week. Measures and samples were taken in the
sump (T°, EC, nutrients) and fish tank (DO) in the morning before fish feeding and filter cleaning.
EC and T° was measured with a conductivity tester (AD31 Waterproof, ADWA, Szeged, Hungary), DO
with DO meter (HI 9146, HANNA instruments, Woonsocket, RI, USA) and pH with a pH-meter (Inolab
pH level 1, WTW, Weilheim, Germany). The concentration of nitrogen compounds, alkalinity, PO43-
and SO42- were determined immediately after sampling with a multiparameter spectrophotometer
(HI 83200, HANNA instruments, Woonsocket, RI, USA) using the following Hanna instruments’
reagents: HI 93700 (TAN), HI 93707 (NO2--N), HI 93728 (NO3--N), HI 93713 (PO43−-P), HI 93751 (SO42−-

S), HI 93755 (Alkalinity). K ion (K+), Mg ion (Mg2+), Ca ion (Ca2+), Fe ions (Fe3+, Fe2+), Cu ions (Cu2+, Cu+),
Mn ion (Mn2+), Zn ion (Zn2+), B oxides (BO32−, B4O72−), Mo oxide (MoO42-) and Na ion (Na+)
concentrations were determined with a microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometer (MPAES
4100, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). Samples were collected at the inlet of the DWC
beds, 0.45µm filtered and conserved in freezer (-20°C) prior to analysis.

Plant and fish production

The production of head lettuce (Lactuca sativa var.‘Grosse Blonde Paresseuse’, Faulx-Les-Tombes,
Semailles, Belgium) and basil (Ocimum basilicum var.’Grand Vert’, Semailles, Faulx-Les-Tombes,
Belgium) were firstly evaluated and compared in DWC and in EAF beds from 18th March 2014 to 23th
July 2014. Two cycles of lettuce and basil were evaluated. Then lettuce and basil were grown only in
DWC from the 20th April 2015 to 29th September 2015. Cultures were staggered to maximize the
number of cycles of lettuce and basil and to maintain an average constant plant biomass (i.e. nutrient
uptake) during the experiment. Six crops of lettuce and four crops of basil were analysed. Sowing was
done directly on the Rockwool support (RFX-1, 35x35x40, Terra Terra, Genval, Belgium), watered
with tap water only, and housed in a climate and light controlled greenhouse. Seedlings were
transferred into the aquaponic system 15 days after sowing. Harvesting was done after 28 and 35
days for lettuce and basil respectively, with replacement seedlings synchronized and planted the
same day. The air humidity and temperature in the greenhouse was recorded every 10 min with a
datalogger (MOINEAU Instruments, Chef-Boutonne, France). Once harvested, shoots and roots fresh
biomass weight was immediately determined. The plant production performance was evaluated in
terms of fresh plant biomass obtained after each crop cycle.
Fish mass increase was recorded twice a month by weighing 10% of the fish. The total fish biomass
was obtained by weighing all the fish at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. The fish
production performance was evaluated in term of feed conversion ratio (FCR), calculated by dividing
the total feed administered during the experiment by the total fish biomass gain. The growth rate
(GR) in grams per day was also calculated by dividing the total fish biomass gain by the number of
days of the experiment.

Water use
Water consumption was measured with a flow meter throughout the experiment. Sources of water
loss were evaporation, evapotranspiration, spillage, leakage and water exchange. To refill, tap water
was directly added into the sump. The discharge of solution in this experiment was done for two
main reasons: the cleaning of filters and the control of pH.

Energy use
A portable energy meter (E305EM5, Perel, Gavere, Belgium) was used to determine the daily energy
consumption of each electrical components of the system. Total electricity used during the
experiment was recorded by an electric meter integrated in the system’s electric panel.

Table 4.1. PAFF Box mechanical systems characteristics and their energy demand.

Power Daily Daily consumption
Device and characteristics consumption
(W) use (h) proportion (%)
Submersible heaters (Eco heater, Superfish,
900 24 21600 57
Energy recovery ventilator (Double flux 90
134 24 3216 9
pavillon'Air, Autogyre, France)
Pump (Projet SE 20/8 tri, Aquatic science,
280 24 6720 18
Air blower (HP40 Hiblow, Absolute Air & Gas,
30 24 720 2
United Kingdom)
Greenhouse fan( AW 200E4 sileo, systemair,
44 12 528 1
LED light (Flexible led strip 5050 60LED/m,
308.52 15 4627.8 12
Colasse, Belgium)
Fluorescent light (TL-D super 80, Philips, Belgium) 35 12 420 1

4.2.3 Nutrient mass balances

The nutrient mass balances were established by quantifying the nutrient input, output and
accumulation in the system following this equation:

= 𝑀𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 + 𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑝 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 + 𝑀𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 − 𝑀𝑓𝑖𝑠ℎ − 𝑀𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡 − 𝑀𝑠𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑒 − 𝑀𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 − 𝑀𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡

Where the nutrient inputs during the all experiment came from: fish feed (𝑀𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 ), tap water
(𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑝 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 ) and iron sulfate (FeSO4) (𝑀𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 ). The nutrient output comprised the ones trapped
in: fish (𝑀𝑓𝑖𝑠ℎ ), plant (i.e. lettuce and basil) (𝑀𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡 ), sludge (𝑀𝑠𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑒 ), some accumulated in solution
(𝑀𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ) and the rest was considered as lost (𝑀𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 ).
The nutrient masses were obtained by multiplying the mass of each component (e.g. fish, sludge…)
by its nutrient content concentration following the equation:

𝑁𝑥, = 𝑌𝑥 𝑀𝑦

Where 𝑁𝑥, is the mass of the nutrient𝑥, , 𝑌𝑥 the nutrient concentration in the component 𝑦 and 𝑀𝑦
the total mass of the component 𝑦 accumulated during the experiment. The values obtained were
plotted as histogram in Microsoft Excel software (Microsoft Office 2010).
A target pH around 7 for the aquaponic water was maintained by tap water supply. Its high hardness
and alkalinity allowed keeping an acceptable pH so that no addition of chemical base was needed
throughout the experiment. FeSO4 (0.5 g Fe/L) was spread on the leaves once per crop cycle.
The quantity in mass (for solids) or volume (for liquids) of each input and output was measured.
Except that the mass of sludge produced was based on literature data. Neto and Ostrensky (2013)
reported that 23% of the feed mass input was excreted as solids (i.e. sludge production) by tilapia,
neglecting feeding loss by assuming that all the feed input was eaten. P, S, Mg, Ca, K, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn,
B, Mo and Na content was determined for feed, tilapia, sludge, lettuce and basil with an ICP-OES
(5100 VDV ICP-OES, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), after the dry biomass was pulverized
and acid mineralized with 1:1 nitric (65%) and perchloric acid (70%). The Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
(TKN) was analysed with a distillation unit (B-324, Buchi, Flawil, Switzerland).

The nutrient content in tap and aquaponic solution was determined with the same methods used for
water quality analysis. Tilapia dried flesh was obtained at the Institute for Natural Resource Sciences,
ZHAW (Wädenswil, Switzerland).

4.2.4 Statistical analysis

A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to test the significance of difference on the
shoots fresh weight between both studied beds (i.e. EAF and DWC). The model included the bed type
as fixed effect. Prior to this analysis, the homogeneity of variance was tested using Levene test and
the normality of data was tested using Shapiro-Wilk test. All of these calculations were conducted
using procedures PROC GLM and PROC UNIVARIATE in SAS software (SAS 9.4).

4.3. Results and discussion

4.3.1 Grow bed selection
During 2014, two production cycles of lettuce and basil were studied. The basil and lettuce shoots
fresh weights were not normally distributed and variances were heterogeneous. Therefore, all data
were log-transformed allowing a normal distribution and homogeneity of variance between EAF and
DWC (Levene test p-value > 0.05 for lettuce and basil). ANOVA results showed a highly significant
effect of the bed type on the log-transformed shoot fresh weight of lettuce and basil (p-value <
0.001). For both cycles, DWC beds had always a higher shoot mass production, lettuce had a 10-fold
higher mass while basil had a 3 to 5-fold higher mass (Fig. 4.2). The lettuce and basil did not grow
efficiently in clay balls contrary to Lennard and Leonard (2006) who compared their growth in NFT,
DWC and EAF. This may be explained in our case by diminished nutrient uptake in EAF compared to
DWC caused by a reduced water flow around the roots and hence reduced nutrient availability [140].
Also, clay that is negatively charged may adsorb some nutrients [141], making them less available for
young roots. Considering the poor growth obtained in EAF beds, DWC beds were selected as only
grow bed type in the PAFF Box. All EAF beds were replaced by DWC beds for the 2015 growing

Fig. 4.2. Box-Plot and descriptive statistical data of lettuce (L) and basil (B) shoots harvested in deep water
culture (DWC) and ebb and flow (EAF) beds during season 2014 for cycle 1 and 2. Bed types (DWC vs EAF) were
compared per crop (L, B) for each cycle (1, 2). Box-Plot tagged with different letters (a, b) are significantly
different at the 0.05 level. *** Equal significance level of P<0.001. Low and up bar outside the box are the
minimum and maximum of the shoot weight harvested.

4.3.2 Water quality
The water quality was recorded from 20th April to 1st July 2015 and from 15th August to 29th
September 2015. On the all experiment, the average water temperature was 25.6 ± 2.5°C with a
range of 22 to 31°C. This was suitable for tilapia but was often warmer than the optimum
temperature needs of lettuce and basil [12]. Temperatures followed seasonal trends, with lower
values at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Although water heaters were used and the
container was insulated and ERV equipped, this was not enough to maintain constant temperatures
at night, most likely due to heat loss from the greenhouse. Indeed, air temperatures in the
greenhouse were below 25°C at the beginning and end of the experiment with a minimum near 10°C
during the night (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2. Relative humidity (RH) and air temperature (T) in PAFF Box greenhouse.
T (°C) RH (%)
a b
Month Average SD Min Max Average SD Min Max (n)
April 21.4 10.5 11.7 35.4 56.0 24.7 26.4 82.8 1584

May 24.4 8.3 15.5 34.2 47.9 20.3 25.8 72.3 1583

June 27.1 8.4 18.3 36.9 46.5 19.6 25.6 70.3 4320

August 26.5 8.8 19.3 37.4 55.3 19.2 33.6 75.3 2492

September 21.0 8.0 15.2 32.2 62.8 19.0 38.5 79.7 4176
a b
Standard deviation. Number of observations.

The pH and alkalinity decreased through the experiment from 8.71 to 5.5 for pH and 145 to 0 mg
CaCO3/L for alkalinity (Fig. 4.3A). High pH and alkalinity at the beginning is due to earlier PAFF Box
filling with tap water that had an alkalinity of 305 ± 35.5 mg CaCO3/L. During the experiment the feed
input partly excreted in ammonia by fish and its conversion in nitrite and nitrate by nitrifying bacteria
leaded to release H+[142]. This phenomenon acidified the water and is then supposed to be the main
factor removing the alkalinity. The presence of plants in the water loop did not affect this well-known
acidification tendency in RAS water. The sudden increase in alkalinity and pH during mid-August (day
of experiment 116) is due to a replacement of about 1000 L of solution with tap water in order to
restore acceptable value of alkalinity and pH for the second period of experiment. Regarding the
constant decrease in pH and alkalinity, constantly adding base and carbonate source in the water,
cannot be avoided.
The EC rose from 721 to 1238 µS/cm during the first part of the experiment (April to July 2015, day 1
to 68), stayed around 1210 µS/cm during the second part (August to mid-September, day 116 to
162)) and slightly decreased at the end of the experiment (Fig. 4.3B). Accordingly to the EC trend, the
macro and micronutrients increased in concentration during the first 3 months of experiment but
this stopped in the second part and concentrations even went slightly down at the end of the
experiment. Especially, nitrate and calcium accumulated faster than other nutrients and impacted
the EC (Fig. 4.3B). The dynamics of accumulation for each nutrient are reported in part 4.3.6. This EC
rise indicates that nutrients accumulated in solution during the first 3 months due to feed input and
fish excretions. During that period plant nutrient uptake and water exchange could not compensate
the accumulation (i.e. daily water exchange of 2-3.6%, Fig. 4.4). However, another situation appeared

in August and September because of better plant growth but mainly because the water exchange
rate was increased (i.e. 5-5.2%).
This shows thus the planting area could not balance the nutrient input itself necessitating a high
exchange of water to control nutrient accumulation. Hence, the appropriate daily water exchange
between 3.6 and 5.2 % prevented excessive accumulation, without removing too much nutrient

- 2+
Fig. 4.3. Water quality: (A) pH and Alkalinity; (B) Electro-conductivity (EC), nitrate (NO3 -N) and calcium (Ca )
concentrations. The measurements were paused from day 69 to 115 for maintenance reason.

Fig. 4.4. Refill water use and daily water exchange.

4.3.3 Plant production
Every two weeks lettuce and basil were harvested. During July to mid-August (day of experiment 69
to 115) the production was paused for maintenance reason. The average and standard deviation (SD
in brackets) shoots mass for the all season was 175.08 (± 71.51) and 125.41 (± 85.97) g for head
lettuce and basil, respectively. In comparison in conventional hydroponics, Barbosa et al. (2015)
reported that the yearly average of head lettuce shoots harvested after a complete 30 day cycle was
144.6 g. This is lower than the lettuce growth achieved in the PAFF Box during appropriate weather
conditions (May to beginning of September). Good growth was obtained for plants grown in August
and harvested beginning of September (Fig. 4.5) corresponding to yields of 2.4 kg/m² and 1.3 kg/m²
for lettuce and basil, respectively. However, in hydroponic lettuce production monthly yields of 3.4
kg/m² are achievable year round [143]. This may be explained by higher plant density used in
conventional setup.
The high harvests of September may be explained by better water quality and more appropriate
environmental conditions. For that period (day 116 to 162) the pH oscillated between 6 and 7 while it
was higher than 7 during May and beginning of June (day 1 to 68, Fig. 4.3A). The EC was at its highest
value also at that time meaning higher nutrients concentration in solution. The air temperature in
greenhouse was more stable with higher minimal temperature (i.e. close to 20°C) and so warmer
night time (Table 4.2). Lower yields obtained at the end of September can be linked with lower
temperature in the greenhouse and shorter daylight period. In brief, on the overall experiment a
sustained growth was achieved and no nutrient deficiency or disease was visually observed.

Fig. 4.5. Shoot fresh weight Box-Plot distribution for each crop cycle of (A) lettuce var.‘Grosse blonde
paresseuse’ (GBP 1 to 6), (B) Basil var.‘Grand vert’ (BA 1 to 4). The harvest date (day/month) is mentioned
under each crop name plus the number of heads (n). Above each Box-Plot is the average (± standard deviation).
Min and max (low and up bar outside the box) are the minimum and maximum of the shoot weight harvested.

4.3.4 Fish production
Tilapia biomass gained a total of 30 kg during the 164 days of experiment with an average individual
final weight of 236 g. No fish were harvested during the study but the mortality rate was 5% which
can be considered as normal for tilapia [60,111].
The water quality was maintained in the right range (Fig. 4.3), the DO, TAN and NO2-N in the fish
tanks were on average 4.4 (± 0.8), 0.71 (± 0.52), and 0.30 (± 0.44) mg/L, respectively.
The FCR was 1.56 with a GR of 1 g/d. These results are better than 1.7 - 1.8 previously reported for
tilapia reared in aquaponics [45] but lower than performance expected in productive recirculating
aquaculture, where FCR of 1.25 and GR higher than 2 g/d are achieved [60,111]. In our experiment,
the fish were fed at a constant rate independently of their body mass increase, in order to keep a
constant nutrient input in the system and this might explain the lower GR obtained. The water
temperature kept around 25°C for plant roots should also have contributed to slow tilapia growth as
their growth rate is correlated to water temperature and 28°C is their optimal rearing temperature

4.3.5 Water and energy used

At the start of the experiment, 2673 L of water were necessary to fill the system, and thereafter
there was a regular need of refill water to compensate the loss due to evaporation,
evapotranspiration, spillage, and water exchange (Fig. 4.4). A total amount of 16155 L of refill water
has been used during the experiment, giving an average daily water need of 97 L. This represents a
daily water exchange of 3.6% which is in the 0.5-10% range observed in aquaponics [45,144], lower
than (5-20%) achieved in RAS [111]. Regarding the daily feed input, the water exchange rate was 243
L/kg feed added/d which is in the 100-1000L/kg feed/d range of conventional recirculating
aquaculture systems [10]. These results confirm aquaponics as a water-efficient method for plant
and fish production.
Electricity was the sole energy form used. During the 71 days of the measured period for energy
consumption, the total consumption was 2641 kWh with an average daily consumption of 37 kWh.
The water heating was the most consuming part with 57% of the daily consumption followed by the
water pump (18%) (Table 4.1). The LED lighting took also an important part (i.e. 12%) but was only
used to compensate for the shade of upper DWC beds cast on the lower ones.
In the studied aquaponic system, the water and energy consumption counted for simultaneous
vegetable and fish production. Some water and energy needs overlap for plants and fish in a
combined aquaponic system. Hence, if the same yields of fish and vegetables are achieved as in
conventional systems, theoretically, the water and energy consumption will automatically be less
than the sum of separated production systems. It is then necessary to link the resources
consumption to fish and vegetables production together. In our system, the production of 1 kg of
vegetable required, in average, 488 L of water and 169 kWh but simultaneously 0.878 kg of tilapia
was also produced. The water and energy needs can be split (i.e., 50/50) then it can be considered
that 1 kg of vegetable consumed 244 L and 84.5 kWh and proportionally 1 kg increase of tilapia
consumed 278 L and 96.2 kWh.
As comparison, Love et al. (2015) reported 104 L of water, and 56 kWh used for 1 kg of crops and 292
L and 159 kWh to produce a 1 kg increase in tilapia. Our results are close but interestingly their crops
consumed twice less water and energy, probably because they produced year round more
vegetables than in the PAFF Box. Timmons and Ebeling (2013) predicted the use of 16.23 kWh to
produce 1 kg of fish in a large scale RAS of 500 tons of fish produced per year but with a daily water

exchange of 5-20% of the total volume. Ayer and Tyedmers (2009) reported 84.83 kWh/ kg of Salmon
production in RAS while d’Orbcastel et al. (2009) reported 10.68 kWh/kg for Rainbow trout in RAS.
This confirms that larger scale production in RAS allows economy of scale for energy but not for
water consumption. On the hydroponic production side, the survey of Barbosa et al. (2015) in
Arizona climate conditions reported 20 L of water, and 25 kWh used for 1 kg of lettuce produced as
yearly average in a warmed and lighted greenhouses.
Our system had consumption in the same range as other small scale system [144]. Compared to RAS
alone, the system was very efficient in water but not in energy use. The reduction in water use is
supposedly due to the nitrate uptake by plants enabling to reduce the water exchange rate.
Compared to hydroponic alone, our system was less efficient. The water and energy consumption in
hydroponics are lower because most of the energy is consumed only in winter for heating air and
lighting the greenhouse while in our system energy was required permanently to warm up the water
for fish. Also, in hydroponics, water exchange is only necessary to compensate the evaporation,
plants evapotranspiration and annual cleaning [143].
To mitigate the high energy demand of our system, a considerable reduction in electricity
consumption could be achieved by using fish species thriving in lower temperatures thus better
adapted to the Belgian climate. Another solution could be the use of other technologies (e.g., solar
panels) to warm up the water. A better sizing of the pump and flows will also reduce the energy
demand. Pumping water in the greenhouse at the top of the container demands more pumping
energy than a system build with fish and plant on the same floor. The LED lighting electricity demand
could also be avoided. Therefore, the bed design should be revisited, for example by increasing the
distance between or using vertical grow beds to minimize shading. So, the design of the PAFF Box
system itself increases the use of energy for water pumping. The size of the system is also important
as in larger system economies of scale are possible.

Table 4.3. Macro- micronutrient inputs and their ratio to N in PAFF Box compared to Resh (2012) hydroponic
solution formulation.
PO4- SO4-
N K Ca Mg Fe B Cu Zn Mn Mo
0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total input in PAFF Box (kg) 1.17 0.40 0.47 2.47 0.49 0.90 -
27 06 10 48 24
Calculated ratio to N in Resh's 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 0.3 1.1 1.1 0.2 0.6
(2012) solution 63 26 05 05 26 03
Calculated ratio to N in PAFF 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 0.3 0.4 2.1 0.4 0.8 -
Box 08 05 09 41 20

4.3.6 Macronutrient mass balances

The record of the nutrient mass balances enabled identifying where the nutrients were trapped in
the system and which proportion was recycled or lost. The fish nutrient input was constant during
the period of study which allowed drawing a picture of their mass balances.
The total nutrient inputs during the experiment can be compared to the inputs used in conventional
hydroponic solution in order to identify unbalance regarding the plant needs (i.e., for lettuce in this
case). A practical way to do it is converting the inputs into ratio to N (Table 4.3). The comparison of
ratios to N between Resh (2012) and PAFF Box shows that K input in PAFF Box were halved compared
to Resh (2012) while Ca, and Mg were roughly doubled. P and S were quite equivalent. Almost all the
N, P and K was introduced in the system from the feed, while more than 75% of Ca, Mg and S was
introduced by tap water (Fig. 4.6A) because their concentrations were consistent with it (Table 4.2 in

supplementary material). Tap water contained low concentrations of NO3--N and PO43--P (i.e. <3.5
mg/L) but also only 0.61 mg/L of K+. Nutrients present in tap water have the advantage to be directly
available for plants unlike the ones in feed. Surprisingly, 75% of the Na was also introduced by tap
water. Tap water can be a convenient way to input some nutrients provided its quality and nutrient
content is appropriate. That was the case in this study even if some Na was present.
After being introduced from the feed or tap water, nutrients were allocated in different parts of the
system as into tilapia body, lettuce and basil, solution and sludge. Some were also lost due to water
spillage and/or trapped somewhere else in the system (Fig. 4.6). The allocation of the nutrient
contained in the solution evolved during the experiment. The nutrient concentrations in solution
used to build Fig. 4.6 are the concentrations measured at the end of the experiment. Nutrients
accumulated in solution during the experiment. The accumulation rates are nutrient specific and
depend mainly on their input quantity and under which form (i.e. soluble or insoluble) they are
released by fish [41]. The dynamics of accumulation for each nutrient is of primarily importance to
identify the suitability of using fish water to produce plants.
Regarding the macronutrients dynamics in solution, at the end of the experiment NO3--N, Ca2+, SO42--
S, Mg2+, K+ and PO43--P increased by 58, 31, 16, 12, 7 and 2 mg/L respectively (Table 4.4). NO3--N and
Ca2+ accumulated faster than other macronutrients. It can be assumed that if water exchange was
reduced they could reach 160-200 mg/L, which is the concentration range found in conventional
hydroponic solutions [145]. If nitrate and other macro nutrients concentrations increase, tilapia
health has to be considered and appropriate solution would be needed not to overtake toxic
threshold. Notably, tilapia tolerates quite high concentration of nitrate compared to other fish [146].
. Mg2+ and SO42--S were in a suitable range that was facilitated by their substantial concentration in
tap water. In turn, K+ and PO43--P accumulated the least and remained very low in solution (i.e. < 10
ppm). They were thus far under the concentration recommended in hydroponic solution of 210-430
and 50-62 mg/L for K+ and PO43--P respectively [11,12]. The high loss (> 80%) of K+ and PO43--P is a
special concern and is unfortunately not identifiable with the data available from this study. Most of
the P is normally supposed to end up in sludge [18,19]. K+ and PO43--P were low concentrated in
solution and so had a higher proportion trapped in basil and lettuce compared to other
macronutrients (Fig. 4.6B).

4.3.7 Micronutrient mass balances

The comparison between Resh (2012) and PAFF Box in terms of ratios to N shows that Fe input were
halved compared to Resh (2012) while Cu was roughly doubled (Table 4.3). B input was 5 times lower
in PAFF Box compared to Resh (2012) while Zn was 8 times higher. Mn was quite equivalent. Mo
input was not detected. Almost all Fe, Zn and Mn was introduced in the system from the feed, while
50% of B and 30% of Cu were introduced by tap water (Fig. 4.6A).
Regarding the micronutrient dynamics in solution, at the end of the experiment B, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn
increased by 26, 6, 5, 4 and 2 µg/L respectively (Table 4.4)). All micronutrients at the end of the
experiment, except Mo, were present in solution in a range from 5 to 50 µg/L. Though, they are used
in a range of 100-500 µg/L in hydroponics [11,12]. B accumulated most sufficiently in the water
compared to the other micronutrients. Even then, it reached a concentration of 52 µg/L, which is still
6 to 10 times lower than the concentrations found in hydroponic solutions. Fe was present in a range
of 5-10 µg/L which is 500-1000 times lower to the concentration used in hydroponics (i.e. 2.2-5
mgFe/L). To prevent iron deficiency, FeSO4 was sprayed on the plant leaves and no yellowing was
noticed. Mn accumulated poorly and reached a concentration of only 6 µg/L. Regarding Na, which is

a constant concern in aquaponics as it is released in solution by feed and fish. It is poorly absorbed by
vegetables and then tends to accumulate until toxic level for hydroponic production [147,148].
Indeed, in this experiment its concentration increased by 20 mg/L, from 20 to 40 mg/L. It was slightly
trapped in vegetables (Fig. 4.6B) and only water exchange rate could control its accumulation in
Mo was hardly detectable in solution, in tap water and feed. It was not quantifiable because it was
too close to detection limits, and thus, to avoid deficiency its complementation is presumably
Key nutrients as K, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and Mo are the ones that accumulated the less and were very
low in solution compared to standard solutions used in hydroponics. However, only FeSO4 was once
per crop sprayed on the leaves and sustained lettuce and basil growth was achieved and no visible
deficiency symptoms appeared. Several reasons may explain this sustained growth while key
nutrients were low concentrated. In DWC, nutrients can be absorbed at a constant rate regardless of
the nutrient concentrations as soon as they are higher than a limit threshold [149]. To our knowledge
these thresholds are not well yet established in aquaponic condition and may have not been
overtaken during the experiment. Moreover, bacteria promoting nutrient uptake may have occurred
in the aquaponic solution and reduced these thresholds. Also some organic nutritive material may
have been present but not measured.

90% A
Nutrient input proportion

Tap water
30% Feed
N P K Ca Mg S Na Fe B Cu Zn Mn

90% B
Nutrient output proportion

N P K Ca Mg S Na Fe B Cu Zn Mn

Fig. 4.6. Nutrient Budgets: (A) nutrient input as feed and tap water, (B) nutrient output, nutrients were
allocated in different parts of the system as into tilapia, lettuce, basil, solution (i.e. PAFF Box water) and sludge.
Nutrients lost are the one not trapped in the above cited parts. Lost is due to water spillage, untracked
allocation somewhere else in the system and measurement preciseness.

4.3.8 Nutrient loss

An important proportion of N and P and micronutrients ended up in sludge and then were
discharged out of the system (Fig. 4.6B). P, Fe and the other micronutrients were in low
concentration in solution because they are released mainly as insoluble forms by fish and end up in
sludge. In order to improve their recycling, a solution should be to solubilize and reinject them in
solution. This could be achieved by sludge digestion in a bioreactor [150] and injection of nutrient
rich supernatant back in the system.
As K, P, Fe, Mn and Mo seem to be not released by fish in sufficient soluble quantity and as K, Fe and
Mo were not inputted in sufficient proportion (Table 4.3), complementing the aquaponic solution
with all these nutrients seems necessary to reduce the potential risk of deficiency for plants in such
Interestingly, 50 to 88 % of the nutrients were lost (Fig. 4.6B). Presumably, most of the lost is due to
water spillage but some nutrients could have been trapped somewhere else in the system like on
tank walls, bottom of DWC beds, filter media, biofilm, etc.
The quantity of the water lost by evaporation and spillage was not measured during the experiment,
but if we assume that with a daily water exchange of 3.6 %, evaporation counted for 1.5% and 2.1%
for spillage, this gives an approximation of 9400 L discharged in total. Taking the average solution
nutrient content, this would count for a loss of 49, 8, 18, 40, 45 and 38% of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S,
respectively. Close to 50% of the macronutrient could have been lost by water spillage.

These findings underline the necessity to minimize the water discharge for improving nutrient
recycling in a one loop aquaponic system such the one studied here. In aquaponic system in
production, water exchange could be reduced until about 1% [144]. Ideally, water loss would be due
only by evaporation. However, in these conditions the fish welfare should be evaluated in order to
make sure suitable rearing conditions are maintained. Fish species thriving in water with relatively
high EC and nitrate concentration should be preferred for aquaponics.

Table 4.4. Macro- micronutrients average concentration in PAFF Box solution.

a b
Nutrient Average SD Min Max (n)
TAN 0.7 0.5 0.1 2.3 50
NO3-N 61.3 29.3 9.4 124.0 50
P 3.3 1.8 0.9 7.6 28
K 9.2 8.9 1.6 30.3 26
S 36.6 11.4 16.7 63.3 26
Ca 107.1 23.0 57.3 135.0 26
Mg 23.5 6.6 10.5 31.8 26
Na 31.8 7.8 14.3 46.6 28
B 39.3 10.1 16.6 52.3 26
Cu 10.9 3.6 2.8 17.9 28
Fe 7.5 2.0 3.2 12.0 16
Mn 4.4 3.5 1.9 13.8 19
Zn 8.7 9.2 0.0 39.9 26
a b
Standard deviation. Number of observations.

4.4. Conclusion
The data obtained during this study confirm aquaponics as a consistent alternative to produce fish
and vegetable. Lettuce and basil growth obtained in DWC beds with only fish feed and tap water as
input was sustained and no nutrient deficiency or diseases were observed. In terms of water
consumption, the PAFF Box system was relatively efficient when compared to RAS. However, means
to reduce energy consumption should be explored as alternative solutions for warming the water
and fine-tuned pumping setup.
With a feed daily input of 42g per m² of DWC beds, the nutrients tended to accumulate in water
correlated to a pH decrease. Key nutrients as K, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and Mo, remained low with a
presumable risk of deficiency for plants. Complementing the aquaponic solution with these nutrients
as well as additional base to counterbalance acidity seems unavoidable in such system. For the
nutrients that accumulated quickly, only water exchange showed its ability to control their
accumulation. However, our data shows that even a low water exchange rate (i.e. 3.6 %) implicates a
high nutrient loss. In the willingness to decrease aquaponics environmental footprint, the optimal
feed to plant area ratio should be further studied in parallel with solutions to reduce water spillage.
Nutrient recovering from sludge should also be considered. Other designs could be explored such as
decoupled aquaponics systems.

The authors would like to acknowledge networking and publication support by COST Action FA1305 -
The EU Aquaponics Hub - Realising Sustainable Integrated Fish and Vegetable Production for the EU.
The first author would like to thank the intern student for help with experiment maintenance and
also the UCL and Mr. Ronny Santoro for ICP analysis.

This work was supported by the Integrated and Urban Plant Pathology laboratory of University of
Liège (ULg), Gembloux, Belgium. The internships have been supported by COST Action FA1305 - The
EU Aquaponics Hub - Realising Sustainable Integrated Fish and Vegetable Production for the EU.

Supplementary Material
Table 1. Balance sheet of energy and water used to produce tilapia, lettuce and basil in PAFF Box.

May June August September Monthly average 1 kg of vegetables

Energy (kWh) 1173 1135 1173 1135 1154 169
Water (L) 2980.5 2039.8 4136.2 4177.2 3333.4 488.1
Tilapia (kg) 6.200 5.940 6.138 5.700 5.995 0.878
Lettuce and basil (kg) 2.980 6.781 0.000 17.559 6.830 -

Table 2. Quantity of matter (input and output) and its nutrient content in PAFF Box.

N P K Ca Mg S Na Fe B Cu Zn Mn
(kg dry
mg/g µg/g
Feed 46.90 23.4 8.33 9.69 5.41 2.60 4.60 2.84 6.4 16.4 88.7 49.1
Sludge 10.79 13.3 1.34 0.20 2.42 0.32 0.73 0.12 8.5 12.4 99.7 28.7
Tilapia 8.43 26.6 2.37 0.85 4.48 0.13 0.66 0.41 5.2 4.2 1.4 4.9 0.8
22.2 243.
Lettuce 0.12 17.3 9.15 12.67 3.25 4.22 1.96 10.5 14.5 63.1 105.9
3 5
34.9 109. 251.
Basil 0.46 14.9 8.63 24.75 5.75 3.38 0.80 11.1 32.7 135.8
4 5 3
Volume (L) mg/L µg/L
Tap 17.0 31.7
21501.7 3.47 0.51 0.61 102.97 19.36 0 14 13 29 3
water 9 1
29.3 45.4
Solution 2673.4 70.7 2.05 9.48 125.13 40.30 12.0 47.0 12.7 9.7 6.0
3 3

Obtained at the Institute for Natural Resource Sciences, ZHAW (personal communication)

5. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata cv. Sucrine) growth performance in
complemented aquaponic solution outperforms hydroponics.

This chapter has been published as a manuscript entitled “Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Sucrine)
growth performance in complemented solution encourages the development of decoupled
aquaponics.” Delaide, B.; Goddek, S.; Gott, J.; Soyeurt, H.; Jijakli, H. M. In Water (MDPI) 2016, 1–11.

5.1 Introduction
Aquaponics is an integrated closed-loop multi-trophic food production system that combines
elements of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and hydroponics [44,48,136]. Aquaponic
systems where the nutrient flows and concentrations within the different components (e.g.,
aquaculture and hydroponic parts) are independent of one another are called decoupled aquaponic
systems (DAPS) [150], or double recirculation aquaponic systems (DRAPS) [151]. Aquaponic systems
designed with independent loops offer greater control over the hydroponic component, where water
can be complemented with mineral salts for increased nutrient concentrations, and pH adjusted to
fall within an optimal range. A number of studies have attempted to show optimal nutrient solutions
for growing lettuce in hydrocultural environments [11,12]. Table 5.1 provides the results obtained by
Resh [12]. Several factors determine the nutrient uptake performance of plants, including the
availability of all essential nutrients, their presence in appropriate ratios, and favourable external
conditions, for instance, pH, temperature, O2, and CO2. According to Liebig’s ‘law of the minimum’
nutrient availability constitutes a critical factor; the nutrient least available determines the maximum
growth rate. Several researchers [145,152,153] reported an enhanced NO3− uptake when the
nutrient solution’s N source contained between 5% and 25% NH4+. At a pH of 6.8, both NO3 − and
NH4+ are equally absorbed, whereas NO3 − is preferred in acidic and NH4+ in alkaline environments
[145]. The influence of pH on nutrient uptake is also observed for other macro- and micronutrients.
Indeed, a pH from 6.0 to 8.0 is optimal for the uptake of macronutrients such as phosphorus (H2PO4 −,
HPO42− or PO43−), potassium (K+), sulphur (SO42−), Calcium (Ca2+), and Magnesium (Mg2+). Considering
that micronutrients such as Iron (Fe3+, Fe2+), manganese (Mn2+), boron (BO32−, B4O72−), copper (Cu2+,
Cu+), and zinc (Zn2+) are preferentially absorbed at pH values below 6.0 [154,155]; the trade-off pH in
hydroponics is approximately 5.5–6.0 [12].

Table 5.1. Optimal nutrient solutions for lettuce growth using nutrient flow technique (NFT) and in the
University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) system.

pH EC NO3−-N NH4+-N PO43−-P K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ SO42−-S Fe2+

mS/cm mg/L
Hydroponics (NFT)
5.5–5.8 1.5–2.0 165 25 50 210 200 40 113 5

Aquaponics (UVI) [40] 7.0–7.6 0.7–0.8 42.2 2.2 8.2 44.9 11.9 6.5 15 2.5

In the domain of efficient agriculture the root: shoot ratio of plants has become an important issue.
Root hairs will be limited or almost absent if the plants are exposed to NO3−-N concentrations of at
least 100 mg/L or to high P content. However, a phosphorus deficiency in the plant’s tissues can be
observed if their Al3+ or Ca2+ concentrations are too high at the root surface. Sonneveld and Voogt

[11] showed that a Ca:P ratio of approximately 3:1 was the most efficient target value. Jones [145]
also showed that the optimal Ca: Mg ratio was 3:1. Furthermore, uptake imbalance mostly occurs
when K+ concentrations are too high in the system in proportion to Ca2+ and Mg2+. In such cases, K+ is
more readily absorbed than Ca2+ and Mg2+.

Although lower nutrient levels are observed in one-loop aquaponic systems compared to hydroponic
cultivation methods, a number of researchers have reported a similar lettuce yield [86,156]. In most
recent studies the growth of lettuce has been measured only in aquaponic (AP) and hydroponic (HP)
systems. However, the growth performance of aquaponic and hydroponic lettuce exposed to
similarly high nutrient concentrations has not been comprehensively investigated. It remains unclear
to what degree the aquaculture effluent generates an impact (negative, neutral, or positive) on plant
growth performance.

The leaf nutrient content can give information on plant health (e.g., nutrient deficiency detection);
however, this has not yet been investigated in aquaponics. The strict regulations within the EU
concerning the maximum levels of contaminants in food [157] further the need for leaf composition

Consequently, the objective of this study was to compare shoot and root yields and leaf nutrient
content of lettuce grown in conventional hydroponic solutions to those grown in complemented and
normal aquaponic solutions.

5.2 Materials and Methods

Two identical trials (trial 1 and 2) were conducted between May and September 2015 in the climate-
controlled experimental greenhouse of the Integrated and Urban Plant Pathology Laboratory of the
University of Liège (Gembloux, Belgium, latitude 50°33’ N, longitude 4°41’ E, altitude 157 m). Trial 1
started on 21 May 2015 and trial 2 on 20 August 2015. The air temperature and relative humidity in
the greenhouse were recorded every 30 min with a USB datalogger (MOINEAU Instruments, Chef-
Boutonne, France) in order to control the similar climate conditions between trial 1 and 2. Light
availability was dependent on the natural fluctuations of solar irradiance. The total accumulated
solar radiant exposures measured from a local meteorological station (IRM-KMI Ernage, Gembloux,
Belgium) were 316.21 and 180.94 MJ/m2 for trial 1 and 2, respectively. The experimental setup
consisted of three identical DWC systems (i.e., AeroFlo 28, GHE, Fleurance, France) that were
exposed to the specific nutrient solutions. Each AeroFlo system comprised a sump that was
connected to four DWC channels containing seven holes each. The total planting area was 1 m2 per
system with a water volume of 100 L that was constantly recirculated by a submersible pump.

For both trials 15-day-old lettuce seedlings (Lactuca Sativa ‘Sucrine’, Semailles, Faulx-Les-Tombes,
Belgium) were placed into the AeroFlo and harvested after 36 days.

The AeroFlo systems were filled with a fresh 100 L solution on a weekly basis to maintain stable
nutrient conditions for better reproducibility and comparison among treatments. In order to validate
such stability, during trial 2 the water nutrient content of the one-week-old solution was sampled for
analysis before spillage, and another sample of the fresh solution was taken directly after the refill.

5.2.1 Nutrient Solution Formulation and Control

To match the nutrient concentration targets high-purity mineral salts were added. The HP solution
(i.e., the control) and the CAP solution were formulated to have their nutrient concentrations equal
to conventional NFT lettuce nutrient solutions based on Resh [12]. The HP control solution was
formulated with 100% rainwater and the added high-purity mineral salts. The CAP solution consisted
of 100% RAS water complemented with high-purity mineral salts to reach the same nutrient
concentrations as in the HP control solution. The RAS water was taken directly from the sump of a
running tilapia RAS fed with a 40% protein, 12% lipid, and 3.7% crude fibre feed (Omegabaars,
Lambers-Seghers, Baasrode, Belgium). The water did not receive any treatment prior to being used in
the AeroFlo system. The AP solution was designed to reproduce the macro- and micronutrient
concentrations found in the single loop aquaponic system of the University of Virgin Islands (UVI)
published in Rakocy et al. [40]. It was formulated with RAS water. The concentrations of several
nutrients in RAS water were higher than the concentration targets. RAS water was, therefore, diluted
1:10 in rainwater, and high-purity mineral salts added to match the nutrient concentration targets.
For all treatments, the pH was adjusted by adding HCl and Na2CO3. PH, electrical conductivity (EC)
and nutrient concentration targets of the three solutions are presented in Table 5.1.

The RAS water macronutrient content was analysed with a multiparameter spectrophotometer (HI
83200, HANNA instruments, Woonsocket, RI, USA) with the following reagents: HI 93700 (TAN), HI
93728 (NO3−), HI 93717 (PO43−), HI 93751 (SO42−), HI 93750 (K+), HI 93752 (Ca2+), and HI 93752 (Mg2+).
The macronutrient analysis allowed the calculation of salt quantities necessary to add to the AP and
CAP solution formulations. Salt additions were calculated with the hydroponic-specific HydroBuddy
free software ( to match the target
concentration values. Sulphate was used as a degree of freedom. For the first experimental week
only half the quantities of salts were added in order to limit the EC and allow the seedlings to adapt
to the nutrient solution and avoid osmotic shocks. The mineral salts used for the macronutrients
were MgSO4·7H2O, NH4NO3, K2HPO4, Ca(NO3)2·4H2O, KNO3, K2SO4, and HNO3 (65%), and for the
micronutrients were Fe-EDTA, MnSO4·4H2O, CUSO4·5H2O, ZnSO4·7H2O, (NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O, and

The water EC, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and pH were controlled regularly. EC was
recorded with a conductivity tester (AD31 Waterproof, ADWA, Szeged, Hungary). The DO and
temperature were measured with a DO meter (HI 98193, HANNA instruments, Woonsocket, RI, USA),
and pH with a pH-meter (Inolab pH level 1, WTW, Weilheim, Germany).

To assess water quality, the concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, B, Mo, Mn, and Na in
AeroFlo solutions were measured during trial 2 with an ICP-OES (5100 VDV, Agilent Technologies,
Santa Clara, CA, USA). Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) was measured with a spectrophotometer (HI
83200, HANNA instruments, Woonsocket, RI, USA) using the reagent HI 93700 based on the Nessler
method. NO3−-N was measured with a Nanocolor standard test (Ref 918 65, Macherey-Nagel, Düren,
Germany) using the 2,6-dimethylphenol method. Samples of 150 mL of solution were taken directly
from the sump of each AeroFlo just before and just after weekly renewal of the solution. Samples
were 0.45-µm-filtered (Acrodisc, Pall corporation, Portsmouth, UK) and frozen immediately after
collection. They were analysed for TAN within 24 h and for nitrate within 30 days. All measurements
were performed in triplicate.

To detect potential differences in water composition among the used systems, the measured micro-
and macronutrient concentrations and the key physiological macronutrient ratios (i.e., TAN:NO3-N,
Ca:P, Ca:K, Ca:Mg) were analysed using a repeated model because of week-dependent
measurements. The model included the treatment as the fixed effect, the week as the repeated
effect, and their corresponding interaction realized as shoot and root yields. All calculations used
PROC GLM in SAS software (SAS 9.4., Cary, NC, USA), and a Duncan multiple-comparison was used to
assess the significance of treatment differences. These differences are reported in this paper as least
square (LS) means.

5.2.2 Lettuce Growth and Leaf Nutrient Content

During the lettuce harvests of trials 1 and 2, the weight of both shoots and roots were recorded and
then analysed by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The fixed variation factor was the
treatment (i.e., AP, CAP, and HP).

The lettuce leaf nutrient content (P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, B, Mo, Mn, and Na) was measured
during trial 2 with an ICP-OES (5100 VDV, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). Prior to the ICP
analysis, six lettuce plants per treatment were randomly chosen and were dried in an oven at 105 ◦C
for 48 h, pulverized together, and acid-mineralized with 1:1 nitric (65%) and perchloric acid (70%).
Nutrient content was analysed by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the treatment as the
fixed effect. A Duncan multiple-comparison was used to assess the significance of treatment
differences estimated using least square (LS) means. All calculations used PROC GLM in SAS software
(SAS 9.4.).

5.3 Results
5.3.1 Shoot and Root Fresh Weight

In both trials, the average fresh weight of the harvested shoots from the CAP treatment was
significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those observed for the AP and HP treatments, while no difference
could be found between the latter two (p > 0.05) (Table 5.2). For both trials, the shoot weight of the
CAP treatment showed a 39% higher growth rate compared to the HP treatment. In both trials, no
difference of root fresh weights could be found between the CAP and AP treatments, while the one
observed for the HP treatment was significantly lower. However, the shoot:root ratio observed for
CAP and HP were not different, while it was significantly lower for AP.

Table 5.2. LS means of shoot and root fresh weight and shoot:root ratio of harvested lettuce.

Shoot Fresh Weight Root Fresh Weight Log10

Treatment1 (N)2
(g/plant)3 (g/plant) (shoot:root)
Trial 1
CAP 26 136.28a 4.86a 1.47a
HP 26 98.17b 3.58b 1.47a
AP 25 80.55 b 5.80 a 1.14b
Significance ***4 * ***
Trial 2
CAP 24 55.05a 1.71a 1.52a
HP 20 39.64b 1.08b 1.53a
AP 25 35.72 b 1.52 a 1.39b
Significance ** ** **
Notes: CAP: complemented aquaponic solution, HP: hydroponic solution, AP: aquaponic solution; 2 (N):

number of observations; 3 within columns, LS means followed by different letters (a, b) are significantly
different at the 0.05 level; 4 *, **, *** Equal significance level of p < 0.05, p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively.

A two-fold difference in the harvested biomass between trial 1 and 2 was observed for all
treatments. This finding may be explained mainly by different external environmental conditions that
affected lettuce plant growth. The only substantially identified change was the total accumulation of
solar radiant exposure, which was 316.21 and 180.94 MJ/m2 for trial 1 and 2, respectively. This
uncontrolled parameter was nearly halved for trial 2 because of shorter daily light periods and
cloudier days.

5.3.2 Nutrient Solutions

Within each trial, the environmental conditions affecting growth, such as water temperature, water
DO, light intensity, air temperature, pH, and relative humidity, were similar with the exception of the
pH value that was slightly different in the AP system (Table 5.3).

Table 5.3. Growth environmental conditions for trial 1 and 2.

pH1 EC (µS/cm) DO (mg/L) Water T (°C) Air T (°C) Air RH (%)

Mean 5.59 5.73 7.32 2606 2453 823 -4 - - 20.01 21.07 19.60 22.84 58.21

SD² 0.69 0.45 0.50 297 206 163 - - - 1.46 1.28 1.43 3.78 14.69
Trial 1

(N)3 21 14 18 7 7 9 - - - 10 10 10 4461 4461

Min 4.30 4.76 6.50 2236 2189 630 - - - 17.50 18.60 17.20 15.60 27.20

Max 7.55 6.56 8.20 2945 2710 1014 - - - 22.30 22.50 21.40 35.60 86.90

Mean 5.87 5.77 7.50 2493 2418 642 7.51 7.14 7.36 20.68 20.96 22.28 22.15 71.29

SD 0.43 0.34 0.25 116 140 48 0.34 0.53 0.32 1.39 1.26 0.96 2.58 10.26
Trial 2

(N) 19 20 17 9 9 16 10 10 10 15 16 15 1162 1162

Min 5.24 5.32 7.10 2318 2237 567 6.92 6.12 6.91 19.10 19.50 20.90 18.50 37.90

Max 6.84 6.80 7.94 2656 2672 749 7.91 7.82 7.92 24.70 24.80 25.00 33.20 88.30

Notes: 1 CAP: complemented aquaponic solution, HP: hydroponic solution, AP: aquaponic
solution, GH: greenhouse; 2 SD: standard deviation; 3 (N): number of observations; 4
Missing data.

Water composition during trial 2 was assessed through the average of weekly LS means for each
measured macro and micronutrient in order to improve the clarity of results (Table 5.4). The
averages of weekly LS means for all concentrations measured were close to the desired
macronutrient target value for each treatment (Table 5.1). Depending on the nutritive mineral, AP
treatment had four-to ten-fold lower macronutrient concentrations compared to the other
treatments, whereas the micronutrient concentrations were similar in all treatments. Hence, the
average EC was three to four times lower in the AP treatment compared to CAP and HP (Table 5.3).

The solution nutrient concentrations and macronutrient ratios for both CAP and HP treatments were
compared for each sampling time (i.e., just before and just after weekly renewal of the solution) and
were significantly different (data not shown). However, for trial 2 the differences recorded were on
average 22, 2, 2, 29, 23, 31, and 0 mg/L for NO3−-N, TAN, PO43−-P, SO42−-S, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+,
respectively. Only SO42−-S concentrations had a consistent difference in CAP compared to HP (i.e.,
approximately 30% lower in CAP) because sulphate was used as a degree of freedom for the
adjustment of mineral concentrations, which is a common practice in hydroponic solution
formulation [12].

The evolution of physiological ratios between macronutrient concentrations (Figure 5.1) calculated
for each sampling time showed considerable smaller differences between CAP and HP than with AP
treatment. For each treatment, the ratio tended to slightly increase between the fresh and the old
solution. This was due to water evaporation, which was not balanced with the plant nutrient uptake.
The exception was the TAN:NO3-N ratio that was systematically lower before solution exchange.
Notably, these crucial ratios stayed closed to the targets throughout the experiment.

In this study, the Na+ concentrations were 6-9 times higher in both AP and CAP treatments compared
to the HP treatment, with a maximum of 93.5 mg/L in the CAP system in trial 2. Substantial Na +

concentrations were present because some Na+ was present in the RAS water but mostly because, in
CAP and AP solutions, Na2CO3 was used to control the pH, which tended to drop during aquaponic
solution formulation and throughout the experiment.

Table 5.4. Average of the LS mean of macro- and micronutrients concentration in CAP, HP, and AP treatments
for trial 2 (mg/L).

Element Treatment1° (N)2 Average SD³ Min Max

NO3−-N CAP 6 215.54 28.13 164.00 245.80
HP 6 193.29 12.35 181.23 211.55
AP 8 50.31 1.80 46.57 52.39
TAN CAP 4 25.79 3.09 22.83 29.87
HP 6 23.95 2.51 20.53 26.67
AP 8 1.82 1.35 0.25 3.32
PO43−-P CAP 6 52.66 2.42 50.03 56.27
HP 5 50.93 4.47 44.20 55.57
AP 6 7.83 0.52 7.06 8.49
SO42−-S CAP 6 66.72 6.97 57.33 77.60
HP 5 95.36 4.72 87.77 99.97
AP 8 10.99 1.17 9.24 12.30
K+ CAP 6 219.31 39.46 169.13 260.60
HP 5 242.27 36.69 212.67 295.90
AP 8 59.51 7.89 48.87 73.03
Ca2+ CAP 6 175.09 14.87 154.43 192.63
HP 4 205.68 12.58 192.30 217.27
AP 8 14.72 2.03 12.73 19.07
Mg2+ CAP 6 43.02 4.44 36.70 49.40
HP 5 43.11 3.15 39.13 45.83
AP 8 7.36 0.64 6.76 8.56
Fe3+ CAP 6 4.40 0.20 4.19 4.69
HP 5 3.83 0.29 3.39 4.11
AP 8 3.47 1.05 1.58 4.33
B3+ CAP 6 0.59 0.03 0.54 0.63
HP 5 0.51 0.08 0.37 0.59
AP 8 0.47 0.13 0.24 0.60
Cu+ CAP 6 0.12 0.01 0.11 0.13
HP 5 0.09 0.01 0.07 0.11
AP 8 0.09 0.03 0.05 0.12
Mn2+ CAP 6 0.66 0.06 0.58 0.73
HP 5 0.64 0.10 0.48 0.75
AP 4 0.50 0.12 0.32 0.60
Mo+ CAP 6 0.33 0.02 0.29 0.35
HP 5 0.32 0.04 0.25 0.36
AP 8 0.32 0.10 0.14 0.41
Zn2+ CAP 6 0.16 0.03 0.11 0.19
HP 5 0.15 0.01 0.13 0.16
AP 8 0.14 0.03 0.11 0.19
Na+ CAP 6 71.67 18.24 40.20 93.53
HP 5 7.95 4.52 4.22 13.77
AP 8 49.73 20.98 5.01 74.37

Notes: 1 CAP: complemented aquaponic solution, HP: hydroponic solution, AP: aquaponic
solution;2 (N): number of observations; 3 SD: standard deviation

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 5.1. LS mean of macronutrient concentration ratio evolution in complemented aquaponic (CAP),
hydroponic (HP), and aquaponic (AP) treatments during trial 2. Resh’s and Rakocy’s ratios are given for
comparison. (a) TAN to NO3−-N ratio; (b) Ca2+ to K+ ratio; (c) Ca2+ to P ratio; (d) Ca2+ to Mg2+ ratio.

5.3.3 Lettuce Leaf Nutrient Content

Leaf nutrient content showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) among each treatment for each
nutrient, except for K between AP and HP, and B between CAP and HP (Table 5.5). The CAP lettuce
leaves had a significantly (p < 0.05) higher macronutrient content for all nutrients. AP had the lowest
content for each nutrient. With respect to the micronutrients, the contrasts were greater; Fe and Zn
content were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in HP, while AP had the highest content of Mn and Mo.

The Na content showed the highest observed values in the AP treatment, closely followed by CAP.
The Na content was almost 10 times higher in the AP than in the HP treatment.

Table 5.5. LS mean of lettuce leaf nutrient content in trial 2.

Treatment1 (N)2 P3 K Ca Mg S Na Fe B Cu Zn Mn Mo

5.47a 24.6a 6.36a 2.28a 1.97a 3.70a 739a 8.1a 12.6a 37.0a 1343a 26.5a
AP 3
(0.02) (0.0) (0.01) (0.00) (0.01) (0.00) (5) (0.1) (0.1) (0.3) (3) (0.1)

9.25b 29.8b 11.3b 3.36b 2.75b 2.80b 935b 19.4b 20.2b 69.1b 208b 19.8b
(0.01) (0.1) (0.0) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (4) (0.1) (0.2) (0.8) (2) (0.3)

8.56c 24.7a 10.8c 3.00c 2.56c 0.40c 1511c 19.3b 15.3c 102c 202c 19.0c
HP 3
(0.02) (0.1) (0.0) (0.01) (0.01) (0.00) (4) (0.1) (0.1) (0) (1) (0.1)

Significance ***4 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Notes: 1AP: aquaponic solution, CAP: complemented aquaponic solution, HP: hydroponic
solution;2 (N): number of observations; 3 within columns, LS means followed by different letters (a,
b, c) are significantly different at the 0.05 level. Na and macroelements are reported in mg/gDM
and microelements in µg/gDM. Standard deviations are between brackets; 4 *, **, *** Equal
significance level of p < 0.05, p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively.

5.4 Discussion
While the experiment was conducted to keep the pH, the macro- and micronutrient concentrations,
and the macronutrient ratios of HP and CAP treatment in a very close range in order to have the
water origin as the only difference (i.e., rain and RAS), a significant difference between most values
of macro- and micronutrient concentrations was observed. Due to technical limitations, it is very
difficult to obtain concentrations significantly similar in both solutions. However, lettuce growth
differences between CAP and HP treatments must not be attributed to the concentration differences
recorded and, especially, the small macronutrient ratio variations. Indeed, previous reports have
shown that growth was not affected by the fluctuation of a given concentration of a specific nutrient
in conditions where lettuce roots are directly exposed to the flowing nutrient solution (e.g., NFT and
DWC). Unlike in soil conditions, where there are both diffusion gradients and nutrient depletion, a
given constant concentration can be maintained at the root surface. Consequently, nutrients can be
absorbed at a constant rate regardless of the nutrient solution’s concentrations [149]. However, the
concentrations must be maintained above a minimum threshold. Santos et al. [158] showed that by
increasing the PO43−-P concentration, whilst keeping other nutrients constant, lettuce growth and
final weight remained constant as long as the PO43−-P concentration exceeded 20 mg/L. Similar
observations have been made previously in other plants for NO3−-N with a minimum concentration
threshold of 1 mg/L [159–161]. Letey et al. [162] reported no significant differences on average shoot
and root fresh weight of Romaine lettuce cultivated in DWC for 26 days with different NO3−-N
concentrations (i.e., from 5 to 105 mg/L).

In both trials a similar shoot mass between AP and HP treatment was recorded. In line with previous
studies [86,156] these results confirm AP systems as an alternative to conventional hydroponic
systems, producing similar yields. Importantly, this study shows that considerable lower nutrient
concentrations and different macronutrient ratios in AP solution did not alter yields. When the RAS
water was complemented (i.e., CAP treatment) to reach nutrient concentrations and macronutrient

ratios close to the HP control solution, to our surprise, 39% higher shoot mass was obtained in both
trials. These results indicate that a 39% yield increase can be achieved if lettuces are grown in RAS
water where mineral salts are added and pH kept around 5.5. Such production implicates a specific
design that could be achieved with DAPS [150,163].

Trial 2 had lower yields in all treatments. This reduced growth was due to lower light intensity and is
a well-known phenomenon. Burns et al. [164] confirmed these results by reporting that lettuce yield
in fresh weight was halved in their 28-day trial when reducing the light intensity by 50%, which was
close to the light intensity reduction measured for trial 2. Sucrine is a lettuce that is close to the Bibb
butterhead type [165]. The biomass of the Sucrine lettuce obtained in HP treatment in trial 1 was
98.2 g per shoot, which is in the range of Bibb lettuce produced in hydroponics with Resh’s solution

The shoot:root ratio in AP treatment was significantly lower than in CAP, but CAP and AP treatment
had similar root mass. Hence, the lettuce produced less shoot mass in the AP solution. This could
have been due to a higher pH and/or to unfavourable nutrient ratios that hindered lettuce nutrient
uptake and then limited shoot growth. Interestingly, the shoot:root ratio was similar for both HP and
CAP treatments. The increase in shoot mass for CAP seems thus to be related to an increase in root
mass. It can be suspected that this increase in root mass has been influenced by others factors that
were present in solution rather than the observed small differences in the nutrient concentrations.

The lettuce leaf nutrient content supports these assumptions. The low nutrient content in the leaves
of the AP treatment indicates less favourable nutrient solution for nutrient uptake. Leaves in the CAP
treatment had higher nutrient content. This could be correlated to the water’s EC. However, it is not
certain that the small difference in average ECs of 75 µS/cm between CAP (2493 µS/cm) and HP
(2418 µS/cm) can explain this; other factors present in the RAS water might have boosted the
nutrient uptake and the shoot and root mass.

The superiority of shoot weight and nutrient uptake in CAP treatment, and especially the superiority
of root weight in both AP and CAP treatments compared to the HP treatment (Table 5.2), indicate
that RAS water must contain factors that stimulate root growth. Presumably, these factors also
stimulate the nutrient uptake. Two factors having a plant growth-promoting effect can be assumed
to be present in RAS water: (1) dissolved organic matter (DOM), and (2) plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria and/or fungi (PGPR and/or PGPF). Several humic-like and protein-like DOM
components have been identified that tend to accumulate in RAS water [167]. Humic acids, such as
fulvic acid, and also certain phenolics can increase shoot and root growth as well as root ATPase
activity [168–171]. Haghiaghi [172] showed that humic acid added to a hydroponic solution was also
able to improve the nitrogen metabolism and photosynthetic activity of lettuce, which leads to an
improved yield. Similar to DOM, PGPR were also identified to be able to promote plant growth and
improve root development. PGPR can release phytohormones or induce hormonal changes within
plants that stimulate plant cell elongation and division [173]. Mangmang et al. [174] inoculated
Azospirillum brasilense to lettuce grown on perlite/vermiculite substrate irrigated with fish effluent.
The author recorded an increase in endogenous levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), peroxidase
activity, total leaf chlorophyll, and protein content in lettuce. IAA is known to regulate biochemical
signals controlling plant growth and development. A special focus on DOM and PGPR occurring in
water is, thus, required to better understand their impact and potential for improving plant

production in aquaponics. Interestingly, while Na+ concentrations were considerably higher in the AP
and the CAP treatments, this did not seem to have a negative effect on lettuce growth. Moreover,
the Na content in the leaves of these treatments highlights the ability of lettuce to absorb some Na+
and subsequently remove it from aquaponic water. These conclusions are important because
substantial Na+ concentrations in aquaponic waters occur and are unavoidable due to Na release by
the fish [147]. Na tolerance and assimilation in lettuce should be more specifically studied in
aquaponics in order to define the Na+ toxic threshold.

5.5 Conclusions
The purpose of the current study was to determine differences in growth rates when exposing
lettuce plants to normal (i.e., AP), CAP, and HP solutions. The findings of this study indicated that
there was a significantly higher growth rate in the CAP treatment. These findings highlight the
potential usefulness of aquaponic systems because it was previously considered that the decisive
competitive advantage of HP systems was the enhanced growth potential. This research has
demonstrated that aquaponic systems could surpass the growth rates found in conventional HP
systems. Notably, with respect to the increasing scarcity of phosphorus [175], it is remarkable that, in
AP solution, significantly lower nutrient concentrations gave equivalent yields to HP solution.

From these results, we can conclude that the application of RAS water stimulates both root and
shoot growth. It is difficult to ascertain which mechanism led to the increase in this particular case
but microorganisms and DOM are suspected to play an important role. A special emphasis should be
placed on the DOM species present, their effect on plant growth, and their optimal concentrations.
Additionally, microbiota available in both water and the rhizosphere should be identified; it can be
assumed that they host efficient growth-promoting rhizobacteria and/or fungi.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge networking and publication support by
COST Action FA1305—The EU Aquaponics Hub—Realizing Sustainable Integrated Fish and Vegetable
Production for the EU. The first author would like to thank François-Xavier Biot for help with
experiment maintenance and also the UCL and Ronny Santoro for ICP analysis.

Author Contributions: Boris Delaide, Simon Goddek and M. Haissam Jijakli conceived and designed
the experiments; Boris Delaide and James Gott performed the experiments; Boris Delaide and Hélène
Soyeurt analyzed the data; M. Haissam Jijakli contributed for reagents, materials and analysis tools;
Boris Delaide and Simon Goddek, M. Haissam Jijakli wrote the paper. James Gott corrected the

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in
the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the
manuscript, and in the decision to publish the result.

6. Exploring the potential of nutrient recycling of aquaponic sludge by
aerobic and anaerobic digestion.

This chapter has been submitted as a research note in Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et
Environnement (BASE, Gembloux) in September 2017. By Boris Delaide, Simon Goddek , Karel J.
Keesman and M. Haissam Jijakli.

6.1. Introduction
Aquaponics is a major area of interest within the field of sustainable food production. Decoupled
multi-loop aquaponics combines the multi-trophic food production systems of both recirculating
aquaculture systems (RAS) and hydroponics. This concept of aquaponics leads to a sustainable
production system as it re-utilizes RAS wastewater to fertilize the plants [21,44,156,176]. Since most
of the nutrients that enter aquaponic systems via fish feed accumulate in the fish sludge [18,19,177],
there is a high potential to recycle these nutrients [74,178]. Reintroducing nutrients into the
aquaponic water via natural mineralisation of fish sludge, while reducing the sludgy water spillage
seems to be a promising way to improve the aquaponic system production performance. Hence,
sludge mineralisation could be a contributing factor to close the loop to a higher degree to save
water and thus lowering the environmental impact [136].

To validate the interest of aquaponic sludge treatment onsite, a deeper evaluation is required on the
mineralisation performance of all macro and micronutrients that are beneficial to plants. To date,
there has been little conclusive evidence on mineralisation performance of fish sludge under aerobic
and anaerobic conditions.

The objective of this research note was to compare aerobic and anaerobic digestion performance
with respect to COD oxidation, TSS reduction in order to evaluate the sludge degradation in reactors,
and its mineralisation into dissolved macro- and micronutrients. This short note aimed to produce
exploratory results in order to evaluate the interest of developing such technique for nutrient
recovery in aquaponic systems.

6.2. Materials and methods

6.2.1 Description of the experiment

Aquaponic sludge digestion performance in term of COD oxidation, TSS reduction and nutrient
mineralisation were analysed in an aerobic reactor (AER) and an anaerobic reactor (ANR) (Figure 6.1).
The temperature inside both reactors was constantly held at 28°C using an aquarium heater. To work
in a semi-continuous mode, reactors were manually batch-fed three times per week with fresh
sludge derived from a tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) aquaponic system situated at Zürich University
of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). A hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 15 days was applied to both
reactors, since the same volume of water (i.e. supernatant) was discharged from the outlets of each
reactor. The reactors were operated for 42 days. No solids were discharged during the experiment.
To check the operational stability the temperature, pH, EC, ORP, and DO were measured at each
batch-fed time with a portable multi-parameter meter (HQ40d, HACH Lange, Loveland, CO, USA).

Fig. 6.1 - (a) aerobic digester, constantly aerated and mixed; (b) anaerobic digester, in order to assure a slow
mixing of the sludge, a constant up flow velocity of 0.9 m/h was applied by a small pump recirculating
constantly the top water of the reactor into the bottom inlet. Both reactors were 30 cm in diameter and 70 cm
high with an operating volume of 45 L.

6.2.2 Determination of COD oxidation, TSS reduction and nutrient mineralisation

To determine the digestion performance, a mass balance approach was followed at the end of the
experiment. The corresponding equation is as follows:

𝑑𝑀 𝐹𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡
= 𝑀𝑖𝑛 − 𝑀 −𝑟 (1)
𝑑𝑡 𝑉 𝑉

Where 𝑀 is the mass (as TSS or COD or specific nutrient mass inside the reactor), 𝑀𝑖𝑛 is the mass in
the effluent, F is the flow rate (in L T-1), V the volume (in L3), and r the reaction term (in M T-1).

To calculate the reactors’ TSS reduction performance (𝑇𝑆𝑆 ) (i.e. the capacity to degrade the solid
matter into soluble particles, ions and gas) the equation (1) was integrated from t0 to tf, giving:

∆𝑇𝑆𝑆 = 𝑇𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑛 − 𝑇𝑆𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑡 − 𝑅𝑇𝑆𝑆 (2)

where ∆𝑇𝑆𝑆 is the TSS inside the reactor at the end of the experiment (tf) minus the TSS inside the
reactor at the beginning of the experiment (t0), 𝑇𝑇𝑆𝑆 𝑜𝑢𝑡 is the total TSS outflow, 𝑇𝑇𝑆𝑆 𝑖𝑛 is the total
TSS inflow and 𝑅𝑇𝑆𝑆 the total reaction term (in M).

With reactors’ TSS reduction performance formulated as:

𝑇𝑆𝑆 = 𝑇 (3)
𝑇𝑆𝑆 𝑖𝑛

and by combining equation (2) in (3), the following equation was used:

𝑇𝑆𝑆 = 1 − 𝑇𝑇𝑆𝑆 𝑖𝑛

Similarly the reactors COD oxidation performance (𝐶𝑂𝐷 ) (i.e. the capacity to remove the COD from
the sludge input), follows from:

𝐶𝑂𝐷 = 1 − 𝑇𝐶𝑂𝐷 𝑖𝑛

Where ∆𝐶𝑂𝐷 is the COD inside the reactor at the end of the experiment minus the one at the
beginning of the experiment, 𝑇𝐶𝑂𝐷 𝑜𝑢𝑡 is the total COD outflow, and 𝑇𝐶𝑂𝐷 𝑖𝑛 is the total COD inflow.

Considering the nutrient mineralisation performance of the reactor 𝑁 , (i.e. conversion of macro-
and micronutrients contained in sludge into soluble ions), the following formula was used:

∆𝑁 +𝑇𝑁 𝑜𝑢𝑡
𝑁 = 1 − 𝑇𝑁 𝑖𝑛

where ∆𝑁 is the mass of the undissolved nutrient inside the reactor at the end of the experiment
minus the one at the beginning of the experiment, 𝑇𝑁 𝑜𝑢𝑡 is the total undissolved mass nutrient in the
outflow and 𝑇𝑁 𝑖𝑛 is the total undissolved mass nutrient in the inflow. Thus, similarly to the COD and
TSS performances, the smaller the accumulation and undissolved nutrient content in the outflow, the
higher the mineralisation performance.

TSS, COD, and nutrient masses were determined from fresh sludge as well as input and reactor
effluent samples at each time the reactors were fed with fresh sludge. The reactor contents were
sampled at beginning and at the end of the experiment. TSS and COD were determined in triplicate
following the APHA protocol [179]. For determination of nutrient content in sludge (i.e. undissolved
nutrients), the samples of fresh sludge and sludge inside the reactor (beginning and end of
experiment) have been decanted in cylinder for 24h at 0°C and the supernatant has been removed.
Then sludge has been dried at 70°C for 96h, pulverized and acid mineralized with 1:1 nitric (65%) and
perchloric acid (70%) prior to analysis. The samples’ composition in terms of sodium (Na),
macronutrient as P, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S) and micronutrient as
iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B), and molybdenum (Mo) were
determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (5100 VDV ICP-OES, Agilent
Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). This device gave a measure with a coefficient of variation of 0.51
%. The total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) was analysed with a distillation unit (B-324, Buchi, Flawil,
Switzerland). All the analysis were carried out in triplicate.

6.3. Results and Discussion

6.3.1 TSS reduction and COD oxidation
The TSS reduction performance after 42 days for ANR and AER was 49.0 and 60.8 %, respectively
(Table 6.1). This shows an 11.8% performance difference between ANR and AER. With respect to
COD, the oxidation performance was 56.9 % and 68.5 for ANR and AER showing an 11.6 %
performance difference between AER and ANR.
Regarding literature, aerobic digestion seemed to be more performant for COD oxidation and TSS
reduction on short period [180–183]. However, experiments realised on short period give only an
indication on the easily degradable sludge compounds. The recalcitrant particles identified by van
Rijn et al. [184] as being the carbohydrates (e.g. cellulose, lignin) take a long time to be degraded.
Therefore, the highest performance of sludge reduction reported in literature are found in AN

digestion in long term experiments with a long sludge retention time (SRT) in up-flow anaerobic
sludge blanket reactor (UASB) [185,186]. Under these conditions, the recalcitrant carbohydrates that
were contained in the sludge might eventually have been converted into volatile fatty acids (VFAs),
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and thus left the reactor. Under AE conditions the
microorganism growth is much higher than under AN conditions and a considerable higher part of
the sludge is converted into new biomass that accumulates in the reactor instead of leaving it as
degraded organic matter as in AN conditions [187]. UASB technology consequently seems to be the
most interesting option to treat aquaponic sludge on-site. UASBs also have the advantage that they
consume less power to run (no aeration needed, lower operational cost) and the CH4 produced can
be a source of thermal and electric energy for the system [187].

6.3.2 Sludge mineralisation

The AER showed better mineralisation performance for most of the nutrients except for N and K.
Indeed P, Ca, Mg and B were in a range of 54.2 to 63.0 % for AER while 2.5 to 35.8% for ANR. Cu, Zn
and Mn were in a range of 13.2 to 24.6 % for AER while 5.7 to 21.9 % for ANR (Table 6.1).
Unfortunately, due to missing data we were not able to assess the mineralisation performance of S,
Fe and Mo. Since assessing mineralisation performance is quite innovative, there are not many
studies in literature to confront our results. Jung and Lovitt [74] studied nutrient leaching from trout
sludge during AN digestion in broth boosted by a lactobacillus inoculum and they observed results for
P, Mg, K, and Ca are in the same range as in this study (i.e., 7 – 66 %).

6.4. Conclusion
The obtained results in this study show that sludge digestion in AER and ANR was able to remove at
least 50% of the TSS and COD of the sludge input. Also the sludge mineralisation in both treatments
was consistent with a 10 - 60% range for all macro- and micronutrients. This makes AE and AN
digestion a promising way of treating aquaponic sludge on-site in order to reduce aquaponic sludge
discharge and save water. Our results showed slightly better mineralisation performance under AE
conditions. However, regarding performances reported in literature with long SRT in UASB, this
technology should be deeper explored for aquaponic sludge treatments with a special focus on its
mineralisation performance.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge networking and publication support by
COST Action FA1305 (The EU Aquaponics Hub) as well as Ranka Junge and Zala Schmautz from
Institute of Natural Resource Sciences (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) for providing research

Table 6.1. TSS reduction, COD oxidation and nutrient mineralisation performance of aerobic and anaerobic digestion of aquaponic tilapia sludge. Reactors were operated

under conditions detailed in materials and methods.

Reactor Temperature DO pH EC TSS COD N1 P K Ca Mg S Fe B Cu Zn Mn Mo Na

(°C) (mg/L) (µS/cm) remov remov

al (%) al (%)

Aerobic 28.0 ± 0.6 5.10 ± 6.54 ± 1328 ± 60.81 68.48 58.7 54.2 40.4 62.9 57.4 36.2 25.1 62.9 21.7 24.6 13.1 62.9 55.9

1.74 0.61 465 5 5 6 5 9 2 0 8 9 0 8 8 8

Anaero 28.1 ± 0.7 0.11 ± 6.65 ± 1867 ± 49.02 56.89 61.5 28.4 42.2 8.41 35.7 - - 2.50 10.7 21.9 5.74 - 32.0

bic 0.03 0.27 740 2 0 7 7 4 1 9

Numbers indicate the % of element input that have been mineralised. Presented for all macro- and microelements. - missing data.

7. Nutrient Mineralisation and Organic Matter Reduction Performance of
RAS-based Sludge in Sequential UASB-EGSB Reactors

This chapter will be submitted as a manuscript entitled “Nutrient mineralisation and organic matter
reduction performance of RAS-based sludge in sequential UASB-EGSB reactors.” By Boris P. L.
Delaide, Simon Goddek, Rolf Morgenstern, Sven Wuertz, M. Haissam Jijakli, Amit Gross, Ep H. Eding,
Ingo Bläser, Paul Keizer, Alyssa Joyce, Oliver Körner, Johan Verreth and Karel J. Keesman.

7.1 Introduction
In recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), solid sludge is produced that must be removed from the
system; one potential solution is to introduce this sludge into aquaponics systems using bioreactors
where it can be broken down into bioavailable nutrients and used to fertilize plants [178,188]. In
decoupled aquaponic systems (DAPS), bioreactors for sludge treatment must be designed to both
reduce waste production and optimise nutrient re-utilisation [150]. A large percentage of nutrients
from fish feed inputs end up as uneaten feed or faeces but are released in insoluble form, thus are
not easily assimilated by plants [150,19,18]. In particular, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and
most of the micronutrients (i.e. Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Mo) are not bioavailable and must be mineralized
prior to delivery in hydroponics systems [41,177]. The challenge therefore with respect to digester
design is to ensure that nutrients in suspended solids are effectively mineralised (i.e. recycled).

The use of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors (UASB) in domestic wastewater treatment
[187,189] and in aquaculture-derived fish sludge treatment [185] has been shown to result in a
reduction of up to 90% of total suspended solids (TSS). Moreover, expanded granular sludge bed
(EGSB) reactors have the potential to further treat UASB effluents [190]. The advantages of a
combined UASB-EGSB system are that a UASB reactor mainly removes the TSS, while a EGSB can
remove any remaining organic matter such as volatile fatty acids (VFAs) [190–192]. The UASB and
EGSB are the most commonly used anaerobic reactors for sludge digestion not only due to their high
TSS and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal rates, but also because of their low operating costs
and their ability to extract methane for energy recovery (i.e. heat or electricity generation)
[189,193,186]. The very high rates of sludge decomposition possible in UASB-EGSB systems make
them ideally suited for treating RAS-based sludge in DAPS systems.

The fish species cultivated in the RAS system, the microbial composition of the fish gut, and the
composition of fish feeds being fed all have a strong influence on the mineralisation efficiency of
RAS-based sludge. For instance, faeces from fish fed plant-based diets, compared to fishmeal-based
diets, contain more soluble and insoluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs). NSPs remain largely
undigested and directly affect the composition of the sludge [194]. The amount of NSPs in sludge will
impact sludge degradation as well as the potential for biogas production [195]. In this study, it is
assumed that NSPs will also impact the remineralisation efficiency. Therefore, when determining the
mineralisation efficiency and biogas potential of the anaerobic digestion reactors, it is important to
characterise the composition of treated waste (substrate) based on its components, and in particular
lignocellulosic compounds such as lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose [195]. VFAs, especially C2-C6
VFAs, are also important indicators of the performance of a digester; VFAs are produced during
anaerobic fermentation but a marked increase in their concentration indicates a perturbation of the
digestion process [196–198].

In most studies on aquaculture sludge digestion in UASBs, the main focus has been on methane (CH4)
production as well as sludge reduction (i.e. solids and COD) [185,186,37,199] rather than the macro
and microelements mineralisation capacity. For suitable use in aquaponic systems, it is important to
evaluate whether the treatment could mobilise the sludge-trapped macro and microelements to be
reintroduced into the aquaponic system. Only a few recent studies have addressed the
mineralisation issue in aquaponics and results have shown only small differences when treating fish
sludge in simple anaerobic (AN) and aerobic (AE) reactors [178,188]. The question remains whether
AN or AE digestion methods are preferable for such purpose. Hence, in this paper we study the
macro and microelements mineralisation efficiency in UASB-EGSB reactors treating freshwater RAS-
sludge and in simple AN and AE reactors as control. As the nutrient mineralisation is assumed to be
dependent of the reactors’ performance for reduction of total solids (TS), chemical oxygen demand
(COD), volatile fatty acids (VFA), and lignocellulosic compounds (i.e. hemicellulose, cellulose and
lignin) these compounds have been measured, as well.

7.2. Materials and Methods

7.2.1. Experimental Setup
Lab-scale UASB and EGSB reactors were set up in series (Fig. 1). The Aquaculture and Fisheries Group
at Wageningen University (WUR), Wageningen, the Netherlands housed two sets of these reactors
(UASB I + EGSB I and UASB II + EGSB II) while the Integrated Urban and Plant Pathology Laboratory of
the Université de Liège (ULg), Gembloux, Belgium operated a third set of reactors.

Fig. 7.1. Schematic drawing of experimental setup with UASB reactor (left) and EGSB reactor (right). The circles
indicate the reactors’ sampling points for fresh sludge (S), biogas (B), UASB sludge/supernatant (U), EGSB
sludge/supernatant (E).

Fig. 7.2. Reference systems. Anaerobic and aerobic controls standing in a water bath heated at 28°C. The
aerobic was constantly aerated with an air blower.

One aerobic (AE) and one anaerobic (AN) batch reactor served as controls at each facility (Figure 2).
All UASB-EGSB reactors (Aquaponik Manufaktur GmbH, Germany) were of rectangular glass and
custom-made. The reactors at ULg were fed with RAS sludge from tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed
with plant ingredient-based feed. The feed (Omegabaars Grower, AQUA4C, Kruishoutem, Belgium)
contained 40% raw protein, 12% raw fat, and 3.7% crude fibre. The reactors operated in WUR were
fed with sludge collected from a RAS rearing African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). The plant-based feed
(C-3 Carpe F, Skretting, France) contained 33% raw protein, 8% raw fat, 3.8% crude fibre and 8%
crude ash. After a start-up phase of 2 weeks, the experiment ran for 21 consecutive days and was
then replicated under the same conditions. The study was executed from September until December
2016. Two-stage anaerobic treatment

The UASB reactor had an effective volume of 25.5 L, and the EGSB of 11.5 L, respectively. Due to the
considerably long hydraulic retention time (HRT) of both UASB and EGSB, a recirculation pump
(universal 300, EHEIM, Germany) was required to maintain a sludge blanket in the UASB with an
upflow velocity of 1-3.3 m/h, and an expanded granular sludge bed in the EGSB with an upflow
velocity of 15-18 m/h. The flows were controlled by two flow-meters (k25, Singflo, China). The
temperature inside reactors was maintained at 28°C by a heating controller (TRD 112, Schego,
Germany) and a submerged heater (537, Schego, Germany). Anaerobic and Aerobic Batch Control

Buckets served as anaerobic and aerobic batch reactors (Fig. 2) and had an operational volume of 5 L
each. Both buckets were temperature controlled in a water bath heated at 28°C with an electric
heater. In the AN reactor, the sludge was left to deposit on the bottom of the bucket, while in the AE

reactor the sludge was constantly aerated (relative dissolved oxygen of +50%) using aquarium air

7.2.2. Start-up phase

As Chernicharo and van Lier [193] previously reported that seed sludge could reduce the total start-
up period to 2-3 weeks, 20% seed sludge of the total volume for UASB (i.e. 4.6 L) and EGSB (i.e. 2 L)
was inoculated to the respective reactors. For comparison, both control batch reactors received the
exact same inoculation as the two anaerobic reactors (i.e. 0.5 L each). The seed sludge was
composed of granular sludge and sawdust and was directly coming from a biogas plant
(HydroBusiness B.V., Boxtel, The Netherlands). The occurrence of granules was verified by
All reactors were filled with water from the same RAS from which the sludge was coming. During the
2 weeks of start-up phase reactors were conducted in special condition to promote the
establishment of the anaerobic microbiota and the formation of granules. Psychrophilic conditions
were maintained with a water temperature at 30°C. The upflow velocity was slightly increased in
UASB and EGSB to speed up blanket mixing. Reactors were fed with fresh RAS sludge 3 times a week
and the equivalent volume of reactor supernatant water was removed.

7.2.3. Operation and sampling

An HRT of 10 days was applied for the UASB, and the control reactors. Consequently, three times a
week 5.4 L and 1.2 L of fresh RAS sludge with targeted TS of 0.5-3% were manually added to the
UASB and control reactors, respectively. To obtain the required volume and TS, the collected fresh
sludge was diluted with RAS water if necessary, stirred, and added to the respective reactors. The
equivalent supernatant volume (equivalent to the outflow) was removed from the respective
reactors. 4.75L of UASB supernatant (i.e. its effluent) was used to feed the EGSB resulting in 5.75
days HRT. The equivalent supernatant volume was removed from the EGSB.

Temperature, EC, DO, and pH in all reactors were measured in the middle of the EGSB and control
reactors, and in the sludge blanket of the UASB reactor. The same parameters were recorded in fresh
sludge and supernatant every time sludge was added to the reactors. The frequencies of the
measurements and the devices used are summarized in Table 1.

During the experimental period the content of the reactors (i.e. sludge) and their effluents (i.e.
supernatant) were sampled in order to determine the total solid (TS), COD, dissolved nutrients,
undissolved nutrients (i.e. nutrients trapped in sludge), VFAs, fat, and lignocellulosic (lignin, cellulose
and hemicellulose) content.

Before the start and at the end of the experiment repetitions both UASB and EGSB were perfectly
mixed and 20% of their content was removed and sampled to determine their initial and final
composition. The aerobic and anaerobic control groups were treated the same. The respective
volume was compensated with distilled water at the start of each repetition giving an initial state
equal to 80% of the sample taken at the start.

Simultaneous to each feeding of fresh sludge to the reactors, 500 mL of samples were taken from the
fresh mixed sludge, 200 mL from the aerobic and anaerobic control supernatant, and 650 mL from
the UASB supernatant. The whole EGSB supernatant was sampled to obtain enough dry matter (DM)

for analysis. Before sampling the supernatant of UASB and EGSB, the pumps were switched off for 15
min so the solids could settle. For the aerobic control, the air pump was switched off. For each
repetition and reactor, supernatants were sampled and merged. The corresponding analysis of the
merged samples gave us the average supernatant compositions.

Table 7.1. Operation and Control Measurements.

Measurement Parameters WUR ULg

pH , EC, temperature Hach HQ40d 1

DO meter Hach HQ40d 1 HI 9146 2

Measurement frequency
Thrice / week
supernatant outflow

Measurement frequency
Thrice / week
inside reactor

Hach Lange, Loveland, CO, USA; 2HANNA instruments, Woonsocket, RI, USA.

7.2.4. Analytical methods

TS and COD were determined in triplicate following APHA protocols [179]. For determination of
dissolved nutrients, samples were 0.2 µm filtered and acidified to a pH of 2 with hydrochloric acid
(25%) and stored at -20°C for later analysis. Sample (duplicate) content in macroelements as
phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S) and microelements as iron
(Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and bore (B) were determined by inductively coupled
plasma optical emission spectrometer (5100 VDV ICP-OES, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA,
USA). The total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrate (NO3-N) and nitrite (NO2-N) for the samples from
the ULg reactors were determined by spectrophotometry using commercial reagent. TAN and NO2-N
were determined with reagent HI 93700-01 and HI 93707-01 (HANNA instruments, Woonsocket, RI,
USA), respectively. NO3-N was measured with a Nanocolor standard test (Ref 918 65, Macherey-
Nagel, Düren, Germany). All analysis were carried in triplicate. TAN, NO2-N, and NO3-N for the
samples of the WUR reactors were determined using an autoanalyzer (SAN Plus, Skalar, Breda, The
Netherlands) and Skalar protocol number 155-006 for TAN, Skalar protocol number 467-033 for NO2-
N and Skalar protocol number 461-318 for NOx-N [179]. NO3-N was calculated as NOx-N - NO2-N.

For determination of nutrient content in sludge (i.e. undissolved elements), the samples were dried
at 70°C for 96h, pulverized and acid mineralized with 0.8M H2SO4 prior to analysis. Then, the sample
content in P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, and B were analysed (in duplicate) as described before.
Proximate composition of sludge samples was determined as dry matter (DM; ISO 6496, 1983), crude
protein (ISO 5983, 1997, crude protein = Kjeldahl-N x 6.25), and crude fat (ISO 6492, 1999) using a
bomb calorimeter (IKA model C7000; IKA-Werke GmbH & Co. KG, Staufen, Germany).

The determination of VFA, i.e., acetic acid, propionic acid, iso-butyric acid, butyric acid, iso-valeric
acid and valeric acid was achieved by gas chromatography separation (Thermo, Trace GC Ultra with a
GS column (Grace EC-1000 length 30 m, ID 0.53 mm, 0.2μm) and detected by flame ionization
detector, Thermo, Interscience, Australia), following the method described in Ottenstein et al. [200].

7.2.5. Mass balances equation
In order to determine the organic reduction performance (i.e. TS, COD, fat, hemicellulose and
cellulose) overall reactor mass balances were formulated from start to end of the experiment. The
performance was calculated by using the equations described in Delaide et al. [188].

Derived from the mass balances equation in Delaide et al. [188], the nutrient mineralisation
performances (or the nutrient recovery efficiency) were determined using the following equation:
𝐷𝑁𝑜𝑢𝑡 − 𝐷𝑁𝑖𝑛
𝑁𝑅 = 100% × ( )
𝑇𝑁𝑖𝑛 − 𝐷𝑁𝑖𝑛
Where 𝑁𝑅 is the nutrient recovery at the end of the experiment in percent, 𝐷𝑁𝑜𝑢𝑡 is the total mass of
dissolved nutrient in the outflow, 𝐷𝑁𝑖𝑛 the total mass of dissolved nutrient in the inflow , and 𝑇𝑁𝑖𝑛
the total mass of dissolved plus undissolved nutrients in the inflow.

7.2.6. Statistical analysis of data

The data of organic reduction and mineralisation performances were analysed using R.

7.3. Results
7.3.1 Sludge input characteristics
Sludge characteristics of ULg and WU are presented in Table 2. Average mineral elements in both
liquids and solids are displayed. From the data, we can see that the solid part of ULg sludge had two
times the nitrogen content of WU sludge. ULg solid sludge contained very low K. While the EC was
higher in WU, the ULg liquid sludge contained concentrations of P, K, Ca and Mg more than twice as
high as in WU. Microelements were mainly contained in the solids for both sludge provenances. WUR
sludge had a higher hemicellulose and cellulose content of 5.3 and 1.7-fold, respectively. ULg sludge
contained twice as much lignin and four times more fat.

Table 7.2. Fresh sludge description used to feed reactors in Wageningen (WUR) and Université of Liège (ULg)
during experiment repetitions.
Unit Liquid part Solid part Liquid part Solid part
pH 6.86 ± 0.19 6.48 ± 0.13
EC µS/cm 2626.94 ± 858.67 1607.00 ± 154.86
TS 10.77 ± 0.00 8.6 ± 0.42
COD 14.21 ± 0.83 9.89 ± 2.86
Fat 19.1 ± 0.9 81.0 ± 0.6
Hemicellulose 292.1 ± 23.9 54.6 ± 4.9
Cellulose 205.2 ± 12.0 123.1 ± 10.7
Lignin 39.4 ± 0.0 80.2 ± 2.1
TKNc 53.80 ± 23.72 177.07 ± 45.38 33.06 ± 28.84 362.63 ± 28.28
P 17.13 ± 5.66 149.78 ± 24.71 43.85 ± 3.89 133.19 ± 16.32
K 16.58 ± 4.47 27.01 ±1.31 36.65 ± 6.29 8.26 ± 2.67
Ca 26.62 ± 6.36 273.96 ± 67.14 173.35 ± 2.05 239.09 ± 46.70
Mg 7.41 ± 3.72 20.33 ± 4.06 39.35 ± 5.30 21.97 ± 6.16
S mg/L 7.42 ± 2.91 - 243.30 ± 293.03 -
Fe 0.03 ± 0.00 9.9 ± 1.43 0.10 ± 0.05 18.69 ± 1.60
B 0.03 ± 0.02 0.85 ± 0.21 0.064 ± 0.01 0.53 ± 0.08
Cu 0.01 ± 0.00 0.43 ± 0.02 0.01 ± 0.00 0.69 ± 0.04
Zn 0.10 ± 0.03 7.10 ± 0.05 0.02 ± 0.00 4.91 ± 0.65
Mn 0.09 ± 0.00 2.32 ± 0.28 0.28 ± 0.02 1.37 ± 0.27
a b
Fresh catfish sludge from the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group at Wageningen University (WUR). Fresh
tilapia sludge from the Integrated Urban and Plant Pathology Laboratory of the Université de Liège (ULg).

7.3.2 pH
Measured pH during the experiment repetitions (i.e. repetition 1 from day 1 to 21 and repetition 2
from day 21 to 42) is presented in Figure 3. Aerobic reactors in WU and ULg had the highest pH that
oscillated between 7.5 and 8.5. UASB and anaerobic reactors had all a pH that oscillated between 6.5
and 7. The WUR UASB II reactor had the lowest pH observed, beginning at 6.5 and declining slowly
during repetition 1. At the beginning of repetition 2, adjustments were made using sodium
bicarbonate to counter the decline in pH. Finally, the decision was made to run the WUR UASB II
reactor on low pH as it could not be adjusted (i.e. kept on dropping; see Figure 3). Thus, during
repetition 2, the pH was between 5.5 and 6.

Fig 7.3. pH inside aerobic, anaerobic and UASB reactors in WUR and ULg.

7.3.3 VFA
The VFAs inside the reactors were recorded at 3 days intervals. Figure 4 presents the concentration
of total VFA measured in WUR (A, C and D) and ULg (B) reactors. It is apparent from this figure that
only UASBs had an increase in VFA during the experiment. In particular, the acidic UASB (WUR UASB
II) increased from 0.6 to 36 mmol/L. Within the VFA measured in UASB, the most concentrated were
acetic and propionic acids. The other reactors maintained a low level of VFA during the experiment
and ended with a concentration lower than 2 mmol/L.

Fig 7.4. Total VFA inside UASB (and connected EGSB compared to WUR (A; excluding WUR UASB I) and ULg (B)
combined aerobic and anaerobic control reactors. Concentrations of the different VFA inside the WUR UASB I
(C) and WUR UASB II (D).

7.3.4 Reactors organic sludge reduction and mineralisation performance

The results of the TS, COD, hemicellulose and cellulose reduction performances of reactors are
displayed in Figure 5A; mineralisation performances of macroelements are displayed in Figure 5B.
The data obtained from UASBs at WUR and ULg at pH 6.5-7 from both locations, and the data from
AN and AE reactors were pooled. The data of WUR UASB II that turned acidic (i.e. pH between 6.5
and 5.5) was not combined with the other UASB data and was analysed separately. A full
performance analysis of the EGSBs could not be achieved due to inaccurate measuring equipment,
thus only their effluents have been analysed.


No statistical difference of TS reduction was found between the UASBs conducted at pH 6.5-7 and
the control reactors. The UASB reactors had the highest performance with a reduction close to 50%.
There was a significant difference between the WUR UASB II (pH 5.5-6.5) and the UASB running on
the higher pH. The control reactors had the lowest performance, with a negative reduction.


The UASBs running at a pH between 6.5-7, as well as the AE reactors, had the highest COD oxidation
performance. The WUR UASB II had a lower performance with only 11 % oxidation.


Compared to other UASB and control reactors, WUR UASB II clearly had the lowest performance for
hemicellulose and cellulose reduction.


There was a significant difference in fat reduction between the ULg-digesting reactors and the WUR-
digesting reactors. Indeed, the reduction was higher in the ULg reactors with values in a range of 62
to 97 % while the performance was in a range of 0 to 49 % for the WUR reactors (results not

Fig 5. Organic sludge reduction performances (A) and mineralisation performances (B) for the following
reactors: UASB with pH between 6.5 and 7 and between 5.5 and 6.5, anaerobic (AN) and aerobic (AE). Data
from reactors of same type and pH were pooled together.

Mineralisation performance

Figure 5B shows that the significant (highest) performance of WUR UASB II (pH 5.5-6.5) for
mineralising P, K, Ca and Mg. Mineralisation performance was on average in a range of 20 to 59 %
while in a range of 0 to 15 % for the other UASBs (pH 6.5-7). The opposite was true for N, which had
the best mineralisation rate in the UASB with pH 6.5-7. AE controls always had the lowest
mineralisation performance. Least mineralised were the macroelements Ca and P. In control
reactors, Ca and P even accumulated in sludge. Interestingly, no mineralisation but accumulation of
N occurred in AE controls.

Mineralisation of microelements was very low and the results are therefore not shown. No
mineralisation was observed for Mn and Zn. Instead, they actually accumulated in all reactors. Cu
and Fe mineralised less than 1 % in all reactors. The best mineralisation performance was 1.74 % in
UASB for B.

7.3.5 Effluents
The reactors’ effluents were analysed and compared to hydroponic standards in order to evaluate
their suitability for plant growth. Fig 6A displays the macroelements concentration in UASBs effluents
with the concentrations used in lettuce hydroponic (HP) solution [12] for comparison. ULg effluents

had the highest concentrations for most of the macroelements. Almost no NO3-N was measured in
UASB effluents while their TAN concentrations were 1.9 to 9.2 times higher than the HP one. P
concentrations in most UASB effluents were close to the HP one. K concentrations in all effluents
were 4.9 to 15 times lower than the HP one.

Figure 6B shows the microelements concentration in UASB with the concentrations used in lettuce
hydroponic (HP) solution [12]. , All the microelements studied were far below the recommended HP
concentrations, except for Mn. They all had concentrations higher than 0.01 mg/L, except for Cu.

Figure 6C displays TS and COD in UASB, EGSB, AN and AE effluents. The values for each reactor type
were pooled together. From the data in this figure, it is apparent that EGSB effluents were always
lower in TS and COD concentrations. EGSB were able to remove the TS and COD of UASB effluents
(i.e. EGSBs influents) by 25 and 50 % on average, respectively. In control reactors effluents TS and
COD comprised a range of 1 to 2 and 0.5 to 0.9 g/L, respectively.

Fig 6. A. TS and COD in UASBs , EGSBs , Anaerobic and Aerobic effluents. In this case, the values for each
reactor type were pooled together. B. Average macroelement concentrations in UASBreactor effluents for
WUR and ULg compared to concentrations used in hydroponic solution for lettuce (HP) [12]. C. Average
microelements concentrations.

7.4. Discussion
During the present study pH and VFA were recorded in reactors. The results showed clearly that the
pH was quite stable in all reactors except for the WUR UASB II. This reactor had a drop in pH and
turned acidic, as a result of VFA production, as consistent with prior experiments [196,197].

Regarding the reduction performances of the other reactors, aerobic digestion profiles obtained in
this study are consistent with our previous results [188]. Performances of the anaerobic reactors
were also in accordance with the results available in the literature [184,201]. The COD, cellulose and
hemicellulose reduction obtained in the UASB reactors with high pH had higher levels than results
reported by Meriac et al [202] who obtained 44 % COD reduction and around 50 % cellulose and

hemicellulose reduction. However, the COD and TS reduction performances observed in our UASB
reactors were lower than the results reported by Mirzoyan and Gross [185] who achieved COD and
TSS reduction up to 99 and 92 %, respectively. A possible explanation for this is that our experiment
continued for only 21 days. As no sludge was discharged during this period, the sludge retention time
(SRT) was 21 days while Mirzoyan and Gross [185] had a SRT of 335 days. Recalcitrant compounds,
such as aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, asphaltenes and resins take a long time to be degraded
[184,203–205], thus 21 days was not enough time to achieve more than 48 and 57% of COD and TS
degradation in the UASB reactors respectively. On the basis of degradation rate measurements, van
Rijn et al. [184] predicted that with a constant daily input it would take 400 days to reach the
asymptotic maximum of sludge accumulation in an anaerobic reactor. This would correspond to a
state where almost total TS reduction is achieved. Estimates provided in Van Rijn et al. are in
accordance with the findings of Mirzoyan and Gross [185]. Hence, our results are promising and
consistent with the results from several prior studies, thus supporting the potential feasibility of
treating sludge anaerobically, notably with UASB, in aquaponic systems without discharge.

Perhaps the most interesting finding is the high mineralisation performances of P, K, Ca and Mg
observed in the WUR UASB II. This is likely related to the pH drop under 6.5 observed in this reactor.
Indeed, previous studies have demonstrated that a decrease in pH promoted macro and
microelements mineralisation in fish sludge [74,206]. Interestingly, our results are consistent with
those of Conroy and Couturier [206] who observed an increase in P, K, Ca and Mg mineralisation
during anaerobic digestion of smolt sludge when the pH dropped from 7.8 to 5.5. They showed that
the effect of pH on the phosphorus and calcium mineralisation is well described by an equilibrium
model based on the solubility of calcium orthophosphates. As pH drops under 6.5 these minerals
start to dissolve in water [207]. It can be assumed that the increase in K and Mg mineralisation is also
due to the same phenomenon, as pure calcium orthophosphates are never found in biological
systems and a portion of the calcium ions in the crystal lattice are normally replaced by smaller
cations such as magnesium and potassium [208]. However, other equilibrium models should be
established to describe more accurately the mineralisation of these elements. Regarding
microelements, very low mineralisation (i.e. < 1.7 %) was observed in all reactors, even in the acidic
UASB. However, Jung and Lovitt [74] obtained very high mineralisation of both macro and
microelements and other heavy metals from trout sludge by lowering the pH until 4. For example,
they achieved up to 92 % Fe mineralisation in 7 days by inoculating sludge with glucose and lactic
acid bacteria, and observed that best heavy metal mineralisation rates could be achieved with
organic acids, presumably due to their chelating capacity when complexed with the metals [74]. Jung
and Lovitt also reported that under high acidic conditions, sludge reduction stopped, as observed in
WUR UASB II. In accordance with their prior findings, our results also showed that the anaerobic
digestion process slowed when the pH dropped under 6.5. This is confirmed by literature reporting
that a pH value below 6.0 inhibits methane-producing microorganisms [187,209].

Under acidic conditions, our results showed lower nitrogen mineralisation performance than in the
UASBs with a pH between 6.5 and 7. These reactors achieved also the best sludge reduction, which
appears to indicate that N mineralisation is correlated to sludge reduction. A possible explanation is
that nitrogen is released mainly in the form of ammonium during the breakdown of proteins that
occur only when the anaerobic sludge digester is working correctly. With regard to nitrogen mass
balances in the aerobic reactors, our data show that nitrogen was lost during the experiment,
suggesting that microbial processes led to denitrification and/or N2O emission [210]. P, Ca and Mg

accumulated inside the aerobic reactors, potentially due to the high pH (i.e. 7.5-8.5) that induces
precipitation of these elements in the form of calcium orthophosphate and possibly other minerals
[207], or due to microbial uptake [211].

Our results suggest that the best mineralisation of N is achieved in UASB when sludge reduction is
high while the other macro and microelements would be efficiently mineralised only in acidic
condition. Unfortunately, when acidic conditions occur, sludge reduction stops, methanogenesis fail
and so the production of methane ends abruptly. This indicates that efficient mineralisation of all
macro and microelements while producing methane is not possible in a single UASB. This antagonism
between nutrient mineralisation and sludge reduction performance demonstrates that such
processes should be carried out in separate reactors. Indeed, sludge digestion could be achieved in
two stages. The first stage could be the sludge reduction promoting methanogenesis, followed by a
second acidic stage to mineralise the nutrients contained in the outputs from the first reactor.

Concentrations of mineral elements in effluents were consistent with the analysis of the
mineralisation performance of the reactors. Logically, higher concentrations in all ULg effluents
occurred because higher concentrations of dissolved elements were found in fresh sludge. Compared
to the concentration found in hydroponic solutions [12], the concentration in S, Mg, Ca and P were
close to hydroponic target concentrations. Because of the very low mineralisation rates, however,
microelement concentrations were low and far below the hydroponic recommendations. The high
concentrations of TAN and the absence of nitrate in all anaerobic effluents is concerning. The
especially high concentration of TAN measured in the effluent of UASB from ULg is consistent with
the high N content measured in ULg fresh sludge. There is also evidence that fish sludge did not
contain enough K to reach the concentrations required in hydroponic solution, even if total
mineralisation of K was achieved.

A question that remains is the suitability of reactor effluents for reinsertion in the aquaponic system,
as our analysis revealed the presence of important concentrations of TS, COD, VFA and TAN. Post-
treatment might be necessary prior to plant delivery. Previous studies have reported that organic
compounds in commercially available??? hydroponic solutions generally have phytotoxic effects that
lead to poor plant growth [212–214]. As such, TS and COD concentrations in effluent should be
reduced for proper use in aquaponic solutions. While sludge reduction and mineralisation in the
EGSBs was not undertaken, the measurement of TS and COD in their effluents did not demonstrate
sufficient removal of the TS and COD from the UASB effluents to allow the safe use as hydroponic
solution. Although removal of the VFAs was successful (VFAs are reported to be phytotoxic) [215],
EGSBs may not be the best posttreatment solution for sludge digestion in aquaponics, and an aerobic
posttreatment of the anaerobic effluent would potentially be a better solution to reduce the
potential phytotoxicity of the effluents [212,216]. As shown in our results, such a solution would also
remove the VFA adequately, and if nitrification is promoted, would also reduce the TAN and increase
the nitrate concentrations, with subsequent benefits of increasing the TSS and COD removal, while
also removing other phytotoxic anaerobic secondary metabolites [213]. It is however important to
experiment further in order to examine the desired dilution rate of the effluent in an aquaponic
solution, and the ability of the plants to directly assimilate or cope with the effluents. It is possible
that the hydroponic beds are sufficient as posttreatment.

7.5. Conclusion
The present study aimed to assess the organic sludge reduction and macro/microelement
mineralisation performances in UASB-EGSB reactors. The suitability of the effluents to complement a
commercially available hydroponics solution was also examined. Our results show that aerobic and
UASB reactors were superior for organic sludge reduction, but prior studies have shown the best
performance of the UASB reactors occurs over a longer time frame and is the best solution for
organic sludge reduction in aquaponics. Our findings clearly indicate that the mineralisation
performance of P, K, Ca and Mg is enhanced under acidic conditions, however these condition are
not suitable for sludge organic reduction. Also, N is better mineralised after organic matter
degradation occurs. Therefore, a two-stage digestion process seems necessary, with (a) the first
stage organic sludge reduction, N mineralisation and biogas production, and (b) a second acidic stage
to mineralise the macro and microelements contained in the outputs from the first stage.

While EGSB were efficient in removing the VFA, they were not able to substantially remove the TS
and COD from UASB effluents, and appeared thus to be not the best posttreatment solution for
sludge digestion in aquaponics. Because of very low mineralisation rates in UASB, microelements in
their effluents were low and far from a hydroponic concentrations. K concentrations were also lower
than hydroponics because fish sludge did not contain enough initial K. However, in this study the
concentrations of S, Mg, Ca and P obtained in UASB effluents were close to the concentrations found
in commercial hydroponic solutions. This shows the potential ability of a two-stage digestion system
including UASB to recover the nutrients from fish sludge in aquaponics. Finally, the high
concentrations of TAN and the absence of nitrate in all anaerobic effluents data highlight the
presumably necessity of aerobic post-treatment, which could also reduce the TS and COD of UASB

It is recommended that further research be undertaken on the suggested two-stage digestion setup
to determine potential performance, while also experimenting to identify the best posttreatment
solutions by examining plant growth in the treated effluents.

7.6. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Ronald Booms and Tino Leffering (Aquaculture
and Fisheries Group, Wageningen University) for their support for sample processing and analysis.
The authors are also very grateful for the financial aid from desertfoods international GmbH , who
financed the analysis of the lignocellulosic compounds. The authors want to acknowledge networking
and publication support by COST Action FA1305—The EU Aquaponics Hub.

8. General discussion

The first objective of the thesis addressed in chapter 3 was to highlight the challenges to make
aquaponics (AP) a sustainable breakthrough technology. It has been identified in the literature that
nutrient concentrations in aquaponic solution are less than optimal for plant growth. Hence, the
consistency of plant growth in aquaponics should be accurately verified. The following question
ensued: given the shortfall in nutrient concentrations in aquaponic compared to hydroponic solution,
to what extent does this affect plant growth? This thesis addressed this and the results are discussed
below. In addition, the review assumed that an important part of the nutrients input were
unavailable and were lost from the aquaponic system via sludge spillage. Phosphorus is known to be
released by fish in undissolved form and thus accumulates in sludge, for example [18]. This cemented
the need to determine what proportion of mineral element is recycled in aquaponics since its main
aim is to close the loop and reduce the impact on the environment from both fish and plant
production. A consistent way to characterise its impact on the environment is to determine the
mineral elements mass balances in order to see what proportions of elements are trapped in the
system and what proportions are released in the environment. These considerations meet the
second objective of the thesis that was to determine the impact of aquaponics on the environment in
relation to the performance of the system. Therefore, a one loop aquaponic system named the plant
and fish farming box (PAFF Box) was built in Gembloux and has been studied during one season of
production in order to study its impact on the environment and especially its mineral elements mass
balances (Chapter 4).

The analysis of the nutrient mass balances in the PAFF Box gave interesting information. First,
regarding the total mass of all nutrient input (via fish feed and tap water) and their ratio to total N
mass inputted, only K, Fe, B and Mo were inputted in lower quantity than required (i.e. if similar ratio
to N as hydroponic formulation would be obtained). K and Fe being inputted around 60 % less than
required and 80 % less for B. Mo was below detection limit in inputs. In an ideal aquaponic system all
nutrients inputted would end-up in water in soluble plant-assimilable forms, however nutrient
accumulation in PAFF Box water showed that this ideal was not attained. Indeed, only N and Ca
accumulated quickly in the water and influenced EC levels the most. The other nutrients accumulated
at variable lower rate in solution giving a nutrient concentration profile with a totally different profile
than in the input and with a ratio to N far from the hydroponic standard. Ratio K:N and P:N in the
PAFF Box were 0.15 and 0.05, respectively while 1.1 and 0.3 are recommended in hydroponics for
lettuce in NFT or DWC. This clearly indicates that the nutrient content and ratio to N in fish feed does
not lead to a balanced nutrient content in water. Thus, in such aquaponic systems the nutrient
content in feed does not directly control the nutrient content in water, and suggests that even if the
nutrient profile in the fish feed is well balanced, there is no guarantee that the nutrient profile in
water will match.
Basically, the mass balances analysis confirmed that P and all the microelements ended-up in sludge
instead of accumulating in water. Except N and B that accumulated in the same proportion in water
and sludge. Surprisingly, an important proportion of each nutrient was lost (i.e. 50 to 90 %). It is
presumed most of this loss was by spillage when cleaning filters and by water exchange. A daily
average water exchange of 3.5% was applied resulting of 278 L of water needed to produce 1 kg of
tilapia or corresponding to 243 L of water exchange per kg of feed added per day. RAS are renowned
for excellent performance regarding water consumption [10]. It is, therefore, surprising that even

with the PAFF systems low water exchange, such an important proportion of nutrients were lost from
the system. Such loss meant that only a small proportion of each nutrient were trapped in plants (i.e.
< 4 %). This nutrient budget suggests that, counter theoretical expectation, the PAFF Box one loop
aquaponic system was not efficient at recycling nutrients contained in fish waste, in fact, most
nutrients were either lost, or trapped in the sludge (i.e. mainly fish solid excretions removed out of
the system).

The third objective was to determine if aquaponics can assure consistent plant growth compared to
conventional systems. Lettuce and basil growth was first studied in the PAFF Box and then lettuce
growth was studied in AeroFlo in controlled conditions and compared to a hydroponic control. In
these experiments the mineral element concentrations in solution were closely recorded.
The study in chapter 4 showed that sustained growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata
cv.‘Grosse Blonde Paresseuse’) and basil (Ocimum basilicum cv.’Grand Vert’) was achieved in the
PAFF Box. No visual nutrient deficiency was noticed, although dissolved iron (FeSO4) was sprayed on
the leaves once per crop in order to prevent iron deficiency that was reported to occur in one loop
aquaponic system [45,217]. In our study no fertilizer or any kind of salt were added to the water. This
facilitated following the dynamics of mineral elements (i.e. macroelements as N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S,
plus microelements as Fe, B, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Mo) released by fish excretions in water. Mostly soluble
excretions accumulated in the aquaponic water solution as the solids were daily removed by a sieve
filter. However, fish excretions where not the only nutrient source; tap water was used to fill up the
system. Its content in macro- and microelement ions was quite favourable in this case because it had
consistent and well balanced concentrations of them (P, K, Ca, Mg, and S were 0.5, 0.6, 103 ,17, and
31 mg/L, respectively and Cu, Mn, Zn, B were 13, 3, 2000 and 14 µg/L, respectively). Unlike in
aquaponics, in hydroponics mineral elements are fully controlled in solutions aiming at specific ratios
between them and a suitable electro-conductivity (EC) in order to optimise their absorption by the
plants and so their growth [11]. EC used in hydroponics for lettuce with their roots dipping in water
(i.e. deep water culture (DWC) and nutrient film technique (NFT)) is 1.8-2 mS/cm [12,145]. The EC
recommended for basil is not clearly established in literature because its culture in hydroponics is
quite a recent subject (Most authors adopt hydroponic solution formulated for lettuce [218]). The EC
in PAFF Box water solution went never above 1.3 mS/cm. This lower EC indicates fewer ions in the
PAFF Box than in standard hydroponic solution. Indeed, regarding macroelements, K and P were the
less concentrated with in average 9.2 and 3.3 mg/L, respectively. This representing a ratio to N of
0.15 and 0.05 for K and P, respectively which is far from the recommended ratio used in hydroponics
(i.e. 1.1 and 0.26 for K:N and P:N, respectively). Moreover, the recommended concentrations in
hydroponics are 210 and 50 mg/L for K and P, respectively. For microelements the situation was
quite similar; for Zn, Cu, Mn and B with a concentration 10 to 20-times lower to the one
recommended in hydroponics. Fe was 500 to 1000 times lower than the recommended
concentration. This confirms the low level of iron in aquaponic water and especially its restricted
release in soluble form by fish. Mo was not detected with ICP-OES that has a limit of detection of
0.005 mg/L.

Then it could have been supposed that lower macro- and microelement concentrations and ratios
would give less favourable plant growth condition in PAFF Box solution leading to lower crop yield.
But surprisingly, the yield of lettuce and basil obtained did not validate this supposition. No visual
nutrient deficiency was noticed, and thus it was presumed that all nutrients were present in
sufficient quantity. Higher lettuce head mass was obtained than the one found in literature indicating

good growth conditions in the PAFF Box. However, although the variety was the same (i.e. var.
capitata), head mass is also dependent on cultivar, which differed from that found in the scarce
literature on the subject. For basil, the average shoot fresh biomass harvested in the PAFF Box was
125.41 g which is higher than the average 96.6 g obtained in hydroponic treatment reported in a
recent study [218]. The dry mass of basil obtained in hydroponics in this study corresponded itself to
higher yield (in kg/ha) of 1.6 to 5.3 fold compared to 38 basil accessions grown in soil [219]. Again the
growing conditions and varieties used in the PAFF Box and these studies were not identical. But
because basil achieved a consistent biomass it gives the important information that the PAFF Box one
loop aquaponic system offered suitable growth conditions also for basil crops. This undeniable
sustained growth of lettuce and basil showed the reliability of one loop aquaponic system for lettuce
and basil production in a temperate oceanic climate as Rakocy et al. [56] did for the tropics.

Given the sustained growth results of the PAFF box, it remains unclear, however, what importance
should be ascribed to the variation in dissolved mineral element concentrations and ratios between
aquaponics and hydroponics. In this case it seems that lower concentrations did not affect the crop
yields. To test the claim that lettuce and basil yields achieved in PAFF Box were similar to
hydroponics, it became necessary for some lettuce and basil to be grown in the same greenhouse
(i.e. same environmental conditions) but in conventional hydroponic solution. These kinds of
comparisons have been achieved in the study of chapter 5.

For this study, the experiment took place in a climate-controlled greenhouse. The hydroponic
growing systems were DWC AeroFlo systems. Lettuces (Lactuca sativa var. capitata cv. Sucrine) were
exposed to 3 different solutions and their fresh shoot and root weights obtained after 36 days were
recorder and statistically analysed. The three solutions were the hydroponic solution (HP), aquaponic
solution (AP) and the complemented aquaponic solution (CAP). The HP solution and the CAP solution
were formulated to have their macro and microelement concentrations equal to conventional NFT
lettuce nutrient solutions based on Resh [12]. The AP was formulated for having the same macro and
microelement concentrations found in the single loop aquaponic system of the University of Virgin
Islands (UVI) published by Rakocy et al. [40]. Rain water was used for the HP while RAS water was
used for the CAP and AP (for AP the RAS water was diluted 10 times in rain water). The result showed
that the yields in fresh lettuce heads obtained in the AP and HP were significantly equivalent while
they were 39% higher in CAP, in both trials. Roots fresh mass were equivalent in AP and CAP while
statistically lower in HP.
Important information has been highlighted thanks to these results. First, they confirmed that lettuce
can thrive in low concentrated AP solution to achieve same yields as in HP solution. Buzby and al.
[220] obtained similar lettuce growth for Butterhead, Bibb and Romaine lettuce subtypes in cold fish
water with very lower mineral element concentrations and an EC of 130 µS/cm. Other authors
obtained plant growth comparable to control in low concentrated solution [88,162]. Similar growth
for plant standing in low and high nutrient concentrated solutions can be explained by previous
observations made by Olsen [149]. He demonstrated that the rate of ion absorption for a given ion is
independent of the concentration of the ion in the nutrient solution, except for concentrations under
0.003 mg/L. This suggests that even elements not detected by ICP-OES might have not been deficient
(e.g. Mo in PAFF Box solution). Ion absorption by plants is an active process requiring energy since it
occurs against the concentration gradients and is thus not dependent of the ion concentration as
soon as there is no ion depletion in the roots zone (i.e. concentration inferior to 0.003 mg/L). Ion
absorption rates can be altered if ions are depleted but in NFT and DWC hydroponic culture the

solution constantly flows around the roots making depletion impossible. Olsen also showed that it is
the proportions between the concentrations of the different ions that control the uptake rate either
than the concentrations themselves. So, as soon as the proportions between the concentrations of
the different ions stay the same the rate of ion absorption for a given ion is independent of the
concentration of the ion. In other words, the rate at which the individual cations or anions are
absorbed from the solution is determined by the ratio between the concentrations of these ions, but
not their absolute concentration. If one ion suddenly increases in proportion its uptake rate will
increase to the detriment of the other ions uptake rate. To sustain ion uptake, ratios between ions
need to stay constant and therefore they have to be similar to the natural plant ratio uptake. Then if
ions are removed out of the solution by plant in the same proportion as ratios in solution, these stay
constant in solution and ion uptake rates stay optimal. These ratios are respected in hydroponic
solution formulation, but in aquaponic water this is not necessarily the case. In the study presented
in chapter 5, ratios were different between AP and HP and AP ratios were far from the HP optimal
ones. In AP, the TAN/NO3 ratio variated greatly which may have perturbed the nitrogen absorption
rate in this treatment. Moreover, pH was higher in AP (7.3-7.5) than in HP treatment (5.7-5.8) and pH
has also an important effect on ion absorption rate with an optimal pH in NFT and DWC conditions of
5.5-6 [12].
These findings indicate that the nutrient absorption rates were less favourable in the AP treatment.
Indeed, the nutrient leaf content in AP was statistically lower than in HP with an average reduction of
35 % revealing lower nutrient uptake in AP treatment. This is also comforted by a different shoot to
root ratio and more root production in the AP treatment. Lettuces in AP were able to achieve the
same shoot mass as HP presumably thanks to their root mass increase. Indeed, the larger the root
system, the larger the absorbing surface, greater is the number of ions absorbed per unit of time
(Kreyzi, 1932 in [149]). It is surprising that the lettuces in AP were able to produce more biomass in
total (because of the roots) than HP while they were in less favourable nutrient uptake conditions.
They were grown in the same system (i.e. AeroFlo) and in the same greenhouse (i.e. in same light and
climate condition) but AP had some RAS water containing factors that were absent in rain water.
These factors must have been plant growth stimulating agents. More precisely, it could be either
dissolved organic matter (DOM) or microorganisms. It is not clear yet if they promoted only the root
growth or also the nutrient absorption rates. Their promoting effect is comforted by the result
obtained in CAP treatment. Indeed, while CAP lettuces were in equivalent pH, EC and nutrient ratio
conditions as in HP, their shoot and root mass were increased in average by 39% and 47%,
respectively. This result showed that an increase in nutrient in aquaponic solution led to higher crop
yields than in hydroponics.

Lettuces appear as a crop being successfully grown as well in one loop aquaponic as in CAP solution.
Our results show that complementing the aquaponic solutions to obtain the right ratios between
nutrients and lowering pH will assure the best yields. Since these results have been published,
improved growths by macro- and microelements complementation in aquaponic water have also
been observed by other authors. Pak choy yield were improved by 83.6% compared to an aquaponic
control [221]. Basil fresh weight was increased by 56% compared to hydroponic control [218]. For
fruity plants as tomato, the improving yield of complementation has not yet been shown. Identical
tomato yields between complemented RAS water and hydroponic control have been reported but
some crucial ratio were not respected in the complemented treatment [151].

These findings highlight the fact that aquaponic water complementation for improving crops growth
in NFT or DWC is rather important to adjust the nutrient ratios between them instead of only
increasing nutrient concentrations. Adjusting the pH to assure optimal uptake seems also important.
The very promising results obtained motivates the importance to make more fundamental research
in such growing conditions on optimal EC linked to nutrient concentrations and ratios in order to
optimise plant growth in aquaponics. The identification of the promoting agents present in
aquaponic water and their mode of action should also be further studied.

So in brief, the results presented above showed that while some nutrients in aquaponic solution
were below the optimal concentrations and ratio, sustained lettuce growth was achieved in DWC
with yields similar to hydroponics. But most of the nutrients inputted in the single loop aquaponic
system were still discharged in the environment because of water exchange and sludge spillage.
Moreover, valuable mineral elements ended up in the sludge instead of accumulating in solution. Our
results also showed that lettuce yields can be greatly improved by increasing the concentration of
macro and microelements and adjusting their ratios in AP solution. Hence, a solution to improve crop
yields in aquaponics while reducing the nutrients release in the environment might be developed.
Such a solution could be to treat the sludge with the aim of recovering the water and the nutrients
contained within it, and then reinsert this back into the AP solution. Indeed, the sludge could be
processed in the aim to mineralise mineral elements (i.e. macroelements as N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S plus
microelements as Fe, B, Zn, Mn, Cu and Mo) trapped in the solid matter in order to recover them in
dissolved forms (e.g. anions, cations, chelates…) in water. This water rich in elements solubilised into
plant-assimilable forms could then be reintroduced in the AP solution. This solution meets the fourth
and last objective of the thesis which was to analyse the potential of improvement of nutrient
recycling by sludge digestion onsite in aquaponic systems.
To treat the sludge onsite in the most sustainable and simple manner, the use of aerobic (AE) or
anaerobic (AN) biological digestion seems the most convenient techniques [37,74,222]. These
techniques have been used and studied mostly for improving the reduction of the total suspended
solids (TSS) or total solids (TS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of waste water [186]. The use of
these techniques to solubilise mineral elements contained in sludge in order to recover them in their
effluent is not usual. In the opposite, in water treatment fields specific technologies are developed to
trap the mineral elements in the aim to obtain clean effluents [210]. In the field of aquaponics there
is now a debate over which type of digestion, AE or AN, is the most suitable [178]. Therefore, an
evaluation of the mineralisation performance in AE and AN in simple bioreactors was carried out. An
adaptation of the equations necessary to determine their performance was also necessary. All these
have been addressed in chapter 6 (short communication).

The experiment of chapter 6 compared the performance between an anaerobic reactor (ANR) and an
aerobic reactor (AER). In the ANR the water was slowly recirculated to induce a slow mixing of the
sludge while in the AER air was constantly injected with an air pump for oxygenating and mixing the
sludge. Three times per week, fresh sludge coming from a tilapia RAS was inputted in reactors while
the equivalent volume of supernatant was removed. This gave an influent HRT of 15 days. After 42
days, the TSS, COD and nutrient mineralisation was analysed. Unfortunately, no repetition was
achieved giving only exploratory results. The results were however very promising and interesting.
First, no treatment stands out over the other. Close performance in aerobic and anaerobic digestion
were achieved while aerobic showed slightly higher TSS reduction, COD oxidation and mineral
elements mineralisation performance for most of the nutrients. In both treatments, around 50% of

TSS reduction and COD oxidation was achieved. Mineralisation of all macro and microelements was
comprised in range of 10 to 60 %. These exploratory results indicate that at least 50 % of the sludge
can be reduced onsite while recovering substantial amount of nutrients to complement the
aquaponic solution. This was obtained with very simple low tech reactors and it can be assumed that
with more efficient design better results could easily be obtained. Especially, literature reported TSS
and COD reduction of brackish fish sludge with up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB)
higher than 90% on long run experiments [185,186]. It can be assumed that the higher the TSS
removal the higher the nutrient mineralisation will be. But this assumption should be investigated.
The use of UASB seems promising since they are considered a low-tech reactor with a low running
costs and can produce biogas that can be converted to electricity and heat [187]. As the anaerobic
secondary metabolites are known to be phytotoxic [212,213], an efficient posttreatment of the
effluent needs to be envisaged. Ratanatamskul and Siritiewsri [190] obtained promising results with
expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactors for further treatment of UASB effluents. Because of
their ease of use and simplicity they seemed to be a potentially suitable posttreatment solution for
UASB in aquaponics.

Therefore, the last chapter of this thesis (chapter 7) aimed to assess the macro and microelement
mineralisation efficiency in a UASB-EGSB reactors set treating freshwater RAS-sludge. As it was
needed to investigate whether nutrient mineralisation was correlated to the organic reduction
performance, the performance for reducing the total solids (TS), the chemical oxygen demand (COD),
volatile fatty acids (VFA), and lignocellulosic compounds (i.e. hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin) were
also assessed. The quality of the effluents in terms of TS, COD, macro and microelements content
was also studied in order to evaluate their suitability to reinsert them directly into the plant
hydroponic beds. The experiment was realised in collaboration with Wageningen University and
Research (WUR, The Netherlands) that operated two UASB-EGSB reactor sets. One other UASB-EGSB
reactor set was operated in Gembloux (ULg, Belgium). This allowed to record the performances in
different condition and multiplied the numbers of UASB-EGSB reactor sets studied. An anaerobic and
aerobic reactor similar as the one used in chapter 6 were used as control. The reactors were
conducted during 3 weeks in repetition to enable statistical analysis.
During the experiment conducted at WUR, an interesting phenomenon occurred in one of two UASB-
EGSB set studied. The pH in WUR UASB II decreased from 6.5 to 5.8 while the concentration of VFA
dramatically increased and the methanogenic fermentation stopped. This acidifying UASB achieved
then poor organic reduction performances but surprisingly carried the best mineralisation
performances for P, K, Ca and Mg. This situation highlighted the fact that the mineralisation
performance of these elements is not correlated to the organic reduction performance as it was
assumed. The mineralisation dynamic here seems best described by an equilibrium model based on
the solubility of calcium orthophosphates which starts to dissolve in water when pH drops under 6.5
[206,207]. Most likely, these elements are present in sludge in the form of undissolved minerals
rather than trapped in the organic matter. Our results showed also that WUR UASB II had a lower N
mineralisation than the other UASBs. This seems to indicate that N mineralisation unlike the other
macroelements is dependent of the organic reduction of the sludge. Indeed, ammonia is released
mainly by the degradation of proteins [187].
Regarding the TS reduction performances, they were similar between the UASBs with high pH (i.e.
6.5 to 7) and the AERs. The AERs had the best COD reduction. However, the AERs tended to
accumulate N, P, Ca and Mg instead of mineralising it. The UASBs with the high pH had an average

mineralisation of 53, 7, 15, -1, and 14% for N, P, K, Ca and Mg respectively and the acidic UASB (WUR
UASB II) had 20, 22, 59, 22 and 53 % mineralisation for N, P, K, Ca and Mg respectively. These results
showed an advantage for the use of UASB in AP. Especially because literature reports the highest TS
and COD performance in UASB on long term operations [185,187,209]. The mineralisation for
microelements was very low (i.e. < 1.7 %) in all reactors, even in WUR UASB II. But previous authors
obtained very high mineralisation of macro and microelements and other heavy metals from sludge
by lowering the pH until 4 with glucose or organic acids [74,223]. Presumably, the best heavy metal
mineralisation can be achieved with organic acids because these are offering a chelating capacity
when complexed with the metals [74].
All these findings indicate an existing antagonism between nutrient mineralisation and organic
reduction. In brief, the lower the pH inside the UASB the higher the macro and microelements
mineralisation but the lower the organic reduction and N mineralisation. This indicates that sludge
digestion on aquaponic system sites for reducing sludge and recovering nutrients should be done in
separated reactors operated in different conditions. A two stages digestion seems the most
convenient. A first stage, receiving the fresh sludge and consisting in an UASB conducted at neutral
pH for organic reduction, N mineralisation and methane production. This stage will considerably
reduce the amount of sludge to be treated in the second stage. The stabilised sludge out of this first
stage will be composed mainly by insoluble minerals and recalcitrant organic matter. The second
stage would be the mineralisation stage conducted at low pH for macro and microelements
mineralisation. Acids (mineral or organic) would need to be added in this reactor. It is therefore more
advantageous to treat the sludge that has been reduced first as it will require less acid. Also, the
effluents enriched in dissolved macro and microelements will be at a low pH which meets well the
hydroponic fertiliser requirements. The opposite situation (i.e. first stage acidic and second stage
sludge reduction) would require more acids in first stage and then base addition in the second stage
to higher the pH. This implicates also the potential risk of re-precipitation of mineral elements inside
the UASB and produce unsuitable effluents out of it for fertilising hydroponic plants. This two stage
digestion technique presented above (i.e. UASB then acidic reactor) seems to be the best solution for
aquaponic sludge treatment onsite. Further research should be undertaken to determine its
performance and test its implementation.

While they removed most of the VFA (e.g. EII_WUR removed 97%), EGSB were able to remove the TS
and COD only by 25 and 50 % on average, respectively. EGSB might not be an adapted posttreatment
because of this low TS and COD removal. But further experimental investigations are needed to
identify if a posttreatment is needed after the two stage digestion. A way to test the necessity of
posttreatment is to study the plant growth in hydroponic beds receiving the effluents. The impact on
crop yield can be compared to a hydroponic control. The hydroponic beds could themselves be a
method of posttreatment, in which case it would mainly depend upon the dilution rate of the
effluent in the hydroponic beds. These are further research subjects to investigate.

An experiment to test the effect of highly diluted AER and ANR effluents on lettuce growth in NFT has
been achieved at the ZHAW institute in Zurich. The results have been published in the journal
Agronomy (MDPI) with this thesis author as co-author [224]. The experiment consisted in the
comparison of yields of lettuce grown in 3 treatments: an aerobic treatment with a solution
composed of 85 % tap water, 15 % RAS water and 0.25 % (i.e. one litre) of aerobic reactor effluent;
an anaerobic treatment with the same solution composition but with one litre of anaerobic reactor
effluent instead; and a control with the same solution composition but with one litre of RAS water

instead. Every week one litre of aerobic, anaerobic or RAS water effluent was added to each
respective treatment. The AER and ANR effluents were so diluted in a 0.25 - 3.75 % range (the
proportion increased during the experiment as effluents were added 3 times per week). The
effluents were coming from the reactors used in the experiment presented in chapter 6.
The mineral element content in concentrations in AER and ANR effluents were quite close to each
other confirming the result obtained in chapter 6 showing that none of both conditions (i.e. AE and
AN) stand out remarkably to each other. The nitrogen molecule forms were different in AE and AN.
Indeed, in AE effluent nitrate was the dominant molecule form while it was absent in AN effluent. AN
effluent had ammonium as dominant nitrogen molecule form.
The main results of the study were that lettuce growth was significantly higher in the treatment with
AN effluent and that the control and the AE treatment had similar growth. The root mass was lower
in the AN treatment leading to a higher shoot to root ratio than the other treatments. These results
indicated the suitability of AER and ANR effluents to complement aquaponic solution when diluted in
a 0.25 - 3.75 % range. With this dilution rate, no phytotoxic effect was noticed and even significant
promoting effect occurred with the ANR effluent.
Several assumptions can be made to explain the best growth observed in the ANR effluent. The ANR
effluent contained N only under the form of ammonia. The addition of ammonia in the NFT system
solution composed with nitrate as only N source, might have promoted lettuce growth. Indeed, an
enhanced NO3− uptake when the hydroponic nutrient solution’s N source contained between 5% and
25% NH4+ have been reported by several authors [145,152,153]. Also the pH in solution was relatively
high (i.e. 8.2 - 8.7) and in these pH conditions ammonium uptake is preferred than the nitrate uptake
[145]. The significantly lower root mass in the ANR treatment indicated a better nitrogen uptake than
in the other treatments as root mass is known to be mainly controlled by nitrogen availability in
hydroponic solutions [11]. Another assumption is that DOM and microorganisms present in the AN
effluent are different than in the AE effluent and RAS water and have a more pronounced growth
promoting effect. It was quite surprising to observe the best growth in ANR treatment as during AN
digestion volatile fatty acids are produced and their phytotoxic effect have been often reported in
literature [215]. Presumably, the dilution rate of the effluent diluted the VFA under their toxic
threshold while the growth promoting compounds were still in sufficient concentration to impact the
Another experiment was achieved in Gembloux (ULg, Belgium) to test lettuce growth in UASB
effluents. The effluents were diluted only three times in rain water. In this situation, the phytotoxic
effect of the effluents was evident as the lettuce had a significant lower growth compared to the one
grown in the hydroponic control. The results are not published yet. The importance of the dilution
rate of AN effluent is highlighted by these two experiments. Further investigation is needed to
determine one hand, the dilution rate that would occur in an aquaponic system integrating sludge
digestion. And on the other hand, until what dilution rate the AN effluents present a plant promoting
effect. These would help to determine if a posttreatment following AN digestion is required in

So far, the results of this thesis have highlighted four key points: 1) that simple one loop aquaponic
systems discharge a high proportion of mineral elements to the environment, but that 2) aquaponic
water undeniably promotes plant growth. Indeed, 3) when the aquaponic solution is complemented,
plant yields have been demonstrated to be higher than in hydroponics. Further to this, 4) fish sludge

can efficiently be anaerobically digested onsite to better close the loop for water saving and for
mineral element recovery to complement the aquaponic solution.

The design of aquaponic systems should be revisited in order to integrate these findings to improve
the production performance while reducing aquaponics environmental impact. A paper addressing
this design issue has been published in Water (MDPI) with this thesis author as co-author [150]. The
authors proposed the theoretical concept of decoupled aquaponic systems (DAPS) design that
integrates these findings. DAPS was modelled with a specific software and the manuscript presents
the results that it generated.
The DAPS design (Fig 8.1) proposed in the paper is composed of 3 water loops. Indeed, in DAPS the
fish and plant components have their own recirculating water loop. The fish part consists in a
recirculating water loop similar to a RAS and the plant part is another recirculating loop similar to a
recirculating hydroponic system. In this DAPS concept, all the nutrient rich water that needs to be
exchanged from the fish part is discharged into the hydroponic part. But the water from the
hydroponic part will not return in the fish part. Clear fresh water will enter the fish part to assure
good water quality. The water should leave the plant part only under the form of vapour i.e. by
evaporation and evapotranspiration carried by plants. The mineral elements contained in water
should be uptaken in plant tissues. The sludge leaving the RAS is treated in a third loop called the
sludge mineralisation loop. Sludge is treated using an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
(UASB). The UASB effluent composed of recovered macro and microelements and water is sent to
the hydroponic parts. The hydroponic plant loop has then water input from the fish part and from
the mineralisation loop. Hence, all the water and the nutrients are supposed to end up in the
hydroponic part and not released anymore in the environment.

Fig 8.1. Decoupled aquaponic system (DAPS) layout. The blue tags comprise the RAS component, the green tags
the hydroponic component, and the red tags the sludge mineralisation components. The level of each
component is illustrated numerically in the small box and refers to the vertical direction the flow needs to

travel to; whereas high numbers refer to high positioning and low numbers to low positioning. Gravity flow
occurs, when water flows from high levels to low levels, and pressurized flow is required when the flow goes
from low to high numbers.

DAPS design allows also avoiding compromises in water quality (i.e. pH, temperature, DO, EC, etc.). In
one loop aquaponic systems the water is recirculated from one part of the system to the others.
When fish, plants and nitrifying bacteria are in the same water loop a compromise on water quality
has to be made [42]. On the plant side, nutrient uptake in hydroponic condition is optimal at a pH of
5.5 - 6 and water temperature of 18 - 25°C is recommended for most of hydroponic crops [12,225].
Optimal hydroponic solutions have a high EC (i.e. > 1.8 mS/cm) and so elements in substantial
concentration (e.g. nitrate, iron…) that can be harmful for certain species of fish [146]. On the fish
side, nitrifying bacteria located in the biofilter which has always to be connected to the fish thanks
perform better with pH higher than 7 and temperature of 20-30 °C [61,70]. Most of fishes do not
thrive in pH lower than 6.5 [111]. If tropical fish are reared water temperature needs definitely to be
higher than 25°C to assure optimal growth (e.g. optimal tilapia growth is reached at 28°C [60]). But it
is warmer than plant optimal. Hence, decoupling enables optimal environmental conditions for each
biological process. The right pH, water temperature, dissolved oxygen and EC can then be set in each
loop to optimise fish and plant growth. Because the water does not go back from the hydroponic part
to the RAS part, it can be complemented without any risks for fish. Lacking or low concentrated
macro- and microelement in RAS water can be added in order to obtain an EC and nutrient ratio
optimal for plant growth. In contrast to one loop system with DAPS no compromises on water quality
has to be made. DAPS allows producing fish and plant in optimal growing conditions and thus assures
competitiveness with conventional production systems.

As fish, bacteria and plant growth are dynamic processes depending themselves on dynamic
variables a computed dynamic model is a required tool to size and predict DAPS productivity. The
computed dynamic model written by Dr. Simon Goddek constituted also a valuable tool to
understand DAPS dynamics and design boundaries. It enabled to study and to closely predict the N
and P mass balances, fish and plant production, water consumption and evaporation and sludge
mineralisation. The model is also of primary importance to size the system components. DAPS design
complicated the sizing of the system because the size is not based only on the amount of fish feed
input per hydroponic area, as it is for one loop system [48]. But it needs to be based on the
evaporation potential of the hydroponic area and at the same time the nutrients input via fish feed.
The sizing of the hydroponic part is a critical aspect because it needs to be able to treat the all water
flow coming from the fish part (directly or via sludge mineralisation). Indeed, the plant area size
determines the amount of water that can be evaporated and is the main factor for RAS water
replacement. The water sent from the RAS to the hydroponic part is replaced by clean water which
impacts positively the RAS water quality. The amount of water that can be replaced depends on
evapotranspiration rate of plants that is controlled by net radiation, temperature, wind velocity,
relative humidity, and crop species. Notably, there is a seasonal dependency with more water
evaporated in sunny seasons.
The authors sized the plant part based on environmental condition in Central Europe and the
phosphorus input (i.e. via fish feed) in the system in order to optimize its recycling and use. Indeed,
as explained in chapter 3, phosphorus has been identified as one of the most valuable nutrients
because it is formulated from an exhaustible ore resource. But nitrogen, unlike P, is the nutrient that
is solubilised the quickest in fish water (see chapter 4) and might accumulate too much in the RAS

loop. Hence, the authors hypothesized that denitrification means might need to be implemented in
this loop.
Another potential issue that could occur in DAPS is that some nutrients assimilated by plants at lower
rate than the others could accumulate in the hydroponic loop. This would lead to unfavourable
nutrient ratios. Some elements not preferably assimilated by plants (e.g. sodium) might also
accumulate and eventually raise the EC until plant toxic level. These situations would conduct to the
necessity of discharging all or part of the solution. But even in this case presumably lower water will
be consumed compared to one loop aquaponic and conventional farming systems. Nutrient recycling
would still also be greatly improved. However, this should be verified. Further studies should consist
in building this system and test it to confront the field results to the one predicted by the model. The
mass balances of the all macro- and microelements should be followed in DAPS in order to establish
its nutrient recycling performance. Energy and water use should also be recorded for confronting its
consumption to the model and to conventional equivalent farming systems. More research should
determine the achievable plant yields in such system in relation to their evapotranspiration potential.
Dilution rate of UASB effluents should further be studied in order to ascertain that potential
phytotoxicity of UASB effluent is avoided or if posttreatment is required.

Other upgrades of the simple one loop aquaponic system, different that the DAPS presented above,
could be imagined and tested. A hybrid DAPS design would be interesting to investigate. This would
consist in the addition of hydroponic beds in the RAS loop of the DAPS for preventing nitrate
accumulation. In this system two type of plant could be produced. Low feeder crops thriving on low
concentrated solutions, such as leafy lettuce type plants could be grown in the RAS loop. Especially,
studies have recently showed the ability of 34 food crops (lettuce, Asian greens, mustards, other
greens, vegetables and herbs) to achieve totally satisfying yields and leaf nutrient content in flow-
through fish water low in nutrients [220,226,227]. Heavy feeders crops more exigent on nutrient
concentrations and ratios, EC and pH, such as fruiting plants could be grown in the decoupled
hydroponic loop.
It is also important to notice that some recent authors have highlighted the potential to totally
replace the biofilter by hydroponic beds in the RAS loop [228]. Hydroponic beds represent
themselves already a considerable surface for nitrifying bacteria biofilm and for gas exchange. Plants
are able to also directly uptake ammonia [228]. This could represent lower running costs since
biofilters require considerable amounts of energy for their aeration via air blower (for moving bed) or
high water pumping (for trickling filters) [14].

9. General conclusion

The present thesis aimed to investigate whether enough soluble mineral elements are released by
fish to assure healthy and consistent plant growth in aquaponics compared to hydroponics. The
thesis also aimed to determine the impact on plant productivity when the concentrations of soluble
mineral elements in the aquaponic solution were increased. The proportions of mineral elements
recycled in a simple one loop system were assessed and a solution to improve the recycling of these
elements was explored.
In the term of this work, it appeared that lettuce could achieve similar growth performance in DWC
in aquaponic and hydroponic solution but significantly higher growth (i.e. 39% fresh mass increase) in
complemented aquaponic solution. This indicates that lower mineral elements concentrations do not

impact negatively plant growth and with an increase of their concentrations the yields can overtake
the conventional hydroponics ones. Also the microorganisms and dissolved organic matter may play
an important role for promoting plant roots and shoots growth in aquaponics. Other results showed
that aquaponics consumed and discharged less water to produce fish and plant but required more
energy than conventional farming systems. The mass balances analysis of the mineral elements
indicated that an important proportion of the elements accumulated in fish sludge and were lost by
water and sludge spillage. A solution to prevent this is digesting the sludge onsite to recover the
mineral elements and water. Especially, anaerobic digestion of sludge with UASB showed promising
results to reduce the sludge. To improve the mineral element mineralisation in available form for
plants, a two stage digestion including and acidic stage seems the best solution for aquaponic sludge
treatment onsite.
Regarding these results an amelioration of the one loop aquaponic system was suggested as a
decoupled aquaponic system. Such system is assumed to reduce water spillage, recycle mineral
elements and improve fish and plant yields. DAPS has the potential to improve productivity while
reducing impact on the environment which meets well the goals of eco-intensification of the fish and
plants production.
Further research should be undertaken to determine DAPS performances and test its
implementation. Further experimental investigations are also needed on the two-stage sludge
mineralisation process proposed. It remains to determine if posttreatment is needed and assess the
plant growth in the diluted effluents.

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