Transanal Protocol PDF
Transanal Protocol PDF
Transanal Protocol PDF
5 month prior to admission, the decreased in stool caliber persisted, but with noted blood and mucoid in stool, there were
no other associated sign and symptoms
A month prior to admission, due to persistence of symptoms, patient sought consult. Colonoscopy was done and noted a
flat polyp (dia < 0.3 CM ) was seen and removed with a biopsy forcep at 80cm level. And a polypoid bilobed 3.6 in length at the
anorectal area (5cm from the anal verge) biopsy result was adenomatous polyp with dysplasia fragments and adenocarcinoma well
Two weeks PTA, CT scan was done and reveal an irregular anorectal wall mass with associated surrounding fat stranding
projecting intraluminally measuring 3.3 x 2.1 x 1.7 cm approximately 3.5 cm from the anal verge. Mesorectal fascia is intact. It was
signed out as Irregular anorectal wall mass projecting intraluminally, consider neoplastic process.
She was advised surgery hence admission.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: (+) HTN > 10 years , Atrial fibrillation (+) DM TYPE II
PREVIOUS SURGERY: s/p open cholecystectomy ( 1975)
s/p hemorrhoidectomy ( 1982)
s/p colonoscopy with biopsy (feb 2018)
GENERAL : awake, coherent, not in CP distress, ambulatory
VITAL SIGNS : BP: 130/80 HR 60 RR 20 T 36.5C
ANTHROPOMETRIC : Weight: 57.6kg Height: cm BMI:
SKIN : warm skin, jaundiced, no rashes
HEAD : no masses, no swelling, no characteristic fascies
EYES :anicteric sclerae, pupils 2-3mm ERTL, pink palpebral conjunctivae
EARS : no discharge, no tragal tenderness, non-hyperemic external auditory canal
NOSE : patent nares, nasal septum midline, no discharge
MOUTH : pink lips, moist oral mucosa, non hyperemic post. pharyngeal wall
NECK : supple neck, no masses, no cervical lymphadenopathy
CHEST : symmetrical chest expansion, no retractions, clear breath sounds
HEART : adynamic precordium, normal rate, regular rhythm, no murmur
GIT : soft, non-tender non-distended, normoactive bowel sounds, soft,(-) Murphy’s
RECTAL : (+) intact rectal vault, tight sphincteric tone, polypoid rectal mass, soft non-tender, about 3cm in
Widest diameter , 4-5 cm from the anal verge, with blood on the examining rectal finger
GENITALIA : grossly normal
EXTREMITIES : pulses full and equal, no edema, no cyanosis, no erythema
ADMITTING IMPRESSION: Rectal adenocarcinoma stage III s/p colonoscopy (Feb 2018)
OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: transanal excision
Upon admission, patient was put on liquid diet, vital signs were monitored. Several examinations was done as out patient. Bowel
preparation and medication was started. Bowel preparations as follows: may have light breakfast, no lunch no dinner. May have lots
of clear liquids till 12 midnight. Dulcolax 2 tabs at 1pm. And another 2 tablet at 6 pm. PEG (surelax) 10 sachet in 2 liters of water to
be consumed at 2-5 pm. NPO from midnight. Patient was cleared from medical stand point was scheduled to transanal excision of
rectal mass.
On the third hospital day, She underwent trans anal excision of rectal mass. and tolerated the procedure well.
Post- operatively, vital signs were stable and medications were continued.
Day 1 post op, patient was comfortable with minimal post-op pain (+) flatus but no urge to defacate. Anal pack was removed, hot
sitz bath was started for 15 minutes TID and patient was started on clear liquids and foley catheter was removed as well.
Day 2 post-op, patient is still comfortable with minimal post op pain, she had flatus and bowel movement no bleeding on the post-
op site and now on general liquids.
Day 3 post-op, patient was placed on soft diet. She had multiple flatus, no bowel movement, tolerated the soft diet and post-op
pain. rest of hospital stay was uneventful.
Atrial fibrillation in slow ventricular response; LAD
Gross description:
Specimen received in formalin consist of two parts
The first, designated as “polyp 80 cm “ consist of two gray tan irregular rubbery pieces of tissue each measuring 0.4 x 2.0 x 2.0 cm. all
tissue are labeled as A
The second, designated as “anorectal mass “ consist of 4 gray tan, irregular rubbery pieces of tissue ranging from 0.2 x0.1x0.1 cm all
tissue are labeled as B
Surgical pathology result ( 3/ 11/ 2018)
Rectal mass (transanal excision)
Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated, ( rectal mass) with muscle involvement
Remarks :
Tissues are received in fragments and cannot assess for margins. This case was seen by Dr. Alsol and Dr. Dela Fuente who concurred
with the above diagnosis
Description gross:
Specimen received in formalin designated as rectal mass, consist of several, tan- brown. Irregular, rubbery tissue fragments
measuring 4.5 x 3. 2.3 cm in aggregates and ranges from 0.5 x 4x 0.3 cm to 4 x 3x 1cm. the outer surface are coarsely granular.
Section show too granular cut surface.
OR FINDINGS: 3/11/18)
Patient on jackknife position under spinal anesthesia
Asepsis and anti sepsis done
Sterile drapes places
Lone star retractor places and anal mucosa viewed
4 stay sutures placed at edges of the mass
Mass excised ( full thickness) of rectum using electrocautery
Anastomosis done using vicryl 2-0, simple interrupted
Hemostasis/ washing
Sterile dressing
End of procedure
Patient tolerated the procedure well
Findings : (+) soft, sessile, locular mass located 3-4 cm from the anal verge mass measures – 2cm in widest diameter and 3 cm in
length located anteriorly
Colonoscopy Feb 6
a flat polyp (dia < 0.3 CM) was seen and removed with a biopsy forcep at 80cm level. A small diverticle was also noted. There was a
polypoid bilobed mass (3.6 cm in length) noted at the anorectal area ( 5cm from the anal verge )