Overview of The Project
Overview of The Project
Overview of The Project
In the modern era, computers have made every thing under one root and have knit the
world together. Even the complicated and time consuming works are made nothing by the
computers. Because of the technological IT revolution computer has been made as the
core element in every place. Computerization has become an essential one, for the people
who prefer speedy and ease of access. Human beings are liable to make mistakes and the
output usually depends upon the efficiency of the persons involved. But computers could
usually generate error output and highly efficient which varies depending on the person
Jewellary management system helps the retailer to maintain their records properly
and accurately. This system provides a user friendly interface for controlling Purchase
and sales management system.
Osram are one of the world’s largest manufacturers of “Light and Light
Sources”, which has the widest range of lamps. Osram has now introduced special
fittings to take the energy efficient fluorescent tube lights. Vigneshwara Traders are also
distributors of Osram India Private Limited.
The study of the system gives an insight into the structure and functioning of the
system study and it will also give an idea of the user’s requirements.
Control Section
The control section involves three parts. One is Customer and Supplier details,
Item details and Order details. This module helps to the retailer to enter the Customer
details, Item details gives information about items and customer, through the login option
we can control the unauthorized persons to access the system. With the help of this
module, we can update the new Customer’s details day by day.
View Section
This module helps to view the following details and it generates reports:
Customer details
Supplier Details
Item details
Sales details
Billing details
Print Reports
This module helps to print the following details:
Customer details
Supplier Details
Order Details
Item details
In 1975, the only 20-year-old Bill Gates and his good friend, Paul Allen develop
Basic on the microprocessor. And then Basic became popular to computer players. Basic
has become the first program language for many people since the personal computers
became more and more popular.
Along with the evolution of the computer technique, the pure writing output was
replaced by graphically operational interface. The Microsoft Company announced Visual
Basic1.0 in 1991. Its good news for the basic lovers and it also provided another choice to
program language.
Much software likes to add a word “Visual” in front of their names, and Visual
Basic is the pioneer among them. Why do we say “visual” to describe Basic? Because
Visual Basic provides programmers many visual tools to design windows. These
windows will be as same as the appearances when the programs are executing.
What is Access?
Microsoft Access is a relational database management system (DBMS). At the
most basic level, a DBMS is a program that facilitates the storage and retrieval of
structured information on a computer’s hard drive. Examples of well-know industrial-
strength relational DBMSs include,
Microsoft SQL Server
Well-know PC-based (“desktop”) relational DBMS include
Microsoft Access
Microsoft FoxPro
Borland dBase
The many faces of Access
Microsoft generally likes to incorporate as many features as possible into its
products. For example, the Access package contains the following elements:
Relational database system that supports two industry standard query languages:
Structured Query Language (SQL) and Query By Example (QBE);
1. Introduction to Microsoft Access
• a full-featured procedural programming language- essentially a subset of
Visual Basic,
• a simplified procedural macro language unique to Access;
• a rapid application development environment complete with visual form
and report development tools;
• a sprinkling of objected-oriented extensions; and,
• Various wizards and builders to make development easier.
Details Supplier Details
LS Details
Item Details Validate Validated
Details Item Details
Supplier Details
Indent Details
n ER
Item Details
* INDENT Indent
DENT Details 4
INDENT Generation
SUPP Bill Details Verification Item Details
LIER Report
* BILL Updated Item
Item Details 5
Stock * ITEM
Updation Details
Item Details
Customer Validate Validated
Details Customer Details
Item Details Validate Validated
Order Details
Customer Delivery
* CUSTOMER Billing Details
Details Delivery
* ORDER Order Details n Delivery Challan
Customer Details
Item Details
Challan Details
Stock Updated
Updatio Item Details
* SBILL Supplier
Item Details
Quotation Report
Details Generation
Item Details
* CUSTOMER Details
Customized Bill
Sales Bill
Table details:
1. Supplier details
2. Customer details
3. Item details
4. Order details
5. Rate details
6. Billing Details
8. Login Details
A source document should be logical and easy to understand. Each area should
be clearly identified and should specify as what the user should enter. The analyst must
decide the methods of inputting the data into the system. Input devices used in this
system are keyboard and mouse. The input design consists of specifications and
procedures for data preparation and entry.
1. Supplier details
2. Customer details
3. Item details
4. Order Details
3.2.3 Output Design
Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the
user. Efficient and intelligible output design should improve the system’s relationships
with the user and help in decision making. A major form of output factors such as
compatibility of the device with the system, response time requirements, expected print
quality and number of copies needed.
During unit test, testers can use the same project or projects as the developers, if
functional units organize the project, or separate projects have been created for functional
units. The project or projects can also be exported, so unit test can take place in a variety
of environments and on a variety of platforms.
‘Boundary Conditions’ are tested to ensure that the module operates properly at
boundaries established to limit or restrict processing. All ‘independent paths’ through the
control structures are exercised to ensure that all statements in a module have been
executed at least once. Finally, all ‘error-handling paths’ are tested.
In most applications, a driver is nothing more than a main program that accepts
test case data, passes such data to the module to be tested, and prints the relevant results.
The stubs serve to replace modules that are subordinates called by the modules to be
tested. A stub or a dummy stub or a dummy subprogram uses the subordinate modules
interface, may do minimal data manipulation, prints verification of entry, and returns.
The drivers and scrubs represent overhead i.e., both are S/W that must be written but that
is not delivered with the final S/W product. If the drivers and the stub are kept simple,
then the overhead is low.
The Unit Test is carried out in this project, and is found successful. The data is
flowing correctly to all part of the project.
Implementation is the state in the project where the theoretical design is turned
into a working system. The most crucial stage is achieving a new successful system and
in confidence that the new system will work efficiently and effectively for the user
The system can be implemented only after through testing is done and if it is
found to work to the specifications. It involves careful planning and investigation of the
current system and its constraints on implementation.
Two major tests of preparation for implementation arre educating and training of
users and testing the system. The most difficult task in the system life cycle is the
successful implementation of the new system design. Implementation includes all those
activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new system. The new
system may be that a major implementation becomes necessary so that a reliable system
based on the requirements of the organization can be provided.
There are three aspects of implementation,
1. Training personal
2. Conversion procedure
3. Post implementation review
The Implementation phase can be described as the phase in which the game is
truly constructed, programmed and executed. This phase involves programming,
debugging, compiling and executing.
Implementation is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is turned
into a working system. If the implementation stage is not properly planned and
controlled, it can cause chaos. Thus it can be considered to be the most crucial stage in a
successful new system and in giving the new system will work and be effective.
The system “Jewellary Management system” deals with purchase and sales
processing of a Jewellary shop. This system has been developed to satisfy all the
proposed requirements. The process of recording details about supplier, item, Billing and
customers is more simple and easy. The system reduces the possibility of errors to a great
extent and maintains the data in an efficient manner. User friendliness is the unique
feature of this system. The system generates the reports as and when required. The
system is highly interactive and flexible for further enhancement.
1. Visual Basic 6.0 from the Ground up, Gary Cornell, Tata McGraw Hill Edition
2. The Complete Reference Visual Basic 6.0 , Noel Jerke, Tata Mcgraw Hill
3. Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Black Book, Sten Holzner, Dream tech Press,
Dreamtech Press, New Delhi-2004
4. MS-Office 2000, Michael Busy and Rossell a Stultz, BPB Publication, New
5. Micro soft Office Access Bible by Groh
6. Software Engineering a practioner’s approach- Roger S. Pressman, Tata
McGraw Hill Edition
7. Working with Access by RON Mansfield, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
fraEdit.Visible = True
SQlStr = "Select CustomerId, CustomerName, VisitDate from Customerdetails"
rsDel.Open SQlStr, g_conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If rsDel.EOF = False Then
Dim sngCustNameWidth As Single
Dim intspc As Integer
Call EnableTextBox(frmCustomer)
lblDisplay.Caption = "You can Edit/Change this Customer Details only"
imgDisplay.Visible = False
f_Custid = Val(txtCustomerId.Text)
g_status = "Edit"
cmdSave.Enabled = True
f_EditThis = True
End Sub
Private Sub DisableAll()
f_EditThis = False
If cmdSave.Enabled = True Then cmdSave.Enabled = False
Call DisableTextBox(frmCustomer)
imgDisplay.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
If f_EditThis Then Call DisableAll
If cmdSave.Enabled = True Then cmdSave.Enabled = False
Call MoveFirst(f_rsCustomer, "frmCustomer", frmCustomer)
End Sub
Call cmdFirst_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
End Sub
End Sub
Call SaveData(f_rsCustomer)
lblDisplay.Caption = "New Customer Details Saved"
cmdNewCustomer.Enabled = True
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
End Sub
End Sub
Login Form
Menu List Form
Main Form
Display Items Form
Billing Form
Bill Summary
Billing Report