Francis Ochieng
Francis Ochieng
Francis Ochieng
Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Science
in Environmental and Biosystems Engineering, of the University of Nairobi
Student’s Declaration
I, Francis Ochieng Oseko, declare that the information contained herein is my own work
and has not been presented for a degree in this faculty or any other academic award
This project has been accomplished and submitted with oversight from a project
This project is dedicated to my parents, Mr. & Mrs. Oseko, and my brother and sisters. I am
grateful for their unreserved moral support and donation of funds towards the accomplishment of
I would wish to thank the Supreme God for seeing me through this endeavor. My solemn
gratitude goes to my supervisor, Mr. Stephen Ondieki, for guiding me through the design process
of this project.
I am thankful to the Department’s Chairman, Dr. Ayub Gitau, the School of Engineering and
Department of Environmental and Biosystem Engineering for their financial and academic
support towards the success of this undertaking. I also acknowledge Mr. Boniface Muliro,
technician, for providing the necessary assistance needed in carrying out soil tests on the soil
Ultimately, I would wish to express my sincere gratitude to my colleagues for their assistance
towards this cause, and the project co-coordinators Dr. Duncan Mbuge and Mr. Albert Inima for
Kenya is among many countries in sub-Saharan Africa managing food crisis which could be
technologies, inadequacy of farm equipments, poor agricultural practices and insufficient water
for agriculture. However, the practice of small scale irrigation in the recent years has covered
substantial grounds in curbing food security. In light of this, the project is based on the design of
a sprinkler irrigation system for a farmer who needs to increase his crop production. The farm
land area is situated on a leeward side of a hilly area and receives relatively low rainfall.
The design of the project involved an in-depth exploration of literature review on sprinkler
irrigation in chapter II and III. A pre-visit was conducted in the area of study which involved a
visual inspection of the area and getting acquitted with the farm owner. Soil sample collection
and inspection of the point of water abstraction were carried out in the subsequent visit. Climatic
data for 10 years from a nearby meteorological station, Menara/Homalime, was also collected
and used in the results analysis section. Chapter IV of methodology expounds on the various
Chapter V involves the analysis of collected results and the design computations of the project.
The project was a success regardless of a few challenges in conducting soil tests, details of the
conclusions and recommendations are comprehensively captured on Chapter VI. Chapter VII
also proposes a bill of quantities based on current market prices. This also chapter contains the
projects work plan and budget for designing the project. The implementation of this project
could reduce CO2 emissions and increase food production in Kenya at affordable implementation
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Statement .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Justification ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Site Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 Overall Objective ............................................................................................................ 6
1.5.2 Specific Objectives ......................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Project Scope .......................................................................................................................... 7
2 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Overview of Sprinkler Irrigation ............................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 Sprinkler Irrigation .......................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 General Classification of various types of sprinkler systems ......................................... 8
2.2 Crop Water Requirement ........................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Irrigation Requirements ........................................................................................................ 12
2.3.1 Net depth of water application ...................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Irrigation frequency ....................................................................................................... 13
2.3.3 Gross depth of water application .................................................................................. 14
2.3.4 System Capacity ............................................................................................................ 14
2.4 Soil Infiltration Rate and Topography .................................................................................. 15
2.4.1 Soil Infiltration Rate ...................................................................................................... 15
2.4.2 Constant Head Method .................................................................................................. 15
2.4.3 Topography ................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Soil Moisture Content ........................................................................................................... 17
2.6 Soil Texture .......................................................................................................................... 17
2.6.1 Hydrometer method ...................................................................................................... 18
2.7 Soil Moisture Potential ......................................................................................................... 18
2.8 Soil pH and Electrical Conductivity ..................................................................................... 19
2.9 Sprinkler selection and spacing ............................................................................................ 19
2.9.1 Set time (Ts) .................................................................................................................. 20
2.10 Pipe size determination ......................................................................................................... 21
2.11 Total Head Requirements ..................................................................................................... 21
2.12 Pump selection and Power requirements .............................................................................. 22
3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................... 24
3.1 Primary components of a sprinkler system ........................................................................... 24
3.2 Types of solar pumps ............................................................................................................ 25
4 DESIGN METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 27
4.1 Software Inventory ............................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Collection of Climatic data ................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Site Survey and sampling of soil .......................................................................................... 27
4.3.1 Soil sampling................................................................................................................. 27
4.3.2 Generation of contour map for the site ......................................................................... 28
4.4 Measurement of Soil Parameters .......................................................................................... 30
4.4.1 Soil Moisture Content Determination ........................................................................... 30
4.4.2 Soil Classification Experiment ...................................................................................... 30
4.4.3 Rate of Infiltration / Hydraulic Conductivity ................................................................ 30
4.4.4 Determination of FC, AW and PWP via pF Experiment .............................................. 31
4.4.5 Determination of pH and Electrical Conductivity ........................................................ 31
4.5 Calculation of Spinach Water Requirement ......................................................................... 31
4.6 Criteria for Analyzing Data .................................................................................................. 32
4.6.1 Establishment of the Irrigation Water Requirement ..................................................... 32
4.6.2 System capacity Determination .................................................................................... 32
4.6.3 Sprinkler Selection and spacing .................................................................................... 32
4.6.4 Determination of set time .............................................................................................. 32
4.6.5 Determination of Application Rate ............................................................................... 32
4.6.6 Pipe type and size determination .................................................................................. 33
4.6.7 Factorization of Total Head Requirements ................................................................... 33
4.6.8 Calculation of Power Requirements and Pump Selection ............................................. 33
5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................. 34
5.1 Climatic Data ........................................................................................................................ 34
5.2 Soil Moisture Content Results .............................................................................................. 35
5.3 Classification Results ............................................................................................................ 35
5.4 Soil pH and Electrical Conductivity Results ........................................................................ 36
5.5 Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Results .................................................................................... 37
5.6 Net depth of water application .............................................................................................. 38
5.7 Irrigation Frequency ............................................................................................................. 38
5.8 Gross depth of water application .......................................................................................... 38
5.9 Theoretical System Capacity ................................................................................................ 38
5.10 Sprinkler selection and Spacing ............................................................................................ 39
5.10.1 Sample computation: ..................................................................................................... 39
5.10.2 Calculation of set time .................................................................................................. 41
5.11 Practical System Capacity / Application rate ....................................................................... 41
5.12 Pipe type and size determination .......................................................................................... 42
5.12.1 Determination of the diameter of laterals...................................................................... 42
5.12.2 Determination of the diameter of rising pipes of each sprinkler ................................... 43
5.12.3 Determination of the diameter of main line .................................................................. 44
5.12.4 Calculation of Head Losses ........................................................................................... 45
5.13 Power Requirements ............................................................................................................. 47
5.14 Recommendation of number of Solar panels ........................................................................ 48
5.15 Computation of the reduction in Green gases emission ....................................................... 48
5.16 Cost Benefit Analysis ........................................................................................................... 49
5.17 Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 50
6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 51
6.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 51
6.2 Recommendations................................................................................................................. 51
7 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES, BUDGET & BILL OF QUANTITIES ..................................... 53
7.1 Work Plan ............................................................................................................................. 53
7.2 Budget ................................................................................................................................... 53
7.3 Bill of Quantities ................................................................................................................... 54
8 REFERENCE LIST ...................................................................................................................... 55
9 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 57
9.1 Appendix I: Tables ............................................................................................................... 57
9.2 Appendix II: Figures ............................................................................................................. 60
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Google Earth Pro image of the site (Co-ordinates: 0o 09’ 59.44” S, 35o 14’ 09.06” E) .... 6
Figure 9.2 : Friction loss chart for uPVC pipes (Source: South African Bureau of Standards) .......... 61
Figure 9.11 : Pump efficiency chart (Source: Davis & Shirtliff) ......................................................... 67
List of Tables
Table 9.1 : Ranges of Effective Rooting Depth for Some Crops (Source: FAO-56, 2006) ................. 57
Table 9.3 : Maximum sprinkler spacing as related to wind velocity, rectangular pattern (Source:
Table 9.4 : Maximum sprinkler spacing as related to wind velocity, square pattern (Source: Keller
Table 9.5 : Maximum precipitation rates to use on level ground (Source: Keller and Bliesner, 1990)
...................................................................................................................................................... 58
Table 9.6: Christiansens "F" factors for various outlets (Source: Keller and Bliesner, 1990) ............. 59
List of Abbreviations
FC – Field Capacity
Kc – Crop co-efficient
1.1 Background
In the wake of civilization and technological advancements, food insecurity poses as one
of the epic challenges towards achieving the global millennium development targets. An
estimated 795 million human beings are underfed globally which is slightly lower by 167 million
over the past decade and 216 million down in 1990 – 1992 (FAO, IFAD & WFP, 2015). This
vividly depicts sulky progress; over one in nine individuals in the world are incapable of
consuming sufficient food to support an active and healthy life. Regrettably, fatalities of 45% in
children are due to poor nutrition which rounds up to distressful figures of 3.1 million per year!
Nevertheless, hunger continues to take its toll with one in six children underweight; a rough
estimate of 100 million kids. The World Food Programme hunger statistics also report a dire case
of one in four children having stunted growth due to malnourishment (FAO, 2015). About 161
million under the age of 5 have stunted grow half of which living in Asia and more than a third
in Africa.
According to the latest findings by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (2015), the percentage majority of people who are affected by hunger live in developing
regions. Notably, the generality of undernourishment has waned by 44.4% since 1990 – 1992.
However, 12.9% of the world’s total population is still overshadowed by the reality of hunger
(FAO, IFAD & WFP, 2015). The year 2015 sees to it the end of watch for the Millennium
Development Goal (MDG) and World Food Summit (WFS) hunger targets. A statistical
vanishing point depicts that the goals of the aforementioned organs were missed with the WFS
registering large margins. To exemplify, the envisioned figure of people is approximately 285
million above the 2015 goal. The MDG equally missed its mark by a small margin. 72
developing nations of the monitored 129 countries have reached the Millennium Development
Goal 1c hunger objective (FAO, IFAD & WFP, 2015). Of these, 12 countries have attained the
Majority of the nations that have scored the set international hunger goals wallow in
stable political environs and economic progress, along with tenable social protection policies
geared towards unprotected population groups (FAO, 2015). The dedication to curb food
insecurity emerged successful in those countries regardless of the situations thrown by increased
population growth, high food and energy prices, fickle commodity prices, unemployment
upheaval and economic crises in the late 1990s and after 2008. Contrary to expectations of
MDG, several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Africa and Eastern Africa have failed to
score the set targets for suppressing food insecurity, among other goals. This has led to
protracted food crisis and the need for a pragmatic approach towards the mitigation of food
insecurity in developing countries (FAO, IFAD & WFP, 2015). Retrospectively, there is growing
consensus towards the adoption of irrigation practices as an initiative to unbraid the shackles of
food insecurity on Millennium Development Goals. In line with this, concerted efforts have been
Essentially, the world’s 288 million (19%) Ha of a total 1500 million Ha of tillable land
is currently irrigated (Kulkarni, 2011). The demand for irrigation and consequent increased food
production is principally driven by the world’s population growth. The world’s population is
anticipated to rise from 6.1 billion to 8.1 billion between 2000 and 2030. Nonetheless, a
threefold increase in world population between 1950 and 2000 doubled the increase in irrigated
area (Kulkarni, 2011). Sustainable economic shape up in Africa is interlaced with the
progression of its agricultural domain upon which 60% of its population depends. Irrespective,
Africa still depicts a low level of venture into fundamental infrastructure such as irrigation. High
initial costs, volatile food prices and perceived relapse of previous irrigation projects feature as
some of the key reasons for reluctance on the part of development agencies and regimes in Sub-
The East Africa is part of Sub-Saharan Africa with a total area of approximately 3.5
million square kilometers or 10% of Africa. This region borders the Central region, Northern
region, Southern region and the Indian Ocean. At the heart of East Africa is Kenya: bordering
Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia and the Indian Ocean. The country has an area of 571 466
square kilometers (NCPD, 2013). Northern Kenya and parts of Ethiopia have dry climates
largely influenced by the Sahara Desert. The country also enjoys equatorial climate experienced
in western parts of Kenya and other regions along the equator. Moreover, the Southern part of
The arid and extremely arid realms comprise 65% of the country and receive an estimated
annual mean rainfall of 200mm – 600mm with temperatures varying from 23oC – 34oC. The
semi-arid regions at altitudes of 900m – 1800m receive mean yearly rainfall of 500mm –
1000mm (NCPD, 2013). The coastal region experiences a mean annual downpour of 1000mm –
1250mm with moderate temperatures of 22oC – 30oC. The western and central highlands, and
parts the Rift Valley at altitudes of 900m – 4000m have a moderate annual downpour of 950mm
– 3000mm with temperatures ranging from 14oC – 28oC (NCPD, 2013). Hence, Kenya has
diversified climates.
Kenya has a demographic population of around 42 million which is expected to reach 60
million by 2030 (NCPD, 2013). The nation’s proportion of people living below the poverty line
is 46% as of 2010 against the MDG target of 23.5%. The rate of infant mortality is at 52/1000
against the MDG 26/1000; most of the deaths are as a result of undernourishment. Agriculture
serves as the backbone of the country’s economy with a contribution of up to 50% to Gross
Domestic Product (NCPD, 2013). 20% of Kenya’s land is arable with potential irrigable land of
However, food security still poses a challenge to Kenya with an estimated 10 million plus
being food insecure (NCPD, 2013). A proportionate number also depend on relief aid with
majority struggling to put food on the table. According to FAO (2015), Kenya’s food security
upshots of economic trade are below the set targets. It is against this backdrop that small-scale
irrigation finds it roots. Moreover, the promotion of irrigation development agrees with the
country’s vision 2030 on the stabilization of food production via optimum utilization of land and
water resources. Irrigation expansion also ranks as a reasonable measure in the fight against
climate change (Blank, 2002). Arguably, sprinkler irrigation systems do offer one of the best
strategies in realizing the highlighted prospects of the country’s vision. This project, therefore,
focuses on the design of a sprinkler irrigation system for a small farm situated on a medium
potential area. The supposed land is irrigable and can support crop growth. The project is
inclined towards increasing the farmer’s crop yield and is formidable step in solving the
area around the farm receives relatively low rainfall in the extensive period of the year: except
for the long rains. The change in climate is attributed to extensive clearing of vegetation and
atmospheric pollution from sugarcane burning, sugarcane factory and limestone factory.
Majority of the farmers in the area are also affected by the periodic rainfall seasons and do not
have any form of supplemental irrigation for their crops. This project design, therefore, seeks to
come to the rescue of an affected farmer who is in dire need of a supplemental irrigation system
for improving the existing crop production to supply a local market and supermarket.
1.3 Justification
The farmer in question has an inclination towards the use of sprinkler irrigation system to
irrigate his crops. He seeks to expand his production of spinach on a 2.18 acre farm and provide
neighboring markets and an urban center supermarket with his product. The farmer also has the
intention of integrating pest control unit into the sprinkler system in the foreseeable future.
Nevertheless, the expensive cost of fuel has led to the exploration of solar energy as remedy. The
project also aligns with one of the country’s initiatives in improving food security.
The location is about 55km stretch from Kisumu City and 45km from Kericho Town. The area
receives an annual rainfall of 1365mm while the effective rainfall is 1089.5mm as computed by
CROPWAT (Appendix II: Figure 9.9). The area is at an altitude of 1375m above sea level with a
tropical climate. The size of the farm is 2.18 acres and is 80m from, Menara River, a major
Figure 1.1: Google Earth Pro image of the site (Co-ordinates: 0o 09’ 59.44” S, 35o 14’ 09.06” E)
1.5 Objectives
b) To determine the soil characteristics and topography of the area under consideration
c) To use the variables from (a) and (b) in designing system components of the sprinkler
irrigation which include; pipe work, type of pump, size of pump and the number of
sprinkler heads
d) To establish the power requirements, recommend the right pump and number of solar
1.6 Project Scope
The project focuses on the design of a solar powered sprinkler irrigation system of a
small farm, 2.18 acres, in Menara. The design will entail the determination of the field layout,
collection of agro-climatic data of the region, estimation of crop water requirements against the
watering schedule, system capacity requirement estimation, pipe size determination, sprinkler
selection and spacing, factorization of total head requirements, power requirements calculations
and recommendation for the right sizing of solar energy pump equipment needed.
This project will not cover the design of a structure needed to house the pumping unit;
however, the work will be sub-contracted to qualified parties of interest. It will also not
concentrate on the design intricacies of a solar plant but will borrow the services from a capable
electrical engineer using the recommended power requirements and irrigation set time. The
project will use an existing weir at the point of abstraction so this design will not include the
design of a weir.
natural rainfall (Scott, 2007). In this system, water is distributed via a connection of pipes usually
by pumping and sprayed into the air through sprinkler heads so that it breaks smaller droplets
which fall onto the ground. The sprinkler, pump supply system and operating conditions are
often designed to enable uniform application of water. Spray heads distribute water evenly over
the entire soil surface. Sprinklers render efficient coverage for minimal to extensive areas and are
fit for all types of crops. Nevertheless, they can be used in virtually all irrigable soils and
This system has small size nozzles which are mounted on riser pipes fixed at equal
intervals along the length of the lateral pipe that are laid on the ground. The rotating components
may also be fixed on posts that are above the crop height and rotated via 90o, to water a
rectangular strip. The rotating head is integrated with a small hammer which is activated by the
thrusting action of water striking against a vane attached to it (Scott, 2007). Examples of
irrigation system using rotating head include: center pivot system and side roll system.
This technique comprise of drilled holes along their length through which water is
sprayed under pressure (Laycock, 2011). The system is designed for comparatively low pressure.
Its application rates vary from 1.25 – 5 cm/hr for respective pressure and spacing. They are
a) Portable system: It has movable Sub-main lines, laterals and pumping unit.
b) Semi-portable system: It has the same configuration as the portable system except that
permanent main lines and sub-mains and a fixed water source and pumping plant.
d) Solid set system: It has numerous laterals to obviate their lateral movement their lateral
movement. The laterals are set before the crop season and remain in the field for an entire
to thrive. The estimation of crop water requirement necessitates that the crop evapo-transpiration
rate is measured first (Gipson, 2015). The reference rate (ETo), refers to the approximate quantity
of water that is utilized by a well-watered grass of about 8-15cm in height. It represents the
maximum or potential evapo-transpiration that can occur. The water requirement of the crop is
often less than ETo. With factors such as the plant’s growth stage, leaf coverage and other
specifics put into consideration, the ETo is calculated into ETc through the crop-specific
coefficient Kc (Keesen, 2013). The ETo can be calculated as a reference for approximating actual
where: ETc = evapo-transpiration rate of the crop under standard conditions (mm/day)
The most common methods that can be used to predict evapo-transpiration rate of crops are:
Penman-Monteith Method
This is the most accurate and sophisticated technique of determining crop evapo-
transpiration. It requires climatic data for air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and
wind speed, and recommended where the data is available (Wilson, 2015). Additionally, the
method can be adjusted to suit the physical features of any weather station. The modified
.......................................................................Eq. 2.2
G = soil heat flux density [MJ m-2 day-1] T = mean daily air temperature at 2 m height [°C]
u2 = wind speed at 2 m height [m/s] es = saturation vapor pressure [kPa]
Δ = slope vapor pressure curve [kPa °C-1] γ = psychrometric constant [kPa °C-1].
Blanely-Criddle Method
It primarily takes into account temperature as the variable parameter hence; it is not very
accurate in the estimation of reference evapo-transpiration rate (Wilson, 2015). The equation for
ETo = Reference crop evapo-transpiration (mm/day) Tmean = mean daily temperature (oC)
evaporation from a shallow, open-faced pan (Wilson, 2015). Class A evaporation pans are used
and water is kept between the height of 2 -3 inches below the rim of the pan. The reference crop
Radiation Method
This technique depends on solar radiation and air temperature data to measure ETo in the
absence of climatic data. It is recommended for arid areas and shouldn’t be used near the ocean
...........................................................Eq. 2.5
br = adjustment factor depending on the average relative humidity and daytime wind speed
Δ = slope vapor pressure curve [kPa °C-1] γ = psychrometric constant [kPa °C-1].
utilized during by the crop during evapo-transpiration (Davis, 2015). The calculation of the net
Depending on the crop sensitivity to water stress, the soil moisture should be permitted to
deplete partially (Wilson, 2015). On average, a depletion of 50% of the available moisture is
dnet = (FC-PWP) × RZD × P ..................................................................................Eq. 2.6
dnet = net depth of water application per irrigation for a given crop (mm)
P = allowable moisture permitted for depletion by the crop before the next irrigation
In order to express the depth of water in terms of the volume, the proposed area for irrigation is
multiplied by depth:
V = 10 × A × d ..................................................................................Eq. 2.7
depletion level. For design purposes, the peak daily water used by the crop (evapo-transpiration
rate of the crop) is of interest (Keesen, 2013). Following the establishment of dnet, the irrigation
IF = ...................................................................................Eq. 2.8
ETc = evapo-transpiration rate of the crop (mm/day)
farm irrigation efficiency. The farm irrigation efficiency of sprinkler systems varies depending
on whether the climate is cool, moderate, hot or moderate (Keesen, 2013). Farm irrigation
Cool 80%
Moderate 75%
Hot 70%
Desert 65%
Q= ...................................................................................Eq. 2.10
d = gross depth of water application (mm) I = irrigation cycle (days)
(mm) per hour (Wilson, 2015). In order to avoid runoff, the sprinkler application rate ought not
to surpass the basic soil infiltration rate: hence, its determination is a guide in selecting a
sprinkler with a lower precipitation rate than the infiltration rate. Infiltration is established using
double ring infiltrometers. Alternatively, the infiltration rate of the soil can be determined using
the saturated hydraulic conductivity (KSAT). The hydraulic conductivity of a given soil K,
defines the quantity of water that passes via a unit cross-sectional area of soil in a unit time. The
KSAT parameter is primarily used for the comparison of different KSAT rates of variant soil
horizons as a guide to soil water movement and irrigation planning (Rhoades, 1982). The three
methods of KSAT measurements include: constant head method, falling head method and auger
hole method. However, constant head method is the most commonly used because of its ease of
application of the Darcy’s equation to a saturated soil column of uniform cross-sectional area
(Rhoades, 1982). A hydraulic head difference is imposed on the soil column and the resultant
Where: KSAT = hydraulic conductivity / infiltration rate (cm/hr)
T = time (hr)
Some ranges of infiltration for soil types are presented in the table below:
Clay 1–7
Clay Loam 7 – 15
Silt Loam 15 – 25
Sandy Loam 25 – 40
Sand > 40
2.4.3 Topography
The topography of the land also affects the infiltration rate of the soil and a correction of
the precipitation is necessary so as to avoid runoff in sloping land (Wilson, 2015). The slope of a
given land can be calculated by measuring various altitude points then using the given formulae
Slope percentage = × 100 % ........Eq. 2.12
The precipitation rates reduction on sloping land is given in the table below:
Table 2.3 : Precipitation rate reduction on sloping ground
Slope % Reduction
0 – 5% 0
6 – 8% 20
9 – 12% 40
13 – 20% 60
> 20% 75
This ratio is often expressed as a percentage. The knowledge of the soil moisture content has
many application areas, to mention a few; it is used in determining the bearing capacity and
settlement (Rhoades, 1982). It gives an idea of the state of soil in the field. The oven drying
W% = × 100 ...............................................................................Eq. 2.13
finely divided soil particles have greater surface per unit mass than coarse particles. Therefore, a
miniature quantity of fine clay and silt will be more essential in chemical reactions, release of
nutrient elements and retention of soil moisture. Soil particles are broadly classified into three
size classes: sand, clay and silt (Rhoades, 1982). The most commonly used methods for
determining soil particle distribution are: hand texture method, separation by sieving and
separation by sedimentation.
osmosis pressure, gravity, and mechanical pressure or matrix effects such as soil capillary action.
Water retention in the soil is determined by various binding forces between water and the solid
particles in their soil matrix. The hydrostatic pressure in the soil matrix is often lower than the
atmospheric pressure and is known as matrix suction which expressed in bars or atmospheres
(Rhoades, 1982). The soil moisture potential is expressed as given for water suctioned at various
Ɵ= ...................................................................................Eq. 2.14
2.8 Soil pH and Electrical Conductivity
The measurement of pH is expressed as the inverse log of the hydrogen ion
concentration. The pH of the soil solution controls the form and solubility of many plant
nutrients. Soil pH is measured on 2.5:1 water to soil suspension. The electrical conductivity
measurement identifies the soils which are potentially saline. The electro-conductivity of the
saturated paste extract is often measured to determine the degree of salinity (Rhoades, 1982).
These tests are carried out using conductivity meter and pH meter.
pressure and nozzle size can provision water at an application rate that does not cause runoff
(Keesen, 2013). The spacing should also provide the best uniformity of application under
Another aspect considered in sprinkler selection is the energy cost. Lower pressures are
indication of perfect uniformity which means that water is applied at uniform depth (Keesen,
2013). Moreover, the effect of pressure on water distribution pattern portrays the following
If the sprinkler operates at a relatively low pressure, the size of droplets are large and water
settles around the sprinkler in no wind conditions (Keesen, 2013). Under wind conditions, the
to deliver gross irrigation depth (Wilson, 2015). It is given by the following equation:
Ts = ...................................................................................Eq. 2.15
2.10 Pipe size determination
This involves the selection of appropriate diameters of pipe types that can carry a given
flow below the set velocity limit. For instance, the velocity limit for uPVC pipes is
approximately 2m/s (Wilson, 2015). The pipe sizes are also determined based on various classes
of pipe. uPVC pipes are available in pressure ratings of 6 bar– Class B, 9 bar – Class C, 12 bar –
Class D and 15 bar – Class E (Appendix II: Figure 9.10). Alternatively, the pipe diameters for
Q A V ...................................................................................Eq. 2.16
A ...................................................................................Eq. 2.17
supply line, the friction losses in the mainline, lateral and fittings, the riser, the sprinkler
operating pressure and difference in elevation (Keesen, 2013). The suction lift is the difference in
elevation between the water level and the eye of the pump impeller added to the head losses in
the suction pipe. The head losses of the suction pipe constitute the frictional losses of the fittings,
pipe and the velocity head. The recommended diameter for suction pipes ought to be selected
such that water velocity is less than 3.3 m/s (Keller and Bliesner, 1990). The head losses can be
read from provided friction loss charts. However, the velocity head is ignored if the pipe is short
(Wilson 2015).
Velocity Head = ...................................................................................Eq. 2.19
Alternatively, the head losses can be calculated using the Darcy equation given below and added
hf = ...................................................................................Eq. 2.21
f= ...................................................................................Eq. 2.22
efficiency (Keesen, 2013). The addition of the head losses gives the total dynamic head. The
pump is powered by an electric motor hence, the need for computing the power requirements
P= ...................................................................................Eq. 2.23
Q = discharge (m3/hr)
overcome the head losses. The number of solar panels to produce the electricity is determined
A pump is needed to convey water from the source via the main line and laterals to the
sprinkler. The pressurized water at the nozzles is sprayed and applied to crops in the field.
Depending on the topography, sufficient pressure may develop at the nozzle and eliminate the
need for additional pumps (Scott, 2007). The most common pumps used are centrifugal or
submersible pumps which are fitted with requisite accessories. Nevertheless, the pumps under
Main Line
It is made up of Aluminum or uPVC as per the BIS stipulation (IS 7092) for aluminum
tubes and IS 4985 for uPVC tubes. Light weight aluminum is preferable in case of designing
portable systems. The main line serves the purpose of carrying water from the pumping section
to other regions of the field (Scott, 2007). Portable main lines are relatively economical to fixed
main lines when the sprinkler system has variant applications in different fields.
Lateral pipes
They carry water from the main line to nozzles or sprinklers. The lateral lines are made
up of uPVC or aluminum tubes with quick couplings. These pipes are often purchasable in
lengths of 5m, 6m and 12m along with quick couplings (Keesen, 2013). The lateral pipes should
be of desirable quality and prescribed standards. The crop geometry, area to be wetted, water
requirement of crop among other factors determines the number of laterals on a main pipe line
(Scott, 2007).
These comprise pressure regulators which are installed under the sprinkler to maintain an
incessant pressure applied to the sprinkler regardless of the upward or downward alignment of
the pipeline. Moreover, flow regulators are integrated to regulate the flow and pressure of
flowing via the sprinkler (Scott, 2007). The pressure gauges serve the purpose of establishing the
pressure at the sprinkler. The valves, on the contrary, control the flow of water. Screw type
valves are the most common with drain valves finding their application at valley portions of the
land. Other types of valves used include: conventional pressure relief valves, outlet valves, check
Sprinkler heads
They are the most indispensible part of the sprinkler system. The operating dimensions of
sprinkler heads under optimal water pressure and climatic circumstances determine the
suitability and efficiency of the system. They range from small-single nozzle sprinklers to
multiple nozzle sprinklers operating at high pressure. The jointure of pressure and rotation result
commonly used solar pump for supplying water to towns and cities. It’s easy to install, has lay-
flat flexible pipe work and the motor irrigation pump set is submersed to prevent damage
(Agriculture Solar Powered Irrigation Pump Methods, 2013). AC or DC motors can be integrated
to the motor with the exception that an inverter would be required for AC and replacement of
brushes (after 2 years). The most adopted system for irrigation has an AC pump and inverter
Submersed irrigation pump with surface mounted motor: It is mostly used with
turbine pumps. It provisions for easy access to the pump motor when changing brush during
maintenance. However, it has low efficiency from power losses in its shaft bearings and has high
high head and low flow applications. The water output is directly proportional to the speed of
irrigating pump (Agriculture Solar Powered Irrigation Pump Methods, 2013). Nevertheless, these
pumps create a cyclic load on the motor that should be balanced for efficient operation. For this
reason, the ground constituents are usually heavy and robust. Power controllers are also utilized
Floating motor irrigation pump sets: Its versatile floating unit set makes it handy for
irrigation pumping for canals and open wells. The pump set is portable and its dc motor is
electronically commutated: used on single stage submerged centrifugal irrigation pump. Its solar
panel has a handle to facilitate easy transportation (Agriculture Solar Powered Irrigation Pump
Methods, 2013).
Surface suction irrigation pump sets: It uses primary chambers and non-return valves
to guard against priming predicaments. However, its suction heads of over 8 meters are
impractical and it will always require an operator’s attendance (Agriculture Solar Powered
(oC), sunshine hours, wind speed (km/hr) and humidity from 2004 to 2014 was acquired from the
nearby meteorological station which 1.5km from the site (Table 5.1).
Rings (SSR) at a depth of 0 - 15cm for top sample and 15 – 30cm for bottom sample,
respectively. Moreover, top and bottom samples were also collected in transparent labeled paper
Figure 4.1 : Bottom soil sample for point A
Figure 4.2 : Top soil sample for point A
A contour map for the site was generated with the aid of Google Earth, TCX converter
and Surfer software. The diagram below is an illustration of the contour map output on Surfer:
Figure 4.3 : Contour map of Menara Site
Figure 4.4 : Section of River Menara
4.4 Measurement of Soil Parameters
2216 – Standard Test Method for laboratory determination of moisture content of soil, rock and
soil aggregate mixtures. This procedure is relatively accurate and was preferred because of the
Standard Test Method. The hydrometer method was used because it is adapted for fast
determinations of general categories of sizes present in the soil samples. The procedure is
the standard reference ASTM D 2434. This procedure was prioritized over other methods
because of the availability of instruments in the lab at the time of experiment. The method is
4.4.4 Determination of FC, AW and PWP via pF Experiment
The volumetric water content and bulk density of the soil was determined at various
pressures starting at 0.1 bars to 15 bars according to METH 005 procedure of World Agro-
forestry Center.
Figure 4.6 : pF Experiment
2.5:1. The soil electrical conductivity was conducted as per the standard reference IS 14767
(2000). These procedures were preferred because of their high accuracy in determination of soil
developed by FAO. This application has the Penman-Monteith Method which was used to
calculate the reference crop evapo-transpiration. It is the most accurate method. The crop
coefficient Kc, was adjusted for each development stage of the crop. The average ETo value
obtained from CROPWAT is 5.46 mm/day. The ETc values for various stages of crop
4.6 Criteria for Analyzing Data
Q= (from Eq. 2.10)
ensured that the sprinkler precipitation rate was lower than the infiltration rate so as to avoid
sunshine hours.
discharge until an efficient sprinkler selection and spacing was obtained. The practical system
capacity due to application rate was calculated using the following equation:
Q = Nc × Ns ×Qs ...................................................................................Eq. 4.1
and type of pipe were determined based on a comparison of their pressure ratings and cost.
Provisioned friction loss charts were used in sizing the pipes. The friction losses were then
corrected using the Christiansen’s adjustment factor “F” (See Appendix I: Table 9.6).
chart and added to obtain the total dynamic head. The following equation were used
dynamic head (H) obtained from 4.5.6. Power requirement was computed using the given
equation in kW:
P= (from Eq. 2.23)
The appropriate solar powered pump for irrigation was recommended. Ep was obtained from a
mm with the lowest average as 62 mm. The mean maximum monthly temperature is 30.8 oC and
a low temperature of 13.4 oC. The least mean sunshine hours are 7.625 hrs; this value was primal
in the determination of desirable operating hours since the irrigation system is solar powered.
The highest average of wind speed recorded per hr is 10.82 m3 / hr: the value will be used in the
5.2 Soil Moisture Content Results
Table 5.2 : Soil Moisture Content
REF No. Empty Can Can + Wet Can + Dry Moisture % Water
(g) Soil (g) Soil (g) Content (g) Content
A1T 24.57 69.04 58.06 10.98 32.79
A1B 23.34 75.22 60.46 14.76 39.76
B1T 24.27 70.02 57.28 12.74 38.59
B1B 25.10 67.42 54.91 12.51 41.97
C1T 24.99 61.15 52.09 9.06 33.43
C1B 25.34 68.09 55.02 13.07 44.04
Average 12.19 38.43
Using Eq. 2.13 the average soil moisture content was calculated as 38.43 %
However, the top soils represented by A1T, B1T and C1T have relatively high percentage of
sand than their counter parts. Nevertheless, the bottom soils have relatively high clay content
than top soils as depicted in AIB, B1B and C1B percentages. Thus, the top soils have higher
infiltration rate on the top soils but infiltration slows as water traverses the lower soil profiles.
Moreover, the lower soils have reasonable water retention capacity which is suitable for sprinkler
The average electrical conductivity of the soil is 2.0 dS/m which is within range the
recommended range for spinach (2.0 – 3.2) dS/m, therefore; the soils are non-saline. The lower
soils are more saline than the top soils. The pH results depict that the soil under consideration is
5.5 Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Results
Table 5.5 : Soil Hydraulic Conductivity
Average 0.784993
From the table above, the average soil infiltration rate is 7.85 mm/hr notably; the
infiltration rate is slightly higher in the top soil than lower soils because of the distribution of soil
Figure 5.1 : CROPWAT ETc values
5.6 Net depth of water application
dnet = (FC-PWP) × RZD × P
Where: (FC-PWP) = 120.083mm/day
RZD = 0.5 m (Appendix I: Table 9.1)
P = 20%
dne t= 120.083 × 0.2 × 0.5
dnet = 12.0083 mm
ETc = 4.76 mm/day (Designing for worst case scenario) (Fig 5.1: CROPWAT ETc)
IF = = 2.523 days
IF ≈ 2 days
5.8 Gross depth of water application
dgross =
dgross = 17.155 mm
5.10 Sprinkler selection and Spacing
As a rule of thumb, the chosen sprinkler ought to have a co-efficient of uniformity of at
least 85%. However, locally manufactured sprinklers are not often tested for co-efficient of
uniformity, hence it’s ethical to avoid using lower pressure sprinklers since they correspond to
In light of this information, the most preferable sprinklers are those with nozzle size 3.5
mm, 4.0 mm to 5.0 mm of higher pressures (Appendix I: Table 9.2). Additionally, the soil type is
Sandy Clay which falls under the category of medium textured soils with 6 – 12 mm/hr
precipitation rate (Appendix I: Table 9.5). Moreover, the precipitation rate should not exceed the
soil infiltration rate (7.85 mm/hr). Therefore, the selection of appropriate sprinkler is between
According to the climatic data, February has the highest wind speed of up to 10.82 km/hr
which is considered for design purposes. Having considered the effect of wind on the type of
spacing using conversion percentages from Table 9.3 and Table 9.4 (Appendix I), the following
= (26.60*0.5) × (26.60*0.5)
Since, 50% of D exceeds the 12×12, the wind requirement is satisfied. 40 % for
sprinklers and 60 % for laterals is used for rectangular spacing. Therefore, similar computations
are as given:
. .
Slope percentage = = × 100%
Therefore, a precipitation reduction is not necessary with reference to the slope
percentage on Table 2.3. The area has prevailing wind pattern which suits the chosen sprinkler
spacing. A sprinkler of nozzle size 3.5 mm, 350kPa and 9×15 spacing is a suitable choice: it has
Ts = = 2.603 hrs
Ts ≈ 3 hrs
The set time of 3 hrs for a single shift is below the minimum 7.605 hrs sunshine for the
month with the lowest sunshine average, therefore, the irrigation will complete even on a day of
least sunshine hours. The system is scaled to operate in a single shift. Therefore, the set time
factors in the sunshine required to power the solar system and complete an irrigation shift.
Number of Laterals operating per shift= = = 6.4
Number of sprinklers per lateral = = = 10.22
Q = Nc × Ns × Qs
Where: Nc = number of laterals per shift = 3
Retrospectively, the practical system capacity is considerably bigger than the theoretical system
capacity of 25.252 m3/ hr. Thus, a relatively bigger pumping unit will be required if the irrigation
Q = 0.89 m3/hr
From the readings on the friction loss chart (Appendix II: Fig 9.2) and using a recommended
A D=d=
. .
A= = 0.001526 m2 where: 1m3/hr = 0.0003 m3/s
D=d= = 44.07 mm
However, lateral pipes of diameter 44.07 mm are not in the PVC specification table (Appendix
II: Figure 9.10). Therefore, adjustments were made for the design velocity using existing nearest
. .
V= = 1.36 m/s
Therefore, CLASS C pipes of diameter 50 mm (D50) and design velocity 1.36 m/s were chosen
for laterals.
. .
A= = 0.0001526 m2
D=d= = 13.94 mm
Riser pipes of diameter 13.94 mm are not available, thus the design velocity was recomputed
Riser’s design velocity scaling
. .
V= = 0.544 m/s
Therefore, CLASS E pipes of diameter 25 mm (D25) and design velocity 0.544 m/s were chosen
for risers.
. .
A= = 0.004330 m2
D=d= = 74.25 mm
Pipes of diameter 74.25 mm are not available, thus the design velocity was recomputed using
. .
V= = 1.813 m/s
Therefore, CLASS B pipes of diameter 75 mm (D75) and design velocity 1.813 m/s were chosen
5.12.4 Calculation of Head Losses
should not exceed 3.3 m/s. A velocity of 2.8 m/s in the suction pipe was assumed. Using Darcy’s
Head loss due to friction in suction pipe (dynamic head) = = = 0.4 m
Difference in elevation between the pump and point of abstraction (static head) = 0.7 m
1.81 m/s.
at 1.81 m/s.
45 Laterals
At discharge rate = 8.90 m3/hr. The head loss per 100 meters gives a conversion factor of 0.035
at 1.3 m/s. Risers
At discharge rate = 0.89 m3/hr. The head loss per 100 meters gives a conversion factor of 0.027
at 0.544 m/s.
pressure head of 35 m.
SOP = 35 m.
Fitting Head losses (HF) = 0.1 × (35 + 0.810 + 3.864 + 1.1 + 3.436 + 3.360) = 4.757 m
46 Total Dynamic Head Requirements
Table 5.7 : Total Dynamic Head
. .
P= = 6.715 kW
that some of the energy is lost in power transmission and motor losses for a motor of efficiency
5.14 Recommendation of number of Solar panels
YL280 produces 280 watts per panel (Appendix II: Figure 9.12). Therefore, for 7000 watts; the
emission factor of 69.2 kg CO2-e/GJ (National Green House Accounts, 2014). Approximately
20% of the kilowatts produced are lost to power transmission and motor losses. Therefore, an
average of 3 liters per day would be used if the system was powered by a diesel fueled generator.
Eij = ...................................................................................Eq. 5.1
. . .
Eij = = 0.00801 CO2-e tonnes
. . .
Eij = = 0.0000415 CO2-e tonnes
. . .
Eij = = 0.0001246 CO2-e tonnes
Therefore, the use of solar energy to power the irrigation system will reduce green house
1 liter produces approximately 10kWh which overcomes the total dynamic head in the system;
however, 20 % of the energy is lost in power transmission and motor losses. Therefore, 3 liters of
diesel is to be used for a day’s irrigation. The costs that could possibly be incurred in 3 hrs of
Assuming that fuel is purchased at the beginning of the week, hence, the transportation cost is at
Estimated maintenance & labor charges per day for using a generator = Ksh. 400
Thus, the farmer saves up to Ksh. 4115.00 based on the current oil price rates for using solar
5.17 Discussion
The irrigation system was design to use three laterals per shift in a day for a period of 3
hours. Therefore, the system will irrigate with the least sunshine hour of 7.605 hrs (Table 5.1).
This ensures that irrigation is completed in the set duration and half of the field is irrigated in by
the end of the day. The 0.5 days equates to 12 hours which may be used for servicing and
maintenance. The MAD will be at 20 % by the end of the 2.5 days cycle. In addition, the
precipitation rate is 6.59 mm/hr which is below the soil’s infiltration rate of 7.85 mm/hr;
6.1 Conclusion
From the analysis of the results in the previous chapter, it is conclusive that the design
project was a success. Moreover, the experiments carried out on the soil samples reveal that the
soils are suitable for their intended purpose. Analytically, the design project works towards the
production of food with reduced CO2 emissions of up to 0.0081761 CO2-e tones per day. The
design has also reduced the operation costs often incurred for irrigating farm lands using fueled
generators. This initiative may go great lengths in facilitating the production of food at relatively
affordable prices if implemented. The price of solar installation is reasonably high given the total
dynamic head needed to be overcome however; it is a onetime installation cost that is replaceable
between 25 – 30 years.
Notwithstanding, there were minor challenges encountered during the design of the
project. For instance, the pF apparatus used in the soil experiment lab malfunctioned on several
occasions and could not work for pressures greater than 10 bars. Moreover, there were no
pressure plates of 10 bar and above. These shortcomings did delay the collection of results for
On the contrary, the department’s relationship with other departments within Kabete
campus is impeccable and for that reason the student in question received assistance on carrying
6.2 Recommendations
This design did not include specific design of the solar components, however, it gives a
working value of the amount of power required to power the irrigation system. In light of this
information, an interested student engineer can consider various designs of solar plants that can
Depending on the location of the project, an improved design can also include water
storage tanks to run the system on days with minimum sunshine and no rainfall. Moreover, the
current design is manually operated which is tedious and can be expensive depending on the size
of the farm: therefore, an enhanced design may include a computerized system which operates
7.2 Budget
Activity/Resource Expenditure
Travelling Ksh.3000
Acquisition of climatic data & Ksh.500
Data Collection
7.3 Bill of Quantities
Item Specification Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost
1. Agriculture Solar Powered Irrigation Pump Methods. (2013). Accessed October 31, 2015,
Management Institute.
5. FAO (2015), The State of Food and Agriculture. Social protection and agriculture:
6. FAO (2015), The State of Food and Agriculture. Social protection and agriculture:
7. FAO, IFAD and WFP, (2015). The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015.Meeting
the 2015 international hunger targets: taking stock of uneven progress. Rome, FAO.
11. Keller, J. & Bliesner, R. 1990. Sprinkler and Trickle Irrigation. Chapman and Hall, New
12. Keller, J. 1989. Sprinkler and Trickle Irrigation. Utah State University. Utah.
13. Kulkarni, S. (2011). Innovative technologies for Water saving in Irrigated Agriculture.
OxfordShire: CABI.
15. National Green House Accounts (2014). Australian National Green House Accounts:
16. NCPD (2013). Kenya Population Situation Analysis. Nairobi: GoK & UNFPA
17. Reij, C., & Bayer, A. (2014). Farmer Innovation in Africa a Source of Inspiration for
18. Rhoades, J (1982). In Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Second Edition. American
19. Scott, J. (2007). Sprinklers and Watering Systems. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
20. Stewart, H. (2015). Irrigation for the farm, garden, and orchard. Leopold Classic
4.5 400 1.52 33.05 10.56 8.44 7.04 7.56
5.0 300 1.70 33.00 9.44 7.87 8.18 5.25
5.0 350 1.84 34.30 10.22 8.52 8.18 5.68
5.0 400 1.96 35.60 10.89 9.07 8.71 6.05
Table 9.3 : Maximum sprinkler spacing as related to wind velocity, rectangular pattern (Source: Keller and
Bliesner, 1990)
Table 9.4 : Maximum sprinkler spacing as related to wind velocity, square pattern (Source: Keller and
Bliesner, 1990)
Table 9.5 : Maximum precipitation rates to use on level ground (Source: Keller and Bliesner, 1990)
Table 9.6: Christiansens "F" factors for various outlets (Source: Keller and Bliesner, 1990)
9.2 Appendix II: Figures
A Graph of Average Monthly Rainfall for 2004 ‐ 2014
Average Rainfall (mm)
Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Figure 9.2 : Friction loss chart for uPVC pipes (Source: South African Bureau of Standards)
Figure 9.3 : Sprinkler Irrigation Method
Figure 9.4 : Sprinkler Components
Figure 9.5 : Schematic Representation of a Sprinkler System
Figure 9.6 : Mock up of a Sprinkler System
Menara Area
Figure 9.7 : Map of Kisumu County (Source: ILRI)
Kisumu County
Figure 9.8 : County Map of Kenya (Source : ILRI)