Grade 5: (Eng5-Iiia-7.3.2)
Grade 5: (Eng5-Iiia-7.3.2)
Grade 5: (Eng5-Iiia-7.3.2)
B. Establishing a purpose for Read these sentences. Note the underlined phrases.
the lesson
1. I traveled for hours in a train.
2. Classes don’t begin until Monday Morning.
3. I have been thinking about you a great deal this summer.
4. We eat and study by bells.
5. My room is on the northwest corner with two windows and a view.
What do the underlined phrases convey? The words for, in, until, about, by, on, and
with are called prepositions.
Notice that the prepositions are followed bythe nouns hours, train, Monday
morning, bells, corner, windows,and the pronoun you in sentence 3 .
How many prepositions can you use in sentences? Which of these denote time?
place? location? direction?
C. Presenting It is significant to use the correct preposition in a sentence. Study the chart below.
examples/instances of the new
Use on for surface or area, for streets and avenue, I will give my report on Monday December 2.
and for days and dates.
Use into mean within or inside. In is also used for a. Judy stays in a dormitory.
towns, provinces, cities, states, countries, and b. She can possibly graduate in four years.
continents and for unspecified times during a day, a
month, a season, or a year.
a. It is a long trip from Manila to Davao.
Use toto mean in the direction of. b. It’s ten minutes to three o’clock.
Use into to indicate from the outside to the inside. The children lined up and got into the room quietly.
a. A tablet is different from a smart phone.
Use from with a starting point or source and with the b. Is a cellular phone free from radiation?
adjectives like different, free and safe. c. Keep safe from harm.
Use betweenfor two people, places, things, and time Between a laptop and a tablet. I would choose the latter.
Use among for more than two people, places, I like Science best among subjects.
things, and time expression.
a. Stay beside the window.
Use beside to mean at the side of. b. Besides the snail mail, packages can be
Do not use besides, for this means in addition to. transported through couriers.
Use formeasure seconds, minutes, hours, days, Judy has been an orphan for more than ten years.
months, and years.
• Have the pupils read the Remember part posted on the board. Emphasize that prepositions are
used to indicate relationships of direction, location, time, and manner.
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and What values were shown when you work as a group?
skills in daily living
After the lesson
Lead the pupils generalize the lesson by answering the following questions.
G. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson What is a preposition?
How do you use preposition in a sentence?
How do you recognize a preposition?
H. Evaluating learning Complete each sentence with the correct preposition. Write the answer on
your paper.
3. The rescue workers search all ( to, next, around) the lake for the
missing child.
5. The chef put the pie ( into, on, by) the oven to cook for 45 minutes.
Write a short paragraph describing the living room in your house. Use
prepositions and prepositional phrases.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover
which I wish to share with other