Tribological Performance of Carbon Nanotubes-Alumina Hybrid/epoxy Composites

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Tribological performance of carbon nanotubes-alumina hybrid/epoxy




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Sabarinathan Chellamuthu
Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology


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Tribological performance of carbon nanotubes-alumina

hybrid/epoxy composites


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore,
Tamilnadu-641032, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Roever College of Engineering and Technology, Perambalur,
Tamilnadu -621212, India

An experimental investigation is conducted on hybrid nanofillers of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and alumina
(Al2O3) on the tribological performance of pure epoxy nanocomposites for various weight fraction of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and
2.5wt.% hybrid nanofillers. The hybrid ratio of MWCNTs-Al2O3 is maintained at 1:4. MWCNTs- Al2O3 hybrid reinforced pure
epoxy matrix composites were prepared by sonication process. Wear and friction tests against steel disc show that, the
introduction of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5wt.% of MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid nanofillers will increases the specific wear resistance and
decrease the friction coefficient. At an optimal hybrid nanofillers, i.e., 1.5wt.% addition of hybrid nanofillers in pure epoxy
result in 85%, 82% and 81% improved wear resistance during low (30N), moderate (45N) and high (60N) loading conditions
respectively than that of pure epoxy. Further addition of nanofillers content will lead to increase in specific wear rate and
friction coefficient was observed. Microstructure studies demonstrated the homogeneous dispersion and aggregation of
MWCNTs and alumina in the host matrix. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) is used to study the worn
surface morphology.

(Received March 8, 2015; accepted March 19, 2015)

Keywords: Hybrid, Polymer-matrix composites, Wear, Nanocomposites and FESEM

1. Introduction strength [16]. Zakaria et al. studied the tensile and thermal
properties of CNTs-Al2O3hybrid epoxy composites. Their
Epoxy resins have been used extensively in broad results showed that the tensile modulus, strength, thermal
variety of industrial applications due to their excellent conductivity and glass transition temperature value were
mechanical properties, good dimensional stability, improved compared to neat epoxy [17]. Khashaba in
improved chemical resistance and modification versatility conventional and ultrasonically dispersion of alumina
make epoxy more attractive [1-3]. In recent years more nanoparticles into epoxy matrix, he reported that in the
attention devoted to improve the wear resistance of epoxy, conventional processing method structural properties were
because large quantity of epoxy used as matrices for improved [18]. Li et al. reported that CNTs were
composites to reduce the wear phenomena [4-8]. synthesized and dispersed with the help of the alumina
Nanotechnologies are new approaches of research and ‘vehicle’ in mg matrix and improvement in the mechanical
development involving precise control of molecules and properties were achieved [19]. Yue et al. concluded that
atoms to develop novel material with unique deserving better dispersion of hybrid filler in the epoxy matrix will
properties. The incorporation of nanoparticles in polymer improve the mechanical and electrical properties [20].
matrix has been impressive as they predominantly Wear in polymer materials is closely attributed to the
improved the properties of polymer materials [9]. CNTs mechanical and thermal properties of polymer. Recently
may become predominant reinforcing materials for alumina-CNTs has been used as a hybrid component of the
innovating new class of nanostructured composites due to polymer matrix to develop high performance
their light weight, attractive mechanical and excellent multifunctional advanced composites materials. Shen et al
thermal properties [10-12]. However, the main challenge observed that the tribology performance of carbon
is to transmit the significant properties of CNTs can only nanotube – graphane oxide hybrid epoxy composites will
be realized in composites by combining the appropriate increase the friction coefficient and it will lead reduction
processing method and optimal quantity of materials [13- in the specific wear rate [21]. Similarly, Fu et al. reported
14]. Alumina (Al2O3) is cost effective ceramics and widely that the natural rubber nanocomposites containing hyper
used materials in the group of engineering ceramics. It branched polyster modified Al2O3 and carbon blacks gave
posses high hardness, excellent mechanical property and the best abrasion resistance and thermal stability.
superior high stiffness and thermal properties [15]. Tian et In this study, we fabricated epoxy matrix composites
al. reported that homogenious distribution of reinforced by a nano scale hybrid (MWCNTs/Al2O3) in
MWCNTs/alumina hybrid in a High density polyethylene which the MWCNTs are evenly dispersed and strongly
matrix achieved improved young’s modulus and tensile bonded with Al2O3 particles. Combining MWCNTs with
456 P. N. Karthikeyan, B. Ganesh Babu, C. Sabarinathan, J. Manikandan

Al2O3 the following advantages have been recognized 48 hours for complete removal of dispersion. The dried
during these investigations. First, both MWCNTs and mixture was spread in a vacuum chamber plate and drying
Al2O3 nanoparticles combination in a composites exhibits process continued at the same temperature for another 24
improved mechanical properties. Second, Al2O3 may be hours for complete removal of the solvent. The MWCNTs-
helpful with homogeneous dispersion of MWCNTs in neat Al2O3 mixed in a weight ratio of 1:4.
epoxy. In which the ceramic act as ‘vehicles’ for
MWCNTs to easier dispersion during ultrasonication. The 2.3 Preparation of MWCNTs-Al2O3 epoxy
foremost problem addressed by the researchers in the nanocomposites
CNTs dispersion (or) form large aggregate in the matrix
may be overcome by means of using surface pretreated MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid powder were dispersed in the
MWCNTs. Tian and He reported that Functionalized epoxy resin with the various weight percentage of 0.5, 1.0,
MWCNTs surface form a mechanical interlock with Al2O3 1.5, 2 and 2.5wt.% using an ultrasonic mixture at the
to improve matrix properties. frequency range of 25 KHz for 30 min. The mixture
Many investigations are paying attention on further temperature was maintained between 50oc to 60oc during
improving polymer materials using nanofillers, and in the sonication process. The obtained mixture was kept in
particular hybrid composites to enhance the tribological the vacuum chamber for 30 min to remove the micro air
properties as well as obtaining multi – functional bubbles. The curing agent Araldite HY951 was added in
materials. The last few year’s publications elaborately the volume ratio of 10:1. The mixed suspension was
discussed on improvement in the mechanical and thermal poured into the acrylic plastic mould of 100 mm length
properties of MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid into the polymer and 6 mm diameter for wear test. The mould was kept in
matrix and limited investigation reported on the prediction the oven at 100oc for 6 hours for curing. This process
of tribological performance and optimum weight of hybrid continued for all the samples.
composites. Therefore the potential advantage of the
MWCNTs – Al2O3 hybrid particles is employed to 2.4 Wear test
improve the tribological properties of the pure epoxy and
the optimum weight of MWCNTs- Al2O3 hybrid Wear test were carried out by a TR20 pin on disc
composites also discussed. machine using the following conditions. A sliding load of
30N (low), 45N (moderate) and 60N (high), sliding speed
of 200 rpm, experiment running time 30 min at room
2. Materials and methods temperature under dry sliding condition. The size of the
wear pin was 30 mm length and 6mm in diameter. A disc
2.1 Materials of 100Cr6 steel was served at the counterpart. The pins
contact surface was polished with fine emery to ensure
The epoxy resin Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol A used uniform contact with the rotating counterpart. The
in this work was commercially available. The multiwall machine was connected with software and hardware unit
carbon nanotubes synthesize by the chemical vapour to initialize and set the parameter of disc speed, load and
deposition (CVD) method and functionalized with COOH time. The pure epoxy and epoxy/hybrid nanocomposites
for to enhance the wall surface. The MWCNTs had an pin sample was initially weighed to an accuracy of 0.1mg
average outer diameter of 20-30 nm, length 15µm, number in an electronic balance. The wear rate and the friction
of walls 7-8, and specific surface area of 180-200 m2g-1. coefficient were recorded throughout the experiment. The
The alumina nano filler used in this study was difference between the initial and final weight is the
commercially available alumina oxide nano powder. The measure of sliding wear loss. The surface of the sample
physical features of this nano powder are as follows: < 100 and steel counterpart were cleaned with a soft paper which
nm particle size, gamma phase, specific surface area of is socked in acetone and dried thoroughly before and after
350- 420 m2 g-1 and melting point 2100ºC (materials test. The worn surface of pure epoxy and epoxy-hybrid
supplied by Bottomup Technologies, India). nanocomposites pin samples was examined by field
emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) after
2.2 Preparation of MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid being coated with a thin gold layer.
3. Results and discussion
The quantify amounts of MWCNTs were dispersed in
sodium dodecyl sulphate containing acetone solution The variations of specific wear rate of the pure epoxy
through sonication process. The process continues for 1.5 and epoxy/hybrid nanocomposites are plotted as a function
hour with the power of 450- 500 W and the frequency of the sliding distance as show in Fig. 1(a-c). The results
range between 10-15 KHz. The alumina nano powder was plotted as the average values recoded in the steady state
added and the sonication continued for another 30 min. during the wear process. The reduction in specific wear
The liquid suspension was transferred to ball milling rate was achieved by adding considerable amount of
machine and milled for 12 hours at 200 rpm. The milled MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid nanofillers. The specific wear
suspension mixture was dried at 100oc for 8 hours in an resistance of the pure epoxy improved drastically after the
oven and then transferred to a vacuum chamber at 75oc for incorporation of only 0.5wt.% and 1.0wt.% of MWCNTs-
Tribological performance of carbon nanotubes-alumina hybrid/epoxy composites 457

Al2O3 hybrid nano filler into the epoxy matrix. Then the
specific wear resistance was further improved by about
85%, 82% and 81% during low, moderate and high load
once 1.5wt.% of MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid nano filler is
added. Similarly, the coefficient of friction of the
composites is decreased once the hybrid nano fillers
added. The significant reduction in the friction coefficient
was achieved in the 1.5wt.% hybrid nanocomposites. This
can be due to the formation of thin transfer film on the
sample worn surface and counterpart. However, MWCNTs
posses self lubricant properties and act as load bearing
element in composites. Similarly, alumina form a tribo
layer on the counter face to protect the composites worn Fig. 1(c). Specific wear rate of pure epoxy and epoxy-
surface from the hard asperity. These perceptions have hybrid nano filler nanocomposites. Pin on disc machine.
been used to developed multifunctional wear resistance speed: 200rpm; load 60N; time 30min.
materials. From the experimental investigation it is clear
that MWCNTs self lubricating properties and alumina
tribo layer formation is responsible for lower wear rate.
Further increase of hybrid nano filler into 2.0wt. %
exhibited improved wear resistance as that of pure epoxy
and poor performer than 1.5wt.% hybrid nanocomposites.
Further increasing hybrid nano filler 2.5wt.% in to matrix
will lead increasing wear loss due to fracture occurred on
the worn surface. This is stated that excessive addition of
MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid nano filler form a localized
bundle and fillers failed to act as a load bearing element.
The morphology of worn surface of the flatted pin surface
was analyzed by field emission scanning electron
microscopy and possible wear mechanism was discussed.
Fig. 2. Friction coefficient of pure epoxy and epoxy-hybrid
nano filler nanocomposites.

4. Discussion

4.1 Direct contribution of MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid

nano filler on tribology behavior

The significant goal of this experimental investigation

is to exhibit the wear behavior of pure epoxy and
epoxy/MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid nanocomposites. In the
MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid composites prediction of wear
Fig. 1(a). Specific wear rate of pure epoxy and epoxy- characteristics is more complicated, because some
hybrid nano filler nanocomposites. Pin on disc machine. physical interactions and chemical reaction may occur
speed: 200rpm; load 30N; time 30min. during the tribology process and significantly affect the
wear performance of the hybrid nanocomposites. Under
low load (30N) the pure epoxy and MWCNTs-Al2O3
hybrid nanocomposites worn surface are shown in Fig. 3
(a-f). It can be seen on the worn surface of the pure epoxy
and epoxy contains different weight fraction hybrid nano
fillers. Fewer micro crakes and pedals on the worn surface
exhibits the interfacial adhesion between hybrid nano
fillers and epoxy matrix seems to be reasonably good.
This is beneficial to the stress transfer between epoxy
matrix and hybrid nano fillers. As a result, the specific
wear resistance of the hybrid composites significantly
improved by introduction of MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid
nanofillers. Similarly, moderate load (45N) the pure epoxy
Fig. 1(b). Specific wear rate of pure epoxy and epoxy-
hybrid nano filler nanocomposites. Pin on disc machine. and MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid nanocomposites worn surface
speed: 200rpm; load 45N; time 30min. morphology was studied as shown in Fig. 3 (a-f). The pure
458 P. N. Karthikeyan, B. Ganesh Babu, C. Sabarinathan, J. Manikandan

epoxy displayed fractured step on the worn surface, it high stress concentration at nanofillers leading to an
revealed that the material removal was brittle in nature. increase in specific wear rate.
However, 0.5 and 1.0 wt.% of MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid
nanocomposites worn surface exhibit few micro cracks
and grooves.

Fig. 4. Worn surface of (a) pure epoxy, (b) 0.5wt.% (c)

1wt.% (d) 1.5wt.% (e) 2wt.% and (f) 2.5wt.% of
MWCNTs / alumina hybrid nanocomposites at load of
Fig. 3. Worn surface of (a) pure epoxy, (b) 0.5wt.% (c) 45N.
1wt.% (d) 1.5wt.% (e) 2wt.% and (f) 2.5wt.% of
MWCNTs / alumina hybrid nanocomposites at load of

Similarly 1.5wt.% hybrid nanocomposites display

smooth surface on worn surface. This can be due to the
sharpen edges of alumina and wavy surface of the
MWCNTs, which would harden the surface of the hybrid
nanocomposites. On other hand 2.0 and 2.5wt.% loading
nanofillers composites displayed deep grove, crack and
cutting on worn surface. This can be due to the increasing
in sliding load, the material removal mechanism changing
from mild to severe. Furthermore during high load (60N)
the pure epoxy exhibit large crack and material plugging Fig. 5. Worn surface of (a) pure epoxy, (b) 0.5wt.% (c)
and 0.5 and 1.0wt.% loading composites showed groove, 1wt.% (d) 1.5wt.% (e) 2wt.% and (f) 2.5wt.% of
MWCNTs / alumina hybrid nanocomposites at load of
peel off and micro crack on the worn surface. Large
smooth surface and few micro cracks displayed in the
1.5wt.% MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid nanocomposites worn
surface. However 2.0 and 2.5wt.% nanofillers composites
worn surface morphology shown wave like crack, deep
cutting and plugging shown in Fig. 5 (a-f). There are two
reason for this improved wear resistance employed in 0.5,
1.0 and 1.5wt.% MWCNTs-Al2O3 hybrid nanocomposites.
On the one hand, the MWCNTs posses self lubricating
properties and the homogeneous dispersion of MWCNTs
is greatly improved the wear resistance pure epoxy. The
alumina formed mechanical interlocks with matrix to
improve the nanofillers interface properties. On other hand
the ceramics as vehicles to carry the MWCNTs into Fig. 6. SEM image of (a) localized bundle of undispersed
uniform dispersion of matrix and both alumina and CNT and alumina (b) thin tribo layer.
MWCNTs nanofillers have excellent thermal stability, and
their significant combination may improve the tribological
properties of the matrix. This outcome is consistent with The optimum weight percentage (wt.%) nanofillers
the literature. However, unlike the 2.0 and 2.5wt.% embedded in to the host matrix will improved the specific
addition of nanofillers in the epoxy hybrid nanocomposites wear resistance, is given in this study. At higher contents
the specific wear rate is drastically increased equal to the of nanofillers (>1.5wt.%) form aggregates in the matrix.
pure epoxy. This may be attributed to the following This means that the dispersion of MWCNTs-Al2O3
reason: aggregation of MWCNTs and alumina in host nanofillers will become worse at higher content. As a
matrix at high contents as shown in Fig. 6 (a), results in result lead higher specific wear rate due to weak interfaces
Tribological performance of carbon nanotubes-alumina hybrid/epoxy composites 459

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