Selection of Foundation Type:-: Page
Selection of Foundation Type:-: Page
Selection of Foundation Type:-: Page
The selection of the type of foundation for a given structure-subsoil system is largely a matter of
judgment based on both
An analysis of scientific data
The type of foundation most appropriate for a given structure depends on several factors but
commonly the principal factors are three which are as follows:
1. The function of the structure and the loads it must carry:
• Purpose of the structure i.e. residential, office, industrial, bridge etc.
• Service life
• Loading, number of stories, basement
• Type i.e. framed RCC , masonry, column spacing etc.
• Construction method and scadule.
2. Subsurface conditions
• thickness and sequence of soil strata with subsoil parameters
• GWT position and fluctuation limits
• Presence of any underground anomalies.
3. The cost of the foundation in comparison with the cost of super structure.
• i.e. funds availability for the construction of foundation.
4. Other considerations:
• For members carrying only axial loads or axial loads combined with bending moments that
can change the direction, a square footing is desirable.
• For members carrying only axial loads combined with bending moments that do not change
the direction ,rectangular footing is most suitable than a square footing.
• If the edge of isolated pads are too close along a line or columns, it is cheaper to excavate the
complete strip and form strip/combined foundation.
• If all the pads are too close in both directions, it is more economical to excavate the whole
area and construct a flexible raft.
• Another important consideration is the question of differential settlement. With isolated pads
and strip foundation, the differential settlement could be excessive. In this case, a rigid raft
foundation should b constructed.
Foundation must be located properly (both vertical and horizontal orientation), so as not to be
adversely affected by the outside influence.
Thus the depth and location of foundation are dependent on the following factors:
• Frost action
• Significant soil volume changes
• Adjacent structures and property lines
• Groundwater
• Underground defects
• Scour and undermining by water.
a) Shallow Foundation System
i) Spread Foundation
ii) Mat / Raft Foundation
b) Deep Foundation System
i) Pile iii) Diaphragm wall
ii) Pile walls iv) Caissons
a) Cost (affordable)
b) Construction Procedure (simple)]
c) Material (mostly concrete)
d) Labour (doesn’t need expertise)
Also known as a footer or footing
It’s an enlargement at the bottom of a column/ bearing wall that spreads the applied
structural loads over a sufficiently large soil area.
Each column & each bearing wall has its own spread footing, so each structure may include
dozens of individual footings.
The foundation consists of concrete slabs located under each structural column and a
continuous slab under load-bearing walls.
P a g e | 2 to 10 Dr. Engineer Saima Batool (MID TERAM) †მ ïო☻☻Я
Foundation Technology
For the spread foundation system the structural load is literally spread out over a broad area
under the building
Most common type of foundation used due to their low cost & ease of construction.
Most often used in small to medium size structure with moderate to good soil condition.
Spread footings may be built in different shapes & sizes to accommodate individual needs
such as the following:
a) Square Spread Footings / Square Footings
b) Rectangular Spread Footings
c) Circular Spread Footings
d) Continuous Spread Footings
e) Combined Footings
f) Ring Spread Footings
e) Combined Footings:-
- support more than one column
A foundation system in which essentially the entire building is placed on a large continuous
It is a flat concrete slab, heavily reinforced with steel, which carries the downward loads of
the individual columns or walls.
Raft foundations are used to spread the load from a structure over a large area, normally the
entire area of the structure.
It is normally consists of a concrete slab which extends over the entire loaded area.
It may be stiffened by ribs or beams incorporated into the foundation.
Raft foundations have the advantage of reducing differential settlements as the concrete slab
resists differential movements between loading positions.
They are often needed on soft or loose soils with low bearing capacity as they can spread the
loads over a larger area.
Mat Foundation often considered to be used when dealing with the following conditions:-
a) The structural loads are so high or the soil condition so poor that spread footings would be
exceptionally large. As a general rule of thumb, if spread footings would cover more than
50% of the building footprint area, a mat or some type of deep foundation will usually be
more economical.
b) The soil is very erratic & prone to excessive differential settlements. The structure continuity
and flexural strength of a mat will bridge over these irregularities.
P a g e | 4 to 10 Dr. Engineer Saima Batool (MID TERAM) †მ ïო☻☻Я
Foundation Technology
c) The same is true of mats on highly expansive soils prone to differential heaves.
d) The structural loads are erratic and thus increase the likelihood of excessive differential
settlements. Again, the structural continuity and flexural strength of the mat will absorb these
e) The lateral loads are not uniformly distributed through the structure and thus may cause
differential horizontal movements in spread footings and pile caps.
f) The continuity of a mat will resist such movement.
g) The uplift loads are larger than spread footings can accommodate. The greater weight and
continuity of a mat may provide sufficient resistance.
h) The bottom of the structure is located below the groundwater table, so waterproofing is an
important concern. Because mats are monolithic, they are much easier to waterproof. The
weight of the mat also helps resist hydrostatic uplift forces from the groundwater.
a) Concrete Piles
i) Cast-In-Place Concrete Piles
ii) Precast Concrete Piles
iii) Drilled Shafts
b) Steel Piles
I) H-Piles ii) Cylindrical iii) Tapered
c) Timber Piles
d) Composite Piles
i. Formed by driving a cylindrical steel shell into the ground to the desired depth and cavity of
shell is filled with fluid concrete.
ii. The steel shell doesn’t contribute to the load transfer capacity of the pile.
iii. It’s purpose is to open a hole in a ground and keep it open to facilitate the construction of
concrete pile. (same function as formwork)
iv. Vigilant quality control & good construction practice are necessary to ensure the integrity of
cast-in-place piles.
Among the advantages of Cast-In-Place Concrete are as follows:
Can sustain hard driving
Resistant to marine organism
Easily inspected
Length can be changed easily
Easy to handle and ship
iii. Steel pipe piles are seamless pipes that can be welded to yield lengths up to 70m.
iv. They are usually driven with open ends into the soil.
v. A conical tip is used where the piles have to penetrate boulders & rocks.
vi. However it needs to be treated before embedded in corrosive environment.
a) Displacement Piles:-
- It cause the soil to be displaced radially as well as vertically as pile shaft is driven or jacked into
the ground.
b) Non Displacement Piles:-
- It cause the soil to be removed and the resulting hole filled with concrete or a pre cast concrete
pile is dropped into the hole and grouted in.
It’s a prefabricated hollow box or cylinder.
It is sunk into the ground to some desired depth and then filled with concrete thus forming a
Most often used in the construction of bridge piers & other structures that require foundation
beneath rivers & other bodies of water.
This is because caissons can be floated to the job site and sunk into place.
Basically it is similar in form to pile foundation but installed using different way
Used when soil of adequate bearing strength is found below surface layers of weak materials
such as fill or peat.
It’s a form of deep foundation which are constructed above ground level, then sunk to the
required level by excavating or dredging material from within the caisson.
A caisson foundation consists of concrete columns constructed in cylindrical shafts excavated
under the proposed structural column locations
Caissons are drilled to bedrock or deep into the underlying strata if a geo-tech Eng. find the
soil suitable to carry the building load.
It’s created by auguring a deep hole in the ground.
Then, 2 or more ‘stick’ reinforcing bar are inserted into and run the full length of the hole
and the concrete is poured into the caisson hole.
The caisson foundations carry the building loads at their lower ends, which are often bell-
Box Caissons
Excavated Caissons
Floating Caissons
Open Caissons
Pneumatic Caissons
Sheeted Caissons